Cold and flu remedies

The symptoms of colds and flu are familiar to many. They appear most often during autumn and winter colds. People struggle with these painful symptoms, such as headache, muscle aches, lacrimation, and runny nose with various means. Sometimes you have to combine several drugs. But “Rinza” contains several components that eliminate all of the listed symptoms at once.

Efficacy and active ingredients of Rinz

The medicine belongs to the means that eliminate the negative manifestations of the cold. It can be freely purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Rinza is available in two forms: tablets or water-soluble powder. The drug is used to treat ARVI or influenza. The drug has the greatest effect in the initial stages of the disease. Sometimes a one-time use of the medication at the first signs of illness is enough. But to consolidate the effect, you need to complete the course specified in the instructions.

This combination drug consists of several elements:

  1. Paracetamol. A component that helps reduce temperature and eliminate pain: headache, muscle, joint.
  2. Caffeine. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, increasing endurance and performance.
  3. Phenylephrine. Eliminates hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes through vasoconstriction.
  4. Chlorphenamine. It has an antiallergic effect, relieving the patient from itching, swelling, and rhinitis.

Each of the ingredients has a positive effect on the upper respiratory tract, and the patient’s well-being significantly improves. Regardless of the location of the pain, it goes away after taking the medication. Due to the vasoconstrictor effect of the drug, the patient's swelling of the mucous membranes decreases. The functionality of all parts of the upper respiratory tract is improved.

What medications are used to treat colds and influenza?

To fight the infection, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs and agents to support and stimulate the immune system2. However, more attention is paid to symptomatic therapy, which is aimed at combating the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, helping to alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent the development of complications2,6.

Symptomatic remedies for influenza and ARVI

AntipyreticsAntipyretic drugs are used for high fever in adults and children. They help keep temperature under control and relieve headaches and muscle pain2. This is especially true for influenza infection, but can also be useful for other acute respiratory viral infections that occur with fever and symptoms of intoxication.
AnticongestantsThe action of anticongestants, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, is aimed at reducing swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. These can be nasal medications for runny nose and nasal congestion, or general medications that need to be taken orally2.
Expectorants and mucolytics (thinning sputum)These drugs are indicated for wet coughs, as they facilitate the passage of sputum and make it less viscous2.
AntitussivesUsed for dry, painful cough2.
AntiallergicThey help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane affected by viruses, due to this they reduce the manifestations of ARVI2.

Depending on the course of the disease, other medications may be used. For example, when a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics are indicated. Whether it is worth taking them is always decided by the doctor4.

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Specifics of use of the drug

Since Rinza consists of several components, an allergic reaction to one of them is possible. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people who are sensitive to any ingredient in the medication.

There are also restrictions on taking the drug for the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis.

Extreme caution is required when prescribing medication for the following ailments:

  • asthma;
  • anemia;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • renal and/or liver failure;
  • stomach and/or duodenal ulcer.

In addition, side effects can be observed while taking the medication:

  • disorders of the nervous system, accompanied by excitability, sleep disturbances, dizziness, headache;
  • manifestations of the cardiovascular system in the form of tachycardia and increased blood pressure;
  • disorders of the digestive system leading to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain;
  • pathologies of the functions of the urinary system, accompanied by difficulty urinating and nephrotoxicity;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic organs in the form of thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, anemia.

To avoid such negative manifestations, it is not recommended to use the drug without first consulting a doctor.

Who should not take the drug

The medicine is contraindicated:

  • with personal intolerance to substances;
  • with severe renal failure;
  • with liver failure;
  • with Dubin-Johnson syndrome;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • with severe hypertension;
  • with severe atherosclerosis;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for chronic lung diseases;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • for blood diseases;
  • with anemia;
  • with leukopenia;
  • children under fifteen years of age;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for epilepsy;
  • with prostate adenoma;
  • with increased intraocular pressure;
  • during lactation;
  • with alcoholism;
  • with sensitivity to xanthines.

Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Features of combination with other medications

Rinza has a multicomponent composition, so interaction with other drugs can cause certain reactions. You need to know this before starting treatment.

Effect of Rinza on certain medications:

  • enhances the effect of sedatives and ethanol;
  • increases the manifestation of side effects of antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs;
  • reduces the effectiveness of agents that accelerate the excretion of uric acid;
  • increases the risk of hepatotoxic action of drugs that induce microsomal liver enzymes;
  • when taken simultaneously with antiparkinsonian drugs, it can cause constipation and urinary retention;
  • enhances the effects of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

In order not to encounter such negative manifestations, you need to consult a doctor before starting to take the drug.

