Baklosan (Baclofen): what kind of drug it is, how it works, signs of use, consequences, addiction treatment - Narcologist at MSK Clinic

In modern realities, more and more people are pathologically dependent on various synthetic drugs. The universal availability of these drugs only increases the risk of developing drug addiction. Some of the drugs sought by drug addicts are widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment and correction of various pathological conditions.


By reducing the excitability of the terminal sections of afferent sensory fibers and suppressing interneurons, it inhibits mono- and polysynaptic transmission of nerve impulses; reduces pre-tension of muscle spindles. Has no effect on neuromuscular transmission. For neurological diseases accompanied by spasticity of skeletal muscles, it weakens painful spasms and clonic convulsions; increases the range of motion in the joints, facilitates passive and active kinesitherapy (physical exercises, massage, manual therapy).

Baclofen - tablets for treatment or a drug?

Baclosan (Baclofen) is a synthetic drug that belongs to the group of muscle relaxants.
It is used in traditional medical practice to relieve epileptic attacks and correct spastic reactions in various muscle groups that are provoked by various diseases. But, unfortunately, baclofen is a drug that is widely popular in the criminal world. The pathological interest in this drug is explained by the mechanism of action of the drug Baclofen on the central nervous system. What does the drug do to a person that the frequency of pathological dependence on these pills regularly increases:

  • dulls mental reactions, reduces the effect of third-party stimuli on the receptors of the nervous system;
  • promotes the appearance of hallucinations;
  • helps to relax and get rid of fatigue;
  • improves mood and resistance to stress;
  • relieves muscle spasms.

Traditional neurology and neurosurgery recommend the use of the drug Baclofen for medicinal purposes. What do doctors prescribe medicine for?

  • spastic processes;
  • epilepsy;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • surgical interventions on the spinal cord.

Systematic use of baclofen tablets leads to the formation of receptor resistance at the biochemical level.
Therefore, the patient constantly requires increasing dosages of the drug to obtain the desired effect. Drug addicts constantly increase the amount of baclofen. Drug addicts don’t even think about the fact that unauthorized use of a medication leads to irreversible consequences. Abuse of the drug leads to receptor resistance to regular use of Baclofen tablets. An overdose due to a significant excess of the doses recommended by the doctor occurs almost instantly and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • constriction of the pupils, their nonspecific reaction to light;
  • myalgia of varying nature and intensity;
  • seizure activity;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, which are manifested by increased heart rate or tachycardia;
  • depressive states;
  • inadequate reaction to external stimuli;
  • acute disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system (vomiting, intestinal colic, abdominal pain).

Baclofen addiction treatment

consultation with a narcologist at home and in hospital

withdrawal symptoms

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Directions for use and doses

Inside, during meals. For adults, the initial dose is 5 mg (1/2 tablet of 10 mg each) 3 times a day. Every 3 days, the dose of the drug is gradually increased (usually to 30–75 mg per day) until the therapeutic effect occurs. Patients who require higher doses (75–100 mg per day) should take the drug in 25 mg tablets. For patients over 65 years of age, the dose of the drug should be increased with caution due to the increased risk of side effects. The maximum daily dose is 100 mg.

For children, the initial dose is 5 mg (1/2 tablet of 10 mg each) 3 times a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased every 3 days (with caution). Typically recommended doses: children aged 1 to 2 years - 10-20 mg per day, 2-6 years - 20-30 mg per day, 6-10 years - 30-60 mg per day. For children over 10 years of age, the maximum dose is 1.5–2 mg/kg body weight.

The drug baclofen. Effect of unauthorized use

The drug baclofen is widely used in criminal circles. The effect of the drug on the central nervous system, which is manifested by a decrease in the reactivity of nervous processes, explains the use of the drug to achieve the effect of euphoria. The medication has a pronounced sedative effect and increases adaptation to stress factors. Systematic use of the product leads to:

  • resistance to stress factors;
  • uplifting mood;
  • achieving a euphoric effect.

