Candles "Ginoflor E": Russian-made analogues and reviews about them

Women, due to the structure of their bodies, often have to use vaginal suppositories. The purpose of using drugs can be different: antibacterial or antiviral effect, treatment of fungal infections, restoration of microflora, hormonal effects, and so on. Today’s article will tell you about how Gynoflor E is used. Price, reviews, analogues will be presented to your attention. Despite the information received, it must be remembered that self-medication often leads to complications. If you have disturbing symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, you cannot reliably determine the cause of your illness, but only assume it.


1 tablet of Gynoflora E for vaginal use contains as active ingredients:

  • lyophilisate of acidophilic lactobacilli eubiotic group (Lactobacillus acidophilus) – 50 mg (but not less than 100 million viable microorganisms);
  • estriol – 0.03 mg.

Excipients of the active nucleus are:

  • lactose monohydrate – 625.6 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) – 183.7 mg;
  • carboxymethyl starch – 30 mg;
  • magnesium stearate – 6.67 mg;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate – 4 mg.

pharmachologic effect

The constituent components of the pharmaceutical drug Gynoflor E are part of the physiological mechanism for maintaining normal vaginal biocenosis . This is the main purpose of using the drug in conservative therapy.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is the dominant fraction of microorganisms living in the vagina of a healthy woman. They have antagonistic activity against harmful and conditionally pathogenic microflora. The mechanism of the protective function lies in the release of bacteriocins and hydrogen peroxide , natural antibiotic substances, by microorganisms. In this way, the genitals are kept clean.

Also, beneficial bacteria are able to balance the physiological parameters of the environment for the normal course of metabolic processes. Lactobacilli ferment glycogen in the vaginal epithelium to lactic acid and thus maintain an acidic pH of 3.8-4.5.

Estriol is an artificially synthesized compound, which in its chemical structure is identical to female sex hormones produced by the ovaries (in particular short-acting estrogens The constituent component of the drug has a specific pharmacological action - it affects only the vaginal mucosa. Stimulates the growth and reproduction of the epithelial part of the inner covering of the woman’s genital organs, as a result of which the functioning of the natural barrier against infections of various kinds improves. Also, this cellular structure contains glycogen , which is necessary for the normal life cycle of the physiological microflora of the vagina.

Excipients also play a special role in the pharmacology of Gynoflor tablets. For example, lactose , which is part of the drug, can be fermented by lactobacilli to lactic acid in the first periods of conservative therapy, when the proliferative effect of estriol has not yet fully developed.

Vaginal tablets are used not only for disproportionate disruption of the microflora of the internal environment of a woman’s genital organs, but also for hormonal imbalance . Gynoflor is actively used during menopause and postmenopause , which are usually marked by symptoms such as:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • pain during sexual intercourse and urination.

By helping to normalize the condition of the epithelium of the genitourinary system, these symptoms are relieved due to the action of estriol on the integumentary layers. According to the indicated mechanism of pharmacological effects of Gynoflor, it can be used as a preventive prophylaxis for dystrophic inflammatory pathologies .

"Bifidumbacterin" - an inexpensive substitute

The drug "Gynoflor E" has cheaper analogues. For example, "Bifidumbacterin". You can purchase this product at a price of about 90 rubles for 10 suppositories. This is 10 times lower than the cost of the original medicine. Vaginal suppositories “Bifidumbacterin” are produced in Russia. The drug contains bifidum bacteria. A distinctive feature of this product is that it can be used not only vaginally. Suppositories are administered rectally to restore intestinal microflora. Women are prescribed the drug for colpitis (including hormonal ones), gardnerellosis, and vaginal dysbiosis. The drug is recommended for expectant mothers before childbirth in order to normalize the microflora.

Reviews about this product are mostly good. Women say that the medication is used for 5-10 days, twice a day. A course of treatment requires 1-2 packages of medication. Due to its low cost, purchasing problems usually do not arise. It is important that the drug (unlike its expensive predecessor) has no contraindications (except for hypersensitivity).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After the drug is administered into the vagina, the constituent components are released gradually as they disintegrate under the influence of internal environmental factors. Lyophilized bacteria have only a local effect and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Their effect is noticeable after several hours.

estriol can be absorbed from the inner surface of the vaginal mucosa and enter the systemic bloodstream. The maximum plasma concentration is observed 3 hours after administration of the pharmaceutical drug. Estriol does not accumulate (after repeated administration, the plasma concentration corresponds to the amount of unbound estriol ) and does not affect the production of endogenous estrogen hormones ( estrogen and estradiol ), since it is their final link in the metabolic chain. The components of Gynoflor are excreted in the urine within 8 hours.

Indications for use

  • restoration of physiologically normal microflora after local or systemic treatment with antibiotic drugs;
  • mild to moderate severity of bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis (the pharmaceutical drug can be used both as a conservative treatment and as a preventive treatment for diseases);
  • not specific vulvovaginitis ;
  • urogenital infectious pathologies (usually sexually transmitted);
  • atrophic vaginitis as a result of the following etiological factors - estrogen deficiency during menopause or accompanying hormone replacement therapy ;
  • bacterial discharge of unknown origin (Fluor vaginalis);
  • in complex drug treatment against infectious diseases to maintain the normal microflora of a woman’s body.