How Rinza interacts with alcohol

By combining drug treatment and drinking alcohol, a person is at great risk. The consequences of such a combination are unpredictable and fraught with dangerous consequences. Each of the components reacts differently to interaction with ethyl alcohol. There is a scale of compatibility of medications with alcohol, consisting of five hazard classes.

How do the ingredients of the medicine behave after drinking alcohol:

  1. Paracetamol is classified as the fourth class of danger. It has a high degree of hepatotoxicity and is capable of causing structural and functional pathologies of the liver under the influence of ethyl alcohol.
  2. Chlorphenamine increases the effect of alcohol on the human body and increases the state of intoxication. Thus, the toxic effects of alcohol increase significantly.
  3. Caffeine enhances the negative effects of alcohol on the body. This causes disruption of the regulation of breathing, heartbeat, and digestion.
  4. Phenylephrine under the influence of ethyl alcohol significantly increases blood pressure. In severe cases, this can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

Consequences of combining the drug with alcohol

It is clear that the desired effect cannot be achieved with the simultaneous use of alcohol and medication. The symptoms of a cold do not go away and the person gets even worse.

In this case, the following manifestations can be observed:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • itchy skin and urticaria;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased intraocular pressure and blurred vision.

Therefore, if you violate the recommendations and drink alcohol during treatment, a person may face very serious problems. And instead of eliminating the symptoms of a cold, it not only does not cure, but worsens its condition.

What to do if the patient drank alcohol while being treated with Rinz tablets and became ill? Under no circumstances should you continue to drink alcohol. You need to drink a lot of fluid to remove toxic substances and prevent dehydration. If a person is very ill, he should rinse his stomach, do an enema, or take any adsorbent. But all this is done after calling an ambulance while waiting for the medical service to arrive. Only a medical professional can provide qualified assistance.

When and how much is safe to drink alcohol

Despite the ban, people are interested in the opportunity to drink alcohol before or after treatment. No one can claim that it is completely safe to use Rinza after drinking or before drinking alcohol.

But it is still relatively harmless to drink alcohol before starting treatment:

  • for women – 14 hours before taking the first tablet;
  • for men - 8 hours before taking the first dose of the medicine.

Or after completing the course of therapy:

  • for women - one day after taking the last pill;
  • for men – 18 hours after taking the last dose of the medicine.

Moreover, you can drink alcohol in a certain dose, without exceeding it in any case. How much and what kind of drink is allowed to be consumed:

  • beer - no more than 5% strength - 355 g;
  • beer – no more than 7% strength – 250 g;
  • wine – no more than 12% strength – 150 g;
  • wine – no more than 17% strength – 100 g;
  • aperitif – 24% strength – 70 g;
  • forty-proof vodka – no more than 40 g;
  • brandy 40% - no more than 45 g.

If your body weight is less than 60 kg, you need to reduce the minimum allowable dose.

What is the compatibility of Rinza and alcohol?

Rinza and alcohol - compatibility and the result of such a combination will affect your well-being?

When treating colds, many people use the drug Rinza. This is not the first year that this medicine has been saving the residents of our huge country from colds. It can be used not only by adults, but also by older people, as well as teenagers. The resulting therapeutic effect is felt within a short period of time from the moment of taking the drug.

However, there is a category of citizens who manage to combine the simultaneous intake of Rinza and alcohol in their bodies. Such people believe that this will make the drug work faster and more effectively. How can this union affect the medicinal properties of the drug, and what are its health consequences?

How long does a fever last for colds and flu?

The fever with influenza is present during the first 2-5 days, sometimes it lasts for a week5. Then the temperature gradually decreases to normal numbers5. If the fever lasts longer, this is a sign of possible complications. Influenza can be complicated by bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis and pyelonephritis4. One of the reasons for this behavior of the virus is its ability to suppress the immune system. When the body is weakened, it becomes easy prey not only for viruses, but also for bacteria7.

