Antibacterial suppositories Polygynax - reviews

Vaginal douching is a procedure that is somehow familiar to all women. It is used as an independent method of treating a number of diseases and as part of complex therapy, and is also used in preparation for various gynecological procedures, childbirth, etc. But it is important to know that the choice of solution for this procedure, the douching algorithm, the duration of the course of treatment, and others It depends on the circumstances whether douching will be beneficial to health or harmful to it. Therefore, before the procedure, you need to consult with your doctor to know exactly how to do vaginal douching.

Basic rules for douching at home

What should the temperature of the douching solution be? How long should douching last? What do you use to douche with? What position should you choose for douching? How to properly prepare a solution for douching?

The basic rules that help to carry out the procedure correctly and without risk to health are simple - compliance with them does not require special knowledge or skills from the woman. But it is important to take into account all the requirements for proper vaginal douching. This is the only way to be sure that the procedure will be beneficial.

Solution temperature.

In most cases, the temperature of the douching solution for discharge and other unpleasant sensations in the intimate area should not exceed body temperature. To measure it, it is better to use a water thermometer pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Duration of the procedure.

The duration of female douching should not exceed 15 minutes. This time is enough for the surface of the mucous membrane to be completely treated with the solution, but the beneficial microflora is not washed out.

Duration of the course.

How long the course of procedures should last is decided by the attending physician. This depends on the woman’s health condition and the characteristics of the use of the drug for douching.

Pressure level

. The solution should be applied to the mucous membrane of the intimate area without putting pressure on it. Otherwise, if the stream of solution is very strong, it can overcome the barrier in the form of a mucus plug in the cervix and cause undesirable consequences.

Special devices.

An Esmarch mug can be used for douching. It is a cylinder with a flexible tube coming out of it. It is quite easy to regulate the jet pressure: to do this, you need to raise or lower the cylinder. Also a popular means for douching is a special rubber bulb with a tip.

Posture during insertion.

The most comfortable position for a woman in which to douche is lying in the bathtub with her legs thrown over its sides. This is reminiscent of the position that a woman occupies in the gynecologist's chair. You can also douche while sitting on the toilet or squatting over a basin. But if you have a long procedure, you can quickly get tired in this position, which makes douching uncomfortable.

Features of preparing solutions.

The solution for douching at home should be prepared immediately before the procedure and in strict accordance with the instructions for the drug.


Polygynax is a combined antibacterial agent in the form of vaginal capsules for topical use, which also has an antifungal effect. It contains the aminoglycoside neomycin, the polyene antibiotic nystatin and the cyclic polypeptide polymyxin B. The bactericidal effect of polygynax extends to some gram-positive (corynebacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and a number of others) and a wider range of gram-negative microorganisms, including such prominent representatives of bacterial microflora as Enterobacter aerogenes , Haemophilus influenzae, Enterococcus faecium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Proteus vulgaris, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae. Pathogenic fungi also suffer from polygynax, especially the yeast-like Candida albicans, Histoplasma and Cryptococcus. In addition to the aggressive attitude towards uninvited guests of the vaginal mucosa, Polygynax also has a beneficial effect on tissue nutrition processes at the site of its direct use.

If the rules of use are followed, the entire vaginal mucosa falls into the zone of influence of the drug, where it fully realizes its antibacterial and antifungal effect. There is practically no absorption from the mucosal surface, therefore polygynax does not have a systemic effect on the body if used within the time period specified in the instructions for use.

Treatment with Polygynax is not recommended to be combined with the use of spermicidal contraceptives, because the latter can reduce its pharmacological activity.

Polygynax is intended for intravaginal use. Frequency of use of the drug: 1 capsule 1 time per day before going to bed. The capsule is inserted as deep as possible into the vagina. The duration of treatment is on average 12 days. Doctors do not recommend extending treatment with Polygynax to avoid the development of resistance in bacterial and fungal pathogens. If Polygynax is used for prophylactic purposes, then it can be limited to six days.

If, due to some force majeure circumstances, a scheduled dose of the drug (or even several doses) was missed, you should not despair, but excessive enthusiasm in order to compensate for omissions in treatment is also not needed here: when you resume taking it, the dose should not be increased. By the way, menstruation is not a reason to interrupt the course of treatment. But you will have to forget about latex caps and condoms while using Polygynax.

Douching with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs

For douching, it is strongly recommended not to use traditional medicine recipes, including decoctions of medicinal herbs. Not a single herbal raw material used for this procedure has been studied to such an extent that safety for fragile women’s health can be guaranteed. The use of medicinal herbal decoctions can mask the symptoms of trouble, but the cost of such an illusion of recovery can be very high. In addition, even the most “harmless” herbal solutions for douching for discharge and other problems in the intimate area can lead to microflora disturbances and, as a result, to the development of diseases.

