Apilak facial ointment for wrinkles. Instructions for use, reviews

Questions, answers, reviews on the drug Apilak ointment 3%

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Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies, price

Apilak is an ointment for external use, which is available in tubes with a total volume of 30 or 50 g. Apilak can be bought without a special prescription, although it belongs to the category of medications. Latvia is considered to be the country of the brand; most often the ointment is supplied to the Russian market from the manufacturing country - Estonia.

Apilak ointment for face

The product was patented in 2010, and since then has been produced in metal tubes equipped with an internal protective shell. The ointment is a thick, white substance with a slight yellowish tint.

When pressing on the tube, an ointment of uniform consistency with a recognizable mild odor is revealed. The cost of the drug starts from 300 rubles. Price formation depends on discounts and bonus programs that operate within the framework of the promotional policy of a particular pharmaceutical chain.

How to use correctly

Apilak is a facial ointment, reviews of which are mostly positive, applied to dry, clean skin in a thin layer. The frequency of applications depends on the type of application.

Traditionally, Apilak is used 1 or 2 times daily during the course of treatment:

  • To eliminate seborrhea . The formations are lubricated in the morning and evening, applying a thin layer of ointment and simultaneously rubbing into the skin. To eliminate dense layering, a fabric bandage is applied to the affected area. Creating a compress is justified if seborrhea looks like hardened dry scales. The maximum period for using ointment for seborrhea is 2 months.
  • For healing . If small wounds have formed on the face after acne or boils, the ointment is applied pointwise, squeezing a small amount of the drug onto the affected area. The product is left until completely absorbed and used twice a day, morning and evening.
  • To eliminate acne . Apilak is applied to problem areas in the morning and evening, the procedure is repeated daily. Each formation is treated with a clean cotton swab or cotton swab. Spot treatment promotes rapid healing and prevents the rash from spreading to nearby areas. Apilak is applied morning and evening until improvements appear.
  • From wrinkles. Apilak ointment can be applied to thin sensitive skin located under the eyes. It's best to do this before bed. Using your fingertips, carefully distribute the ointment under the eyes without stretching the skin. The course of treatment or prevention can last from 14 to 30 days, then the skin is provided with a rest period. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

How it affects the skin, effectiveness

The choice of royal jelly as the base ingredient of Apilak facial ointment is explained by its main properties that are in demand in the cosmetic industry.

PropertyHow does it affect the skin of the face?
Activates collagen productionThe rate of skin cell regeneration increases, damage heals, wrinkles smooth out, and rashes fade.
Promotes moisture retention inside cellsThe skin looks hydrated and flaking is reduced.
Has an antiseptic effectThe acne dries out and the rashes do not spread further.
Increases skin defensesTonus appears and the skin is noticeably tightened.

Apilak is a facial ointment, reviews of which indicate high effectiveness, used to eliminate various problems on the facial skin, and also as a means to reduce the severity of wrinkles.

The main properties of Apilak ointment for facial skin:

  • Resumption of regeneration processes . After using the drug, the epidermal renewal stage proceeds much faster, and experts see this as the meaning of the rejuvenation process.
  • Mitigation . Thanks to a complex of nutrients and vitamins, after several uses of the product, the skin softens, becomes more elastic, and looks rested.
  • Elimination of flaking or removal of greasy shine. This is a special action, the direction of which depends on the properties of the skin. Using Apilak ointment, you can regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This means that skin prone to dryness receives maximum hydration. Oily skin begins to work in a calm mode, the amount of sebum produced decreases.
  • Relieving inflammation . Under the influence of the base component, irritations and allergic reactions are eliminated. The rash gradually fades and does not spread further.
  • Smoothing out wrinkles . This is one of the main advantages of using ointment. By activating the natural production of collagen, the skin becomes smoother and tighter, expression lines are reduced by 60% after 2 weeks of regular use.
  • Leveling the relief , improving skin tone. Apilak is most often recommended to eliminate post-acne marks. The top layer becomes more even and smooth 10-12 days after regular use.

As a facial product, ointment can be used in different ways:

  • Applying a mask. If used 1-2 times a week, the ointment provides visible results after 4-5 approaches. The skin becomes more elastic, dry areas are noticeably softened.
  • Use as a makeup base. Daily use under foundation helps protect the skin from the negative influences of the environment. Application reduces skin irritability, rashes appear less frequently.
  • Apply as a day and evening cream. This approach provides lasting results after a week of use. The skin is tightened, pores are narrowed, and the severity of inflammation is reduced.

Apilak ointment is used as a product that has a special effect on the skin. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of rashes on the face, to eliminate diaper rash or skin itching, and various types of seborrhea. According to consumer reviews, the ointment is an excellent remedy for eliminating fine facial wrinkles that occur in a certain age group.


Apilak is included in the list of pharmaceutical products that are called regeneration stimulants. If necessary, the ointment can be replaced with a similar product with a different base substance . This is relevant for those who have been diagnosed with an allergy to bee products.


Pharmacists indicate Actovegin as one of the analogues of a group of products created on the basis of biologically active substances of natural origin. Actovegin belongs to the category of regenerative drugs.

The base substance on which Actovegin is created is an induced hemoderivative of calf blood. Auxiliary elements have been added to this substance, such as white paraffin, cetyl alcohol, and purified water.

