TOP 7 analogues of Ursosan: cheap drugs of Russian and foreign production

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Prohibited for children

Has restrictions for older people

Prohibited for liver problems

Prohibited for kidney problems

The main active component of the drug Ursosan is ursodeoxycholic acid. It is produced in the form of capsules and is prescribed for the following disorders:

  • cholelithiasis (if the bladder has not lost its functionality and the size of the stone is no more than 1.5 centimeters);
  • gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, which is accompanied by severe heartburn;
  • biliary cirrhosis (if the pathology is in the decompensated phase).

Ursodeoxycholic acid affects cholesterol levels in liver cells and accelerates catabolism in the liver and intestines. When acid and cholesterol interact, compounds are formed that effectively dissolve calcium-cholesterol stones in the gallstones and remove them outside the body, which helps lower the cholate-cholesterol index.

General information about the drug

The medication is not prescribed for the following reasons:

  • allergy to the composition of the medicine;
  • obstruction of bile acids through the bile ducts;
  • decreased contractility of the organ;
  • inflammation in liver cells and gallbladder;
  • impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver;
  • formation of calcified stones and colic in the organ;
  • inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholestasis;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

The drug is not prescribed in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and the lactation period. If you need to take medication during lactation, then you need to cancel lactation and transfer the newborn to artificial feeding. If a patient cannot be treated with Ursosan for various reasons, then the doctor prescribes analogues of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: PRO.
MED. CS Praha, Czech Republic Release form: capsules, tablets

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Grinterol, Ursodez, Urdoxa, Livodex

Ursosan, Ursocaps, Ursodex, Ursodiolysin

Ursosan belongs to the group of hepatoprotective agents. A medicine based on ursodeoxycholic acid has the following actions and effects:

  • protection of liver cells from toxins and other damaging factors, restoration of their structure;
  • choleretic:
  • immunomodulatory;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • dissolution of gallstones.

By normalizing metabolic processes in the body, the drug can cause a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Comparison of rating participants by main indicators

Name average cost Active substance Manufacturer country
Ursosan 1620 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg) Ursodeoxycholic acid Czech Republic
The best analogues of Ursosan based on ursodeoxycholic acid
Ursofalk 1720 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg) Ursodeoxycholic acid Germany
Grinterol 1415 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg) Ursodeoxycholic acid Latvia
Urdoxa 1520 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg) Ursodeoxycholic acid Russia
Ursodez 1050 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg) Ursodeoxycholic acid Russia
exhol 1220 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg) Ursodeoxycholic acid Russia
The best analogues of Ursosan with similar effects
Phosphoglyph Urso 840 rub. (50 caps. 35+250 mg) Glycyrrhizic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid Russia
Heptor 1150 rub. (20 tablets 400 mg) Ademetionine Russia
Gepabene 520 rub. (30 caps. 4.13+50 mg) Milk thistle and fume extracts Germany
Flamin 165 rub. (30 tablets 50 mg) Immortelle sand flowers sum of flavonoids Russia
Hofitol 420 rub. (60 tablets) Artichoke Leaf Extract France

Ursosan - instructions for use

The dose of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the nature and extent of the disease. The medicine is intended for internal use.

The daily dosage is 10–15 mg per kilogram of patient weight. When dissolving gallstones, the calculated amount of the drug is taken once at night. In other cases, the daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses during the day.

The duration of treatment is usually 6 months. Long-term treatment makes it possible not only to eliminate the disease, but also to prevent its recurrence.

How to drink Ursosan - before or after meals

The drug should only be taken orally during or after meals. You need to drink at least 150 ml of water. Do not chew the tablet or capsule; swallow it whole. For dosing accuracy with this method of use, the tablet can be divided in half strictly according to the risk. The medicine has a bitter taste.

Ursosan forte tablets ppo 500 mg No. 50


Active substance: ursodeoxycholic acid - 500 mg. Excipients: corn starch - 94.5 mg, pregelatinized corn starch - 48 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A) - 13 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 15 mg, magnesium stearate - 14.5 mg.


Following oral administration, UDCA is rapidly absorbed from the jejunum and proximal ileum by passive diffusion and from the distal ileum by active transport. Approximately 60-80% is absorbed.

With systematic use of the drug, ursodeoxycholic acid becomes the main bile acid in the blood serum. Depending on the daily dose, type of disease or liver condition, more or less UDCA accumulates in the bile. At the same time, there is a relative decrease in the content of other more lipophilic bile acids.

Metabolized in the liver (clearance during the “primary passage” through the liver is up to 60%) into taurine and glycine conjugates. The resulting conjugates are secreted into bile. About 50-70% of the total dose of the drug is excreted in the bile.

A small amount of UDCA that is not absorbed in the small intestine enters the large intestine, where it is broken down by bacteria (7-dehydroxylation) to form 7-keto-lithocholic and lithocholic acids. Lithocholic acid is hepatotoxic and causes damage to the liver parenchyma in some animal species. In humans, it is absorbed only in small quantities, sulfated in the liver into sulfolitocholylglycine or sulfolitocholyltaurine conjugate and thus detoxified before excretion into bile and excretion in feces.

