Hexoral Tabs Extra lozenges No. 16 lemon

pharmachologic effect

Hexoral Tabs Classic contains two active ingredients, therefore it has a double effect. Its antibacterial effect is associated with the presence of chlorhexidine in the composition of the drug. The local anesthetic benzocaine reduces pain symptoms.

Chlorhexidine provides a wide range of antibacterial effects against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The substance destroys the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cell. Its low effectiveness is noted against dermatophytes, yeasts, mycobacteria, as well as certain species of Pseudomonas and Proteus.

Chlorhexidine works most effectively in a slightly alkaline or neutral environment. Less active in acidic environment.

During the process of dissolving tablets with chlorhexidine, the number of bacteria in saliva noticeably decreases. If chlorhexidine is used for several months, its effectiveness decreases due to a decrease in the sensitivity of bacteria.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic that reduces pain in the mouth and throat for a long period of time. The substance penetrates through the lipophilic areas of the cell membrane and affects the peripheral pain receptors of the skin and mucous membrane, membrane and skin.

Hexoral Tabs

Hexoral Tabs (chlorhexidine + benzocaine) is a combined antiseptic that has antibacterial and local anesthetic effects and is used in otolaryngological and dental practice for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx. The double therapeutic effect of the drug is associated with the presence of two pharmacologically active substances in its composition: antimicrobial activity is due to the presence of chlorhexidine in the combination, and the anesthetic effect is provided by the anesthetic benzocaine. The spectrum of antibacterial action of chlorhexidine is impressive in its breadth and covers both gram-positive and gram-negative representatives of pathogenic microflora. This substance literally ruptures the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cell, leaving it no chance of salvation. True, this does not apply to certain species of Pseudomonas and Proteus, as well as dermatophytes (Epidermophyton spp., Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp.), yeasts and mycobacteria, for which chlorhexidine is practically useless. This antiseptic feels best in a slightly alkaline or neutral environment, but when the pH shifts to the acidic side, its activity decreases significantly. The effectiveness of chlorhexidine leaves much to be desired also in the presence of blood, pus and in a soapy environment. The use of chlorhexidine in the form of lozenges leads to almost complete “debacterization” of saliva. This means of local disinfection also has its disadvantages (however, characteristic of almost all antiseptics): with prolonged use, pathogenic microorganisms develop resistance to chlohexidine, which causes a decrease in its effectiveness. The second component of Hexoral Tabs, benzocaine, is a local anesthetic that can provide quick and lasting relief of pain in the mouth and pharynx. Benzocaine is “squeezed” into cells through the lipophilic areas of the membranes and “turns off” the nociceptive receptors of the skin and mucous membranes. The anesthetic effect of benzocaine begins to appear after 15-30 seconds, gradually decreasing over 5-10 minutes as it is diluted with saliva.

Local antiseptics are available in a wide variety of dosage forms: solutions for topical use and rinsing, aerosols, lozenges. It should be noted that hexoral tabs in lozenges will have some advantage over solutions and sprays. Thus, when using the latter, a significant part of the drug is swallowed (in other words, it is wasted), and that part of the substance that reaches its intended purpose is quickly washed away without having time to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Rinse solutions have the shortest duration of action among all known forms of release. If we talk about lozenges, they begin to act immediately after use. Unlike other dosage forms, there are no hard-to-reach places on the pharyngeal mucosa for tablets. This dosage form is also characterized by the longest duration of action. It is recommended to dissolve Hexoral Tabs tablets slowly, patiently waiting for them to completely dissolve (and under no circumstances swallow them!). The condition for achieving an optimal result is the timely initiation of pharmacotherapy, which should be understood as the moment the first signs of the disease appear. Taking Hexoral Tabs should be continued for another 2-3 days after the inflammatory symptoms have subsided. Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet every 1-2 hours according to how they feel. The maximum daily dose is 8 tablets. For children from 4 to 12 years old, Hexoral Tabs is prescribed up to 4 tablets per day.

