Borovaya uterus: medicinal properties and contraindications

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Uterine fibroids are benign tumors consisting of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. The disease is diagnosed in 80% of women who have entered menopause. The main characteristic of the neoplasm: low risk of malignancy. The tumor becomes cancerous only in 3% of cases. That is why doctors recommend that patients adhere to an observation strategy. Even large tumors can be eliminated without surgery. At the Medical Center of Dr. Sergei Anatolyevich Kapranov, they are ready to help even those patients who have prepared for hysterectomy. Sign up for a consultation and find out how to save your reproductive organ.

Types of fibroids

Large benign tumors can grow in any part of the uterus. The choice of the optimal method of therapy and the intensity of developing symptoms depend on the location of the tumor.

  1. Features of intramural fibroids.

The tumors are limited to the muscular wall of the uterus, but can grow to the size of a watermelon. A woman may complain of heavy menstruation, pain in the pelvis and lower back, and frequent urination. In the later stages of the disease, the patient develops a large swollen abdomen.

  1. Differences between submucosal fibroids.

The tumor grows in the uterine cavity, on the surface of the mucous membrane. With timely treatment, pathological tissues can be released along with menstrual blood. Large submucosal tumors do not leave room for the attachment of the fertilized egg and provoke mechanical infertility.

  1. Features of subserous fibroids.

Neoplasms grow on the uterus, from the outside. Subserous tumors can put pressure on the bladder or intestines, causing bloating and cramping pain.

With timely treatment, neoplasms will not be able to provoke serious consequences, such as infertility or heavy bleeding.

Procurement of raw materials

To prepare medicinal products, it is necessary to prepare raw materials. The leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Collection is carried out during the flowering period or after it. Mid-summer or late autumn is great for this. Before the onset of winter, the maximum amount of valuable elements accumulates in the grass.

Raw materials must be collected in dry weather. Having prepared it, dry it. To do this, lay the grass on a paper or fabric surface in a thin layer. The drying room should be well ventilated, protected from exposure to sunlight and moisture.

It is recommended to dry it naturally, and not using special dryers or ovens. Then the plant will retain most of the nutrients.

Thus, boron uterus is a medicinal plant known for its ability to treat gynecological diseases in women. The herb is also used in the fight against many other pathologies. Before therapy, you should consult a doctor, as ortilia can cause harm to health if used incorrectly.

Symptoms of the disease, possible complications

Fibroids are usually detected during a standard gynecological examination of the uterus. The physician may detect a hard mass during palpation of the abdomen. In most cases, the woman does not complain of any abnormalities in her health. But large fibroids can provoke the development of the following symptoms:

  • abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • menstruation that lasts more than a week;
  • pressing pain in the pelvic area;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • constipation

If large fibroids are not treated, acute pain may develop and the normal blood supply to the uterus may be disrupted. Problems may also arise during pregnancy and childbirth. Patients with myomatosis are often diagnosed with placental abruption. The complication is fraught with the development of hypoxia in the fetus and premature birth. Also, patients with myomatosis more often require a cesarean section.

Overview of diagnostic methods

To make a final diagnosis, a standard gynecological examination is not enough. To assess the size and nature of the tumor, the patient is given a referral for additional examinations.

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound.

An ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina, which allows you to build an image of the uterine cavity. The procedure is inexpensive, but allows you to assess the location and size of the fibroids.

  1. MRI/CT.

An expensive examination is usually carried out only in cases where it is known for certain that surgical removal of the tumor cannot be avoided. A tomograph allows you to obtain a three-dimensional detailed image of the uterus and determine the exact location of the tumor.

  1. Contrast sonohysterography.

A vaginal ultrasound is performed simultaneously with the introduction of saline into the uterine cavity. The resulting images allow the most accurate assessment of the volume and location of the tumor.

Depending on the results of the examinations, the patient is referred for surgery or

selecting an alternative treatment option for fibroids.

Inflammation of the ovaries, appendages (adnexitis)

For therapy you will need an alcohol tincture. Drink 30 drops. in 50 min. before meals, dissolving them in 200 ml of water. The course is at least 21 days.

To increase efficiency, it is recommended to combine internal use with douching with a pure infusion of the plant or in combination with chamomile flowers.

Infusion for douching


  • boron uterus – 5 g;
  • chamomile (flowers) – 30 g;
  • water – 0.5 l.

