Apilak for lactation: instructions for use

Apilak Grindeks contains lyophilized royal jelly - a balanced source of valuable substances: vitamins, gamma globulins, a complex of essential amino acids, biologically active substances.

It has a general tonic effect and stimulates cellular metabolism.

Apilak Grindeks stimulates the production of breast milk in nursing women and helps normalize lactation.

Apilak Grindeks strengthens the immune system and helps speed up recovery from colds.

Mode of application

Take the tablets sublingually. The tablet should be placed under the tongue and kept until completely dissolved, since when the drug is taken orally, the gastric juice breaks down the royal jelly.

For hypogalactia, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day; Course duration is 10-15 days.

Adults and adolescents: 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 10-15 days.

Children over 2 years old: 1 tablet 2 times a day (under adult supervision). The duration of the course of treatment is 10-15 days.

Do not exceed recommended daily doses.

Apilak Grindeks tablets No. 25




General tonic, sublingual tablets.

Main active ingredient

Royal jelly.

Release form

Tablets 10 mg, 25 tablets in blister packs, 1 blister in a cardboard box.


JSC Grindeks, Latvia.

Properties and Actions

Apilac or royal jelly is a secretion produced by the allotrophic glands of young worker bees. Apilak is a mixture of biologically active substances, which includes: • vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B12, H, folic acid, inositol) • macroelements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P ) and microelements (Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, S, Si, Ni, Cr, As, Bi) • 23 different amino acids, including essential ones (for example, histidine, valine, methionine, tryptophan) • other biologically active substances (for example, the enzyme cholinesterase, the mediator acetylcholine). It has a general tonic effect, increases the body's resistance to infections and resistance to stress, stimulates lactation and metabolism.

Application area

It is recommended as an additional source of biologically active substances containing royal jelly, which contains vitamins, microelements, amino acids in order to increase the body's resistance to infections and resistance to stress, improve metabolism and stimulate lactation in nursing women.


1 tablet contains: • Apilak (royal jelly) lyophilized – 10 mg; excipients: • lactose monohydrate, • talc, • calcium stearate, • potato starch.

Directions for use and recommended dose

Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day; children over three years: 1 tablet 2 times a day for 10–15 days. The tablet should be placed under the tongue and left until completely dissolved (when taken orally, the drug is destroyed by gastric juice).

Precautionary measures

Before using dietary supplements during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Apilak Grindeks tablets contain lactose. People with rare congenital galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this dietary supplement.


Apilak Grindeks should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to any component of the complex or to other bee products, as well as people with Addison's disease. Not intended for use by children under 3 years of age.

Side effects

People with hypersensitivity may experience allergic reactions, dry mouth, tachycardia, and sleep disturbances. If allergic symptoms appear, use of Apilak Grindeks should be discontinued. If dry mouth, palpitations or sleep disturbances occur, reduce the dose or stop using Apilak Grindeks.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach and sight of children!

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.


25 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil. 1 blister pack together with instructions for use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in a cardboard pack.

Buy Apilak Grindeks, food supplement tablet. No. 25 in the pharmacy

Price for Apilak Grindeks, food supplement table. No. 25

Instructions for use for Apilak Grindeks, food supplement table. No. 25

Features of application

This medicine contains lactose, therefore patients with rare hereditary forms of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.

In case of sleep disturbances, it is necessary to reduce the dose or discontinue the drug.

There are no clinical data regarding the negative effects of apilak on the fetus during pregnancy or on the child during breastfeeding.

Do not use in children under 2 years of age.

What's included

Apilak is based on royal jelly, which is produced using a certain technology. In addition, it has many additional components:

  • Vitamins B and C.
  • Folic acid.
  • Magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron.
  • Inositol.

The drug is produced in various forms, so you can find it in pharmacies - suppositories, tablets, ointments. Royal jelly has nothing extra in its composition: water, proteins, fats, minerals.


Description of the drug Apilak Grindeks table. subling. 10mg No. 25 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Positive and negative aspects of the drug

The first mentions of royal jelly in medicine have been known since ancient times. Many countries have used Apilak as a bactericidal drug that helps strengthen the functioning of the immune system. The drug best helps nursing mothers. There are also other positive properties in its use.

When choosing Apilak, do not forget that not everyone will find it appropriate or approved for use. Royal jelly can have a negative effect on the human body if there is a predisposition to the development of allergic reactions. Also, not all doctors share the opinion that Apilak is effective in all situations in the absence of lactation.

According to doctors, physiological problems that affect lactation are extremely rare. Therefore, every nursing woman should find a drug that helps activate the process.


You should not use unverified information and self-medicate. In order for apilak to be beneficial and solve the problem, you must consult a doctor. If the nursing mother is still underage, then the use of tablets, suppositories and ointments is prohibited for her. This is due to the lack of clinical studies in women in this group.

For kidney and liver diseases, it is also not recommended to stimulate lactation in this way. If the mother is allergic to honey and related products, she will have to abandon this method of treatment. Gynecologists and therapists can tell you how to choose the dosage and use the drug.

Sometimes there are side effects in which tablets, ointments or suppositories should be completely discontinued:

  • Excessive relaxation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bloating, nausea, and in rare cases, vomiting.
  • Rashes on the mucous membranes.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Sleep disturbance.

