Phytosedan No. 3 (Soothing collection No. 3)

A calming collection of five herbs is an opportunity to urgently restore the nervous system after daily stress and nervous strain. The herbs that are included in such preparations are carefully selected and safe for health.

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Unlike chemicals, which can be bad for the body and lead to many side effects, herbs do not have such an effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the biologically active compounds of herbal medicines included in the sedative collection No. 3.

Valerian officinalis - contains a number of essential oils that have a pronounced sedative effect: menthol, ester of isovaleric acid and borneol , tannins, valeric and other organic acids, alkaloids ( chatinin , valerine ), sugars. As a result of their influence, the duration of sleep in patients is normalized, and the process of falling asleep improves. Effective for emotional tension and increased excitability.

Oregano - contains flavonoids , thymol , tannins . In infusion form it has a sedative effect.

Motherwort herb is a combination of essential oils, alkaloids , iridoids , tannins, saponins , carotenes that have a strong sedative effect. The herb is especially effective for increased nervous excitability, neurocirculatory dystonia, various sleep disorders, neurasthenia, and in the initial stages of hypertension .

Sweet clover herb contains coumarins , tannins, melilotoside , dicumarol , polysaccharides , saponins , flavonoids , which are effective for migraine , sleep phase dissonance, neurasthenia .

Creeping thyme herb - active compounds are thymol , borneol , terpinene , terpineol and other terpene compounds, tannins, ursolic , oleanolic , chlorogenic acids , bitterness, flavonoids and mineral salts. It has an antispasmodic effect and a weak hypnotic effect.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - crushed collection: a mixture of plant materials in the form of heterogeneous green-whitish particles interspersed with yellow and pinkish-violet color, with a strong aromatic odor; the aqueous extract has a bitter, spicy taste (25, 50 or 100 g each in paper, heat-sealable, polypropylene bags, in moisture-resistant paper bags or in parchment bags, 1 bag in a cardboard pack; 2 g in filter bags, in a cardboard box a pack of 10 or 20 filter bags).

100 g of crushed collection contains:

  • rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis – 17 g;
  • motherwort herb – 25 g;
  • oregano herb – 25 g;
  • creeping thyme herb – 25 g;
  • sweet clover grass – 8 g.

Calming collection No. 3, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Two tablespoons of the collection or 1 filter bag are poured into 200 ml of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, left for 45 minutes, the raw materials are squeezed out and filtered. The resulting volume of infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with water. Take 1/3 cup half an hour before meals, 2 times a day. If you have problems falling asleep, take the infusion an hour before bedtime.

The course duration is 2-4 weeks. After which you should take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course. Do not take one collection for more than 6 months intermittently, the body may get used to the effects. If you are prone to allergic reactions, you do not need to start taking the collection with the recommended dose, and gradually increase the intake to the required dose, monitoring your condition.

special instructions

The recommended dosage should not be exceeded.

A sustained therapeutic effect occurs after 10–14 days of regular use of the infusion.

If necessary, the finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Long-term use of the infusion in high doses can cause a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, you should be careful when driving vehicles and working with complex mechanisms.

Reviews of sedative collection No. 3

Preparing the collection yourself is a labor-intensive process and difficult to implement. You can always buy ready-made herbal mixtures at the pharmacy, in this case it is Phytosedan No. 3. A collection of five plants that have the same direction has a sedative and moderate hypnotic effect. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and emotional sphere. In some situations it is simply irreplaceable, as evidenced by reviews of those who took this collection.

  • “...Wonderful natural tea. I have been using it for many years during periods of intense work, nervous stress and anxiety. It always helped, but you really need to drink regularly, at least for a week”;
  • “... I buy it in filter bags, it’s very convenient to brew at work. During periods of nervous tension and poor sleep, I give up tea and coffee, replacing them with infusion”;
  • “... This decoction helps me - it relieves tension and does not cause drowsiness. I take it as recommended in the instructions 2 times a day, sometimes only at night, but there is still an effect!!”;
  • “... I didn’t even expect such an effect. Work involves constant communication with people, and they are different. I drink herbal teas at work, they relieve nervous tension and calm me down”;
  • “... A pleasant herbal infusion that gives an excellent calming effect and ensures sound sleep”;
  • “... Krasnogorsk herbs are perhaps the best in terms of preparation technology. Calming preparations are a miracle!”;
  • “... With the help of Phytosedan No. 3 I normalize my condition after stress, I also take it for insomnia. Usually a course of 2 weeks is enough for me to get everything right.”

When taking decoctions and infusions of herbs, you need to take into account that you need to drink them in doses, and to get the effect, take a course of at least two weeks.