Non-medical use

Non-medical use of Baklosan in a dosage of 50-150 mg (the maximum recommended therapeutic dose per day is 30-100 mg) gives a pronounced antidepressant effect, against which the mood improves, complexes go away, and the level of anxiety decreases.
In most cases, severe drowsiness is noted. The listed effects of taking Baklosan, based on unusual experiences after the influence of psychoactive substances, are included in the definition of “psychedelic state” or the slang word “trip”. This condition lasts for a limited time - after about 10-14 hours, the narcotic effect of Baklosan wears off, severe depression sets in, and the need arises to continue taking the drug. Experienced drug addicts develop tolerance to the drug, so they take it in increased dosages, with alcohol or other psychostimulants and drugs, trying to enhance the effect of the “trip.”

When the dose of 150 mg is exceeded, the opposite effect is sometimes observed - instead of euphoria, a person experiences severe aggression and emotional stress. This condition, according to narcologists, develops against the background of inhibition of dopamine receptors. The combination of Baklosan with other drugs or alcoholic beverages often results in acute intoxication, coma and death of the addict.

Features of addiction to baclofen

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The drug becomes addictive quite quickly. Therefore, soon after you start taking it, you can become dependent on it. It may also enhance the effects of some other drugs. This explains the popularity of using it in combination with alcoholic beverages or other various means. Dependence is caused by the fact that a person has some new opportunities that previously remained hidden and inaccessible to him.

Thanks to the use of this remedy, a person is able to eliminate nervousness, almost all complexes, fear of many things, etc. He seems to be filled with energy, which gives him additional strength. Because of this, there is a desire to achieve something more, to open new horizons. However, a person remains in this state for a limited amount of time. When the effect of the drug dissipates, the person ceases to feel all this energy and strength.

The drug does not provoke physical addiction because there is no chemical dependence. But a strong psychological dependence may appear, which represents the main problem in this case. Isolation from the drug for every drug addict becomes a very important moment for productive treatment.

Risks of exceeding the dose of the drug

Taking Baklosan in high doses leads to depression of the central nervous system and respiratory center, which is accompanied by muscle hypotension and atony, breathing disorders, a drop in blood pressure and pulse, confusion and disorientation in space. Hypotonia and muscle stiffness may persist for more than a day.

A serious overdose of the drug provokes mental side effects: hallucinations, loss of pupillary reflex, clonic convulsions, urinary incontinence, areflexia, coma. This condition can lead to irreversible consequences. In the absence of timely medical care or its ineffectiveness, the likelihood of death is high.

Signs of use

Many people can take the drug, but characteristic signs most often begin to appear only after a certain period of time. Among the most common signs are:

  • The appearance of vomiting, nausea.
  • Spasticity of muscle tissue.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Increased drowsiness, apathy.
  • Dizziness, severe pain.
  • Limbs begin to shake.
  • Depression occurs.
  • Hallucinations and various illusions appear.
  • Asthenic condition, etc.

Use of Baklosan during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical studies examining the effect of Baklosan on the fetus have not been conducted. But it has been proven that the drug overcomes the placental barrier and enters directly into the bloodstream of the unborn child. In newborns whose mothers were treated with Baklosan, drug withdrawal syndrome was observed after birth, for the relief of which it was necessary to use anticonvulsant drugs.

During lactation, Baklosan metabolites penetrate into breast milk, which does not exclude the possibility of the development of neurological, mental and somatic disorders in the child’s body. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If there is a need to take a muscle relaxant, it is advisable to prescribe the drug from the second trimester of gestation, weighing all the risks to the fetus and the potential benefits to the mother.

The development of addiction in ordinary people

Dependence on Baklosan can occur in a group of people who have no desire to become drug addicts. There are many indications for using the drug - serious back injury, muscle strain and other reasons that provoked prolonged spasms. Prescribing a muscle relaxant for therapeutic purposes in these cases is justified. When addiction develops, the best results from stopping the use of Baklosan are observed under the following conditions:

  • the duration of treatment with the drug is no more than 2 months;
  • The daily dosage of the muscle relaxant did not exceed 100 mg.

If these conditions are met, you can independently refuse to continue taking Baklosan. The negative aspects associated with its cancellation will haunt the person for 2 weeks. In other cases, for example, with a longer period of treatment with the drug, it is recommended to go to a rehabilitation center for treatment. Narcologists and psychologists will be able to select the necessary range of treatment measures.