One tablet of Hexoral Tabs contains 0.1 XE carbohydrates, which must be taken into account when prescribing the drug to people suffering from diabetes. When the drug is used correctly in strict accordance with the instructions, an overdose is practically eliminated, because chlorhexidine is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and the amount of benzocaine absorbed is negligible.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

There is no information on the absorption of chlorhexidine through the oral mucosa. The substance can remain in saliva for up to 8 hours.

Benzocaine produces an anesthetic effect 15-30 seconds after application, it gradually decreases as the substance is diluted with saliva (this happens over 5-10 minutes). It is slightly soluble in water, so it is absorbed slowly. Cleaved by esterase in the liver and blood plasma . As a consequence, the formation of para-aminobenzoic acid and ethyl alcohol occurs, which is metabolized to acetyl coenzyme A. It is excreted through the kidneys.

Side effects

If you use Hexoral Tabs for a long period of time, you may experience a short-term disturbance of taste, as well as numbness of the tongue . Reversible changes in the color of the tongue and teeth may occur.

If a patient has a hypersensitivity to benzocaine allergic reactions may rarely occur, including the development of anaphylactic shock .

Benzocaine can cause methemoglobinemia .

Buy Hexoral Tabs Classic lozenges Blackcurrant No. 16 in pharmacies

Hexoral® tabs Classic blackcurrant lozenges are aimed at relieving sore throat. It is recommended to use at the first symptoms of sore throat, as well as sore throat. Additional components of anise, lemon, orange and mint oil included in the composition provide a pleasant, refreshing taste.

Hexoral® tabs Classic sore throat tablets are approved for use in children over 6 years of age and adults (1).

1. According to the instructions for use.

Composition 1 tablet contains

Active substances:

Amylmetacresol 0.6 mg; 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2 mg.

Excipients: sucrose – 1618.0 mg; dextrose – 830.40 mg; citric acid monohydrate – 15.0 mg; mint leaves oil – 1.25 mg; blackcurrant flavoring – 6.25 mg; Azorubine dye – 0.0625 mg; brilliant blue dye – 0.0275 mg.

Indications for use:

symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Directions for use and doses

Locally. Adults and children over 6 years of age: dissolve 1 tablet every 2-3 hours. The maximum daily dose is 8 tablets. The tablet should be dissolved slowly until completely dissolved. The duration of the course of treatment is 5-7 days.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption

Children under 6 years old

Side effect

Allergic reactions (burning sensation in the mouth) are possible. If reactions occur that are not described in the instructions for use, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of further use of the drug.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Treatment: symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

No clinically significant interactions with drugs from other groups were identified.

special instructions

Do not exceed the indicated doses.

You should not use the drug if you have increased individual sensitivity to any component included in the drug.

If symptoms worsen, persist, or new ones appear, you should consult your doctor.

The drug contains sucrose, which must be taken into account by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as those on a hypocaloric diet. 1 lozenge contains 1618.0 mg of sucrose, which corresponds to 0.20 XE.

Keep out of the reach of children. If the drug is swallowed by a child, seek immediate medical attention.

If the medicine has become unusable or has expired, do not throw it into wastewater or onto the street! Place the medication in a bag and place it in the trash. These measures will help protect the environment!


over the counter

Expiration date, days:



from 6 years old

Precautionary measures

Do not exceed the indicated doses. You should not use the drug if you have increased individual sensitivity to any component included in the drug.

When prescribing the drug to patients with diabetes mellitus, it should be taken into account that 1 lozenge contains 0.20 bread unit (XE).

If the medicine has become unusable or its expiration date has expired, do not throw it into wastewater or onto the street! Place the medication in a bag and place it in the trash. These measures will help protect the environment.

Storage conditions

In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30 ºС.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Hexoral Tabs tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Hexoral Tabs stipulate that the medicine is administered by slowly dissolving in the mouth until the tablet is completely dissolved.

You need to take the pills immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. Reception continues for several days after the symptoms have disappeared.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age should dissolve 1 tablet every 1-2 hours, but should not take more than 8 tablets per day.

Patients aged 4 to 12 years can take no more than 4 tablets per day.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Hexoral Tabs Extra lozenges No. 16 lemon

A country

Country of manufacture may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.

