Fitomucil Sorbent Forte - instructions for use

Published 03/21/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 12 min · Views: Post Views: 19,165

The intense pace of life of a modern person often leaves no opportunity to eat properly. As a result, various digestive problems arise - stool upset, dysbacteriosis, increased gas formation. In most cases, normalizing your diet is all that is required to solve the problem. “Fitomucil” is a healthy food product, extremely rich in plant fiber. Consuming this psyllium seed supplement will help relieve constipation.


The drug is a powder made from crushed husks of sunflower seeds and plum fruits. In addition to the laxative effect, the product also has an analgesic and wound healing effect.

Plantain seeds are rich in the following beneficial elements: vitamin C, vanillic acid, carbohydrates, proteins, fatty oils.

In folk medicine, plantain seeds have proven themselves well against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders, and diabetes.

Plum fruits contain no less useful substances: ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, pyridoxine, minerals, folic acid.

"Fitomucil Norm"

To begin with, you should clearly understand that a dietary supplement is not a drug. With the help of dietary supplements, the consumer optimizes the composition of the diet, enriches food with additional beneficial nutrients, and achieves a balanced diet. This greatly affects the general condition of the body. It’s not for nothing that they say: “health lies at the bottom of the plate.” However, supplements do not cure diseases.

Composition of “Fitomucil Norm”

The dietary supplement includes natural ingredients - crushed shell of plantain seeds of the species Plantago Psyllium and home plum pulp powder.

The dietary supplement does not contain sugar or its substitutes, synthetic components (including dyes and flavor enhancers), or GMOs. The product can be used by a wide range of consumers:

  • “Fitomucil Norm” is safe for pregnant and lactating women;
  • used in children from 3 years of age;
  • does not require adjustment of dosage regimens in older people;
  • used for diabetes.

It is the plantain species Psyllium that contains the maximum amount of soluble fraction of plant fibers. Due to this component, the effectiveness of the product is achieved.

Soluble fibers take on water, swelling and turning into a gel-like mucous mass. The substance lubricates and softens hardened feces, facilitating their natural elimination.

At the same time, the insoluble fraction of plant fiber mechanically gently stimulates the intestinal mucosa. As a result, peristalsis is activated - natural contractions of the intestinal muscles, which further accelerates the onset of bowel movements.

Among other things, insoluble plant fibers act as a soft “washcloth” for the intestinal mucosa, helping to gently cleanse it of impurities. A clean mucous membrane ensures better digestion and increases the absorption of beneficial food components.

Homemade plum is a long-known remedy for constipation. Plum fruits have been used as a laxative for thousands of years. The substance pectin contained in plum fruits helps remove toxins from the intestines. Pectin is also a natural prebiotic - it acts as a nutritious soil for the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria.


“Fitomucil Norm” - instructions for use

The product is available in powder form - either in 5 gram bags (10 or 30 per pack), or in 180 and 250 gram jars.

The dosage regimen is determined by age:

  • children 3 - 11 years old - contents of 1 sachet once a day after dinner;
  • from 11 to 14 years, the number of doses increases to 2 times a day - before breakfast and after dinner;
  • teenagers from 14 years of age and adults - 1 package 2 to 4 times a day.

If “Fitomucil Norm” is used once a day, it is recommended to use it an hour after dinner. The morning dose that complements the regimen is taken half an hour before breakfast. Intermediate daily doses also take place 30 minutes before meals.

The dietary supplement is diluted in a glass of water or drinks - juice, liquid yogurt, kefir. Afterwards, you need to additionally drink the supplement with another glass of clean still water. In order for Fitomucil to have a full effect, the course must be accompanied by sufficient water consumption: at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

If, by the time you start using Fitomucil, there has been no bowel movement for more than three days, it is advisable to cleanse the lower intestines with an enema or glycerin suppository.

The standard course of use of “Fitomucil Norm” is 2–4 weeks. Usually this time is enough to restore normal bowel function after situational constipation.

In cases where the problem is protracted or chronic, long-term or even constant use of the Fitomucil dietary supplement is allowed. It will not cause addiction, but will act as a stable source of high-quality plant dietary fiber.

It is important that the supplement does not contain any active stool stimulants, even herbal ones (senna, buckthorn). The effect is achieved only by introducing an increased amount of plant fiber into the diet. The purpose of using “Fitomucil” is not an immediate effect, but a gradual restoration of one’s own intestinal function and the normalization of independent regular bowel movements.

