Drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract KRKA Nolpaza 20 mg

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. They are oval in shape, convex on both sides and have a soluble yellow-brown shell. The inside structure of the tablet is rough, the color ranges from white to yellow. The medicine is packaged in contour cells of 14 pieces and a cardboard box. One package contains 1-4 cells and includes instructions for use.

The active compound of the drug is pantoprazole sodium in an amount of 20 mg. Auxiliary components: becomes calcium, mannitol, sorbitol, anhydrous sodium carbonate solution.

pharmachologic effect

Nolpaza is a proton pump inhibitor and has a pronounced hypoacid effect, namely, it suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

After use, the drug is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream. The bioavailability of the drug is high; it does not depend in any way on the time of food intake. The maximum concentration of the drug is achieved 2 hours after oral administration.

The breakdown of medicinal components is observed in the liver. The half-life of the drug is 1 hour.

Correction of the therapeutic dose is necessary for persons with severe liver pathologies.


Nolpaza (pantoprazole) is an antiulcer drug from the group of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Used to treat diseases associated with the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membranes of various parts of the digestive tract. For the treatment of acid-dependent diseases, along with PPIs, antacids are also used, but they have a number of disadvantages that largely neutralize their advantages - a rapid onset of action and effective relief of symptoms of the disease. Firstly, antacids tend to have a short duration of action, and secondly, taking them can cause problems with bowel movements. Histamine H2 receptor blockers are also used to treat diseases associated with high stomach acidity, but they are by no means ideal. Thus, their connection with target receptors is reversible, which requires the constant presence of the drug in the blood in high concentrations: otherwise, the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy will be significantly lower. Secondly, gastric secretion passes through several pathways, incl. through gastrin and choline receptors, while histamine H2 receptor blockers, as their name implies, block only the histamine pathway. Thirdly, this group of drugs is characterized by the so-called “rebound syndrome”, when after cessation of treatment unpleasant symptoms develop with even greater force. Finally, histamine H2 receptor blockers cause the development of tolerance. In connection with the above, the standard treatment for hyperacid diseases are PPIs and, in particular, Nolpaza as one of the most prominent representatives of this group of drugs. PPIs irreversibly interact with digestive enzymes, which causes a pronounced, intense and long-lasting suppression of hydrochloric acid production. Increasing the dose of PPI increases the concentration of the active substance in the blood and, accordingly, increases the antisecretory effect. After stopping PPI use, hydrochloric acid secretion is restored within 4-5 days.

PPIs are not characterized by the rebound syndrome mentioned above, which is an undeniable advantage of this group of drugs. Nolpaza is one of the most effective PPIs available today in the arsenal of gastroenterologists. The duration of suppression of hydrochloric acid secretion when using Nolpaza can be about 46 hours. For lansoprazole drugs, for example, it is three times less. Loses to pantoprazole and omeprazole, which acts for 30 hours. In addition to this, a number of randomized placebo-controlled studies have demonstrated the higher effectiveness of pantoprazole in relieving heartburn in comparison with other drugs of this pharmacological group. Another competitive advantage of Nolpaza is its high safety profile and the almost complete absence of clinically significant interactions with other drugs when used together. The metabolic features of Nolpaza demonstrate that this particular drug has the greatest safety among all PPIs in combination pharmacotherapy. Another advantage of Nolpaza is the presence of its own antibacterial activity against Helicobacter. The drug has relatively few side effects: rare nausea, increased gas formation, headaches, vertigo, weakness, itching, and rash. Before starting a course of medication, the presence of a malignant tumor in the digestive tract should be excluded, because taking Nolpaza can mask the symptoms of cancer and prevent a timely diagnosis. When using the drug in patients with liver disease, it is necessary to regularly monitor the liver profile. Nolpaza contains sorbitol as an auxiliary component, therefore the drug is contraindicated in persons with hereditary fructose intolerance. Taking pantoprazole during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible only after a comprehensive assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.

Indications for Nolpaza

A hypoacid agent is prescribed for the treatment of the following conditions:

  1. ​Infection of the digestive organs with Helicobacter pylori.
  2. ​Open form of ulcerative process in the cavity of the stomach and duodenum.
  3. ​Uncomplicated gastroesophageal pathology.
  4. Therapy and prevention of reflex esophagitis of any severity.

In addition, the use of Nolpaza is recommended for persons undergoing long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the development of ulcers.