Active substance

Amyl methacrysol + Dichlorobenzyl alcohol + Lidocaine


1 tablet contains: chlorhexidine dihydrochloride 5 mg, benzocaine 1.5 mg

pharmachologic effect

Hexoral tabs is a drug with antimicrobial and local anesthetic effects for local use in ENT practice. Chlorhexidine has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It acts by destroying the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cell. Ineffective against yeast fungi, dermatophytes, mycobacteria, and some types of Pseudomonas spp. and Proteus spp. Chlorhexidine is most effective in a neutral or slightly alkaline environment. In an acidic environment, its activity decreases. Efficiency is reduced in the presence of soaps, blood and purulent secretions. The use of Hexoral Tabs tablets leads to a significant decrease in the content of bacteria in saliva. The use of chlorhexidine for several months is accompanied by a decrease in its effectiveness due to a decrease in the sensitivity of bacteria.

Indications for use

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity or pharynx: - pharyngitis, sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the pharynx; - stomatitis; - gingivitis.

Mode of application

Hexoral Tabs should be slowly dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet every 1-2 hours as needed, but not more than 8 tablets/day. Children aged 4-12 years are prescribed up to 4 tablets/day.

Side effect

With long-term use, a short-term disturbance of taste and numbness of the tongue may occur; Reversible discoloration of the teeth and tongue is also possible. In the presence of hypersensitivity to benzocaine, in rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions may develop, including anaphylactic shock. Benzocaine may cause the development of methemoglobinemia in children.


- wounds and ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity or pharynx;
- low concentration of cholinesterase in blood plasma; - children under 4 years of age; - hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Use during pregnancy and lactation There is no sufficient experience with the use of the drug in pregnant and lactating women. The use of Hexoral Tabs during pregnancy and lactation is possible only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk of harmful effects to the fetus and child. If necessary When using Hexoral Tabs during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.


If the patient takes the drug according to the instructions, then an overdose is impossible due to the fact that chlorhexidine is almost not absorbed into the blood .

Benzocaine is only slightly absorbed. An overdose of benzocaine occurs when the drug is used incorrectly. In this case, a toxic effect on the central nervous system may occur, in which vomiting, convulsions, tremors , and later depression of the central nervous system occurs. At high toxic concentrations, bradycardia, AV conduction block and cardiac arrest may occur. It should be borne in mind that benzocaine can provoke the manifestation of methemoglobinemia, especially in children. This condition is accompanied by suffocation and cyanosis .

In case of overdose symptoms, induction of vomiting and gastric lavage are necessary. Activated charcoal may also be prescribed .

In case of seizures, Diazepam or fast-acting barbiturates are prescribed. If hypoxia and anoxia develop, artificial respiration and oxygen support are performed. In case of cardiac arrest, cardiac massage is practiced. In the case of methemoglobinemia, up to 50 ml of a 1% solution of methylene blue is used intravenously.

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that benzocaine can provoke methemoglobinemia , in which the patient may change the color of the skin, nails, lips to a pale, blue or gray tint. Shortness of breath , severe fatigue , and tachycardia also develop . The risk of this condition occurring in children is higher. Therefore, this drug should be used in children under adult supervision.

The medicine contains aspartame , a phenylalanine , which is dangerous for people suffering from phenylketonuria .

The product should be used with caution in children and people with swallowing problems and aspiration due to the risk of suffocation.

Does not affect the ability to drive or perform activities that require increased concentration.

Diabetes patients should note that one tablet corresponds to 0.1 XE.

Hexoral tabs classic TB for resorption black currant N 16

Active substance

dichlorobenzyl alcohol

ATX code

R02AA20 (Other preparations)

Release form, packaging and composition of the drug

Lozenges (orange)

orange, round, biconvex, with a rough surface; Uneven coloring, the presence of air bubbles and slight unevenness of the edges are allowed.

1 tab.
amylmetacresol0.6 mg
2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol1.2 mg

[PRING] sucrose - 1618 mg, dextrose - 830.4 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 21 mg, orange oil - 7.515 mg, anise seed oil - 2.53 mg, mint leaf oil - 1.32 mg, sunset yellow dye - 0.30 mg.

