RiniCold Hotmix powder lemon 5 g 10 pcs ➤ instructions for use

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - anticongestive, analgesic, antipyretic.

Has antipyretic and analgesic effects (paracetamol); constricts blood vessels, relieves nasal congestion and reduces nasal discharge (phenylephrine); has an antiallergic and anti-edematous effect, reduces vascular permeability, eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa, suppresses the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, facilitates breathing (chlorpheniramine); stimulates the central nervous system, reduces fatigue and drowsiness, increases mental and physical performance (caffeine).

How to replace Rinikold

If there is a need to replace the medicine, then you should pay attention to the following drugs: Antigrippin, Rinza, Paracetamol, Coldrex.

Drugs that have a similar composition and effect include:

RiniCold Hotmix. Doctors claim that this drug contains the same active elements as Rinicold. The only difference is the form of production. The analogue is available in powder form. You need to pour the contents of the bag into a cup and fill it with hot water. Stir everything well until the powder is completely dissolved. The drug has the same indications as the drug in question.

RiniCold Broncho. According to patient reviews, it can be argued that the drug has an expectorant, antihistamine and antipyretic effect. The components of the drugs are slightly different. The medicine helps suppress the symptoms of colds and flu, in particular it fights fever, nasal congestion, nasal mucus and cough. Sold in the form of syrup.


Combined drug.

Paracetamol has antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Phenylephrine exhibits a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby helping to relieve nasal congestion and reduce nasal discharge.

Chlorpheniramine has antiallergic and anti-edematous effects. Reduces vascular permeability, eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa, suppresses the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, making breathing easier.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, which leads to a decrease in fatigue and drowsiness, and an increase in mental and physical performance.

Pharmacology and pharmacodynamics

As already mentioned, the drug has analgesic, anticongestive and antipyretic effects.

Paracetamol is a powerful analgesic and reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect. Helps cope with stuffy nose and runny nose.

Chlorphenamine has antiallergic and decongestant effects. Eliminates allergy symptoms and facilitates breathing.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect, thereby affecting the central nervous system. The component leads to a decrease in fatigue and drowsiness.


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

simultaneous use of other drugs containing substances included in Rinicold;

simultaneous use of tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, beta-blockers;


lactation period;

children's age (up to 6 years).

With caution: deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; blood diseases, liver and/or kidney failure, angle-closure glaucoma, prostate adenoma; Gilbert's syndrome, arterial hypertension, thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma.

RiniCold Max®

In case of overdose of RiniCold Max®, you should immediately consult a doctor. Prompt medical attention is critical, even if you do not experience any signs or symptoms.

Symptoms (due to the presence of paracetamol)

An overdose of paracetamol may cause liver failure, which may lead to the need for liver transplantation or death.

The hepatotoxic effect in adults occurs when taking paracetamol over 10-15 g.

If there are factors influencing the toxicity of paracetamol to the liver (see sections “Interaction with other drugs”, “Special instructions”), liver damage may occur after taking paracetamol in an amount of 5 g or more.

With long-term use of the drug in excess of the recommended dose, the drug may have a nephrotoxic effect (renal colic, nonspecific bacteriuria, interstitial nephritis, papillary necrosis).

During the first 24 hours after an overdose, the following symptoms may appear: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, pale skin, anorexia, convulsions, metabolic acidosis. After 1-2 days, liver damage is determined (pain in the liver area, increased activity of “liver enzymes”), and the development of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and metabolic acidosis is possible.

In severe cases of overdose, encephalopathy (impaired brain function), bleeding, hypoglycemia, cerebral edema, even death, the need for liver transplantation, and death may develop as a result of liver failure. It is also possible to develop acute liver failure with acute tubular necrosis, the characteristic signs of which are pain in the lumbar region, hematuria, proteinuria, while severe liver damage may be absent. Cases of cardiac arrhythmia and pancreatitis have been reported.


Immediate hospitalization. If you suspect an overdose of RiniCold Max®, you must stop using the drug and immediately seek medical help. Symptoms may be limited to nausea or vomiting and may not be consistent with the severity of the overdose or the risk of organ damage. The level of paracetamol in the blood plasma should be determined, but not earlier than 4 hours after the overdose (earlier results may be unreliable).

Laboratory tests of liver microsomal enzyme activity should be performed at the beginning of treatment and then every 24 hours.