  • hypersensitivity, hereditary or acquired intolerance to the constituent components of the pharmaceutical drug;
  • malignant neoplasms dependent on estrogen (in particular when the process is localized in the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries or vagina);
  • diagnosed or suspected endometriosis ;
  • hemorrhagic vaginal discharge of unknown origin;
  • endometrial hyperplasia ;
  • use in girls before reaching puberty (before the onset of sexual activity).

"Kipferon" - antiviral immunomodulator

The next substitute for Gynoflor E suppositories is the drug Kipferon. What distinguishes the medicine is that there are no acidophilic microorganisms in this product. But despite this, suppositories are used to maintain immunity and to naturally restore the vaginal microflora. Indications are vaginitis, candidiasis, chlamydia, dysbiosis, inflammatory infectious diseases of the vagina. It is forbidden to use the drug "Kipferon" in case of hypersensitivity, as well as during pregnancy. You can purchase the product for 800 rubles at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Side effects

As a rule, vaginal tablets are well tolerated by the female body, however, in some clinical cases the following undesirable consequences of treatment may be observed:

  • burning sensation , foreign body, feeling of heat or other kind of discomfort after administration of the drug;
  • allergic reactions - redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina or external genitalia;
  • arterial hyperemia and vulvar itching .

In case of accidental oral administration of a pharmaceutical drug, no negative consequences will be observed.

Gynoflor E, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Gynoflor E suppositories require inserting vaginal tablets deeply into the vagina. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation in the evening, before bedtime, since at night the body’s absorption capacity is much higher. For ease of use, the tablets are administered in a supine position, with the legs slightly bent at the knees - thus, the entrance to the female genital organs is as open as possible, and therefore the use of the drug causes virtually no discomfort.

The course of conservative therapy varies depending on the indications for treatment with the drug:

  • To restore the normal microflora of the internal environment of the vagina and the proliferating effect on the epithelium, 1-2 tablets are used daily for 6-12 days. More precise recommendations should be obtained from your doctor, as they depend on various indicators of the body and the type of pathology.
  • When treating atrophic lesions during menopause and postmenopause, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 1 tablet daily for 6-12 days. Further maintenance therapy is carried out with an even smaller amount of the pharmaceutical drug - 1 tablet is used 1-2 times a week. The duration of the first therapeutic phase is determined by the doctor according to the individual level of hormones during the period of conservative rehabilitation.

During treatment with the pharmaceutical drug Gynoflor, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse or regularly use barrier methods of contraception so that the therapeutic effect of the drug is not reduced by the exogenous intake of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora.

"Laktonorm" is a popular substitute

The drug "Gynoflor E" has analogues that are less expensive, but not cheap either. These include the drug “Lactonorm”. Suppositories are available in 14 pieces per package. The manufacturer is (Russia). You can buy a pack of vaginal tablets for about 500 rubles. The composition includes the same acidophilic lactobacilli as in the drug "Gynoflor E". The Russian analogue is distinguished by the absence of estriol.

The medicine forms quite contradictory opinions about itself. Many consumers do not purchase the medicine due to the high cost. Women prefer cheaper analogues. The drug "Lactonorm" is used for the treatment and prevention of vaginosis, as well as vaginitis of various types (including during menopause). Doctors say that this remedy should not be used for vaginal candidiasis. In this case, the drug will only worsen the patient’s condition. For a course of treatment, women only need to purchase one package of medication. Capsules are inserted into the vagina for a week, twice a day. Conveniently, the package includes an applicator. Its use protects you from the penetration of pathogens that are present on your hands.

Storage conditions

The pharmaceutical drug Gynoflor should be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and out of direct sunlight, at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius (in no case should the drug be frozen, because in this way all the pharmacological properties of the constituent components will be lost).

Short-term storage of Gynoflor (no more than two weeks) at a temperature range of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius will not lead to a decrease in its therapeutic effectiveness.

special instructions

The constituent components of the drug Gynoflor E may not be completely dissolved under the influence of internal factors of the vagina. In this case, residues of the vaginal tablet can be found on underwear or bed linen, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug (the residues are excipients that have completed their pharmacological task).

In cases where vaginal dryness , you should wet the tablet before inserting it with a small amount of plain water in order to facilitate its faster dissolution. During the period of conservative treatment, women are recommended to use pads if the suppositories are additionally moistened.

The drug Gynoflor E does not affect the ability to concentrate for a long time, fine motor skills, coordination of movements and the ability to drive vehicles or other potentially life-threatening mechanisms.

Drug substitutes

The drug "Gynoflor E" has different analogues: structural and relative. In the first case, we are talking about absolute substitutes, similar in composition. These are medications such as “Acipol”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactonorm” and many others. All of them are produced in Russia, while the original product is produced by a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

It is known that the drug “Gynoflor E” has not only a microflora-restoring effect. It is also an antiseptic. In this regard, indirect analogues of the drug include Hexicon, Genferon, Kipferon, and so on. Let's take a closer look at the main substitutes (analogues). "Gynoflor E" has a lot of them.