The drug acts on cell metabolic processes at the molecular level. Hemoderivat from calf blood helps to activate regeneration processes. This property is in demand in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, bedsores, and weeping ulcers.

Actovegin is recommended as a facial treatment for the following conditions:

  • development of acne;
  • presence of chemical burns;
  • the presence of skin lesions as a result of radiation.

The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription; the only contraindication may be an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition. To avoid this, it is necessary to conduct a test sample before use.

In order for the skin condition to improve, it is necessary to apply Actovegin in the morning and evening in a thin layer on the affected or problem areas of the skin for 10-14 days.


An analogue of Apilak in terms of action is Panthenol. The dosage form is based on an active substance called dexpanthenol. This is a biogenic stimulator of tissue regeneration, which is used to treat various skin diseases.

Panthenol is prescribed for diaper rash, dermatitis, bedsores, and various types of skin rashes. Dexpanthenol under the influence of compounds is converted into pantothenic acid, which, being one of the parts of coenzyme A.

Has several simultaneous effects:

  • participates in metabolic processes;
  • improves the process of skin cell renewal;
  • normalizes exchange between cells;
  • accelerates mitosis;
  • increases skin strength.

Panthenol traditionally has the following types of effects on the skin:

  • regenerating;
  • metabolic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Panthenol is applied as needed to the affected areas of the skin. To treat bedsores, a gauze bandage with ointment is fixed for a while, and if necessary, the excess is removed with hydrogen peroxide.

Apilak Grindeks

Apilak - an ointment for wrinkles, reviews of which are left by real consumers, can be replaced with a direct analogue. Apilak Grindeks is produced on the basis of royal jelly and belongs to the category of biostimulating agents of natural origin. Apilak Grindeks is recommended to be used 3 times daily during the course of treatment.

To eliminate diaper rash in children, the ointment is applied under the diaper. To eliminate flaking or itching on the skin of the face, Apilak Grindeks is used morning and evening every day for 10 days.

Apilak Grindeks has the following effects:

  • dermatoprotective;
  • general tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • stimulating;
  • improving the trophic state of tissues.


The ointment is produced on the basis of deprotonized dialysate isolated from the blood of young calves. The main property of the drug is its regenerative effect.

Under the influence of the elements of the composition, aerobic processes in the intercellular space are activated. Solcoseryl is recommended for minor skin lesions. In addition, the drug is used to treat acne, acne and allergic rashes.

For various types of dermatitis, Solcoseryl is applied to damaged areas up to 4-5 times daily. Use a cotton swab with ointment to treat dry, clean areas, controlling the degree of pressure on the skin. The product does not contain auxiliary elements in the form of additional fats used to thicken the composition, so it is easily absorbed or washed off.


Pharmaceutical product made on the basis of zinc hyaluronate . Curiosin is included in the list of regenerating face creams. It is used to specifically eliminate wrinkles, reduce skin fatigue, and smooth out the relief. As part of an integrated approach, Curiosin is used to treat infected wounds, bedsores, and ulcers.

The cream is applied to dry skin, spreading in a thin layer over the entire treatment area. To prevent the development of rashes, facial skin is treated 2-3 times daily. To eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes, apply twice, morning and evening, for 14 days. Then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Apilak is an effective inexpensive remedy for the treatment of skin diseases on the body and face. The ointment is sold at the pharmacy . Reviews from experts indicate that the drug is successfully used in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, and is also used by women to eliminate wrinkles.


Apilak (face ointment, reviews of which are mostly positive) is made on the basis of royal jelly. Royal jelly is a secretion of the jaw glands of bees and is a highly concentrated nutritious mixture enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Bee larvae and queen bees that reproduce their offspring feed on bee jelly. Milk promotes the rapid growth of individuals and the preservation of necessary functions in adult bees. According to specialist research, royal jelly contains more than 400 components.

Among them, the following groups of elements are distinguished:

  • A group of proteins represented by albumins. These substances form the basis of the nutritional mixture. In terms of chemical composition, albumins are as close as possible to human blood serum.
  • Vitamins C, PP, D, E. The vitamin complex is involved in the formation of essential pantothenic acid.
  • Group of free fatty acids. Essential acids can fight infections and also promote intensive tissue regeneration.
  • Group of minerals and trace elements. The group contains elements such as magnesium, potassium, silver, and zinc.
  • Hormones. Organic biologically active substances that have a strong effect on processes within the body.
  • Acetylcholine. Neurotransmitter, a naturally occurring organic compound that is a derivative of choline. It plays a vital role in intercellular metabolism.
  • Fructose. A substance that can have various effects: softening, nourishing, soothing.

Royal jelly, which forms the basis of Apilak ointment, acts as a natural biostimulant.

It can have several effects simultaneously:

  • increases the body's defenses;
  • increases cell endurance;
  • helps relieve tension;
  • increases tissue tone;
  • promotes metabolism activation;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • controls the detoxification of skin cells;
  • acts as a barrier to the development of microbial or bacterial infection.

The following components were used as excipients:

  • Vaseline, paraffin, glycerol. These are components that are added to the base substance to create a uniform consistency.
  • Cetyl alcohol, cinnamic alcohol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. Preservatives that extend the shelf life of the drug, strengthening the strength of the compounds inside the drug.
  • Purified water. A necessary component that is added to most products for external use.
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