Paracetamol is an antipyretic pain reliever

Quite often, during infectious diseases, a person’s body temperature rises. At the same time, in addition to the main drugs, antipyretics are often used in treatment. One of the effective medications that help with hyperthermia is Paracetamol. In addition, this drug is used to relieve various types of pain.

Paracetamol Welfarm

Composition and dosage forms

Paracetamol is a substance from the non-steroidal non-narcotic group of analgesics with a pronounced antipyretic effect. Available in several pharmaceutical forms:

  • tablets for oral administration: contain 200 or 500 mg of the active ingredient, packaged in blisters or packaging without cells;
  • capsules: hard shell 500 mg;
  • syrup and suspension: sweetish-tasting liquid, contains 2.4% paracetamol (24 mg per 1 ml), packaged in glass bottles of 50 and 100 ml;
  • 1.5 percent aqueous solution for infusion: colorless transparent liquid in ampoules of 5 ml;
  • rectal suppositories: in a dosage of 50–500 mg, packaged in cell contour plates.

Paracetamol for children

It is used to reduce temperature, relieve pain of various localizations; in children, in addition to these indications, the drug is used to reduce the body’s reaction after vaccination.

Children's paracetamol is available in syrup. Oral dosage for children:

  • 6-12 years - 250-500 mg,
  • 1-5 years - 120-250 mg,
  • from 3 months to 1 year - 60-120 mg,
  • up to 3 months - 10 mg/kg.

The interval between doses of the drug is 4 hours, but no more than 3-4 times a day. It is allowed to combine paracetamol with other antipyretics.

Paracetamol for a child from 3 months

Mechanism of action

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is insignificant. Paracetamol mainly acts as an antipyretic and a mild analgesic. A derivative of phenacetin inhibits the production of compounds in the body that are responsible for sensitivity to pain - prostaglandins. At the same time, it affects the thermoregulation centers, reducing high body temperature.

The drug helps with pain syndromes of various origins:

  • neuralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • joint pain;
  • algomenorrhea;
  • renal colic;
  • toothache;
  • febrile conditions accompanying acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious lesions.

Paracetamol is quickly absorbed into the blood, does not accumulate in the body, and does not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Metabolized in the liver. It is completely eliminated 4–5 hours after administration. The drug has a symptomatic effect: it relieves acute signs of diseases for a certain time, without affecting their intensity and duration.

Indications for use

Paracetamol is a drug with antipyretic and analgesic effects. It is prescribed to adults and children for colds and viral diseases, as well as for various types of pain. The main active ingredient of this drug helps block cyclooxygenase in the central nervous system, effectively affects pain receptors and thermoregulation. The medication does not have anti-inflammatory properties and does not have a harmful effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which is why it is successfully used in patients with gastrointestinal diseases. But the drug can have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, so if the patient has chronic diseases of these organs, then he should use paracetamol with caution.

How to take for headaches

The medicine is quite effective for headaches. But when taking it, it is worth considering some features. The tablets should not be taken on an empty stomach. Before taking the pill, you need to have at least something to eat. If there is no appetite, then you can drink a glass of water.

You need to take the tablet with plain water. It is not recommended to use coffee and tea, as the effect may be reduced to zero. If unbearable pain is felt, then you can take 1000 mg of the drug at a time. You can take the medicine again after at least 4 hours. You can take no more than 4 tablets per day. This regimen does not apply to pregnant women (the dosage should be 2 times less).

Paracetamol is prescribed for migraines, which are characterized by persistent, throbbing pain, usually in one part of the head.

If the headache is associated with stress or a nervous condition, then 1 tablet is enough.


  1. Berdnikova N. G. Combination therapy of acute respiratory viral infections from the position of a clinical pharmacologist // Medical Council - No. 6, 2021 - P. 66-70.
  2. WHO Model List of Essential Medicines // link
  3. Melnikova I.M., Mizernitsky Yu.L. Rational use of antipyretics for acute respiratory diseases in children // Medical Council - No. 2, 2021 - P. 77-81.
  4. Talalaenko A. A., Yulish E. I. Fevers in children: pediatrician tactics // Child’s Health - No. 1, 2014 - P. 88-94.
  5. Kramarev S. A. Treatment of fever in children // Child’s Health - No. 8, 2012 - P. 123-128
  6. Novikova E.I. Current aspects of antipyretic therapy in children with acute respiratory infections // Issues of modern pediatrics. - 2013. - T. 12. - No. 2. – P. 72-77.
  7. Register of medicines in Russia. Medicines and substances. Paracetamol //
  8. Register of medicines in Russia. Medicines and substances. Ibuprofen //
  9. Instructions for use of RINZA® tablets:
  10. Instructions for use of RINZASIP® with vitamin C: , .
  11. Instructions for use of RINZASIP® for children:


Like any medicine, paracetamol has some contraindications.

Paracetamol Extratab

It is not recommended to use paracetamol in these cases:

  • if you are hypersensitive to paracetamol,
  • elderly people over 65 years old,
  • children under two years old,
  • if a person has liver and kidney diseases,
  • for blood diseases (for example, hemophilia).