The half-life of ursodeoxycholic acid is 3.5-5.8 days.

Indications for use

  • uncomplicated cholelithiasis (GSD): biliary sludge; dissolution of cholesterol gallstones with a functioning gallbladder;
  • chronic hepatitis of various origins (toxic, medicinal, etc.);
  • cholestatic liver diseases of various origins, including primary biliary cirrhosis (in the absence of signs of decompensation), primary sclerosing cholangitis, cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis);
  • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, including non-alcoholic steatohepatitis;
  • alcoholic liver disease;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • biliary reflux gastritis.


  • hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the drug;
  • X-ray positive (high calcium) gallstones;
  • non-functioning gallbladder;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder, bile ducts and intestines;
  • liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • severe dysfunction of the pancreas.

Ursodeoxycholic acid has no age restrictions for use, however, it is not recommended to use the drug in this dosage form in children under 3 years of age.

Directions for use and doses

Take orally, during or after meals, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of water.

To ensure the recommended dose, the tablet should be divided in half, breaking at the score. Segments broken incorrectly should not be used. When holding the segment in the mouth, a bitter taste is felt.

To dissolve cholesterol gallstones, the average daily dose of the drug is 10 mg/kg (up to 12-15 mg/kg). The daily dose of the drug is taken once at night. The course of treatment is 6-12 months or more until the stones are completely dissolved. If gallstones do not decrease in size after 12 months of treatment, the drug should be discontinued.

To prevent re-formation of stones, it is recommended to use the drug for several months after the stones have dissolved.

To prevent recurrent cholelithiasis after cholecystectomy, prescribe 250 mg (1 capsule or 1/2 tablet) 2 times a day for several months.

For chronic hepatitis of various origins (including toxic, medicinal), chronic viral hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, incl. non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, the average daily dose is 10-15 mg/kg in 2-3 doses. The duration of therapy is 6-12 months or more.

For cholestatic liver diseases of various origins, incl. primary biliary cirrhosis (in the absence of signs of decompensation), primary sclerosing cholangitis, cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis), the average daily dose is 12-15 mg/kg, if necessary - 20-30 mg/kg. During the first 3 months of treatment, the daily dose of the drug should be divided into 2-3 doses. If biochemical blood parameters improve, the daily dose of the drug is taken once at night. The duration of therapy ranges from 6 months to several years.

For biliary dyskinesia, the average daily dose is 10 mg/kg in 2 divided doses for 2 weeks to 2 months. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment.

For biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis, the average daily dose is 250 mg (1 capsule or 1/2 tablet) 1 time at night. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 6 months, if necessary - up to 2 years.

Calculation of the daily amount of capsules and tablets depending on the patient’s body weight and the recommended dose of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, mg/kg/day:

Body weight, kg10 mg/kg/day12 mg/kg/day15 mg/kg/day20 mg/kg/day30 mg/kg/day
19-251/2 tab. or 1 caps. 1/2 tab. or 1 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps.
26-301/2 tab. or 1 caps. 1/2 tab. or 1 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps.
31-351/2 tab. or 1 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps.
36-401 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps.
41-451 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps.
45-501 tab. or 2 caps. 1 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps.
51-551 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 3 and 1/2 tab. or 7 caps.
56-601 tab. or 2 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 and 1/2 tab. or 7 caps.
61-651 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 4 tab. or 8 caps.
66-701 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 1 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps. 4 tab. or 8 caps.
71-751 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps. 4 and 1/2 tab. or 9 caps.
76-801 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps. 5 tab. or 10 caps.
81-851 and 1/2 tab. or 3 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 and 1/2 tab. or 7 caps. 5 tab. or 10 caps.
86-902 tab. or 4 caps. 2 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 and 1/2 tab. or 7 caps. 5 and 1/2 tab. or 11 caps.
91-952 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps. 4 tab. or 8 caps. 5 and 1/2 tab. or 11 caps.
96-1002 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps. 4 tab. or 8 caps. 6 tab. or 12 caps.
101-1052 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 tab. or 6 caps. 4 tab. or 8 caps. 6 and 1/2 tab. or 13 caps.
105-1102 tab. or 4 caps. 2 and 1/2 tab. or 5 caps. 3 and 1/2 tab. or 7 caps. 4 and 1/2 tab. or 9 caps. 6 and 1/2 tab. or 13 caps.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

special instructions

Taking the drug URSOSAN®FORTE should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The use of the drug for the purpose of dissolving gallstones is possible subject to the following conditions: the stones must be cholesterol (X-ray negative), their size is no more than 15-20 mm, a functioning gallbladder with preserved patency of the cystic and common bile duct, no more than half filled with gallstones .

With long-term use of the drug to dissolve gallstones, a biochemical blood test should be performed every 4 weeks in the first 3 months of treatment, and every 3 months thereafter, to determine the activity of microsomal liver enzymes (transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase).

Monitoring these parameters makes it possible to identify liver dysfunction in the early stages. This also applies to patients in the later stages of primary biliary cirrhosis.

In addition, it can quickly determine whether a patient with primary biliary cirrhosis is responding to treatment.