Fever during ARVI varies depending on the pathogen:

  • with parainfluenza, it may disappear as early as the next day, but sometimes the temperature remains elevated for up to 8 days5;
  • respiratory syncytial infection is often accompanied by fever for 2-7 days5;
  • with adenoviral infection, fever can persist for up to 3 weeks, and the temperature can either fall or rise again10

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Composition and purpose of the medicine

Rinza belongs to the category of multicomponent drugs that are used to rid the body of damage from acute respiratory diseases. Rinza is prescribed to the patient by the attending physician or can be dispensed by pharmacists in pharmacies without a prescription. This medicine is available in the form of tablets and water-soluble powder.

This drug owes its medicinal properties to the active substances it contains. They eliminate the first signs of a cold and viral bodies that have entered the body.

The active compounds of the drug are:

  • phenylephrine hydrochloride;
  • chlorphenamine maleate;
  • paracetamol;
  • caffeine.

The predominant component among these components is paracetamol (up to 500 mg). Its analgesic effect causes analgesic and antipyretic effects. Thanks to this, the first signs of a cold disappear and a person’s well-being noticeably improves. A decrease in pain occurs regardless of the location and degree of development. Phenylephrine molecules, related to alpha1-adrenergic agonists, exhibit a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, which significantly reduces swelling and irritation. It is Rinza’s components that help restore normal functioning of the upper respiratory tract.

But chlorphenamine plays the role of a blocker of histamine H1 receptor elements. As a result of such exposure, a corresponding antiallergic effect is obtained. This compound also helps to weaken the inflammatory process that has begun in the respiratory organs. Caffeine helps the nervous system, or rather its central parts, work. As a result, a person does not feel drowsiness or fatigue.

Rinza can be used in case of damage to the body by colds. This treatment is especially effective in the first stages of a cold affecting the body.

Rinza also effectively copes with diseases such as:

Just one tablet before bed and the next morning the signs of a cold that started yesterday will completely disappear. To consolidate the results obtained, this medicine should be taken in the course prescribed in the accompanying instructions.

In some cases, the doctor himself prescribes the dosage of this medication for his patients.

Despite all the advantages in the treatment of colds, Rinza also has some contraindications.

The following diseases are such contraindications:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes.

Also, Rinza should not be given to children under fifteen years of age. It is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers to treat colds with this medicine, since the active compounds of the drug can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

Rinza is contraindicated for people suffering from hypersensitivity to its active or auxiliary components. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to take the indicated medicine in accordance with the dosage prescribed in the instructions. You cannot take more than the dose indicated in the instructions at one time, wanting to achieve recovery as quickly as possible. Such actions can lead to many health problems.

Side effects of Rinza are symptoms that affect almost every organ system of the body. Thus, taking this medicine can provoke allergies, manifested in the form of hives, skin rashes and swelling with itching. An increased dosage of Rinza can negatively affect the functioning of the organ of vision, increasing its intraocular pressure and dilating the pupil. From the central nervous system, you can observe increased excitability, dizziness, and poor sleep. In some cases, Rinza affects the digestive organs, manifested by dry mouth, nausea with vomiting, and pain in the epigastric zone. There are frequent cases when Rinza led to increased blood pressure and tachycardia. To protect your body from all these unpleasant manifestations, you should consult your doctor before taking this medicine.

Description and composition

The drug is a combination drug, containing several ingredients.


  • Paracetamol (500 mg);
  • Caffeine (30 mg);
  • Chlorphenamine maleate (2 mg);
  • Phenylephrine hydrochloride (10 mg).

The drug is available in the form of tablets, ten pieces in a blister.

Paracetamol has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and immunity, enhances the effect of paracetamol. Chlorphenamine maleate has an antihistamine effect. Phenylephrine hydrochloride constricts blood vessels, producing an anti-edematous effect.

The medicine has the following actions:

  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers;
  • antiallergic;
  • decongestant;
  • psychostimulant.

Combination with ethyl alcohol intake

It's no secret that alcohol is harmful to all living things. However, many citizens manage to take Rinza and drink alcohol. Is it possible to take both of these substances together?

Drinking alcohol while taking Rinza is extremely unsafe. Therefore, if you are under treatment with this drug, you should abstain from drinking alcohol for a while.

There are many good reasons for this:

  1. Rinza includes chlorphenamine, which is classified as an antihistamine. It is thanks to this compound that the effect of drunk alcohol is potentiated in the body. In other words, if a person drinks a small amount of alcohol and takes Rinza, he may develop severe intoxication. This effect is achieved through the interaction of ethanol molecules with the active compounds of the drug. In some cases, such intoxication can cause poisoning of some organs of the body. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, alcohol and this medicine cannot be combined in the body.
  2. Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcohol, leads to the development of the hepatotoxic effect exerted by paracetamol. This means that there is a high risk of liver poisoning due to the development of hepatitis. Based on this, we can conclude that alcohol and Rinza are a destructive mixture for liver cells. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to combine the use of these substances.
  3. Under the influence of alcohol, dehydration begins in the body. If this person also has a cold of unknown origin, then dehydration in his body will potentially increase.