Use with caution

  • jaundice (Gilbert's syndrome),
  • congenital increase in blood bilirubin.

Before taking the drug, you should definitely consult your doctor if:

  • if you have severe liver or kidney disease,
  • you are taking drugs against nausea and vomiting (metoclopramide, domperidone), as well as drugs that lower blood cholesterol (atorvastatin),
  • you are taking anticoagulants and need painkillers every day for a long time. In this case, paracetamol can be taken occasionally.

Side effects of the drug Paracetamol

Like any medicine, paracetamol has a number of side effects. Infrequent adverse reactions that may occur after using paracetamol include:

  • Hives;
  • Skin itching;
  • Rash;
  • Quincke's edema.

Rare adverse reactions include:

  • On the part of digestion: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain are possible.
  • From the side of hematopoiesis - anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia.

If adverse reactions occur, stop taking the medication and the doctor selects another drug.

How to take for toothache

Often toothache catches a person at the most inopportune moment. Not in all cases it is possible to go to the dentist right away. To eliminate unbearable pain and improve the condition, you can take Paracetamol.

The drug is able to stop the production of prostaglandins, which are the source of pain. The tooth stops hurting, but the inflammatory process continues to spread. If the toothache does not go away, then you should not hesitate to go to the dentist.

You need to take the medicine after meals. Relief is observed after about 15-20 minutes. You can take the pill again no earlier than after 4 hours. You can take 4 tablets per day. Paracetamol can be taken for no more than 3 days.

Features of use by pregnant women

Pregnant women often complain of toothache. Most often, the cause is caries, which appears due to the fact that calcium in a woman’s body is directed to a greater extent towards the structure of the bone tissue of the unborn baby. This causes various problems, particularly with teeth.

Paracetamol is allowed to be taken by pregnant women, but precautions should be taken. The active substance can penetrate the placenta. The minimum dose of the medicine can be taken in the 2nd trimester, when the child’s organs are already formed.

Before taking it, you should consult your doctor. You can drink no more than 1 tablet per day. Repeated use may cause harm to the fetus.


As soon as the temperature starts to rise, I take Paracetamol, and its rise immediately slows down. An effective and inexpensive product!

I always use Paracetamol if I feel like I'm starting to get sick. It reduces the temperature perfectly, and if you need to reduce it again, the drug can be taken every 4 hours.

I like the price of Paracetamol. The drug is absolutely accessible to all people due to its low price.

Tablets for children

Paracetamol in tablet form is prescribed to children over 12 years of age and adults to reduce body temperature.

Paracetamol tablets are used in the following cases:

  • increased temperature due to respiratory and other infectious diseases,
  • headache,
  • toothache,
  • neuralgia,
  • muscle pain,
  • pain from injuries, burns
  • painful menstruation in women.

Paracetamol can be used by pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

special instructions

When paracetamol is used simultaneously with certain medications, the harmful effects on the liver increase. For this purpose, it is not recommended to prescribe together such groups of drugs as ethanol, sleeping pills, antidepressants, the antibiotic rifampicin - when interacting with paracetamol, the drugs increase the level of liver enzymes, which negatively affects the organ. Important! The required dosage and duration of the course should be determined by the attending physician. Interaction with alcohol. Paracetamol should not be combined with alcoholic beverages. In addition, the instructions for the drug indicate that persons prone to frequent alcohol consumption should not take this drug. In people who abuse such drinks, liver cells are replaced by connective tissue, which leads to the development of fatty hepatosis or cirrhosis.

In this case, toxic damage to the liver occurs, which manifests itself as follows:

  • General weakness, nausea and vomiting appear,
  • The patient feels pain in the right hypochondrium, his condition worsens,
  • Yellowing of the skin and sclera is noted, confusion and convulsions may occur.

When taking the drug for a long time, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the liver and blood tests.

Interaction with other drugs

When using paracetamol, interactions with other drugs should be taken into account.

  • When this drug is used simultaneously with inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, the risk of liver damage increases, so their combined use is not permissible.
  • When used together with drugs that affect hematopoiesis, an increase in some indicators (prothrombin time) is possible.
  • When the drug is used simultaneously with anticholinergics, the effect of the former is reduced.
  • When taken together with oral contraceptives, the analgesic effect of paracetamol is reduced.
  • When used simultaneously with uricosuric drugs, their effectiveness decreases.
  • When using sorbents (activated carbon) with the drug paracetamol, the effect of the latter is reduced.
  • When this medicine is combined simultaneously with the drug zidovudine, a negative effect on hematopoiesis and the liver is possible.
  • When used simultaneously with carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, the effectiveness of paracetamol is reduced, since the latter affects metabolic processes in the body.
  • When the drug paracetamol is used together with anticonvulsants (lamotrigine), the removal of the latter from the body is accelerated.
  • When used simultaneously with certain drugs (rifampicin, sulfinpyrazone), the metabolism of paracetamol in the liver increases.
  • The simultaneous use of the drug paracetamol with antiviral drugs (for example, arbidol, kagocel) is acceptable.
  • Concomitant use with broad-spectrum antibiotics (for example, amoxiclav) is permitted.
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