For what diseases should sedatives be used?

They will help cope with the following nervous system health problems:

  • Hypertension at the initial stage;
  • Climax;
  • Neuroses;
  • Insomnia;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Neurasthenia.

Herbal infusions are good to use for conditions that include:

  • Unreasonable aggression;
  • Feeling of anxiety;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Trembling of the hands or trembling throughout the body;
  • Arrhythmia or strong and rapid heartbeat;
  • State of lethargy;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Ebbs and flows during menopause.

Collection 1:

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  • Sagebrush. Helps with unreasonable hysteria and sleep problems.
  • Valerian. It calms well, removes feelings of anxiety and increased excitability. But all these actions are possible if the dosage is not exceeded. If the established limits are exceeded, the effect may be the opposite.
  • Adonis. It has high sedative properties and helps restore the desire to live.
  • Ivan – tea will help with headaches.
  • Mint. Helps fight insomnia and nervous tension. If you have high blood pressure, the dosage should be reduced or this herb should be excluded from the collection.

The collection is done in equal parts.

Prepare like this:

  1. Take a teaspoon of the mixture and brew it with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Drink in small doses; if the situation is at a mild stage, then you can take the infusion only before bed, a couple of hours before.
  3. If the problem is more complex, then it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of the infusion throughout the day, preferably before meals.
  4. The course should be no more than a month, take a break.

Collection 2:

  • St. John's wort. This plant will help cope with feelings of unreasonable fear and anxiety. Contraindicated in case of weak potency in men.
  • Motherwort. It far exceeds the positive effects of valerian and has a similar effect. The component should be excluded in case of weak heartbeat and low blood pressure.
  • Yarrow. Calms down when nervous breakdowns constantly occur.
  • Fireweed angustifolia. This component of the collection effectively fights insomnia and headaches.
  • Chamomile. Helps cope with muscle tension and calms well. Doctors do not advise abusing chamomile during pregnancy or for stomach disorders.
  1. Mix everything in equal parts and place in a glass container in a cool and dark place.
  2. Take a teaspoon and brew a glass of boiling water, leave for a few minutes, strain and drink in small doses. Better before bed.

If you take the infusion during the day, it is better to eliminate activities associated with danger and reduce driving to a minimum or eliminate it altogether.

Collection 3:

  • Black algae. It perfectly fights sleep disorders, has a sedative effect and makes your mood much better.
  • Oregano. Helps with nervous overexcitability. There is no need to use this component as a whole during pregnancy.
  • Melissa gives complete peace of mind and makes it possible to resist stress.
  • Creeping thyme. Helps to calm down and restore proper sleep.
  • Valerian.
  1. All components are mixed in equal parts. The resulting collection, in the amount of one teaspoon, is poured into a glass of hot water and placed in a water bath.
  2. The collection is simmered for about forty minutes. Then cool to a comfortable temperature and take in small quantities, preferably a couple of hours before bedtime.

Collection 4:

  • Hop cones. A good sedative that helps restore proper sleep. Sometimes they use pillows that are stuffed with these pine cones and people sleep on them for chronic insomnia.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Valerian root.
  • Oregano.
  • Chamomile.
  1. Everything is prepared in equal parts. Take a couple of tablespoons of the mixture per half liter of water.
  2. Leave for an hour in a thermos. The drink is drunk before events that can cause excitement and stress, half a glass.

Collection 5:

  • Motherwort.
  • Chamomile.
  • Oregano.
  • Mint.
  • Yarrow.
  1. Mix in equal parts and brew 2 teaspoons in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse for about half an hour and drink thirty minutes before meals. It is advisable to calculate the reception for 4 times.

The infusion will relieve feelings of anxiety, stress and nervous tension.

Price of sedative collection No. 3, where to buy

You can purchase this collection at any pharmacy in Moscow or pharmacies in other cities. The cost of 20 filter bags ranges from 60 to 89 rubles per package.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Phytosedan (Soothing collection No. 3) PharmaColor 2g filter pack.
    20 pcs. JSC Krasnogorskleksredstva 90 rub. order

Recommendations for correct use of the product

To ensure that taking herbal drinks brings only benefits and cannot harm the body, you should follow some rules and adhere to the recommendations of a specialist:

  • No need to overuse it.
  • The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks, after which a break is recommended.
  • It is necessary to find out the contraindications of all components of the collection.
  • To prevent the body from developing tolerance to the components of the collection, it is worth changing the components.
  • If you are prone to allergies, then you should treat herbal preparations with caution.
  • Before self-medication, you should consult a specialist, especially in cases of head injuries, alcoholism, and cancer.