Indications for use

“Fitomucil Norm” is used in the following situations:

  • For difficulty and retention of stool, both short-term and regularly disturbing.
  • Can be used for “irritable bowel syndrome” in the presence of predominant constipation. Dietary supplements are also used against the background of IBS with predominant diarrhea, since dietary fiber should still be present in the diet. Only in this case the dose should not exceed 1 sachet per day.
  • For hemorrhoids and rectal fissures, “Fitomucil Norm” will help control the consistency and regularity of stool.
  • Having some prebiotic properties, the dietary supplement will help normalize the intestinal flora during dysbiosis.

The insoluble fraction of fiber in the intestinal lumen also works as a sorbent. On the one hand, this has a positive effect, providing natural detoxification. At the same time, dietary supplements may affect the absorption of other complexes or medications used. To avoid this, it is worth separating the use of Fitomucil and medications, or other supplements and vitamin complexes, with an interval of at least an hour.

When should you take the drug?

Fitomucil is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • constipation, feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • hemorrhoids, accompanied by complications;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the metabolic process;
  • high cholesterol;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excess weight;
  • prevention of colon cancer.

Frequent headaches, excessive fatigue, and skin rashes indicate intoxication of the body. In this case, Fitomucil will also be effective.

Types of “Fitomucil” - which one to choose?

There are four types of product:

1. The main dietary supplement in the line is “Fitomucil Norm”.

2. A specialized product for competent weight loss - “Fitomucil Slim Smart”.

3. “Fitomucil Cholestenorm” - for those who seek to solve their cholesterol problem through a proper diet.

4. “Fitomucil Forte” enriched with beneficial bacteria.

Each “Fitomucil” has its own instructions for use, since they have differences in composition, release forms and recommendations for use. Let's look at all the types in order.

Instructions for use

The powder must be dissolved in a glass of liquid, stirred and drunk. Take a glass of regular drinking water. It is best to take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening, an hour after meals.

A child from 3 to 11 years old should take 1 sachet once a day (in the evening).

Children aged 11-14 years can be given 1 sachet twice a day.

From the age of 14, give 1 sachet up to 4 times a day.

The duration of the treatment course is determined for each patient individually.


Psyllium sorbent (Psyllium):

  • helps eliminate diarrhea
  • absorbs and removes toxins, including alcohol

Probiotic complex (5 types of probiotic bacteria) + prebiotic (inulin):

  • resists pathogenic microbes
  • normalizes intestinal microflora
  • restores digestion

Fitomucil Sorbent Forte contains soluble dietary fiber - Psyllium, the prebiotic inulin and a complex of 5 probiotic bacteria that are resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach. The composition of the complex is unique and selected in such a way that its components strengthen and complement each other, acting harmoniously in several directions at once

1. Psyllium helps reduce diarrhea and intoxication by absorbing excess fluid in the intestines, binding and removing toxins from the body.

2. A probiotic complex of 5 types of live probiotic bacteria and the prebiotic Inulin helps to resist the harmful effects of pathogenic microbes and toxins, improves digestion and helps restore your own beneficial microflora.

Using Fitomucil for weight loss

The drug has proven itself well for overweight. Its action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and maintaining sugar levels at the desired level. Thus, a person will be able to eat normally and not gain excess weight.

The remedy will not have an effect if the person does not maintain proper nutrition and does not pay attention to physical activity. To lose weight, a person will have to slightly reduce the number of daily calories and add a little more activity.

If the cause of excess weight is associated with hormonal disorders, there will be no effect from taking the drug.

Description of the mechanism of sorption action of Fitomucil Sorbent Forte.

Enterosorption of Phytomucil Sorbent Forte is carried out due to the high hydrophilicity of fiber of a special variety of plantain Psyllium. Psillium, which is part of Fitomucil Sorbent Forte, has a high sorption activity that is superior to polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (Enterosgel) (Enterosorptive properties of psyllium and possible mechanisms of its action in intestinal infections. E.V. Polevaya et al. Clinical perspectives of gastroenterology, hepatology, 2. 2012).

For constipation, Psyllium has a laxative effect, increasing the volume of intestinal contents, softens stool, lubricating the intestinal walls and enhancing peristalsis by increasing the volume of feces.

For diarrhea, Psyllium absorbs fluid in the intestinal lumen, promotes thickening of stool, reduces stool frequency and improves its consistency.

During intoxication, the same Psyllium gel, entering the intestines, absorbs the toxins and allergens located there.

Thus, Fitomucil Sorbent Forte provides a double effect for poisoning and diarrhea: reducing intoxication and normalizing stool.

special instructions

Before use, you should consult a specialist. To get the maximum effect from taking the product, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day every day.

If there has been no stool for more than 3 days since taking the drug, then initially you need to do an enema and only then take Fitomucil.

When used by elderly patients, no dose adjustment is required.