The mixture is steamed, wrapped for half an hour, filtered, cooled to a temperature of 40°C and douched. It is advisable to carry out the procedures in a lying position before going to bed in order to retain the solution inside. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Overview of therapy methods

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating uterine fibroids. The therapy program is developed individually for each patient. The doctor will take into account the presence of specific symptoms and contraindications to surgery. If one small uterine fibroid is detected, the specialist will suggest following the watchful waiting method. The patient will have to visit the gynecologist 2-3 times a year, and if characteristic symptoms occur, undergo an unscheduled ultrasound. Most small fibroids do not interfere with normal conception and gestation and tend to disappear spontaneously, especially with a sharp drop in the level of reproductive hormones.

Botanical description

The hog queen is a perennial plant whose official name is Ortilia lopsided. The herb is widely known to everyone because it has beneficial properties. It is especially actively used in the treatment of female diseases.

This herb grows in the wild. Its height is small - maximum 20 cm. The root system is branched and creeping. It grows quite quickly, produces many shoots, thanks to which new shoots appear. The root can grow 1 m per year.

The leaves have an oval or round shape. Their size reaches 3.5 cm in length and 2 cm in width. The tops of the foliage are sharp and have a wedge-shaped base. The length of the leaf petiole is maximum 1 cm.

The stem is not distinguished by branching; the top is collected from small scale-like leaves. At its end there is an inflorescence. It is quite long, drooping, and has the shape of a brush. The inflorescence contains many small flowers.

The pollen grains of the hog queen are single. This is due to the fact that it is pollinated by the wind. The pistil is longer than the corolla, the stigma is wide, and has a pentagonal shape.

The flowering process occurs in June and July, and ripening occurs in August. The fruit is a ball-shaped capsule, the size of which is only 6 mm. It contains seeds that are released as a result of full ripening.



Drug therapy for fibroids

A small hormone-dependent tumor can be cured without surgery. Taking medications containing synthetic hormones helps to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and normalize the length of the menstrual cycle. You need to understand that drug therapy does not guarantee the complete disappearance of fibroids, but will help to significantly reduce their size.

In modern practice, the following types of drugs are used.

  1. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists.

This type of medication blocks the production of estrogen and progesterone, which puts a woman into artificial menopause. The ability to conceive is lost, but the size of the fibroids is significantly reduced.

Commonly prescribed GnRH agonists:

  • Lucrin Depot, Eligard (active ingredient leuprorelin);
  • Zoladex (active ingredient goserelin);
  • Diferelin (active ingredient triptorelin).

The disadvantages of using GnRH agonists include the development of hot flashes and the appearance of emotional instability. Drugs in this group should not be used for longer than six months, as bone thinning develops. If after six months of therapy the size of the tumor has not changed, the patient is offered surgical removal of the uterine fibroids.

  1. Progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD).

Installing an intrauterine device will help eliminate heavy, painful menstruation. But it must be borne in mind that progestin only alleviates symptoms, but does not reduce fibroids. The IUD will be the best option for women who have chosen observation tactics and are not planning a pregnancy.

  1. Tranexamic acid.

A non-hormonal drug is prescribed to relieve severe menstrual pain. With long-term use, a decrease in the volume of fibroids may be noticed.

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Medicines in this group are inexpensive and can quickly and effectively relieve pain associated with the growth of fibroids. The disadvantages include the lack of influence on the abundance of menstrual bleeding and tumor size.

  1. Birth control pills.

A gynecologist may recommend taking birth control temporarily even for women who want to become pregnant. Oral contraceptives will help control menstrual bleeding, but will not reduce the size of fibroids.

During drug therapy, it is additionally recommended to take iron supplements and vitamin complexes.

Non-invasive treatment options

HIFU ablation

High-intensity focused ultrasound can be used to eliminate benign tumors. The procedure is not considered a full-fledged operation because it is performed without incisions and is performed on an outpatient basis. HIFU ablation is performed in an MRI scanner equipped with an ultrasound transducer. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the tumor heats up and begins to collapse.

Advantages of HIFU ablation:

  • low risk of developing inflammatory processes;
  • disappearance of adverse symptoms within a few days after the procedure;
  • fertility preservation;
  • the opportunity to return to normal daily life immediately after discharge from the hospital.

HIFU ablation is a safe procedure that will be effective for small fibroids.