Taking sedatives can enhance the effect of sleeping pills, pain medications, and tranquilizers. The dosage of taking such drugs can be reduced, this will help reduce all the negative effects.

Application of soothing herbal mixture 2 for bathing

Newborn babies are often capricious, acting excited and tearful. Putting a baby to sleep requires significant effort from parents. There are many reasons for this condition. Pediatricians advise bathing newborns before bed in baths with the addition of various medicinal herbs. Some of them relieve irritation and diathesis on the skin, some help disinfect water and improve the healing of the umbilical wound.

One of the most useful collection No. 2. It is intended for evening bathing of children. It can be used for bathing from birth.

Collection composition:

  • Motherwort;
  • Hop;
  • Valerian;
  • Mint;
  • Liquorice root.

The proportions of herbal raw materials collected for bathing are observed so that they are harmless to children. The only exception may be an allergic reaction to the components. The product is sold in pharmacies, packaged in portioned bags and in crumbly form. For bathing, you need to brew 4 bags or 2 tablespoons in boiling water.

Pharmacological purpose: as a sedative and mild antispasmodic. Motherwort helps in the treatment of neuroses and epileptic seizures. It may be prescribed as a diuretic. Hops have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Peppermint has a universal sedative effect. Its use for bathing babies is indicated for insomnia, neurotic manifestations, and increased excitability.

With this bath, children need to be bathed for no more than 15 minutes. Recommended course is 10 days. Neurologists recommend such baths for children, because it is not recommended to prescribe sedatives internally to children.

Herbal composition 3 Phytosedan

Pharmacological purpose of the drug: sedative and antispasmodic effect. Experts warn that, despite its natural composition, Phytosedan 3 enhances medications, especially sleeping pills. It cannot be called harmless.

Recommended dosage: one third of a glass half an hour before meals. At least 4 times during the day. The optimal course is 14 days, then you need to take a 10-day break.

Phytosedan 3 has unique sedative and hypnotic effects of medicinal herbs:

  1. Motherwort helps normalize blood pressure and balance heart rhythms. Active substances help to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Flavonoids and glycosides dilate coronary vessels, preventing the development of the sensation of tachycardia.
  2. Oregano is similar in its effect on the body to psychotropic drugs. The combination of medicinal substances of this plant calms and helps avoid overexcitability of the central nervous system for several hours after consumption.
  3. Thyme is recognized as an effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure.
  4. Valerian calms, relieves irritability and aggressiveness.
  5. Sweet clover depresses the central nervous system in moderate quantities. Has an antioxidant effect.

The use of the drug is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy and lactation. You should exercise caution if you have intolerance to the components. Cannot be used by children under 12 years of age.

Calming collection of five alcohol tinctures

The sedative and calming properties that many medicinal herbs possess allow pharmacology to effectively use them in the creation of medicines. The main function of alcohol soothing tinctures is to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

A soothing tincture of 5 medicinal plants is often used. It is quite easy to prepare. Each of the components complements the other, providing a significant healing effect.

Another plus that speaks in favor of sedative medications is their low price compared to various antidepressants. These drugs are not addictive. They can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and they have no contraindications. Restoring the normal balance of the psychological state is their direct and main purpose.

A collection of five alcoholic tinctures consists of:

  1. Valerian.
  2. Hawthorn.
  3. Motherwort.
  4. Peppermint.
  5. Peony.

They have excellent properties for relieving stress and depression. You can combine a similar composition, replacing mint with Corvalol or eucalyptus tincture. The most popular, according to consumers, is the first composition.

A medicinal “cocktail” of these alcoholic tinctures is prepared by mixing all the ingredients in equal parts. For one application, a teaspoon is enough and it is better to dilute the collection in water. It is recommended to take three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is prescribed depending on the emotional state and individual sensitivity.

Adding Valocordin or Corvalol to this mixture can be addictive. Combining herbs with these drugs can cause slow reaction, drowsiness and apathy. The prepared product should be stored in a cool, dark place. It would be wrong to take a sedative herbal mixture together with other medications. You can avoid the consequences for the body if you take it in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor.

Useful tips and tricks

  1. Be sure to consider the dosage by weight and age.
  2. If you have a rash, it may not be an allergy, but a release from the liver. This can only mean that you should stop taking herbs, intoxication has occurred and the liver can no longer cope with warning you about this.
  3. Some collections can be added in pureed form to yogurt and honey.
  4. If you cannot infuse the herbs for a long time or simmer them in a water bath, then the simplest and best recipe is to prepare the infusions like regular tea. According to the optimal recipe, take a teaspoon per glass of water.
  5. There is no need to overuse sedative mixtures often; it is advisable to take good breaks between courses and change the composition of the mixture.
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