The drug should be kept in a dark, dry place at a temperature of +18...+25 degrees. Shelf life – 36 months.

Does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle.

What are sorbents and what are they for?

Food poisoning and alcohol abuse produce a large amount of toxic substances. Most of the toxins are concentrated in the intestines, from where they are then absorbed into the blood. Therefore, to reduce intoxication and alleviate the condition, it is advisable to remove toxins from the intestines as quickly as possible. In addition to intoxication, diarrhea develops when consuming low-quality food products. Diarrhea is a protective reaction to dangerous substances, designed to remove them from the body. That is why, in case of poisoning, you should not use drugs that inhibit intestinal motility, at least in the first days, since in this case the toxins will linger in the intestines and the condition will only worsen. The best way to remove toxins and relieve diarrhea is to use enterosorbents. For these conditions, sorbents help to quickly absorb, bind and remove toxins from food, including alcohol and intermediate products of digestion in the intestines. In case of intoxication and poisoning accompanied by diarrhea, it is enterosorbents that help thicken stool and reduce fluid loss in stool - dehydration; this helps improve the condition and prevents dehydration.

"Fitomucil Slim Smart"

This is a specialized dietary supplement intended for inclusion in weight loss programs.

In what cases should you choose Slim Smart?

  • as part of various programs to combat excess body weight;
  • in a complex of measures for the treatment of metabolic syndrome;
  • for preventive purposes - to control body weight with a tendency to gain weight;
  • during periods of high risk of obesity - after childbirth, during lactation, during menopause, during the treatment of nicotine addiction, in situations accompanied by prolonged psychological stress.

Composition and application regimen

The basis of the dietary supplement is also the shell of Psyllium plantain seeds, but the second active component here is glucomannan, a component obtained from the roots of the konjac plant. This exotic substance has been used since ancient times in traditional Chinese medicine for weight loss.

The different effect from the “Norm” form is explained not only by a change in composition, but also by a different application scheme. “Slim Smart” is also available in powder form, but you need to take 1 sachet 2-3 times a day immediately before meals.

Operating principle

Thanks to this scheme and the active sorbing property of plant fiber, a decrease in the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from the intestines is ensured. Due to this effect, a decrease in the overall level of caloric content of food consumed is achieved.

Also, as an adsorbent, “Fitomucil” promotes the binding and removal from the intestines of toxins and wastes, both coming from the outside and those formed during the digestive process.

“Fitomucil Slim Smart” has its first effect already in the stomach. The fiber in the shells of psyllium seeds swells, absorbs water and occupies a certain volume of the stomach. As a result, satiety comes from less food.

Additionally, the food habit of eating a small portion at one meal is developed. In the future, this will eliminate the tendency to overeat.

In addition, the thick gel-like mass into which “Fitomucil” is converted mixes with food and slows down its absorption. This promotes a long-lasting feeling of satiety and prevents sudden surges in blood sugar and associated sudden attacks of hunger.

Regular, timely emptying of the intestines affects your overall well-being, the effectiveness of your weight loss program, and even the appearance of your skin! After all, a clogged intestine is often the cause of acne and various dermatitis.

To speed up the effect, you can completely replace breakfast and/or dinner with Fitomucil. As in the case of the “Norm” form, the additive is dissolved in a glass of water or an unsweetened drink, and then washed down with another glass of water. You shouldn't replace all your meals - it won't be healthy.

Are there any contraindications

The components of Slim Smart do not pass into breast milk. The supplement can be used by a nursing mother without the risk of harming the baby.

Diabetes mellitus is often accompanied by obesity and digestive disorders. The use of this form of “Fitomucil” will help patients with diabetes in both weight loss and normalization of digestion.

Pregnant women are not recommended to self-prescribe any means that affect body weight. The composition of “Slim Smart” is safe, but in case of problems with the weight of this category of consumers, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting to use drugs and dietary supplements.

Children under 18 years of age should also use weight-loss medications only after consulting an endocrinologist and pediatrician. A child nutritionist should develop and adjust a weight loss program for a child.

Conditions for successful use

You shouldn’t rely only on “Fitomucil”. If you take a supplement while eating a hamburger, this “weight loss program” will not be successful. An indispensable condition is to adjust the composition of the diet and increase water consumption (at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day). Physical activity plays a very important role. It should be regular, but reasonable and feasible: a person who weighs 100 kg and has never jogged in his life should start with walking at a leisurely pace, and not with a 30 km marathon.

The composition of “Fitomucil Slim Smart” allows you to use the supplement throughout the entire weight loss program without taking breaks. Moreover, having reached the target point, you can continue taking it for prevention. In this case, the dose will be 1 sachet per day.

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