Solution and powder for preparing Tantum® Rose solution

The drug Tantum® Rose, presented in the form of a solution and powder for preparing a solution, is a product that:

  • may relieve pain, itching and burning
    . These manifestations of discomfort become less pronounced within 20 minutes after douching1, and after three procedures the woman’s condition becomes noticeably better1;
  • fights inflammation 3
    . Tantum® Rose can help eliminate the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the intimate area;
  • helps remove secretions
    . The solution washes away secretions that are formed as a result of infectious or inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane and may contain pathogens;
  • does not harm, but restores normal microflora.
    Tantum® Rose has an effect only on pathogenic microflora, without affecting its beneficial representatives2;
  • convenient to use
    . The douching solution is already ready for use, which allows you to start treatment as soon as necessary, and preparing the solution from the powder takes a matter of minutes;
  • has no age restrictions
    . Tantum® Rose can be used by women of any age;
  • Allowed for pregnant and lactating women 3
    . During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman needs special attention to her health. Tantum® Rose can be used to eliminate symptoms of diseases of the intimate area during this important period for it;
  • efficiency.
    A solution prepared from Tantum® Rose powder can be stored for five days and used as needed after heating.


All patients underwent a gynecological examination and clinical diagnosis of vulvovaginitis before and after treatment. According to our data, the clinical symptoms of aerobic vulvovaginitis are typical, although they do not allow us to reliably judge the suspected causative agent of the disease. 32 (88.9%) patients complained of discharge with an odor, 22 (61.1%) - itching and burning, and 30 (83.3%) - discomfort. More often there were patients with heavy discharge - 17 (47.2%), rather than with moderate - 16 (44.4%) and scanty - 3 (8.3%). The curdled nature of the discharge predominated - 22 (61.1%), mucous - 7 (19.4%) and purulent - 7 (19.4%) discharges were observed less frequently.

During dynamic monitoring, a change in the clinical picture and subjective sensations was noted (changes in the nature of leucorrhoea, reduction and disappearance of irritation, itching, burning). 24 hours after starting to take the drug, improvement in the form of disappearance of pain, itching and burning was noted by 9 (25%) patients, after 48 hours - 16 (44.4%), after 72 hours - 12 (33.3%). In other words, during the first two days after the start of treatment, most patients experienced clinical improvement. The final assessment of the effectiveness of the drug was made on the 12th day from the start of treatment. By the end of treatment, not a single patient complained of itching or burning. After therapy, the curdled discharge acquired a mucous character. Thus, only on the basis of clinical data has the effectiveness of a 12-day course of treatment been substantiated as the most optimal for the complete elimination of pathogens and reducing the frequency of relapses in aerobic and mixed vulvovaginitis.

We did not obtain any pathognomonic colposcopic signs of urogenital infections. Relatively rarely, we found hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva - in 16 (44.4%) patients, the symptom of “semolina” - in 17 (47.2%), signs of endocervicitis - in 10 (27.8%); in 9 (25%) patients, areas of columnar epithelium were identified in the exocervix, which made it possible to interpret these changes as ectopia. According to control colposcopy, there was an improvement in the condition of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix (reduction of swelling, vascular pattern, hyperemia). Adverse reactions during therapy were not identified in any patient.

Microbiological examination data (Fig.
before treatment were presented:
Candida albicans
- in 24 (66.7%) patients;
— in 17 (47.2%); Enterobacterium
spp.—in 4 (11.1%);
- 3 (8.3%); Ureaplasma
— in 7 (19.4%) patients. In 14 (38.9%) patients, two or three pathogens were simultaneously detected, i.e. mixed vaginitis was noted. Under the influence of the drug Polygynax, complete elimination of aerobic and fungal microflora occurred. It is important to note that, along with the elimination of facultative anaerobic flora, the drug had no effect on the level of Lactobacillus
Before treatment, median concentrations of Lactobacillus
was 2⋅105 GE/ml​*​ [before treatment, the relative Lg (N/MBP) in 29 patients was 57-75%, and in 7 patients - 6-8%], and facultative anaerobic microorganisms replacing lactoflora - 2⋅108 GE/ml in all examined patients. After treatment, median concentrations of Lactobacillus
spp. increased to 5.5⋅107 GE/ml in 23 patients. Relative Lg (N/MBP) was 80-95%, and facultative anaerobic microorganisms reached 0 GE/ml (p < 0.0001).

1. Results of microbiological examination of the examined patients before and after treatment. In our studies (Fig. 2), before treatment, pH was 4.0–4.5 in 6 (16.7%) patients, pH 5.0–6.5 in 30 (83.3%), pH 7.0 or more was not determined in any patient, while after treatment the pH was 4.0-4.5 in 35 (97.2%) patients and in 1 (2.8%) patient pH >4 ,5. A significant decrease in the pH of the vaginal environment in 97.2% of patients after treatment creates optimal conditions for the growth of lactobacilli, which coincides with the opinion of E.F. Kira et al. [3] “To divide, lactobacilli need an optimal pH level (acidic 3.8-4.2)…”

Rice. 2. pH values ​​of the vaginal environment in the examined patients before and after treatment.

Thus, the use of a combination of two broad-spectrum antibiotics and an antimycotic as part of the drug Polygynax allows for polyvalent treatment without the negative impact of antibiotics on the normal vaginal microflora.

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