Such exposure can cause the development of the following complications:

  1. Malfunction of the kidneys.
  2. Heart rhythm disturbance.
  3. Irritation of the gastric mucosa.

The above facts indicate a mandatory separation when taking Rinza and alcohol. Otherwise, the consequences that arise can be the most disastrous for the body.

Alcohol also affects Rinza’s behavior in the body. In this case, the therapeutic effect not only decreases, but also acquires uncharacteristic properties. Such a turn of events is always undesirable, since it is impossible to fully predict the consequences arising from such a combination.


The drug should not be used together with other medications that contain phenylephrine, caffeine, or paracetamol. The medicine enhances the effect of beta blockers and MAO inhibitors. If taken together with antipsychotics and antidepressants, dry mouth and constipation may occur.

Paracetamol has a bad effect on the liver, especially if taken together with barbiturates, diphenin, carbamazepine, rifampicin. Barbiturates reduce the antipyretic effect of the drug. If you take Rinza together with guanthedine, your blood pressure may drop. And if you take Rinza and cardiac glycosides together, there is a risk of developing arthymia and heart attack.

Oral contraceptives enhance the effect of Rinza. If taken simultaneously with sedatives, their effect is reduced. Taking Rinza with nephrotoxic antibiotics is not recommended.

Rinza and alcohol

Stories from our readers

Saved the family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha hasn’t drunk for a year now. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a lot of remedies over these long 7 years when he started drinking. But we made it through, and thanks to everyone.

Rinza is one of the most popular cold medicines. This drug saves both at the first signs of illness and in the midst of a cold. But the time of respiratory diseases and flu mainly occurs in the winter - the time of holidays and folk festivals. Therefore, it is logical that many people have a question about the compatibility of Rinza and alcohol. What do the instructions, doctors and researchers say about this?

What does Rinza treat?

The drug is prescribed for:

  • cold;
  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • neuralgia;
  • toothache;
  • migraine;
  • burns;
  • traumatic pain;
  • periodic female pain;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis.

The drug is used at the first signs of a cold (bone aches, headache, watery eyes). But it relieves nasal congestion quite well, thanks to its decongestant properties. Therefore, it is prescribed for rhinitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis.

It is also sometimes used for burns, fractures, bruises, neuralgia, because it perfectly relieves pain.

Operating principle of Rinza

Many people know that combining alcohol and medications is undesirable. Why, in fact, can’t this be done? What happens if you drink a glass of wine or a glass of vodka and, say, Rinza at the same time? In order to understand what the consequences may be, you must first understand what Rinza is and what chemicals are included in its composition.

Rinza is a multicomponent drug available in tablet or powder form. It owes its strength to resist colds and viruses to several components. The main active ingredients of the drug: paracetamol, chlorphenamine maleate, phenylephrine hydrochloride, caffeine.

They eliminate the first signs of the disease. In particular, paracetamol, which the drug contains up to 500 mg, works as an antipyretic and analgesic.

Experts call chlorphenamine a histamine H1 receptor blocker. In simple terms, this substance is necessary to eliminate allergic symptoms, as well as to alleviate inflammation in the respiratory organs.

Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect, which is important for eliminating symptoms of irritation and swelling in the ENT organs and improving the condition of the upper respiratory tract.

I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

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And caffeine remains caffeine in medicines. Everyone knows that influenza and ARVI are usually accompanied by severe drowsiness and weakness. So, the caffeine in Rinza prevents these effects and also improves the functioning of the central nervous system.