It is important to know

In a situation where there is a need to transfer a newborn to natural nutrition, you should not use drugs that stimulate the process of increasing milk production in a nursing mother. Since the drug is created on the basis of natural ingredients, it is used for low immunity, nervous disorders, and weak lactation.

Each drug receives a qualifying risk assessment for children during breastfeeding or childbearing. Apilak is not harmful, as indicated in the instructions for use.

Breastfeeding is necessary for all babies. This is not only a close connection with the mother, but also obtaining the necessary microelements for the immune system. If disturbances occur, a decrease in the level of milk supply, then this problem is solved by using the drug. Apilak is prescribed to a nursing mother; most often, lactation quickly normalizes.

The drug does not cope with physiological changes, but only increases milk supply. All products used to supplement natural processes must be used under medical supervision. Only a specialist can cancel them in time and give recommendations.

Does apilak affect the child’s body?

Often, before starting to use something to activate lactation, many women wonder whether this will affect the baby? Apilak is a unique remedy because it is not absorbed into the milk of a nursing mother, but simply supplements the body with useful substances.

The composition of milk does not change, but in addition to the drug, it is worth choosing the right food products. When a mother eats well, her milk is saturated with beneficial microelements and becomes more nutritious for the baby.

Every second mother experiences postpartum depression. In such a situation, many suffer, and the main target is the child, because lactation slows down greatly. Using Apilak helps to avoid any problems and will help raise a good child.


Ingredients: biogenic preparation apilak - 20%, cocoa butter - 80%.

Directions for use: The course of treatment will be 10-20 days and will depend on the severity of the disease. The preventive course should not exceed 10 days. Children under 3 years of age should also undergo a course of minimum duration.

Release form: suppositories from light yellow to light brown, 10 suppositories in one package.

Contraindications: Addison's disease, idiosyncrasy (hypersensitivity to the drug).

Storage conditions: store candles in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 10°C.

Shelf life: 2 years.


Suppositories containing apilak can be safely classified as drugs of natural origin that stimulate metabolic processes and the functioning of the central nervous system. But Apilak suppositories have proven themselves best in gynecology. To understand the effect of the product, first let’s find out what apilak is.

The preparation is based on a beekeeping product such as royal jelly, which is added to candles in a vacuum-dried form.
The use of suppositories will help restore microflora and speed up the process of tissue regeneration. It is worth buying a drug based on apilak as a restorative therapy after treating diseases such as bacterial vaginosis and cervical erosion. The price of the suppositories will allow you to use them after a course of antibiotics and to support the immune system. Let's see in what cases it is worth using Apilak suppositories and whether they are indicated for children. Areas of application for suppositories with royal jelly
Of course, suppositories have proven themselves well in gynecology as a means that quickly restores the vaginal microflora. But reviews show that they can be used not only to eliminate gynecological problems.

It is important! Due to the rich chemical composition of royal jelly, suppositories have one important effect - they stimulate metabolic processes in tissues at the cellular level. The use of the drug is possible not only for treatment, but also as a restorative and maintenance therapy.

Yes, of course, in gynecology this remedy is considered an integral part of treatment. Especially if you were treated with antibiotics, which caused dysbacteriosis and decreased immunity. But suppositories can also be used to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improve cellular nutrition and strengthen the immune system.

By the way, the drug is also indicated for children. In what cases should it be used? For anemia, lethargy, lack of appetite, short stature. It is worth buying suppositories for children who often suffer from infectious and respiratory diseases. Apilak will saturate the body with vitamins and “build” immune defense. Due to this, the child will feel cheerful. In addition, the price of a package of candles will allow for regular prevention of immune diseases. Reviews from parents show that after a course of use, children's appetite improved and the pallor of the skin disappeared.

How to use candles for adults and children

The instructions for using suppositories with apilak are simple - it is best to administer them at night. When treating a specific disease, for example, erosion, you can administer suppositories twice a day. But for preventive use, one procedure is enough.

It is important! Can suppositories be used for children under 3 years of age? Yes, you can. It is Apilak in the form of suppositories that children should buy, since babies do not yet know how to swallow tablets, and the natural remedy has practically no contraindications and quickly enters the circulatory system. Apilak suppositories (with royal jelly) should not be administered to children who are allergic to bee products. By the way, this point also applies to adults.

Instructions for use of Apilak suppositories

So, the instructions for use recommend adhering to the following rules:

The course of treatment will be 10-20 days and will depend on the severity of the disease. The preventive course should not exceed 10 days. Children under 3 years old should also undergo a course of minimum duration.

Suppositories can be administered twice a day if you need to restore the vaginal microflora or supplement concomitant treatment of gynecological diseases. One suppository is enough to support the immune system and treat children.

The instructions do not recommend taking suppositories for more than 20 days. If you need a repeat course, take a break of at least 10 days and start taking it again. Reviews show that the drug can be used to support the immune system, as a restorative agent several times a year. Especially when it comes to erosion, bacterial vaginosis.

What should be said about contraindications? Let us only note the presence of an allergy to bee products, namely royal jelly. Apilak suppositories have no side effects, since the active components are quickly absorbed into the systemic circulation, and they do not affect the liver. The price of the drug is very affordable, which makes it an indispensable “restorative” assistant.

Apilak suppositories (with royal jelly) are not a medicine. Read the instructions before use

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