When used in patients to dissolve cholesterol gallstones.

In order to assess progress in treatment and for the timely detection of signs of calcification of stones depending on the size of the stones, the gallbladder should be visualized (oral cholecystography) with examination of opacities in the standing and supine position (ultrasound examination) after 6- 10 months after the start of treatment.

If the gallbladder cannot be visualized on x-rays or in cases of calcification of stones, weak contractility of the gallbladder or frequent attacks of colic, URSOSAN®FORTE should not be used.

When treating patients in the later stages of primary biliary cirrhosis

Cases of decompensation of liver cirrhosis have been reported extremely rarely. After cessation of therapy, regression of decompensation manifestations was noted.

In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, in rare cases, at the beginning of treatment, clinical symptoms may increase, for example, itching may increase. In this case, the dose of the drug must be reduced to 250 mg (1/2 tablet), and then gradually increased again, as described in the “Method of administration and dosage” section.

Use in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis

Long-term therapy with high doses of ursodeoxycholic acid (28-30 mg/kg/day) in patients with this pathology can cause serious side effects.

In patients with diarrhea, the dosage of the drug should be reduced. If diarrhea persists, treatment should be discontinued.

Women of reproductive age should take URSOSAN®FORTE while using reliable contraception. It is recommended to use non-hormonal contraceptives or oral contraceptives with low estrogen content, since hormonal oral contraceptives may increase gallstone formation. Before starting treatment, possible pregnancy should be excluded.


Hepatoprotector with choleretic and cholelitholytic effects.

Dosage form

Film-coated tablets, white or almost white, biconvex, oblong in shape, scored on one side and a deep dividing line on the other side. On the break it is white or almost white.

Use in children

Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to use the drug in this dosage form.


A hepatoprotective agent, it also has choleretic, cholelitholytic, hypocholesterolemic and immunomodulatory effects.

Possessing high polar properties, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is embedded in the membrane of hepatocytes, cholangiocytes and epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes its structure and protects the cell from the damaging effects of toxic bile acid salts, thus reducing their cytotoxic effect.

Forms non-toxic mixed micelles with lipophilic (toxic) bile acids, which reduces the ability of gastric reflux to damage cell membranes in cholestatic liver diseases and biliary reflux gastritis.

In cholestasis, UDCA activates Ca2+-dependent alpha protease and stimulates exocytosis, reduces the concentration of toxic bile acids (chenodeoxycholic, lithocholic, deoxycholic, etc.), the concentrations of which are increased in patients with chronic liver diseases. By reducing their concentration and stimulating bicarbonate-rich choleresis, UDCA effectively promotes the resolution of intrahepatic cholestasis. Competitively reduces the absorption of lipophilic bile acids in the intestine, increases their “fractional” turnover during enterohepatic circulation, induces choleresis, stimulates the passage of bile and the excretion of toxic bile acids through the intestine.

Reduces the saturation of bile with cholesterol by inhibiting its absorption in the intestine, suppressing synthesis in the liver and reducing secretion into bile; promotes the gradual disintegration of cholesterol gallstones, which is achieved mainly through the mobilization of cholesterol from gallstones; reduces the lithogenic index of bile, increases the concentration of bile acids in it. The result is partial or complete dissolution of cholesterol gallstones.

Causes increased gastric and pancreatic secretion, enhances lipase activity, and has a hypoglycemic effect.

The immunomodulatory effect of UDCA is due to inhibition of the expression of histocompatibility antigens - HLA-1 - on the membranes of hepatocytes and HLA-2 - on cholangiocytes, normalization of the natural killer activity of T-lymphocytes, the formation of interleukin-2, a decrease in the number of eosinophils, suppression of immunocompetent immunoglobulins (Ig), firstly turn - IgM; regulation of apoptosis of hepatocytes and epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Delays the progression of fibrosis. Regulates the processes of apoptosis of hepatocytes, cholangiocytes and epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pediatric population

Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis)

According to clinical reports, there is many years of experience (up to 10 years or more) in treating pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis-associated hepatobiliary disease (CFAHD) with ursodeoxycholic acid. There is evidence that ursodeoxycholic acid therapy can reduce bile duct proliferation, slow the development of lesions detected by histological examination, and even promote the reversal of changes in the hepatobiliary system if therapy is started in the early stages of CFAHD. To optimize treatment efficacy, ursodeoxycholic acid therapy should be initiated as soon as possible after the diagnosis of CFAHD.

Side effects

The frequency of occurrence of side effects (number of cases/number of observations) in accordance with the classification of the World Health Organization is presented in the following gradation: very often (≥ 1/10); often (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10000 to <1/1000); very rare (< 1/10,000), frequency not established (frequency cannot be calculated from available data).

Gastrointestinal disorders:

In clinical studies, diarrhea or loose stools were frequently observed during treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid.

During the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, acute pain in the right upper abdomen was very rarely observed.

Disorders of the liver and biliary tract:

During treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid, calcification of gallstones has been observed in very rare cases.

In the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis in the later stages, in very rare cases, decompensation of liver cirrhosis was observed, which regressed after discontinuation of the drug.

Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissues:

In very rare cases, allergic reactions, including urticaria, may occur.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice other side effects not listed in the instructions, please tell your doctor.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding


According to animal studies, ursodeoxycholic acid has no effect on fertility. There are no data on the effects of ursodeoxycholic acid treatment on fertility in humans.

The use of the drug by women of childbearing potential is only possible if they use reliable methods of contraception.

It is recommended to use non-hormonal contraceptives or oral contraceptives with low estrogen content, since hormonal oral contraceptives may increase gallstone formation. Before starting treatment, possible pregnancy should be excluded.


There have been no adequate and strictly controlled studies of the use of ursodeoxycholic acid in pregnant women. Animal studies have shown reproductive toxicity in early pregnancy.

During pregnancy, URSOSAN®FORTE should not be used. The use of URSOSAN®FORTE during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk of side effects in the fetus or newborn.


Based on several documented case reports, the level of ursodeoxycholic acid in breast milk in women is very low and therefore adverse reactions are not expected in breastfed infants.


  • The drug should not be used simultaneously with antacids containing aluminum hydroxide or smectite (aluminum oxide), ion exchange resins (cholestyramine, colestipol), since these drugs can reduce the absorption of ursodeoxycholic acid in the intestine and, thus, reduce its absorption and effectiveness. If the use of drugs containing at least one of these substances is still necessary, they should be taken 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking URSOSAN®FORTE.
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid may increase the absorption of cyclosporine from the intestine, which requires monitoring the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood plasma and, if necessary, adjusting its dosage regimen.
  • In some cases, ursodeoxycholic acid may reduce the absorption of ciprofloxacin.
  • In a clinical study involving healthy volunteers, simultaneous use of ursodeoxycholic acid (500 mg/day) and rosuvastatin (20 mg/day) led to a slight increase in rosuvastatin plasma levels. The clinical significance of this interaction, including with other statins, is unknown.
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid has been shown to reduce the maximum concentration and area under the pharmacokinetic concentration-time curve of the calcium antagonist nitrendipine. In case of concomitant use of nitrendipine and ursodeoxycholic acid, careful monitoring is recommended. The dose of nitrendipine may need to be increased. In addition, a decrease in the therapeutic effect of dapsone has been reported.
  • These data, as well as in vitro data, suggest that ursodeoxycholic acid may induce CYP3A isoenzymes. However, the results of controlled clinical studies indicate that ursodeoxycholic acid does not have a significant inducing effect on the CYP3A isoenzyme.
  • Some medications, such as estrogens, progestogens (oral contraceptives), neomycin, clofibrate, can increase cholelithiasis, thereby having the opposite effect of the ability of ursodeoxycholic acid to dissolve cholesterol gallstones.


In case of overdose, diarrhea may occur. In case of established, prolonged diarrhea, drug therapy should be discontinued. Treatment of diarrhea is symptomatic (restoration of water and electrolyte balance).

Other symptoms of overdose are unlikely because the resorption of ursodeoxycholic acid worsens as the dose increases, leading to increased excretion in the feces.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The use of the drug URSOSAN®FORTE does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (the ability to drive vehicles, work with moving mechanisms, etc.).

Analogues of Ursosan

Direct analogues of Ursosan 250 mg and 500 mg (Forte) are drugs containing ursodeoxycholic acid:

  • Ursodeoxycholic acid‒Vertex;
  • Grinterol;
  • Livodex;
  • Protecholin;
  • Urbihol;
  • Urtsevel;
  • Urdoxa;
  • Ursodez;
  • Ursodiolysin;
  • Ursoliv;
  • Ursomax;
  • Ursomik;
  • Ursofalk;
  • Choludexan;
  • Exhol;
  • Ecorohol.

Substitutes for Ursosan in terms of action include drugs with a different composition that have a choleretic, hepatoprotective effect:

  • Herbal hepatoprotectors - Gepabene, Fumarta, Karsil, Legalon, Silibor, Liv-52, Galstena.
  • Choleretic analogues based on artichoke - Hofitol, Artichoke extract, Cinnarix.
  • Hepatoprotective drugs based on amino acids - Heptral, Heptrazan, Carnitene, Carnitine, Methionine, Glutargin, Lecithin, Hepatrin.
  • Choleretic drugs of various compositions - Allochol, Flamin, Holelesan, Cholenzym, Holosas;
  • Phospholipid analogues - Essentiale forte N, Livolin forte, Phosphogliv forte, Hepaforte, Rezalut Pro.
  • Antral.

