Tramadol - consequences of use, danger to the body

Addicts use every means to experience pleasurable sensations over and over again. Such drugs are often pharmaceutical drugs. Among them, tramadol is often used. The use of this medication is addictive and has a detrimental effect on the psyche and functionality of internal organs, so it can only be taken according to the recommendations and prescriptions of doctors.

The drug belongs to opioid narcotic substances, produced in different forms: ampoules, capsules, tablets, suppositories, so their composition is slightly different. Tramadol is a heroin opiate, prescribed to patients for severe pain. Dependence on this substance forms quite quickly.

Relief from cancer pain

In fact, everything is extremely simple. Doctors simply follow prescribed instructions. But as for patients, they often make mistakes when taking a course of painkillers. Often, they take medications without a system.

Some endure the pain until it becomes hellish. But to eliminate excessive pain in oncology, a large dose of analgesic is required. Thus, consumption on the contrary increases. It should be remembered that the correct use of analgesics must be observed not only because of their premature consumption. Many medications of this type have side effects. In addition, narcotic varieties of these honeys. products can become addictive. Also, with prolonged use, the original effectiveness is lost. Therefore, it is recommended to take medications strictly according to the schedule and immediately after the onset of painful discomfort. This is the only way to relieve pain without the help of drugs.

Another group of people take a strong drug even with minimal pain, which also leads to a rapid depletion of available reserves. Weak painkillers sold over the counter are ineffective, so the person begins to go through a difficult period of constant pain discomfort of decent strength. In order for the drug to be consumed correctly, it must be taken according to a system developed by a specialist.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: KRKA, Slovenia
Release form: tablets, capsules, ampoules, suppositories

Active ingredient: tramadol hydrochloride

Synonyms: Tramadol retard

Tramadol is an opioid analgesic that acts on the central nervous system. The main effects of taking the drug:

  • analgesic - pain relief by increasing the sensitivity of opioid receptors and influencing the functions of norepinephrine;
  • sedative;
  • antitussive without significant difficulty breathing.

When used in therapeutic doses, the drug rarely causes dependence or addiction.

Tips for using medications for mild pain

To eliminate mild pain in oncology, begin with the help of non-narcotic medications. Also, at this stage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Initially, for a non-narcotic analgesic, the minimum permissible dose is prescribed. Gradually it increases if necessary. Such remedies do not work immediately. If during their use the pain remains at a constant level, the use should be continued for a certain number of days, leaving the original dosage. First, you need to use tablet drugs, and then gradually move on to injections. These medications are taken after meals. It is better to drink them with milk.

If the prescribed medicine has little effect on pain, it can be combined with chlorpromazine. Aminazine increases the analgesic effect, but while taking it you need to monitor your blood pressure and pulse rate. If there are contraindications to tablet analgesics or in the absence of the desired effect, you can switch to intramuscular administration. Having identified the typology of pain discomfort, you can easily select the most suitable pain reliever.


Ketamine is an anesthetic that helps put a patient into medicated sleep and numb the patient for surgery. The mechanism of action of ketamine is through stimulation of NMDA receptors. The subsequent effect is so similar to the effect of opiates that this drug can be considered an analogue of morphine or methadone: both in its analgesic effect and in its narcotic effect.

A special feature of ketamine is that it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the brain. Normally, pain impulses from peripheral receptors go to the dorsal ganglion, then to the spinal cord, and only then through the brain stem to the postcentral gyrus. When ketamine works, it breaks the neural connection at the level of the brain stem, and as a result, the person does not feel pain or other sensory sensations.

The same goes for movements. The impulse to the muscles goes from the precentral gyrus to the brain stem, then to the spinal cord and then to the muscles. Communication is also interrupted at the level of the brain stem. As a result, a person can open his eyes, move them to the sides and even express emotions, but at this moment he is completely “cut off” from sensory sensations.

Ketamine is very toxic, so they try not to use it unnecessarily, and pharmaceutical companies are looking for safer analogues.

Injections for mild cancer pain

To eliminate mild cancer pain (with the exception of bone pain), it is best to use a combined injection of analgin + diphenhydramine. If the effectiveness is weak, papaverine is added. If a cancer patient smokes, papaverine is replaced with ketane, and this drug is administered separately. If ketanov turns out to be weak, ketorol is used. It is also administered using a separate syringe. All of these injections are weakly effective for bone pain discomfort. To eliminate bone pain in oncology, it is better to use Meloxicam or Piroxicam in the form of injections.