Rinza (paracetamol + phenylephrine + pheniramine + vitamin C + caffeine) is a combination medicine for the treatment of colds and flu. These diseases have a whole complex of characteristic symptoms, which may often be beyond the power of a single drug to relieve. In such cases, combination medications come to the rescue, a prime example of which is Rinza. Each active component of the drug affects a specific symptom of the disease, and together, thanks to the combination of pharmacological properties, they provide rapid elimination of key symptoms. Paracetamol is an effective means of mitigating or completely relieving pain typical of influenza and acute respiratory infections (headache, muscle pain, pain when swallowing). At elevated temperatures it exhibits the so-called “central” antipyretic effect due to the property of paracetamol to block the synthesis of prostaglandins. The severity of the action of paracetamol is determined by its dose. According to WHO, this substance is most effective for colds and flu in a dose of 500-1000 mg. Rinza contains 500 mg of paracetamol. Phenylephrine activates alpha-adrenergic receptors of the vascular wall, thereby providing pronounced vasoconstriction and, as a result, resorption of edema and elimination of hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and sinuses. Pheniramine inactivates histamine receptors, thereby promoting the resorption of edema, reducing the capacity of the walls of capillary vessels, and moderate vasoconstriction. Thanks to pheniramine, typical manifestations of allergies are eliminated: itching in the nasal cavity and oropharynx, swelling of the mucous membranes, rhinorrhea and increased mucus secretion. Vitamin C improves immune status, accelerates metabolism, acts as an antioxidant, is involved in hematopoiesis, and has its own anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, improves mood, reduces fatigue, restores vitality, speeding up recovery, and increases performance.

Rinza is contraindicated in cases of severe atherosclerotic damage to the coronary arteries, severe hypertension, diabetes mellitus in advanced stages, individual intolerance to the components included in the drug, during pregnancy and lactation. In pediatrics, Rinza can only be used when the patient reaches 15 years of age. A single dose of the drug is 1 tablet. Frequency of application: 3-4 times a day. The duration of the medication course should not exceed 5 days. Possible undesirable side reactions: allergic manifestations, somnological disorders (delayed sleep), arterial hypertension, dyspeptic disorders, abdominal pain, changes in the blood picture (a consequence of the presence of paracetamol in the drug), narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, disruption of the liver and kidneys. Rinza potentiates the effect of sedatives and ethanol-containing products. During a medication course using Rinza, it is necessary to avoid taking sleeping pills, benzodiazepine tranquilizers, alcoholic beverages, and other medications containing paracetamol to avoid overdose. Signs of the latter: pale skin, loss of appetite, nausea and/or vomiting, activation of liver transaminases, necrosis of liver tissue. If there are signs of paracetamol overdose, you should immediately seek medical help. Gastric lavage is prescribed, followed by the use of adsorbents, methionine and acetylcysteine. While taking Rinza, it is recommended to limit or exclude activities that require increased attention, concentration and reaction speed, incl. working on potentially dangerous production mechanisms and driving a car. When using Rinza together with other hepatotoxic drugs, the risk of liver damage increases due to the presence of paracetamol in the drug.

Rules of use

Sometimes, to stop the disease, especially at the initial stage, you can get by with one Rinza tablet taken before bed. But still, more often the drug has to be taken in a course.

Rinza is a medicinal product, which means that some side effects and contraindications for use cannot be ruled out. A complete list of side effects can be found in the instructions for use that come with each medicine. Today we are interested in the compatibility of Rinza and alcohol. Although we must immediately make a reservation that it is very difficult to consider this aspect separately from other contraindications.

We have already said that Rinza is a multicomponent drug. This indicates that in addition to being highly effective, the drug can also cause allergies in people who are sensitive to Rinza’s components. In addition, doctors prohibit exceeding the recommended daily dose of the drug in order to achieve a faster effect. This further increases the risk of an allergic reaction as well as overdose symptoms. This condition is usually manifested by dizziness, insomnia, allergic itching, sometimes abdominal pain, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting.

Taking the medicine “with vodka” further increases the risk of overdose. This combination can be very dangerous and cause the most unpredictable consequences. At best, ignoring the instructions can result in hives, skin hyperemia, and itching. In the worst case, the eyes will suffer: intraocular pressure will increase, the pupils will dilate, and vision will deteriorate. In addition, an overdose caused by the simultaneous use of Rinza and alcohol can negatively affect the central nervous system, causing sleep disturbances, nervousness, and dizziness. Such a dangerous cocktail will not go unnoticed by the digestive system. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract will react with nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and indigestion. It is dangerous to ignore the rules for using Rinza for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In them, signs of an overdose are manifested by tachycardia and a sharp increase in blood pressure, which are further intensified under the influence of alcohol.

