Grammidin neo 18 pcs. lozenges with anesthetic


Grammidin (active ingredient - gramicidin C) is a polypeptide antibiotic that has a pronounced antibacterial effect and is used in otolaryngological and dental practice for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. The nature of the course of acute respiratory infections is largely determined by the timeliness of therapeutic measures. Early initiation of treatment (i.e., at the first appearance of characteristic symptoms) prevents the development of complications and chronicization of the pathological process. All of us, figuratively speaking, with mother's milk, absorb methods and family traditions in treating colds: drinking plenty of fluids (more than 2 liters of liquid daily), gentle food (to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx), lying down, giving up cigarettes, etc. . At the same time, for some reason, the elimination of fever is put at the forefront, which, however, is quite understandable: high body temperature, aching limbs are not the most pleasant sensations. Trying to return to the previous state of complete physiological comfort as soon as possible, the patient immediately turns to his home medicine cabinet to take good old paracetamol or ibuclin. These, as well as other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are likely to help reduce the temperature, but they will only act on the symptoms of the disease, and not on its cause. Many people mistakenly believe that colds develop due to hypothermia. However, this is only the first prerequisite, an impetus that provides favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. As a result, acute infectious and inflammatory processes such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis or tracheitis develop. And here it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without antibacterial therapy. A common mistake in such cases is the desire to resort to the most powerful antibiotics of the latest generations in order to “strangle” the infectious focus in the bud. However, such “heavy artillery” can only be thrown into battle on the orders of the “commander”, i.e. in this case, a doctor. For acute respiratory diseases, systemic antibiotic therapy is required in less than 10% of cases.

However, in reality, systemic antibacterial drugs are used several times more often. Due to inadequate and uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics, strains of microorganisms resistant to antibacterial drugs have become widespread, which greatly complicates treatment. The prescription of systemic antibiotic therapy for acute respiratory infections is not always justified. Currently, clinicians have local antimicrobial drugs with a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity in their arsenal, which in the vast majority of cases will be a reasonable alternative to thoughtless self-medication with systemic antibiotics. One of these medicines is the original domestic drug grammidin, produced in lozenges. The antibiotic gramicidin C, which is part of it, saved many lives during the Great Patriotic War, after which it was gradually replaced by more modern drugs, but Russian pharmacologists again decided to resort to its help and, as practice has shown, it is absolutely justified. Grammidin has many advantages. It has a powerful bactericidal effect against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, which most often cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. It also has some antiviral and antimycotic activity. The mechanism of action of grammidin is associated with its ability to increase the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cell, causing the release of intracellular contents to the outside. Another undeniable advantage of grammidin is the absence of bacterial strains resistant to it. And finally, one cannot fail to note the safety of the drug when applied topically, because the active substance practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation. The latter is especially important because it allows you to avoid the negative effects of the drug on internal organs, blood count, central nervous system and intestinal microflora. Grammidin tablets do not have an irritating effect and do not cause allergic reactions, which allows us to recommend the drug for the widest use during seasonal exacerbations of acute respiratory viral infections and other colds.

Grammidin Neo

Grammidin Neo is a combined two-component drug for local use in dental practice. The therapeutic effect of a drug consists of the pharmacological effects of its active substances. Gramicidin C is an antibacterial agent. Increases the permeability of the plasmalemma of the microbial cell, which disrupts its stability and causes lysis. Pathogens of oropharyngeal infections exhibit sensitivity to the drug. Cetylpyridinium chloride is a disinfectant. Inhibits the growth and reproduction of representatives of pathogenic and facultative pathogenic microflora of the oropharynx. The drug eliminates inflammation and discomfort in the throat, facilitates the transfer of a bolus of food from the pharynx to the esophagus, causes increased salivation, which contributes to abundant wetting of the oropharyngeal mucosa and its cleansing of bacteria. Both active ingredients act locally and are not absorbed from the digestive tract, which minimizes the risk of systemic side effects. Grammidin Neo is used for acute inflammation of the components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring, the mucous membrane of the pharynx, deep damage to the periodontal tissue, inflammation of the gums without compromising the integrity of the dentogingival junction, inflammation of the mucous epithelium lining the oral cavity. The frequency of use of the drug is from 1 to 4 times a day, depending on the clinical situation and the individual characteristics of the patient. After resorption of the drug or treatment of the oral cavity with it, it is necessary to avoid food intake, incl. fluid intake within 1-2 hours. In rare cases, allergic reactions develop after taking the drug. In pediatric practice, Grammidin Neo is used starting from the age of 4 years. If there is no apparent therapeutic response after seven days of using the drug, you should consult your doctor. The drug potentiates the effects of other local antibacterial agents. Grammidin Neo is an improved version of Grammidin, which contains twice the dose of the topical antibiotic gramicidin C, so that one package of the drug is now enough for the course of treatment.