Symptomatic treatment:

within 1 hour after an overdose, it is recommended to lavage the stomach and take enterosorbents (activated carbon, etc.). If there is no vomiting before admission to the hospital, methionine can be used.

The administration of SH-group donors and precursors for the synthesis of glutathione - methionine is most effective in the first 8-9 hours after an overdose, acetylcysteine ​​- within 8 hours, because Over time, the effectiveness of the antidote decreases sharply. If necessary, acetylcysteine ​​is administered intravenously.

The need for additional therapeutic measures (further administration of methionine and acetylcysteine) is determined by the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, as well as the time elapsed after its administration.

In most cases, the activity of microsomal liver enzymes returns to normal within 1-2 weeks. In very severe cases, a liver transplant may be required.

Treatment of patients with severe liver dysfunction 24 hours after taking paracetamol should be carried out in conjunction with specialists from a poison control center or specialized liver disease department.


Symptoms of acute overdose:

Abdominal pain; vomit; flushes of blood to the face; fever; chills; excitation; insomnia; irritability; loss of appetite; weakness; tremor; increased muscle tone; state of altered consciousness; rave; hallucinations; increased blood pressure followed by hypotension, tachycardia; tachypnea; increased diuresis; hypokalemia; hyponatremia; hyperglycemia; metabolic acidosis; convulsions; myoclonus and rhabdomyolysis; supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias.

Symptoms of chronic caffeine intoxication “caffeinism”:

irritability; insomnia; anxiety; emotional lability; chronic abdominal pain.



Central nervous system depression, hyperthermia, anticholinergic syndrome (mydriasis, flushing, fever, dry mouth, urinary retention, intestinal paresis), tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, nausea, vomiting, agitation, disorientation, hallucinations, psychosis, convulsions, arrhythmias. Rarely, patients with agitation, seizures, or comatose patients develop rhabdomyolysis and renal failure.



Nausea; vomit; irritability; excitation; insomnia; psychosis; convulsions; feeling of heartbeat; tachycardia; increased blood pressure; reflex bradycardia.


Enhances the effects of MAO inhibitors, sedatives, ethanol.

Reduces the hypotensive effect of guanethidine, which in turn enhances the alpha-adrenergic stimulating activity of phenylephrine.

Antidepressants, antiparkinsonian drugs, antipsychotic drugs, phenothiazine derivatives increase the risk of developing urinary retention, dry mouth, and constipation.

GCS increase the risk of developing glaucoma.

Paracetamol reduces the effectiveness of diuretics.

Chlorpheniramine combined with MAO inhibitors and furazolidone can lead to hypertensive crisis, agitation, and hyperpyrexia.

Tricyclic antidepressants enhance their sympathomimetic effect; simultaneous administration of halothane increases the risk of developing ventricular arrhythmia.

Adverse reactions and overdose

Taking medication in some cases can provoke unwanted reactions. They may present with the following symptoms:

  • problems sleeping, insomnia;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • feeling of dry mouth, nausea;
  • allergies manifested by skin rashes.

If you follow the permissible dosage, then the likelihood of side effects is almost zero.

If the specified dose is frequently exceeded, an overdose of the drug may occur. It is characterized by the following symptoms: pale skin, vomiting, pain in the liver area.

If such symptoms appear, you need to rinse the stomach and begin symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

During the treatment period you should refrain from drinking alcohol. Rinicold is not recommended for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Rinicold should not be taken together with other drugs containing paracetamol.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and perform work that requires increased concentration. Care must be taken when performing work that requires concentration, speed of motor and mental reactions.

Reviews about the drug Rinicold

Patients who have already tried the medicine assure that it copes well with the symptoms of colds and flu. Most reviews are positive.

The result of taking it can be observed almost immediately. Patients note a noticeable improvement in their well-being, headaches and discomfort in joints and muscles disappear. After 2-3 days, nasal congestion and mucus secretion, as well as other cold symptoms, disappear. The drug also helps to completely overcome cough.

Thus, medicines and its analogues with a similar composition allow the patient to feel much better during colds. In this case, the effect will be immediate.

The drug also has neutral reviews, but there are very few of them. Some patients claim that no results were achieved after taking it. There is also a category of patients who, after taking it, developed undesirable reactions in the form of a skin rash. Doctors say that after stopping the drug, adverse reactions immediately disappear. The undeniable advantage of the medicine is its low price.

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