How does the drug affect the body?

The use of the product has a significant impact on the functioning of the entire body, as well as on the human psyche. About an hour after taking the pills, a person begins to experience excessive activity, cheerfulness and other similar manifestations. The addict begins to feel a surge of energy, he gains additional strength, and his mood becomes better and better. Efficiency also increases, a certain thirst for activity arises, and there is no feeling of fatigue. It seems to a person that he can perform a large number of different tasks without needing rest. The condition persists for several hours after taking the drug.

Baklosan price, where to buy

The price of Baklosan in Russia 10 mg is 213-256 rubles, buying 50 tablets of 25 mg will cost 405-498 rubles. In Ukraine, the average price of Baklosan tablets 10 mg is 59 hryvnia, 25 mg is 104 hryvnia.

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Interaction with other tools

Baklosan enhances the pharmacological effect of ethyl alcohol and nootropic and psychotropic drugs. Also, when taken together with them, an increase in the activity of antihypertensive and anti-gout drugs was noted. Combined use with tricyclic antidepressants increases antispastic and sedative effects.


The combination of Baclosan and amphetamine is a common mix among drug addicts. Amphetamine is a strong psychostimulant, a synthesized analogue of cocaine. The effect of the mix begins 30-60 minutes after taking it. Stimulating and exciting effects affect not only the psyche, but also the body as a whole. A person feels an unusual increase in general tone and mood, and an increased sexual desire - in both men and women - becomes a bonus to positive emotions.

The combination of drugs enhances euphoria and prolongs pleasant sensations, while the drugs correct the pharmacological effect of each other and mitigate the negative consequences of mutual use. The powerful narcotic potential achieved by taking Baklosan and amphetamine disappears after a few hours, leaving behind a residue in the form of depressive feelings and a sharp deterioration in mood. Both drugs quickly cause dependence with a severe withdrawal syndrome manifested by muscle atonia, convulsions, hallucinations and disturbances of consciousness.


According to reviews of drug addicts who have tried the combination of Baklosan and mephedrone, the narcotic effect of the mix is ​​significantly pronounced. Among those who use illegal substances, mephedrone is considered a cheaper analogue of amphetamine, cocaine and MDMA. Taking drugs together ends fatally, as do most cases of polydrug addiction, if the goal is to obtain a stronger euphoric effect compared to the previous time.

Drug intoxication is caused by intense stimulation of mental and physical activity, euphoria, hallucinations, and lack of critical thinking. After its completion, the intensity of withdrawal symptoms is several times greater than the withdrawal syndrome of self-administration of Baklosan. Severe withdrawal leaves the drug addict practically no chance of remission.


The instructions for use of Baklosan indicate that the drug should not be combined with ethyl alcohol. This is explained by the mechanism of action of the muscle relaxant - by exerting a depressant effect on the central nervous system, the drug increases the specific effect of alcohol. Such an undesirable combination can cause alcohol intoxication and coma. Such consequences are explained by the chemical incompatibility of the products, against the background of which the desired intoxication occurs when using increased doses of medication and alcohol.

Abroad, Baklosan is used as a means of combating withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. Successful relief of withdrawal symptoms and physical craving for ethanol often ends in the formation of a new addiction - baclofen. After leaving a rehabilitation center, many former alcoholics take Baclosan either alone or in combination with other drugs.

For what pathologies is Baklosan dangerous?

The drug used in a therapeutic dose has contraindications. If a drug addict is unable to refuse the drug being described, then he should at least understand for what pathologies Baklosan is contraindicated. This:

  • Parkinson's disease is a degenerative lesion of nervous tissue that causes trembling of the arms and legs, stiffness, and slowness of movements;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency - a disorder of cerebral circulation due to vascular damage;
  • persistent renal failure - deterioration of kidney function;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels - deposition of cholesterol plaques on their inner surface;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - the formation of one or more deep defects in the wall of these organs.


Contraindications to the use of Baklosan are:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • psychoses;
  • seizures (including in the past);
  • epilepsy;
  • lactose intolerance lactase deficiency , malabsorption ;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Baklosan is used with caution in cases of insufficient blood supply to the brain, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, renal failure , in the elderly and children under three years of age.

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