Features of fever during influenza and ARVI

Almost all respiratory infections are, to one degree or another, accompanied by an increase in body temperature8. With a cold against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, it rarely exceeds 380C, and the symptoms in most cases increase slowly2. For influenza, fever is the main symptom, which is accompanied by chills and severe symptoms of intoxication8 - body aches, weakness, headache5. Even with a mild form of influenza infection, the body temperature quickly rises to 38.50C, and with a severe form it exceeds 400C5.

Moderate fever helps the body mobilize forces to fight infection: it stimulates the immune system and inhibits the proliferation of viruses. However, when the number on the thermometer approaches 40oC, the fever becomes dangerous. The load on all organs and systems increases, especially on the heart and lungs9. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature without waiting for critical values ​​1.9:

  • adults and children over 3 months old, when it reaches 39oC, or if the fever causes unpleasant symptoms;
  • for children under 3 months at 38o (and sometimes lower than this), if the fever is poorly tolerated.

Emergency care and hospitalization are necessary if the following symptoms occur5:

  • disturbance of consciousness (general agitation or lethargy);
  • convulsions;
  • cyanosis of the face;
  • small spotty red rash on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • hemoptysis or cough with “rusty” sputum;
  • significant rise in body temperature, above 400C5.

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How Rinza components react to ethanol

To understand how safe it is to take Rinza and alcohol at the same time, you need to understand what chemical reactions this combination causes.

Chlorphenamine is an antihistamine that should not be combined with ethanol. The reason, although very banal, is dangerous in many cases. Antihistamines cause more intoxication after drinking alcohol. The combination of paracetamol and alcohol causes hepatotoxicity. That is, such a mixture has a destructive effect on the liver. But a mixture of alcohol and caffeine, according to toxicologists, is not at all an acceptable “cocktail.” This combination increases the effect of ethanol on the body, causing rapid and irregular heartbeat, tremors, respiratory problems, and stomach problems. In addition, we must not forget that alcohol by its nature is a depressant, and caffeine is a stimulant. Acting together on the body, they cause disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Other effects of combining ethanol and Rinza

It is common knowledge that it is important to drink plenty of fluids when you are sick. This is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body. In turn, alcohol, on the contrary, promotes tissue dehydration, which does not improve the patient’s condition.

In addition, the consequences of the combination of Rinza and alcohol are felt by almost all organs of an already weakened body. Take the kidneys, for example. During the flu, the kidneys have to work harder, and drinking alcohol makes their work even more difficult (they have to remove from the body not only the breakdown products of medications, but also processed ethanol).

Rinza and alcohol

Stories from our readers

Saved the family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha hasn’t drunk for a year now. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a lot of remedies over these long 7 years when he started drinking. But we made it through, and thanks to everyone.

Rinza is one of the most popular cold medicines. This drug saves both at the first signs of illness and in the midst of a cold. But the time of respiratory diseases and flu mainly occurs in the winter - the time of holidays and folk festivals. Therefore, it is logical that many people have a question about the compatibility of Rinza and alcohol. What do the instructions, doctors and researchers say about this?

How to distinguish the flu from a cold

There are about 300 causative agents of acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory diseases), 200 of which are viruses, and the rest are bacteria and other microorganisms5. Since most acute respiratory infections are caused by viruses, it is customary to distinguish acute respiratory viral infections or ARVI5 separately. Patients often call acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections a cold.

Up to 35-50% of acute respiratory viral infections are caused by influenza viruses5. They dominate during the epidemic period from November to February1. During the rest of the year, “power” passes to other viruses - parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, adeno-, rhino-, and enteroviruses1,5.

The pathogens of ARVI have much in common, for example:

  • The route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets5;
  • tendency to affect cells of the respiratory tract mucosa4.

But they have much more differences. Firstly, each virus “prefers” a specific area of ​​the respiratory tract6: influenza most often affects the trachea, parainfluenza – the larynx, and the respiratory syncytial virus immediately penetrates deeper into the bronchi. Rhinovirus likes to settle in the nose, and adenovirus also affects the mucous membrane of the eyes, the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx (known to many as adenoids) and lymph nodes6,8.

Secondly, viral infections occur in different ways. Their degree of aggression is not the same6, therefore the manifestations of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections can differ significantly. The predominance of certain symptoms allows the doctor to guess what kind of infection he is dealing with4.