Uterine artery embolization

In modern clinics, procedures are carried out to destroy uterine fibroids without surgery. Medical Center of Professor S.A. Kapranov removes tumors by embolization of the uterine arteries. Special blocking drugs interrupt the blood flow to the fibroids and provoke the death of blood vessels. Minimally invasive surgery allows you not only to get rid of the tumor, but also to forget about the accompanying unpleasant symptoms. Embolization does not provoke serious side effects or complications. But for several weeks after the procedure, the patient may complain of lethargy, periodic nausea, and fever. After just 7 days, the woman will be able to return to normal daily life and forget about pain.

Brown or reddish vaginal discharge is considered a normal consequence of embolization. The use of sanitary pads is recommended, but tampons are strictly prohibited. Watery discharge is also considered normal. Thick yellowish leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor should cause concern. If the situation is complicated by a sharp increase in temperature or pain in the pelvic area, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Specialists at the Center for Endovascular Surgery support their patients at all stages. You can seek help even if you had embolization months ago.

Laparoscopic or transcervical cryomyolysis

An alternative method of minimally invasive surgery: cryomyolysis. The procedure is performed transcervically or during laparoscopy. Neoplasm tissues are destroyed under the influence of extremely low temperatures. To gain access to the uterine cavity, the doctor may make 2 small incisions in the patient's lower abdomen. After exposure to a cryoprobe, the neoplasm may become denser. Within 12 months after the procedure, the pathological tissues will gradually soften and come out with the next menstruation. Laparoscopic cryomyolysis is considered one of the most effective methods of treating fibroids without surgery. Unlike a full-fledged surgical intervention, the recovery period after laparoscopy lasts only 4-5 days.

Laser endometrial ablation

The procedure is performed without incisions, transcervically. To remove fibroids, a special instrument that emits microwave energy or electric current is inserted into the uterine cavity. Under the influence of ultra-high temperatures, the endometrium, including fibroids, is completely destroyed. Ablation is effective only when diagnosing submucosal neoplasms. For subserous uterine fibroids, a different treatment method is selected.

The disadvantages of laser ablation include:

  • loss of fertility;
  • no effect on large tumors;
  • the need to regularly take contraceptives (to prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity).

It is necessary to understand that treating large fibroids without surgery does not provide a 100% guarantee of absence of relapses. Only with physical removal of the uterus can the patient count on the fact that the disease will not develop again.

Indications for use

Due to its rich composition and numerous medicinal properties, ortilia is widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Many doctors prescribe this plant to treat the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cough with difficult to clear sputum;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • infertility, adnexitis, ovarian cysts;
  • mastopathy;
  • radiculitis, rheumatism;
  • benign and malignant tumors of various locations.

Borovaya uterus can be taken for general strengthening purposes, but in this case the dosage should be minimal. The plant affects hormonal levels, so there may be negative consequences of uncontrolled use of the herb.

The main purpose of the boron uterus is the treatment of gynecological diseases. Doctors prescribe Ortilia to women who cannot get pregnant and are being treated for inflammatory processes and neoplasms. The plant has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, so it is recommended even by those who do not encourage the use of traditional medicine.


For small fibroids, especially when long-term observation is chosen, a woman can try alternative methods of therapy. Physical therapy exercises, massages, and acupuncture sessions will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

For painful menstruation, it is recommended to make compresses with castor oil. It is necessary to soak a clean flannel cloth with warm castor oil, wrap it in bandages and apply it to the lower abdomen. The cramps should go away within 10-15 minutes. You can also perform self-massage on a daily basis.

  1. Apply warm castor oil all over your belly.
  2. Make several circular stroking movements clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. To relieve spasms, you can do a cycle of rubbing movements.

Aromatherapy enthusiasts can add a few drops of organic lavender essential oil to castor oil. The aroma of lavender activates blood circulation and promotes complete relaxation.

If you have uterine fibroids, you can also do yoga and perform simple physical therapy exercises.

Herbs and natural supplements

Herbal remedies, vitamins, and dietary supplements can also help treat uterine fibroids without surgery. But we must not forget that taking any medications must be agreed with your doctor. Some herbs affect hormones and actively interact with medications used in the treatment of myomatosis.

The following herbs and infusions can be used to reduce the size of fibroids:

  • Chinese cinnamon;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • horsetail;
  • yarrow.

Official medicine does not approve of traditional methods of treatment. You shouldn’t take risks and test recipes found on the Internet on yourself. It is especially dangerous to self-medicate with large fibroids. However, doctors recommend some natural extracts and dietary supplements for use by women who require vigilant monitoring.