Analogues of Ginoflor E

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The normal microflora of the internal environment of the vagina is an extremely important parameter for the physiological functioning of the female genital organs, therefore Gynoflor analogues constitute a large group of pharmaceutical parameters, which includes both suppositories and tablets for intravaginal use.

As a rule, in case of individual contraindications, the therapeutic effect of the drug is replaced with the following drugs: Vagisan , Ecofemin , Laktogin or Laktovag .

Current opinions

Often, consumers, having learned the price, refuse the drug "Gynoflor E". Women are looking for cheaper analogues. Indeed, treatment with this drug is expensive. If the medication is prescribed for 12 days, 2 suppositories per day, then you will have to purchase 24 vaginal tablets. These are two large packages for 1600 rubles. Agree, not every woman can afford it.

Russian substitutes for Gynoflor E candles (analogues) have a more affordable price. Even the same “Laktonorm” can be purchased for only 500 rubles, but it is also considered expensive. If you are looking for a medication with lactobacilli acidophilus at an affordable price, then experienced patients recommend choosing Acylact. The drug is inexpensive and effective. This is the opinion that consumers have about it.

If we take into account all the substitutes for the drug “Gynoflor E”, we can say that they are safe and effective. Women get the desired effect from using medications. Many drugs can be used during pregnancy. This is a plus, since it is especially important for expectant mothers to maintain normal vaginal microflora.

During pregnancy and lactation

The constituent components of the drug Gynoflor do not have embryotoxic , terato- or mutagenic effects on the development of the fetus, therefore the drug is allowed to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation). However, conservative therapy in the first trimester is recommended only under the constant supervision of qualified medical personnel and regular diagnostic tests.

Reviews about Gynoflor E

Reviews of Gynoflor endlessly praise pharmaceutical products. The vast majority of women who have used the drug for conservative therapy recommend using vaginal tablets at the slightest deviation in physiological parameters . Their opinion is based on the fact that the constituent components help protect and improve the nutrition of the vaginal mucosa. For a woman, this manifests itself in good health, complete elimination of unpleasant symptoms of hormonal imbalance or invasion by harmful microorganisms and, of course, painlessness of sexual intercourse.

Oddly enough, the source of positive reviews for Gynoflor E suppositories is not any pharmaceutical forum, but thematic online communities for women. There are a lot of posts about the fact that you should not be afraid of side effects, because if they appear, they are observed only immediately after the introduction of the vaginal pill, and not throughout the entire conservative course of treatment.

Separately, it is worth noting the professional opinion of qualified doctors and pharmacists about the drug. Like the vast majority of women who have used vaginal suppositories, medical personnel also remain satisfied with this medicine. In clinical practice, there are no known cases of overdose, and therefore, even in case of violation of the therapeutic regimen or increased doses of the pharmaceutical drug, adverse effects or increased side effects are not observed. The duration of the course of sanitation also characterizes Gynoflor positively, because it is a negligibly short period of time for restoring the normal functioning of organs that are so important for a woman.

“Livarol” is a Russian analogue of “Gynoflor E” suppositories.

This product is produced in Russia by the pharmaceutical industry. The medicine is available in 5 and 10 suppositories per pack. You can purchase the drug for 600 and 800 rubles, respectively. Contains ketoconazole. This substance has an antifungal effect. According to the instructions, the drug "Gynoflor E" is an antimicrobial antiseptic. Therefore, the drug “Livarol” is in some way its analogue.

Women say that this medicine is effective in the treatment of vaginal discharge of an unspecified nature; it perfectly eliminates thrush. If you read the annotation, you will find out that Livarol is used to restore the vaginal microflora after taking antibiotics. The medication is used with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation. Conveniently, suppositories are administered only once a day. Treatment lasts from 3 to 10 days as prescribed by the doctor.

Price Gynoflor E, where to buy

The price of Gynoflor in the Russian Federation is prohibitively high for a drug so important for the normal functioning of the female genital organs. The cost of tablets ranges from 600 rubles for 6 tablets and 900-1000 rubles for 12 tablets.

Ukraine is a little more happy in this regard, because the price of Gynoflor E candles on its territory is only 90-120 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Gynoflor e tab.
    vag. n6Haupt Pharma Amareg GmbH/Medinova AG RUB 703 order

Suppositories "Acilact"

The next analogue of the Gynoflor E suppositories is the drug Acylact. According to consumer reviews, it is often prescribed together with the drug “Bifidumbacterin”. Considering that the drugs are produced by one Russian company), this is quite justified. Medicines complement each other. You already know that Bifidumbacterin contains bifidobacteria. Acilact suppositories contain acidophilus lactobacilli, as in the original Swiss medicine Gynoflor E. A medication is prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora and maintain the woman’s immunity. Use 1 suppository twice a day for 5-10 days.

Reviews about the drug are positive. Cost plays a significant role in this: you can purchase 10 suppositories for 150 rubles. Women say that after using the medication, their discharge returned to normal, the itching and feeling of dryness disappeared. In combination with Bifidumbacterin capsules, the medicine is even more effective.

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