Distinctive signs of ARVI and influenza2,8,16

Temperature37.5 - 38 °Cabove 38 °C
Body achesabsent or moderately expressedexpressed
Headachenot typicalpronounced, especially in the forehead area
A sore throatcommon complaintcommon complaint
Eye symptomslacrimationphotophobia
Weaknessrarely bothersworries often
Nasal congestionpresentpresent
Nasal dischargemoderate dischargesignificant
Coughmay be dry or wet, may be absentdry, painful
Duration of illnesson average 5-10 daysup to 10 days

If you “recognize” the disease by its main manifestations, do not rush to be treated at home, selecting medications yourself. It is possible that the cause of acute respiratory infections is bacteria and even fungi, which means that it may be necessary not only to alleviate the symptoms, but to actively fight the pathogen. In any case, you need to see a doctor at the clinic or call a specialist at home.

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Operating principle of Rinza

Many people know that combining alcohol and medications is undesirable. Why, in fact, can’t this be done? What happens if you drink a glass of wine or a glass of vodka and, say, Rinza at the same time? In order to understand what the consequences may be, you must first understand what Rinza is and what chemicals are included in its composition.

Rinza is a multicomponent drug available in tablet or powder form. It owes its strength to resist colds and viruses to several components. The main active ingredients of the drug: paracetamol, chlorphenamine maleate, phenylephrine hydrochloride, caffeine.

They eliminate the first signs of the disease. In particular, paracetamol, which the drug contains up to 500 mg, works as an antipyretic and analgesic.

Experts call chlorphenamine a histamine H1 receptor blocker. In simple terms, this substance is necessary to eliminate allergic symptoms, as well as to alleviate inflammation in the respiratory organs.

Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictor effect, which is important for eliminating symptoms of irritation and swelling in the ENT organs and improving the condition of the upper respiratory tract.

I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

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And caffeine remains caffeine in medicines. Everyone knows that influenza and ARVI are usually accompanied by severe drowsiness and weakness. So, the caffeine in Rinza prevents these effects and also improves the functioning of the central nervous system.

How do medications to reduce fever work?

All antipyretics for adults and children are divided into 2 groups: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics-antipyretics (for example, paracetamol) 3,4,6. The mechanism of their effect on the body varies. These medications have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties to varying degrees. The drugs affect the thermoregulation center in the brain, inhibiting the formation of prostaglandins - substances that cause high temperature3,4,6.

Let's look at the most common antipyretic drugs.

Paracetamol . It is a strong antipyretic and analgesic 3,4,6. It has been well studied and has long been used in clinical practice. Available in various dosage forms. With the correct dosage, paracetamol acts for 3–6 hours.

Ibuprofen . It is an antipyretic anti-inflammatory drug3,4,6. The effect of using the drug for fever may be less pronounced than that of paracetamol.

Acetylsalicylic acid

. Helps with fever, and is also used to reduce pain and inflammation, and can reduce blood clotting. Unlike paracetamol, it is not suitable for the treatment of children due to the high risk of side effects3,6.

All of these drugs with acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, paracetamol and other active ingredients have contraindications; you should consult your doctor before taking them. If you cannot bring down a high temperature in an adult or child, call a therapist or an ambulance. In this case, a specialist should prescribe specific drugs after examining the patient.

Some of the most well-known folk remedies for helping with fever include the following.

Black currant

. In folk medicine, it is allowed to take both fresh berries and juice, and infusion of buds and leaves. The content of useful substances in decoctions and infusions is reduced due to heat treatment, so this treatment is ineffective, unlike the use of medications with paracetamol or other active substances.

Herbal infusions

. The most common antipyretic infusions and decoctions used at fever include linden flowers, chamomile, rose hips, plantain, coltsfoot. Whatever folk recipe you choose, you need to keep in mind that it is based on an approximate dosage of herbal components, so treatment with herbal remedies is rarely effective.


. To relieve fever and relieve other cold symptoms, it is used both in its usual form and with tea. Honey is an allergenic product; in addition, its beneficial properties are practically lost in hot water (the active substances are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures).


. Consume fresh, juice mixed with water or warm tea with lemon. However, the actual content of vitamin C in lemon and other citrus fruits does not satisfy the daily requirement of the body fighting a cold.

Remember that the clinical effectiveness of folk remedies for reducing fever has not been proven!

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Rules of use

Sometimes, to stop the disease, especially at the initial stage, you can get by with one Rinza tablet taken before bed. But still, more often the drug has to be taken in a course.