List of Ursosan analogues with prices

Drug nameActive substanceRelease formManufacturerMinimum dosage cost
Ursosan Ursodeoxycholic acid Tablets, capsulesPRO. MED. CS Praha, Czech Republic From 720 ₽
UrdoxaFP Obolenskoye, RussiaFrom 650 ₽
Ursosan forte PillsFrom 1410 ₽
LivodexSUN Pharmaceutical Ind., IndiaFrom 740 ₽
UrsofalkTablets, capsules, suspensionDR. FALK Pharma, Germany From 800 ₽
Ursodez CapsulesNorth Star, RussiaFrom 450 ₽
GrinterolGrindeks, LatviaFrom 730 ₽
UrsolivABVA Rus, RussiaFrom 700 ₽
HeptralAdemetionineTablets, powder for solution for injectionABBOTT LAB., GermanyFrom 1520 ₽
PhosphoglivPhospholipids, glycyrrhizic acidCapsules, powder for solution for injectionPharmstandard‒Leksredstva, RussiaFrom 430 ₽
HofitolArtichoke extractTablets, oral solution, ampoulesLab. ROSA‒Phytopharma, France From 370 ₽
AlloholBile, activated carbon, garlic and nettle extract PillsAvexima, RussiaFrom 30 ₽
Ovesol (dietary supplement)Extract of oats, rose hips, immortelle, mintTablets, tea, solution, dropsEvalar, RussiaFrom 160 ₽
Karsil forteMilk thistle extractCapsulesSopharma, BulgariaFrom 330 ₽
Hepa‒mertzOrnithine aspartateGranules, concentrate for solution preparationMERZ PHARMA, GermanyFrom 600 ₽

Top 5. Phosphoglyph Urso

Rating (2021): 4.32

The combined composition Phosphoglyph Urso contains 250 mg of ursodeoxycholic acid, and is also additionally enhanced with glycyrrhizic acid.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 840 rub. (50 caps. 35+250 mg)

  • Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: glycyrrhizic acid + ursodeoxycholic acid

Phosphoglyph Urso is a unique drug in composition, one of the Ursosan analogues, also containing ursodeoxycholic acid, but additionally enhanced with glycyrrhizic acid. Thanks to this formula, the drug has a positive effect on the condition of the liver, has a choleretic effect, and relieves the inflammatory process. The medicine does not belong to the inexpensive category. For a number of indications, it will have to be taken for several months, so treatment will not be cheap. The drug appeared relatively recently, and is still poorly known to doctors and patients, so there are few reviews about it. But it is only due to its complex composition and action that Phosphoglyph Urso is worthy of being represented in this rating.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Combined composition
  • Integrated Positive Action
  • Optimal dosage
  • Few reviews
  • Price

Ursosan or Ursofalk - which is better and more effective, what is the difference

Manufacturer: DR.
FALK Pharma, Germany Release form: tablets, capsules, suspension

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Grinterol, Livodex, Ursodez, Ursoliv, Ursofalk

Ursofalk is an original complete substitute for Ursosan with identical composition and properties, but a higher price.

Both analogues are used to restore the liver, as choleretic and cholelitholytic agents. During pregnancy, both products are not recommended for use.

According to doctors, side effects such as diarrhea and allergies rarely develop. Differences in manufacturers do not have a significant impact on the safety and effectiveness of analogues.

Top 2. Flamin

Rating (2021): 4.55

Best price Flamin is the cheapest drug included in our rating and the winner in the “Best Price” category.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 165 rub. (30 tablets 50 mg)

  • Manufacturer: Vifitex (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: immortelle sand flowers sum of flavonoids

Flamin is an inexpensive drug based on components of plant origin. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. The product helps with cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, has moderate antibacterial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Flamin is often called one of the best drugs for the liver; it is compared with Ursosan, calling it analogues in many respects. Judging by the reviews, this medicine does not help everyone, but low ratings are usually given to it by those who took it without consulting a doctor. Doctors rate Flamin highly, but note that the drug is ineffective in acute conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition
  • Affordable price
  • Complex action
  • Effective only for mild forms of the disease

See also:

  • 10 Best Liver Supplements with iHerb

Ursosan or Ursosan forte - which is better?

Manufacturer: PRO.
MED. CS Praha, Czech Republic Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Grinterol, Ursodez, Ursofalk, Ursoliv

Compared to the usual form of the drug, Ursosan Forte differs only in the dosage of ursodeoxycholic acid - 500 mg. The analogues do not differ in properties, mechanisms of action and manufacturers.

When prescribing the drug in high doses, it is recommended to use Ursosan forte to reduce the number of doses.

Ursosan or Essentiale Forte - which is better?

Manufacturer: A. Nattermann and Cie., GmbH, Germany
Release form: capsules, ampoules

Active ingredient: phospholipids from soybeans

Synonyms: Antraliv, Esslial forte

Essentiale Forte, compared to Ursosan, has a different composition, differences in properties and manufacturer. This analogue is characterized by a more pronounced effect on the liver, restoring its cells. In this case, there is no effect on the gallbladder and stones.

When choosing an alternative, the nature of the disease should also be taken into account. For liver pathologies, Essentiale is a worthy replacement option, approved for use in pregnant women with toxicosis.

Ursosan or Urdoxa - which is better and more effective, what is the difference

Manufacturer: FP Obolenskoye, Russia
Release form: capsules, tablets

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Ursosan, Ursoliv, Ursodez

Urdoxa is a complete analogue of Ursosan, produced in Russia, which is produced in tablets and capsules depending on the dose. Manufacturers differ in their products. According to many gastroenterologists, the effectiveness of such drugs is the same. The drugs are well tolerated and have evidence of safety.