  1. Epigallocatechin gallate.

The substance can be found in freshly picked tea leaves. Antioxidants reduce the risk of fibroid growth and prevent oxidative stress. You can add 3-4 cups of freshly brewed tea to your daily diet. But dietary supplements with concentrated extracts have proven real effectiveness. Daily intake of capsules with epigallocatechin gallate in an amount of 800 mg can eliminate all unpleasant symptoms and reduce the size of tumors in the uterus.

  1. Resveratrol.

The beneficial substance can be found in blueberries, mulberries and grapes. There are official studies confirming the positive effects of concentrated resveratol on the uterus. It has been proven that the polyphenolic compound slows down the proliferation of tumor cells. But it must be borne in mind that in order to achieve the required concentration of reservatol, one would have to consume up to 10 kilograms of grapes daily.

  1. Curcumin.

The main active component of turmeric has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Curcumin may be used in the treatment of fibroids. The substance destroys tumor cells and inhibits the growth of tumors.

Borovaya uterus medicinal properties

The healing properties of boron uterus are due to the presence of substances included in its composition:

  • phytohormones
  • hydroquinone
  • arbutin
  • coumarins
  • saponins
  • vitamins (mainly vitamin C)
  • flavonoids
  • organic acids
  • resins
  • bitterness
  • tannins
  • microelements

In general, boron uterus is characterized by powerful anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, healing, expectorant, antiseptic, antioxidant, and diuretic properties.

What vitamins can you take if you have fibroids?

Taking certain vitamin complexes will be a good addition to the prescribed treatment . Numerous studies have confirmed that the risk of fibroid increases in women suffering from a deficiency of vitamins A and D. Beneficial effects on the uterus and the menstrual cycle:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • vitamin E;
  • retinol (A);
  • calciferol (D).

You can also take Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. You should not buy vitamin complexes without consulting your doctor. When treating fibroids with medication, any supplements are strictly prohibited.

Side effects

Borovaya uterus has no side effects as such. In the sense that immediately after consuming this herb, you are unlikely to experience a stomach ache or other adverse symptoms. However, there is every reason to believe that using the uterus for a long time can harm a woman’s body. And this harm is primarily due to inaction against the backdrop of an unmotivated belief in the healing power of a useless plant.

For example, if you are infertile, you may take a boron uterus for a long time and miss the moment when conception was still possible. As a result of untimely contacting the reproduction center, the function of the ovaries may be so weakened that it will no longer be possible to obtain your own eggs.

With uterine bleeding, a woman may have an organic pathology of the uterus. If she takes boron uterus and does not see a doctor, she starts the disease. Some of them progress quite quickly and lead to death, for example, endometrial cancer.

For inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, the use of boron uterus is useless. Long-term treatment with this plant and the lack of adequate antibiotic therapy leads to the spread of infection to the internal genital organs. In addition, the woman remains contagious to her partners.

Permitted and prohibited products

If the doctor has not given permission to take synthetic supplements and use traditional recipes, you need to make changes to your diet. Certain foods can speed up the process of reducing the size of the tumor. The basis of the diet for fibroids should be:

  • fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, tuna;
  • red berries;
  • green vegetables;
  • leaf salads;
  • citrus fruits (especially lemons and limes).

If you plan to treat myomatosis without surgery, especially with medication, it is necessary to exclude estrogen-containing products from the menu. The hormone stimulates the development of the mucous membrane lining the uterus. Too much estrogen obtained from the daily menu can negate the effect of medications and provoke the growth of fibroids. It is worth excluding from the diet:

  • soy products;
  • flax seeds, sesame seeds;
  • walnuts, peanuts, almonds;
  • red meat;
  • animal fats;
  • dried fruits.

Proper nutrition will contribute to treatment and speed up the healing process.

Release forms

A large number of manufacturers produce boron uterus in the form of dietary supplements and tea drinks. Main forms of release:

  • filter bags for brewing;
  • tincture, which is dosed in drops;
  • tablets containing boron uterus extract;
  • boron uterus grass - sold in dried form, used to prepare a decoction at home.

It was the grass that became the most widespread. It can be sold loosely, in cardboard boxes, or packaged in filter bags. The first method of application is less convenient, but more affordable. Sachets are more expensive per unit mass of herb, but they are more convenient to brew and consume.

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