Stopgripan powder for preparing lemon solution N 10

Stopgripan powder for preparing lemon solution N 10

Active substance

Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Pheniramine + Ascorbic acid

Dosage form:

Powder for preparing a solution for oral administration (lemon, blackcurrant).


Active substances:

Paracetamol 325 mg

Phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg

Pheniramine maleate 20 mg

Ascorbic acid 50 mg

Excipients: calcium phosphate, citric acid, maltodextrin, sodium citrate dihydrate, sucrose, titanium dioxide, ethyl maltol, malic acid;

Lemon: Lemon flavoring, sunset yellow dye, quinoline yellow dye,

Blackcurrant: Blackcurrant flavouring, brilliant blue dye, sunset yellow dye, Ponceau 4R dye.


Stopgripan powder for oral solution (lemon):

Light yellow crystalline powder with a characteristic lemon odor.

Reconstituted solution: opaque yellowish liquid with a lemon odor.

Stopgripan powder for oral solution (blackcurrant):

Crystalline powder from light pink to dark pink with blue crystals with a characteristic odor of black currant.

Reconstituted solution: opaque purple liquid with a blackcurrant odor.

Combined drug. Paracetamol has antipyretic and analgesic effects. Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby helping to eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, reducing nasal discharge, resulting in easier nasal breathing. Pheniramine has an antiallergic and anti-edematous effect, reduces vascular permeability, nasal discharge, lacrimation, and eliminates sneezing. Ascorbic acid is involved in the regulation of redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, and in the synthesis of steroid hormones; increases the body's resistance to infections, reduces vascular permeability, reduces the need for vitamins Bl, B2, A, E, folic acid, pantothenic acid. Improves the tolerability of paracetamol and prolongs its effect.


Colds, flu, acute rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, accompanied by fever, chills, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache. Pain syndrome (mild and moderate severity): arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, migraine, toothache and headache, pain from injuries, algodismenorrhea.


ATX code: N02BE51 (Paracetamol in combination with other drugs (excluding psycholeptics)) Dosage form STOPGRIPAN powder for preparation. solution for oral administration (lemon): sachet 10 pcs. reg. No.: LSR-000833/08 dated 08.21.13 - Validity period of the reg. beat is not limited

Release form, composition and packaging Powder for preparing a solution for oral administration (lemon), crystalline, light yellow in color, with a characteristic odor of lemon; the prepared solution is opaque, yellowish in color, with the odor of lemon.

1 sachet paracetamol 325 mg phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg pheniramine maleate 20 mg ascorbic acid 50 mg

Excipients: calcium phosphate, citric acid, maltodextrin, sodium citrate dihydrate, sucrose, titanium dioxide, ethyl maltol, malic acid, lemon flavor, sunset yellow dye, quinoline yellow dye.

21.5 g - sachet (10) - cardboard packs.

Clinical-pharmacological group: Drug for symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory diseases Pharmaco-therapeutic group: Drug for eliminating the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and “colds” (non-narcotic analgesic + vasoconstrictor + vitamin)

Indications: colds, flu, acute rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, accompanied by fever, chills, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache,

- pain syndrome (mild and moderate severity): arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, migraine, toothache and headache, pain due to injuries, algodismenorrhea.

ICD-10 codes ICD-10 code Indication G43 Migraine J00 Acute nasopharyngitis J01 Acute sinusitis J06.9 Acute infection of the upper respiratory tract, unspecified J10 Influenza caused by an identified influenza virus K08.8 Other specified changes in the teeth and their supporting apparatus (including toothache) M25.5 Joint pain M79.1 Myalgia M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified N94.4 Primary dysmenorrhea N94.5 Secondary dysmenorrhea R51 Headache R52.0 Acute pain R52.2 Other persistent pain (chronic)

Dosage regimen Contents: pour 1 sachet (bag) into a glass, add hot water, stir until completely dissolved and drink. Adults and children over 12 years of age should take 1 sachet 3-4 times a day with intervals between doses of 6 hours (no more than 4 sachets per day).

Consult your doctor if symptoms do not go away within 5 days.

Side effects In therapeutic doses, the drug is usually well tolerated, but increased blood pressure, allergic reactions (skin itching, rash, urticaria, angioedema), dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, decreased speed of psychomotor reactions, increased excitability may occur. , dizziness, palpitations, sleep disturbance, urinary retention, renal colic, glucosuria, mydriasis, accommodation paresis, increased intraocular pressure.

Considering the presence of paracetamol in the composition of the drug, disorders of the hematopoietic system (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia) can rarely be observed; with long-term use in high doses, disturbances in liver and kidney function are possible (hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity - papillary necrosis) .

Contraindications for use - hypersensitivity to paracetamol and other components included in the drug,

- taking other medications containing substances included in Stopgripan,

- simultaneous use of tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, beta-blockers,

- portal hypertension,

- alcoholism,

- diabetes,

- pregnancy,

- lactation period,

- children under 12 years of age.

