Anxiety disorders and experience with paroxetine
Anxiety disorders and experience with paroxetine Anxiety disorders are extremely common, with 13–25% of the population experiencing
Diagnostics and treatment of eyes at MGK reviews
Development of a method for treating congenital optical nystagmus and evaluation of its effectiveness
Nystagmus is the name given to rapid, repetitive eye movements that occur regardless of conscious commands.
Not a single antibiotic: “killers” of bacteria – bacteriophages
Valentin Vlasov, Vera Morozova, Igor Babkin, Nina Tikunova “Science at First Hand” No. 4(70), 2016
Phenotropil: undisclosed possibilities of an interesting drug and replacement options.
Phenylpiracetam (or phenylpiracetam), known under the trade name Phenotropil, is a Russian drug related to
Instructions for use of Noben, reviews about the drug and what it is prescribed for
There are restrictions during pregnancy There are restrictions when breastfeeding There are restrictions when there are problems with
Betaserc and alcohol
"Betaserc" and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews. "Betaserc": instructions for use, composition, effect of the drug
Is it permissible to combine alcohol and Betaserc? Let's try to figure it out. Betaserc is a prescription drug. He has
Cholestasis: how bile stagnation and skin itching in pregnant women are related
Failures in the functioning of the liver, the formation and transmission of bile can cause intrahepatic and intravesical cholestasis
Sweet clover herb: medicinal properties and contraindications, white and yellow sweet clover
Sweet clover (burkun, chrestovik) is a herbaceous biennial plant of the Legume family. Grows in Central Asia,
Causes of primary and secondary amenorrhea
Amenorrhea. Causes and consequences of lack of menstruation
The following types of amenorrhea are distinguished: true amenorrhea - no menstruation due to the absence of changes in the uterus
Causes of childhood apnea
Is it possible to get rid of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring once and for all?
What are the causes of apnea? The most common causes of sleep apnea are: excess
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