4 things. — aluminum strips (2) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (3) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (4) — cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (3) - cardboard packs.

Lozenges (lemon)

yellow, round, biconvex, with a rough surface; Uneven coloring, the presence of air bubbles and slight unevenness of the edges are allowed.

1 tab.
amylmetacresol0.6 mg
2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol1.2 mg

[PRING] sucrose - 1618 mg, dextrose - 830.4 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 21 mg, anise seed oil - 2.53 mg, mint leaf oil - 1.32 mg, lemon oil concentrate - 7.7 mg, quinoline yellow dye - 0.175 mg.

4 things. — aluminum strips (2) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (3) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (4) — cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (3) - cardboard packs.

Lozenges (honey-lemon)

brownish-yellow to brown, round, biconvex, with a rough surface; Uneven coloring, the presence of air bubbles and slight unevenness of the edges are allowed.

1 tab.
amylmetacresol0.6 mg
2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol1.2 mg

[PRING] sucrose - 1618 mg, dextrose - 830.4 mg, mint leaf oil - 1.25 mg, lemon oil - 1.25 mg, honey flavor - 7.5 mg, caramel coloring - 0.625 mg, sunset yellow coloring - 0.0375 mg.

4 things. — aluminum strips (2) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (3) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (4) — cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (3) - cardboard packs.

Lozenges (blackcurrant)

violet, round, biconvex, with a rough surface; Uneven coloring, the presence of air bubbles and slight unevenness of the edges are allowed.

1 tab.
amylmetacresol0.6 mg
2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol1.2 mg

[PRING] sucrose - 1618 mg, dextrose - 830.4 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 15 mg, mint leaf oil - 1.25 mg, blackcurrant flavor - 6.25 mg, azorubine dye - 0.0625 mg, brilliant blue dye - 0.0275 mg.

4 things. — aluminum strips (2) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (3) — cardboard packs. 4 things. — aluminum strips (4) — cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 8 pcs. - Al/PVC blisters (3) - cardboard packs.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antiseptic for topical use in ENT practice and dentistry

Pharmacotherapeutic group


Indications for use

  • treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.


Adults and children over 6 years of age:

dissolve 1 tablet. every 2-3 hours. The maximum daily dose is 8 tablets.


  • children under 6 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to components.


There have been no cases of drug overdose when used in recommended doses.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.


No clinically significant interactions with drugs from other groups were identified.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 30°C in a dry place, out of reach of children. Shelf life: 4 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Special Instructions

You should not use the drug if you have increased individual sensitivity to any component included in the drug.

When prescribing the drug to patients with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account the presence of sugar in the composition of the drug.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate moving mechanical equipment.


Level 4 ATX code matches:



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Lugol's solution with glycerin



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Analogues of Hexoral Tabs are the drugs Hexetidine , Maxisprey , Stopangin , Stomatidin , Maxicold Lor , etc.

Hexoral Tabs price, where to buy

The average price of Hexoral Tabs tablets is 170-200 rubles for 16 pieces.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Hexoral Tabs Extra tablets for rassas.
    lemon 16 pcs. Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories RUR 258 ​​order
  • Hexoral Tabs Classic tablets for rassas. orange 16 pcs. Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories

    190 rub. order

  • Hexoral tabs lozenges 20pcsSoldan Holding+Bonbon Spezialitaten GmbH

    RUB 201 order

  • Hexoral Tabs Classic tablets for rassas. honey-lemon 16 pcs. Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories

    RUB 216 order

  • Hexoral Tabs Classic tablets for rassas. lemon 16 pcs. Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories

    RUB 216 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Hexoral Tabs Classic (tablet no. 16 (honey-lemon))Unique Farm Lab

    RUB 199 order

  • Hexoral Tabs Classic (tablet no. 16 (blackcurrant))Unique Farm Lab

    RUB 198 order

  • Hexoral Tabs (tab. No. 20 dissolved)Soldan Gbmh

    210 rub. order

  • Hexoral Tabs Classic (tablet no. 16 (orange))Unique Farm Lab

    200 rub. order

  • Hexoral Tabs Classic (tablet no. 16 (lemon))Unique Farm Lab

    RUB 201 order

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