NOLPAZA (tablets)

t is more perfect.
Good old omeprozole is significantly cheaper. But Nolpaza has its advantages. First of all, I really like the packaging. Metalized blisters with a very durable shell. I take these pills with me on trips and sometimes they get very wrinkled in my backpack, but the medicine doesn’t even pop out of the package. Plus they are waterproof.

The tablets themselves are oval and very small. Convenient to take. You don’t even have to drink anything if you have an urge somewhere on the road. They are smaller than seeds in size.

Another important advantage for me personally is that you can take the drug on demand. That is, I was impatient and used it. And you don’t have to take it as a course. Although it will be more useful to undergo a course of treatment, and then as needed. That's what the doctor advised me to do.

So, the box contains two blisters of 14 tablets each and a leaflet with instructions in small print.

The instructions are full of side effects. And scary. But I’ll tell you about myself, apart from an unpleasant feeling in the stomach and bloating, there was nothing terrible. I have been taking these pills for several years now.

The drug does not work immediately. Gradually, slowly, imperceptibly. Heartburn stops after two or three hours. And then she doesn’t come for another couple of days. Sometimes there are unpleasant sensations in the intestinal area. There is a feeling that there is a stake all over the inside, including the stomach. Well, bloating is absolutely guaranteed. But of varying degrees of severity. These are all the side effects noticed. I think it's not critical.

As the doctor explained to me, the cause of heartburn may also be the presence of Helicobacter in the stomach. In order to cure it, you need to take a course of antibiotics, so I strongly advise against self-medicating heartburn. You can check for the presence of Helicobacter without barbaric gastroscopy. There is a breath test.

But there is another reason why I take Nolpaza. And here I can already advise.

My back hurts from time to time. And you have to take painkillers. Not often, but it happens. So, all painkillers greatly upset the stomach and also cause heartburn. To protect against this, it is good to take a drug such as Nolpaza. I usually swallow two tablets at once, one painkiller and the other Nolpaza.

This really helps.

And I also want to say that over time the body gets used to Nolpaza and its effectiveness decreases. I advise you to change medications, or alternate... I sometimes take the usual "Omez" or the excellent drug "Emanera". These are similar drugs in action, but they have slightly different bases.

In conclusion, I want to say that I cannot cure reflux disease (weak ring). There is a surgical method of treatment, when it, this ring, is slightly sewn together. I don’t know how reasonable this is, because to get there you’ll have to make a hole in the body, but I’m not making up my mind yet.

I definitely recommend Nolpaza! I give the drug the highest score and it is number one in my first aid kit.


Absolute contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  1. ​Individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components.
  2. Dyspepsia of a non-secondary nature.
  3. ​The presence of serious diseases of the liver and excretory system.

With extreme caution, a hypoacid drug is prescribed to patients at risk for the development of gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers. Regular monitoring of patients with uncomplicated liver pathologies and vitamin B12 deficiency is also necessary.

Side effects

In most cases, taking the medicine does not cause negative reactions. But sometimes the following side effects are possible:

  1. ​Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction - nausea followed by vomiting, flatulence, epigastric discomfort, diarrhea or constipation, changes in the level of liver enzymes. Symptoms of jaundice are rarely observed.
  2. ​Dizziness, decreased visual acuity, headache and unstable psycho-emotional state.
  3. ​Tissue swelling, nephritis may develop.
  4. ​Allergic reaction - accompanied by itching, skin rashes, hives, photophobia. Angioedema rarely occurs.
  5. In some cases, muscle pain and high fever are noted.

Instructions for use of Nolpaza

The proton pump inhibitor should be taken orally with plenty of water. It is recommended not to chew the tablets, but simply swallow them. Taking the medicine does not depend on food, but it is better to drink it before meals in the morning.

The therapeutic dose and duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. Taking these criteria into account, the drug is prescribed according to different regimens:

  1. ​Gastroesophageal disease - it is recommended to use 1 tablet per day. Duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks and maximum a month. In some cases, taking into account clinical data, the doctor may prescribe the medicine for 2 months.
  2. Reflux esophagitis in a state of exacerbation - you should drink 20 mg for therapy and prevention.
  3. ​Infestation with Hilicobacter pylori - prescribe 2 tablets twice a day - morning and evening, in combination with antimicrobial agents.
  4. ​High secretion of hydrochloric acid - 40 mg per day is indicated, the maximum permissible therapeutic dosage is 80 mg.

Patients with liver pathologies are prescribed the drug in a dose of no more than 20 mg.

Drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract KRKA Nolpaza 20 mg

Having chronic gastritis, you have to be friends with a gastroenterologist, and also have certain medications on hand.

You can say that I was “lucky”, a month before the painful attack I had a consultation with a doctor, one of the prescriptions in case of discomfort was the drug Nolpaza. Therefore, when, after a small dinner, I had a stomach ache, I had the medicine, but since it was new to me, I completely forgot about it, since I usually used another one, which had run out.

Reason for taking the medicine: I always describe in every review of the medicine what it was prescribed for, what it was and why it helped or did not help. I have chronic gastritis with high acidity since childhood, the situation was aggravated by long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without proper cover for the treatment of another disease. In addition, I somehow managed to develop cholecystitis and pancreatitis, so I have to follow a diet. I’m not on a diet, although that would be ideal, but I have to adhere to certain nutritional rules. However, stomach pain, nausea and heartburn visit me periodically.

However, a strong pain attack took me by surprise; I did not expect that a few hours later, after eating innocent vegetables, I would be twisted into a ram’s horn. Almagel-A, no-spa and foolishly drinking painkillers did not help. Having suffered for half the night, in the morning I remembered the Nolpaza I had bought. I usually drank Omeprazole or its generic Omez, but at that time I ran out of it.

Packaging: cardboard box, small tablets in a blister. My dosage is 14 tablets of 20 mg.

Indications for use: since I don’t really trust what they write on the Internet, and especially regarding medications, I am attaching photo instructions for those who are as distrustful as me, I think it will be more informative and reliable.

Indications for use and contraindicationsIn my opinion, it is better to also include information on side effects and dosages, as well as interactions with other medications, as photo instructions.

The tablets are small, I didn’t experience any discomfort when taking them. It’s good that the manufacturer thought of making them small; I remember I had a pack of stomach medicine in capsules, the size of a hippopotamus, it was difficult to swallow.

Price -148 rubles for 14 tablets.

The medicine can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, availability is high, Nolpaza belongs to the category of hard-to-find medicines.

The doctor's prescription is 1 tablet in the morning x 1 time a day, and in case of pain, increase the dose to 2-3 tablets a day before meals.

Effect: After taking one tablet, I waited an hour, but the relief promised by the doctor did not come. Somehow I waited for the second dose, only after the second tablet, after an hour I felt a little relief.

The third, evening pill gave me the opportunity to fall asleep without suffering, but with quite tolerable pain.

In the morning I felt much better. There was no severe pain, rather noticeable discomfort. Three more tablets throughout the second day of treatment + pureed food and by the morning of the next day I could already look at food without horror.

Unfortunately, the treatment took a long time and I suffered quite a lot. On the fifth day, I even felt hungry, the unpleasant symptoms passed very slowly, my good old Omeprazole usually acted much faster, but I stoically tried to follow the doctor’s recommendations and continued to drink Nolpaza, because they have the same mechanism of action, but the active substance is different.

But on the seventh day, I gave up. The heaviness did not go away, the painful sensations also did not completely go away, it was difficult to eat, food settled in the stomach like a stone and passed heavily through the esophagus. After a week of torment, I could no longer endure it and decided to voluntarily return to Omeprazole at my own peril and risk. Previously, we discussed with the doctor that, in principle, there is no big difference between these drugs, it’s just that Omeprazole is an old medicine, and Nolpaza is new, but their mechanism of action is the same.

Omeprazole worked after the first tablet. To be fair, it should be noted that in this case, I don’t know what exactly caused the relief, either Omeprazole is so good and it suits me better, or Nolpaza simply prepared the “ground” for the action of Omeprazole.

Bottom line: Until the end, I still haven’t decided whether I need this drug or not. I did not get the desired effect after a week of using it as prescribed by the doctor. However, Nolpaza nevertheless alleviated my condition at that time, relieved the acute pain and gave me the opportunity to at least somehow eat. Or it is possible that this medicine is simply not very suitable for me, and therefore I am still inclined to take my old friend Omeprazole, which for me is more effective and cheaper in cost, especially since my doctor does not object and does not insist on taking Nolpaza. Apparently to each his own. I can't recommend it enough.

I noticed that every new product that appears on the pharmaceutical market becomes a favorite among doctors for some time, it is recommended and prescribed, not forgetting to mention that this is a new, improved drug, perhaps the same story with this medicine.

Thank you for reading to the end, and if stomach ailments visit you permanently, then please take a look at my other reviews on this topic:

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