With caution in case of severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, arterial hypertension, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, blood diseases, congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes), liver and/or renal failure, angle-closure glaucoma, prostate adenoma, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, bronchial asthma.

Use during pregnancy and lactation Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Use for liver dysfunction Use with caution in case of liver failure. Use for impaired renal function Use with caution in case of renal failure. Use in children Contraindication: children under 12 years of age. Special instructions To avoid toxic damage to the liver, the drug should not be combined with the use of alcoholic beverages.

If, despite taking Stopgripan, the disease is accompanied by ongoing fever or repeated increases in temperature are observed, you should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Patients taking Stoptripan should refrain from activities that require increased attention and speed of mental and motor reactions, incl. and from driving a car.

Overdose is usually caused by paracetamol. Possible: pallor of the skin, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, in severe cases - liver failure, hepatonecrosis, increased activity of liver transaminases, increased prothrombin time, encephalopathy and coma. The full clinical picture of liver damage appears after 1-6 days. Rarely, liver failure develops rapidly and can be complicated by renal failure (tubular necrosis).

Treatment: gastric lavage followed by the administration of activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy, administration of SH-group donors and precursors for the synthesis of glutathione - methionine 8-9 hours after an overdose and N-acetylcysteine ​​- after 12 hours.

Drug interactions Enhances the effects of MAO inhibitors, sedatives, ethanol.

Antidepressants, antiparkinsonian drugs, antipsychotic drugs, phenothiazine derivatives increase the risk of developing urinary retention, dry mouth, and constipation.

Glucocorticosteroids increase the risk of developing increased intraocular pressure.

Paracetamol reduces the effectiveness of uricosuric drugs and increases the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants.

Pheniramine simultaneously with MAO inhibitors and furazolidone can lead to hypertensive crisis, agitation, and hyperpyrexia.

Tricyclic anti-depressants enhance the sympathomimetic effect; simultaneous administration of halothane increases the risk of developing ventricular arrhythmia.

Reduces the hypotensive effect of guanethidine, which in turn enhances the alpha-adrenergic stimulating activity of phenylephrine.

When Stopgripan is prescribed simultaneously with barbiturates, diphenin, carbamazepine, rifampicin and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, the risk of developing the hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol increases.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies The drug is approved for use as an over-the-counter product. Conditions and periods of storage Store out of reach of children, in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.


For some reason, pharmacies have stopped putting price labels on them... I can only figure it out from the pharmacy certificate.
The price range is from 260 to 360. This means that without deviating too much from the usual routes you can buy for a maximum of 300 rubles. 100 rubles of benefit from 300 rubles is, after all, 25%. Manufacturer - India, owner - Luxembourg.

About the composition. Let me insert here the composition of Theraflu, obtained from the Internet.

The composition of the main ingredients is 100% identical!

By the way, at the pharmacy they offered me a whole bunch of things in response to my request, “give Theraflu, only on a budget.” The content of paracetamol was different, the rest was the same.

Brutal powders containing 650 mg. I didn’t take paracetamol. Such doses are needed for people with fever, but then I was just “covered” - my nose was stuffy, my throat was sore, and I began to feel a slight chill. All this without fever. Therefore, I needed some paracetamol and phenylephrine - the therapist told me about it that it relieves/eases nasal congestion.

For completeness (read: following traditions), photo instructions:

Petty, nothing to say. Read live only with good eyesight. Here, on the review page, you can click on the picture - it will open in a larger view. And very meticulous people will be able to see that the composition of the excipients is 90% the same as Theraflu. I left 10% for the quantitative composition of excipients, because the instructions are silent about how much it contains.

Powder sachets are connected in pairs.

On the back of the bag you can see the expiration date.

The shelf life is three years. I sincerely wish everyone not to get sick from any cold for so many years in a row. And not colds either.

I didn’t take pictures of the finished potion. There was no strength. I wanted to have a drink and go to bed. And the hope that I would drink today and tomorrow morning I would wake up like a cucumber really prevented my urge to take a photo. My whole head was occupied with this hope.

The effect of taking it is almost the same as that of Theraflu. It just doesn’t throw you so much when you’re hot. In this regard, stopgripan is weaker. For some reason. I can’t say anything about drowsiness; I didn’t drink during the day. Once upon a time, I drank Theraflu during the day. And the worst thing I did was at work. I wanted to sleep badly, I couldn’t hold my head... in general, I don’t recommend anyone to drink such powders at work. And the advertising keeps lying.

The therapeutic effect is also completely identical to Theraflu. That is, if you are lucky, it will help, if you are unlucky, you will get completely sick. A complete lottery.

Lemon Stopgripan tastes very good. I didn’t take blackcurrant, I’ll refer again to theraflu. Blackcurrant theraflu, bought once a long time ago out of desperation for lack of other flavors, was terrible. It is terrible in its absolutely chemical taste, which has nothing in common with blackcurrant except color.

Nevertheless, I recommend buying stopgripan. But I give the rating 4 for the unstable result - a lottery.

Be healthy.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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