Gramicidin C is an original antibiotic isolated by Soviet scientists from the culture of Bacillus brevis. It has a number of advantages, the key of which is a pronounced bactericidal effect against representatives of gram-positive and gram-negative microflora, which most often cause infections of the oropharynx. In addition to antibacterial, this antibiotic has antimycotic and antiviral activity. It shows its effect incl. if the patient has a purulent plaque, which makes the effect of most antiseptics ineffective. Cetylpyridine chloride potentiates the effects of gramicidin C, inhibiting the growth and development of bacteria and viruses. One of the most pressing health problems is antibiotic resistance, which makes general antibiotic therapy ineffective for acute infections of the upper respiratory tract. An acceptable alternative in this case may be the prescription of local antibacterial drugs with a wide therapeutic range, one of which is Grammidin Neo. In nature today there are practically no bacterial strains that would be resistant to gramicidin C. The reason for this lies in the polypeptide structure of this antibiotic, which causes a minimal risk of the emergence of microorganisms resistant to it. The spectrum of antimicrobial activity of the drug extends to most infections of the oropharynx. At the same time, the drug does not cause direct or cross-resistance of bacteria to it, which makes it possible to use the drug in long courses with the possibility of repeating them without the risk of weakening its effect. The absence of systemic side effects allows the drug to be used in children and elderly patients, as well as people with comorbidities. Grammidin Neo can be used both as monotherapy and as an additional agent in systemic antibiotic therapy.

Grammidin with anesthetic

Grammidin with anesthetic is a combined four-component drug containing the synthetic antibiotic of the tyrothricine group gramicidin C, the local anesthetic lidocaine and two natural components - menthol and eucalyptus oil. It has a bactericidal effect, i.e. causes not only suppression of the growth and reproduction of bacteria (bacteriostatic component), but also their death. Gramicidin C has a wide therapeutic range and exhibits an antibacterial effect against most microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. Makes the membranes of bacterial cells more permeable, which violates their stability, osmotic stability and, as a result, lysis (death). When absorbed in the oral cavity, they cause hypersalivation, helping to remove bacteria and inflammatory cellular effusion. This antibiotic was first obtained by Soviet scientists. It began to be actively used during the Great Patriotic War. The structure of the protein molecule of gramicidin C is not linear, but cyclic. Interestingly, one of the scientists who analyzed the structure of this antibiotic was the future British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. It is important that microorganisms are very difficult to develop resistance to gramicidin C. Lidocaine has a local analgesic effect. Begins to act from the moment of resorption. The local anesthetic effect is maintained for 30-40 minutes. Two natural components of the drug - eucalyptus oil and menthol - eliminate discomfort and discomfort, reduce inflammation and pain when swallowing. Menthol potentiates the local analgesic effect of lidocaine. The regimen for taking the drug is determined by the doctor. Method of application: sublingual (buccal). The tablet is not intended to be chewed. The optimal time to take it is after a meal. After taking the tablet, you must avoid eating for 1-2 hours. Single dose – 2 tablets (adults and children over 12 years old), 1-2 tablets (children aged 3 to 12 years). The frequency of administration for patients of all age categories is 4 times a day. The duration of the medication course is 5-6 days. The drug has a favorable safety profile, is well tolerated and causes virtually no unwanted side effects, with the exception of transient numbness of the tongue and rare cases of allergic reactions.