If bone pain is caused by primary bone cancer or metastatic bone disease, bisphosphonates or radiopharmaceuticals can be used. As a rule, honey. products of these types work well against painful discomfort of bone localization. Reviews from patients indicate that Xefocam is more effective than piroxicam for bone pain discomfort. Xefocam is administered through a separate syringe.

We must always remember that analgesics are serious medications. They have their own set of side effects, some of which can be addictive. In addition, it must be taken into account that with prolonged use, the initial effectiveness of such funds is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all errors when prescribing analgesics, and, of course, when taking them.

Fighting moderate pain

If taking 1st stage analgesics (for mild pain due to cancer) turns out to be ineffective or ineffective, you must resort to 2nd stage drugs (tramadol, codeine). Different sources characterize tramadol differently. Some claim that this is a completely non-narcotic medicine, others call it a synthetic substitute for a narcotic analgesic. Tramadol is used if weak non-narcotic medications are ineffective. Tramadol comes in tablet form or in the form of injections. If nausea occurs when taking this drug orally, it is recommended to replace the tablets with injections. Often, tramadol is combined with drugs such as NPS (for example, analgin). In addition, products such as Zaldiar (including its substitutes) have a fairly good effect. As a rule, when injecting, drugs are combined. The most popular combinations are: • Tramadol + Diphenhydramine (in one syringe); • Tramadol+Relanium (in different syringes).

It is prohibited to combine tramadol and MAO inhibitors (Phenelzine, Oklobemide). In addition, you should refrain from combining tramadol and narcotic analgesics. To get a better effect, you can replace “diphenhydramine” with “sibazon”. However, such a replacement is allowed at normal temperature and optimal blood pressure.

When prescribing codeine, it is recommended to combine it with paracetamol, and the daily dose of the latter should be 4-5 thousand mg. If paracetamol cannot be used, you need to use drugs such as NPS (for example, analgin). Thanks to the combination of the mentioned medications, pain discomfort can be effectively eliminated.

Tramadol analogues

Direct analogues with identical composition are presented on the pharmaceutical market in long-acting retard forms with the same name, as well as generic drugs:

  • Tramaclosidol (Lab. BAGO, Argentina);
  • Tramal Retard (Grunenthal, Germany);
  • Tramolin (Bryntsalov-A, Russia);
  • Sintradon (Zdravlje, Serbia);
  • Protradon (MED.CS, Czech Republic);
  • Mabron (MEDOCHEMIE, Cyprus);
  • Tramagit (Meuselbach Pharma, Germany);
  • Tramalgin (Stirol, Ukraine);
  • Tramundin retard (Mundipharma, Germany).

Similar effects include the following:

  • fentanyl-based medications - Fentanyl, fentanyl patch;
  • products containing morphine - MCT Continus, Morphine sulfate;
  • preparations with codeine as antitussives and combined painkillers analogues of Tramadol, some of which are commercially available - Caffetin, Sedalgin-Neo, Omnopon, Piralgin, Trepinkod, Unispaz;
  • drugs based on nalbuphine;
  • combined analogues based on tramadol and other components - Zaldiar (with paracetamol);
  • an analogue based on tapentadol - Palexia;
  • medications with trimeperidine - Promedol;
  • medications with buprenorphine - Bupraxone;
  • analogues based on naloxone - Naloxone, Targin.

How to replace Tramadol for pain without prescription?

Products based on non-narcotic analgesics can also be considered analogues of Tramadol in action. They are significantly inferior in strength and activity. Such drugs include drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, amidopyrine, phenacetin, paracetamol, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, piroxicam, dimexide. These Tramadol analogues are dispensed from pharmacies without prescriptions or using a regular prescription form.

List of Tramadol analogues with prices

Drug nameActive substanceRelease formManufacturerMinimum dosage cost
Tramadol Tramadol hydrochlorideTablets, capsules, ampoulesKRKA, SloveniaFrom 230 rub.
Tramadol retard PillsFrom 135 rub.
Tramal retardSTADA, ItalyFrom 95 rub.
MabronCapsulesMEDOCHEMIE, CyprusFrom 1150 rub.
FentanylFentanyl AmpoulesMoscow Endocrine Plant, RussiaFrom 125 rub.
MorphineMorphine hydrochlorideFrom 315 rub.
NalbuphineNalbuphine hydrochlorideNo data
NaloxoneNaloxoneKern Pharma, SpainFrom 200 rub.
KaffetinCaffeine, paracetamol, propyphenazone PillsAlkaloid JSC, MacedoniaFrom 115 rub.
ZaldiarTramadol, paracetamolSTADA, ItalyFrom 750 rub.
PalexiaTapentadolGrünenthal GMBH, GermanyFrom 815 rub.
PromedolTrimeperidineTablets, ampoulesGOS ZMP FSUEFrom 280 rub.
TarginNaloxone, oxycodonePillsMundipharma, AustriaNo data