Cost of the medicine and main analogues

The cost of Ursosan analogues is in a wide range - foreign similar products are much more expensive than Russian ones.

Name of the medicationDosage of the main component (mg)Quantity in 1 packageCost in rubles

















Ursosan or Ursodez - which is better?

Manufacturer: North Star, Russia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Ursosan, Livodexa, Ursocaps, Ursodiolysin

Ursodez is an inexpensive domestic complete analogue, which is a high-quality and safe option when the patient is looking for a cheaper alternative to Ursosan.

The effectiveness and properties of this substitute are absolutely identical.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the drug are mostly positive, indicating that the product is truly effective.

Top 1. exhol

Rating (2021): 4.74

The best reviews from doctors and patients The analogue of Ursosan Exchol receives the highest ratings in reviews from both ordinary people and doctors.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1220 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg)

  • Manufacturer: Kanonpharma (Russia)

Exchol is a Russian analogue of Ursosan, which attracts with its cheaper price and high ratings in reviews from doctors and ordinary people. The drug is available in 250 mg capsules and 500 mg tablets. There is also a release form in the form of a suspension, but at the time of writing the rating it was not available in pharmacies. Doctors confirm that Exchol is effective both as a hepatoprotector and as a choleretic agent. Side effects while taking it are possible, but they are observed no more often than when using other drugs with the same composition. In general, Exchol can be considered a worthy alternative not only to Ursosan, but also to other drugs with a similar composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Attractive price
  • Good reviews from doctors and ordinary people
  • Two release forms available in pharmacies
  • Also available as a suspension, but not commercially available

See also:

  • 10 best choleretic drugs

to the beginning of the rating

Ursosan or Heptral - which is better for the liver

Manufacturer: ABBOTT LAB., Germany
Release form: tablets, powder for solution for injection

Active ingredient: ademetionine

Synonyms: Ademethionine, Heparetta, Heptor, Heptrazan, Samelix

Heptral is a hepatoprotector based on the amino acid ademetionine. The medicine quickly and safely helps restore liver cells, improve the flow of bile and normalize metabolism in the hepato-biliary system.

Unlike Ursosan, this analogue is unable to destroy cholesterol gallstones. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, this feature should be taken into account.


The basis of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid (the same as in Ursosan itself). It has a choleretic effect and helps relieve inflammation. This drug is used for the treatment or prevention of compensated type cirrhosis, various liver diseases and acute hepatitis.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, as well as in case of allergies to its components.

Price range: 450–550 rubles.

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Ursosan or Phosphogliv - which is better for the liver

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia
Release form: capsules, powder for solution for injection

Active ingredient: phospholipids, glycyrrhizic acid

Synonyms: Glycyrrhizic acid + Phospholipids

Phosphogliv is a domestic hepatoprotector that restores the liver and stimulates the normal flow of bile. Phosphogliv, unlike Ursosan, is not characterized by the ability to dissolve gallstones. This analogue is prescribed only for liver lesions of various etiologies.

Top 4. Heptor

Rating (2021): 4.46

Inexpensive generic Heptral Heptor is a Russian generic Heptral, which is one of the most popular and effective hepatoprotectors.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1150 rub. (20 tablets 400 mg)

  • Manufacturer: Veropharm (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: ademetionine

Heptor is a Russian analogue of the more expensive and widely advertised Heptral. The drug based on ademetionine has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect and is prescribed for liver lesions of various types, cholestasis, cholecystitis without the formation of stones. Heptor cannot be called a complete analogue of Ursosan, but in a number of actions they are similar. Judging by the reviews, the medicine really works and shows excellent effectiveness. Although there are many side effects described in the annotation, in reality only a few occur. The price is far from the cheapest, especially considering the fact that there are only 20 tablets in the package, but it is almost 2 times lower than the cost of the original drug based on ademetionine.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Inexpensive generic Heptral
  • Pronounced hepatoprotective effect
  • Lots of positive reviews
  • Cost of course treatment

Ursosan or Grinterol - which is better?

Manufacturer: Grindeks, Latvia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Livodex, Ursodez

Grinterol is a fairly expensive imported complete analogue of Ursosan with the same composition and effect. All efficacy studies have been carried out for such a substitute, which indicates the high activity of the drug.

The product is very well tolerated and can be used for a long time.

Top 5. Grinterol

Rating (2021): 4.38

One release form of Grinterol is available in only one dosage of 250 mg, which is convenient for many patients.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1415 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg)

  • Manufacturer: Grindex (Latvia)

The Latvian drug Grinterol, judging by a small number of reviews, is not a popular analogue of Ursosan, but this does not mean that it is not worthy of being included in the ranking of the best. The medicine is available in only one form - 250 mg capsules, and is slightly cheaper than other foreign analogues, but more expensive than a number of Russian ones. The hepatoprotective and choleretic effects of Grinterol are no worse than those of other ursodeoxycholic acid drugs; recommendations for therapy and dosages are identical, as well as for side effects. So far, the main disadvantage of Grinterol is that it is not prescribed as often as its analogues, although it does not differ significantly from them.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The drug from a famous Latvian pharmaceutical company
  • Prices are cheaper than a number of analogues
  • Packages with different numbers of tablets
  • Few reviews
  • One dose 250 mg

Ursosan or Hofitol - which is better?