Rinza is a medicinal product, which means that some side effects and contraindications for use cannot be ruled out. A complete list of side effects can be found in the instructions for use that come with each medicine. Today we are interested in the compatibility of Rinza and alcohol. Although we must immediately make a reservation that it is very difficult to consider this aspect separately from other contraindications.

We have already said that Rinza is a multicomponent drug. This indicates that in addition to being highly effective, the drug can also cause allergies in people who are sensitive to Rinza’s components. In addition, doctors prohibit exceeding the recommended daily dose of the drug in order to achieve a faster effect. This further increases the risk of an allergic reaction as well as overdose symptoms. This condition is usually manifested by dizziness, insomnia, allergic itching, sometimes abdominal pain, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting.

Taking the medicine “with vodka” further increases the risk of overdose. This combination can be very dangerous and cause the most unpredictable consequences. At best, ignoring the instructions can result in hives, skin hyperemia, and itching. In the worst case, the eyes will suffer: intraocular pressure will increase, the pupils will dilate, and vision will deteriorate. In addition, an overdose caused by the simultaneous use of Rinza and alcohol can negatively affect the central nervous system, causing sleep disturbances, nervousness, and dizziness. Such a dangerous cocktail will not go unnoticed by the digestive system. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract will react with nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and indigestion. It is dangerous to ignore the rules for using Rinza for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In them, signs of an overdose are manifested by tachycardia and a sharp increase in blood pressure, which are further intensified under the influence of alcohol.

When to lower the temperature

In most cases, we want to quickly bring down the high temperature in order to alleviate our condition. However, it is not always necessary to take antipyretics with paracetamol or other active ingredients. In what cases it is worth resorting to the help of drugs depends on the severity of unpleasant symptoms, age, general health and, of course, thermometer readings3,4,5.

  • Adults should drink antipyretics at a temperature of 38−38.5 °C.
  • Children, pregnant women, people with chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems may be recommended to lower the temperature even at lower values.

If, after taking an antipyretic drug, the temperature has dropped to normal or close to normal values ​​(35.5–37.4 °C), then you should refrain from re-dosing tablets or powder based on paracetamol or other active substance. The recommended interval between taking the drug can be found in the instructions for use of the drug. In any case, it is recommended to wait until the temperature rises again.

But in some cases, even a slight fever should alert you:

  • if it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or severe headache;
  • if, with an increase in temperature, convulsions have previously been observed or are observed;
  • if you have chronic diseases4.

People with endocrine diseases, pathologies of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems need to be especially careful. They need to promptly bring down even a temperature that is not too high, after consulting with their doctor.

In addition, you can take an antipyretic for people who do not tolerate a fever well, even if the thermometer shows less than 38.5 °C4. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, use suitable medications (for example, paracetamol). Remember that a doctor should select an antipyretic drug for high temperatures in adults and children4,6.

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How Rinza components react to ethanol

To understand how safe it is to take Rinza and alcohol at the same time, you need to understand what chemical reactions this combination causes.

Chlorphenamine is an antihistamine that should not be combined with ethanol. The reason, although very banal, is dangerous in many cases. Antihistamines cause more intoxication after drinking alcohol. The combination of paracetamol and alcohol causes hepatotoxicity. That is, such a mixture has a destructive effect on the liver. But a mixture of alcohol and caffeine, according to toxicologists, is not at all an acceptable “cocktail.” This combination increases the effect of ethanol on the body, causing rapid and irregular heartbeat, tremors, respiratory problems, and stomach problems. In addition, we must not forget that alcohol by its nature is a depressant, and caffeine is a stimulant. Acting together on the body, they cause disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Why does the temperature rise

What does an increase in body temperature protect against? The most common causes of fever are bacteria and viruses – pathogens of infectious diseases3,6. They trigger the formation of special substances that affect the thermoregulation center in the brain. This exposure causes a feverish state. A hot environment is destructive to bacteria and viruses and prevents their reproduction. Thus, fever may be the first sign of the body's fight against infection3,6.

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Other effects of combining ethanol and Rinza

It is common knowledge that it is important to drink plenty of fluids when you are sick. This is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body. In turn, alcohol, on the contrary, promotes tissue dehydration, which does not improve the patient’s condition.

In addition, the consequences of the combination of Rinza and alcohol are felt by almost all organs of an already weakened body. Take the kidneys, for example. During the flu, the kidneys have to work harder, and drinking alcohol makes their work even more difficult (they have to remove from the body not only the breakdown products of medications, but also processed ethanol).

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