Initiation of pain therapy

First of all, if there is severe pain, you need to make sure that it is in no way related to serious complications of the underlying pathology. Such complications can be metastatic lesions of the brain, infection, etc. To understand the cause of severe pain, you need to undergo ultrasound, CT and MRI. If concerns are confirmed, appropriate action is taken. If there are no serious complications, the principle of taking an analgesic is based on the severity of discomfort and the effectiveness of previous medical treatment. facilities.

The fundamental basis of pain therapy is the World Health Organization's Ladder. This ladder determines the following types of pain discomfort: • burning; • piercing; • cutting; • pulsating; • drilling. The intensity of the pain syndrome can be: • weak; • average; • strong. The duration of discomfort can be: • acute; • chronic. According to the nature of the localization of pain, there are: • abdominal (present in the abdominal cavity); • muscular-articular (everything is clear here by the name).

Elimination of severe pain

Strong narcotic analgesics are the 3rd stage of pain relief. Such drugs are prescribed when increased dosages of tramadol and codeine are ineffective. These medications are prescribed by decision of a medical council, which means it takes a certain amount of time. For this reason, you should immediately seek help if the effectiveness of already prescribed remedies decreases. If necessary, the issue of prescribing a narcoanalgesic is discussed with the heads. doctor at a specific hospital. As a rule, when prescribing a narcotic pain reliever, morphine is first suggested. Quite often such a decision turns out to be correct, but sometimes it is, on the contrary, wrong. It is necessary to take into account the fact that morphine not only provides pain relief, but also affects a person like any other drug. In particular, addiction develops, after which even weaker narcotic analgesics turn out to be useless. Another disadvantage of this remedy is the need to gradually increase the dose, but here too there is a “ceiling”. Thus, if your doctor immediately suggests switching to morphine after tramadol and codeine, discuss with him how reasonable this is. A weaker narcotic analgesic may also be suitable for you.

When taking a narcotic analgesic, you must strictly follow the plan. Here the wishes of the patient cannot be taken into account; everything is strictly on time. If you deviate from the plan, an excessively rapid transition to the maximum allowable dose may occur. With a gradual increase in dosage, the most optimal concentration of the drug is calculated. Then a transition is made to medications that have a prolonged effect. Often, if possible, narcoanalgesics are administered subcutaneously, through the mouth or veins. Also, application through the skin is allowed, but in the form of a special patch. But intramuscular injection is prohibited. This prohibition is due to the fact that when introduced through muscle tissue, the product is distributed unevenly. In addition, the procedure described is extremely painful. Due to the fact that narcotic analgesics have a detrimental effect on respiratory function, blood pressure and pulse regularity, many doctors recommend additional purchase of naloxone. It will help cope with the side reactions described above.

Related medications

The use of analgesic medications in the so-called mono mode has a weak effect. For this reason, they are recommended to be combined with antidepressants (in particular, imipramine). Drugs of this type will increase the effectiveness of analgesics if pain discomfort occurs due to damage to nerve fibers. In addition, antidepressants can help reduce the dosage of drugs.

Corticosteroids (such as prednisolone) in the maximum permissible doses and when combined with painkillers give quite a good effect if there are bone and spinal pain due to oncology. They also help with pain in the area of ​​internal organs. In addition, such remedies help improve appetite.

Neuroleptics (droperidol) increase analgesic effectiveness. They also protect against gagging after taking medicine or eating. A remedy such as diazepam restores normal sleep (it is a real salvation for people with chronic pain syndrome). In addition, thanks to the medication in question, the sedative effect of narcoanalgesics can be improved.

Anticonvulsants (clonazepam) increase the effectiveness of narcoanalgesics. They have the best effect for shooting pains.


It is the most widely used opioid in the world. It is used in medicine in cases where pain relief is needed in urgent conditions. Most often prescribed for open fractures, myocardial infarction, damage to internal organs, after severe operations with severe tissue damage.

Morphine is an alkaloid from the sleeping poppy. There have been attempts to synthesize morphine, but all of them are not economically viable, so morphine is still extracted from biological raw materials.

Morphine is rarely used as a drug because it is not available without a prescription. Addicted people use morphine if there are no other options (heroin or hanka).


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