Manufacturer: Lab.
ROSA‒Phytopharma, France Release form: tablets, oral solution, ampoules

Active ingredient: artichoke extract

Synonyms: Artichoke extract, Artichol, Cinnarix

Chophytol is a herbal choleretic agent with a weak hepatoprotective effect. The drug does not have the ability to dissolve gallstones. For these reasons, the product cannot be considered a full-fledged analogue of Ursosan in terms of properties and indications.

Top 3. Hofitol

Rating (2021): 4.48

The most discussed We found more than 650 positive reviews about the drug Hofitol. This is more than other drugs participating in the rating, which allows us to call Hofitol the most discussed.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 420 rub. (60 tablets)

  • Manufacturer: Rosa-Phytopharma (France)
  • Active ingredient: artichoke leaf extract

Hofitol is a popular and relatively inexpensive drug based on plant materials. Containing an extract of artichoke leaves, it has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect, normalizes metabolic processes in the liver tissue, which allows us to safely classify it as an analogue of Ursosan. The medicine is prescribed for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, biliary dyskinesia, but is not suitable for cholelithiasis. You will take Hofitol 3 times a day, 2-3 tablets, for 2-3 weeks. Before starting treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor, since the drug has a number of contraindications. It is worth noting that doctors speak highly of its effectiveness, talking about its mild action and minimal risk of side effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Natural composition
  • Action similar to Ursosan
  • Take 2-3 tablets. 3 times a day

Ursosan or Exchol - which is better?

Manufacturer: Kanonpharma, Russia
Release form: tablets, capsules, suspension

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Ursosan

Exhol is a complete analogue of Ursosan in the middle price category. This drug can be a complete replacement for the same indications.

The quality of the raw materials from which the medicine is produced is high. Therefore, the medicine has a pronounced effect with long-term use.

Top 2. Ursofalk

Rating (2021): 4.44

The most popular complete analogue of Ursosan Judging by the number of reviews that we found, as well as the number of user requests on social networks, Ursofalk can be safely called the most popular analogue of Ursosan.

Three dosage forms Ursofalk is offered not only in the form of tablets and capsules, but also has another dosage form in the form of a suspension.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1720 rub. (100 caps. 250 mg)

  • Manufacturer: Losan Pharma/Alphamed (Germany)

Ursofalk is a German drug based on ursodeoxycholic acid. It is offered in several formats - 250 mg capsules, 500 mg tablets and 250 mg/5 ml suspension. Many doctors call it one of the best in their group and prescribe it more often than its analogues. When taken as a course, Ursofalk helps dissolve gallstones, relieve pain, and have a positive effect on the liver. The main disadvantage of Ursofalk is its price, which, however, is not much higher than that of Ursosan. If treatment is required for several months, the cost of treatment is not affordable for everyone. The advantage is the presence of a liquid form of release, which allows the medicine to be used even in children of the first year of life. There is an opinion that Ursofalk more often than Ursosan causes side effects in the form of itchy skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • High marks from doctors
  • There is a release form in the form of a suspension
  • Suspension can be used for children of the first year of life
  • Price

See also:

  • 10 Best Milk Thistle Supplements on iHerb

Ursosan or Odeston - what is the difference

Manufacturer: ADAMED Pharma, Poland
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: hymecromone

Synonyms: Gimecromon, Odeston forte

Odeston is an effective choleretic drug that differs in composition and properties. Among the indications for use are only disorders of the outflow of bile and all pathologies associated with this condition.

Hepatoprotective and cholelitholytic effects are not typical for this analogue. For this reason, Odeston cannot be considered a full-fledged alternative to Ursosan.

Ursosan or Livodex - which is better?

Manufacturer: SUN Pharmaceutical Ind., India
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Ursosan

Livodex is an Indian substitute that has an identical composition and effect on the liver and gall bladder. This analogue of Ursosan in tablets of 250 mg and 500 mg belongs to the average price category and can be used by a fairly large range of patients.

The high quality and safety of this medicine have been proven by research.

Substitutes for therapeutic effect

Substitutes for Ursosan are also those medications that are made on the basis of other active ingredients, but have the same therapeutic direction.


Hepavilag is a similar product, available in granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral use. The main components in the medicine are L-arginine, -leucine, -isoleucine, -valine and glycylglycine.

Prescribed primarily to compensate for the deficiency of amino acids and biological components that are necessary to restore the functionality of the liver and gall bladder. The drug actively affects the acceleration of cholesterol catabolism.

Hepavilag is not used in the treatment for the following reasons:

  • congenital or genetic pathologies in metabolism;
  • uremia;
  • severe kidney pathologies;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

There is no reliable information about the effect of the drug on the intrauterine development of the fetus, therefore it is prohibited to prescribe the drug during this period. During lactation, the medication can be used after interruption of breastfeeding.

The oral suspension is prepared as follows:

  • dissolve the dry mixture in 100 ml of boiling water;
  • stir the suspension until a homogeneous liquid;
  • let cool to room temperature or add 50 ml of cold boiled water.