Grammidin with an anesthetic is not used in case of individual intolerance to active or auxiliary components, during lactation. In pediatric practice, the drug is used starting from the age of three. As already noted, gramicidin C has a long history of use, but with the introduction of new antibacterial drugs into medical practice, it has somewhat faded into the shadows. The creation of a new dosage form - lozenges and the inclusion of additional components in the drug composition breathed life into the seemingly scrapped gramicidin C. It has a solid evidence base: the effectiveness of the drug against staphylococci, streptococci and other opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, acting as a causative agent of oropharyngeal infections has been proven in a number of clinical studies. The drug is prescribed for infectious inflammation of the tonsils, oral mucosa, pharynx, larynx, gums, and periodontal tissues. The action of Grammidin with an anesthetic is aimed not only at relieving the symptoms of the disease, but also at eliminating its cause, which provides a more pronounced and sustainable effect and reduces the risk of relapse. Absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract is minimal (which is explained by the method of its use - resorption in the oral cavity), so the risk of developing systemic side effects is minimal. It is important that the drug is able to accumulate in the infectious focus, as a result of which its effect is maintained at a sufficient level throughout the day. The drug has a minimum age threshold and can be prescribed to patients over three years of age without any age restrictions. The presence of concomitant pathologies in elderly patients is not a limiting factor to the use of the drug. The absence of sugar in its composition makes it possible to prescribe it to people suffering from diabetes. The over-the-counter status of Grammidin with an anesthetic ensures the availability of the drug and allows its use as part of responsible self-medication. The drug potentiates the effect of other antibacterial local and systemic drugs.

Grammidin neo 18 pcs. lozenges with anesthetic

pharmachologic effect

Local anesthetic, antiseptic, antimicrobial.

Composition and release form Grammidin neo 18 pcs. lozenges with anesthetic

Lozenges - 1 tablet:

  • active ingredients: gramicidin C dihydrochloride - 0.003 g (in terms of gramicidin C); oxybuprocaine hydrochloride - 0.0002 g; cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate - 0.001 g (in terms of cetylpyridinium chloride);
  • excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil® 200); talc; acesulfame potassium; mint flavor; sorbitol (Neosorb®), magnesium stearate.

Lozenges. In contour cell packs made of PVC film and printed varnished aluminum foil, 6 or 9 pcs. In a cardboard pack there are 2, 3 or 4 packs of 6 pcs. or 2 packs of 9 pcs.

Description of the dosage form

Tablets: white, round, biconvex, with the inscription “GR” on one side.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, after eating, by dissolving in the mouth without chewing.

Immediately after using the drug, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 1–2 hours.

Dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age: 1 tablet. 3–4 times a day.

Dosage for children from 4 to 12 years: 1 tablet. 1–2 times a day.

If there is no therapeutic effect within 7 days of taking the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


A combined drug for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. The drug contains the antimicrobial agent gramicidin C, the local anesthetic (painkiller) oxybuprocaine and the antiseptic agent cetylpyridinium chloride.

The mechanism of action of gramicidin C is associated with an increase in the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of the microbial cell, which disrupts its stability and causes death.

Gramicidin C has a pronounced antimicrobial effect against pathogens of infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

The anesthetic oxybuprocaine has a local anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. Causes a reversible blockade of the propagation and conduction of nerve impulses through the axons of nerve cells.

Cetylpyridinium chloride is an antiseptic. Suppresses the growth and reproduction of pathogens of infectious diseases of the oral cavity.

The drug has an analgesic effect, reduces inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect, softens discomfort in the throat, facilitates swallowing, and when absorbed causes hypersalivation, which contributes to the mechanical cleansing of the oral cavity and pharynx from microorganisms.


The drug has a local effect and is practically not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, which determines the almost complete absence of systemic effects.

Indications for use Grammidin neo 18 pcs. lozenges with anesthetic

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat: sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis.


  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • age up to 4 years.

Application of Grammidin neo 18 pcs. lozenges with anesthetic during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy (first trimester). Breastfeeding should be stopped while taking the drug.

Side effects Grammidin neo 18 pcs. lozenges with anesthetic

In some cases, allergic reactions to the components of the drug and temporary loss of sensitivity of the tongue are possible.

Drug interactions

Grammidin® with neo anesthetic enhances the effects of other antimicrobial agents of local and systemic action.

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