The daily dosage of the medication is 4-5 sachets, divided into 3-4 administration procedures. Patients with acute amino acid deficiency are prescribed an increased dose per day - 6-8 sachets, which also need to be distributed over 3-4 administration procedures.

The therapeutic course of taking the drug Hepavilag is 30-50 days.

Negative manifestations from taking the medicine occur rarely and are manifested by dyspepsia and other disorders of the digestive tract, as well as dermatological reactions - rash, urticaria and itchy skin. If you do not violate therapeutic dosages, the patient does not feel any side effects from taking it at all.


Phytohol is a plant analogue of Ursosan. The herbal medicine is produced in gelatin capsules with the active ingredient – ​​artichoke leaves. Biological active components in the composition of the drug activate the release of bile and also increase diuresis. The area of ​​​​prescription of the herbal medicine is pathologies of bile, liver and kidneys with urinary organs.

The herbal medicine is prescribed for:

  • dyspepsia;
  • flatulence;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • long period of food processing;
  • retention of urine in the body;
  • chronic disorders in the urethral organs.

General information about dyspepsia

An Ursosan analogue is not prescribed for the following reasons:

  • allergy to phytochemicals;
  • artichoke allergy;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • bile duct stenosis;
  • acute diseases in the urinary and biliary organs;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • cholangitis;
  • empyema;
  • GB dysfunction;
  • in pediatrics for children under 12 years of age.

Dosages are prescribed by the doctor individually based on diagnostic and laboratory tests of the digestive organs:

  1. Patients over 12 years old – 1-2 capsules three times a day before meals. You need to take the medicine with a small amount of water - 100 ml.
  2. The duration of therapy can vary from 14 to 21 days. If necessary, after 2 weeks you can repeat the medication course.

Children under 12 years of age and women during pregnancy and lactation should not take the medicine due to a lack of information about the safety of the herbal medicine during these periods.

Taking a herbal medicine can provoke the development of the following negative manifestations:

  • flatulence and dyspepsia;
  • discomfort in the peritoneal organs;
  • severe diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bronchospasms:
  • dermatological reactions - urticaria, skin hyperemia, itching and rash.

Ursosan or Ursoliv - which is better?

Manufacturer: ABVA Rus, Russia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid

Synonyms: Ursofalk, Livodex, Ursosan, Grinterol

Ursoliv is a high-quality product made in Russia, which is a complete replacement for Ursosan in composition and properties. Medicines differ only by manufacturers.

This analogue is suitable for patients who select optimal and effective treatment regimens at an affordable price.

Answers on questions

Is Ursosan possible for pancreatitis or not?

For chronic pancreatitis, drugs of other groups are used as prescribed by a doctor (Creon enzymes, etc., antispasmodics Duspatalin and others, agents for normalizing peristalsis Trimedat, Meteospasmil). Acute forms are treated in a hospital.

Is it possible to take Ursosan with alcohol or not?

Regular intake of large doses of alcohol during treatment with the drug is not recommended.

Does Ursosan help with the liver or not?

The medicine and its analogues are used for many liver pathologies, especially those caused by damage to the cell structure and disturbances in the outflow of bile.

When is it better to drink Ursosan - in the morning or in the evening?

For gallstones, the drug should be taken before bedtime. In other cases, the daily dose is distributed into 2-3 doses evenly throughout the day.

Is Ursosan a choleretic drug or not?

The medicine and its direct analogues have a choleretic effect.

Ursosan tablets or capsules - which is better, what's the difference?

The only difference is in the dosage of the active substance. Capsules contain 500 mg, and tablets contain 250 mg of ursodeoxycholic acid.

Ursosan original drug or generic?

Ursosan is a generic drug. The original drug is an analogue of Ursofalk.

Popular cheap analogues

Today, pharmacies offer an abundance of analogs of Ursosan, which are cheaper, but in their therapeutic effect are not inferior to the more expensive drug.


Livodexa is a medication based on ursodeoxycholic acid to protect liver tissue, as well as enhance the release of bile into the duodenum. The medication is a structural substitute for Ursosan.

The medication has the properties of dissolving stones from cholesterol molecules, restoring lipid imbalance in the liver and in the bloodstream. The use of Livodexa in therapy helps reduce the low molecular weight fraction of cholesterol (LDL). Bile stops absorbing cholesterol, suppresses its excessive synthesis in liver cells, and reduces the lithogenicity of bile acid.

Mechanism of action

Livodex is prescribed for the following patient diseases:

  • biliary cirrhosis at the stage of compensation;
  • medium or small stones;
  • gastritis.

The drug is not prescribed in the following situations:

  • stones in the gallbladder if they have a high concentration of calcium molecules;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder in the acute phase;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the bile ducts, intestines and liver;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • pancreatitis;


  • allergy to the medicinal composition;
  • lactose intolerance or galactose deficiency;
  • in pediatrics with the patient’s body weight less than 34 kg;
  • during lactation and pregnancy.

The tablets are taken before bedtime once a day. The dosage of the tablet is 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. The duration of therapy depends on the composition of the stones and can last no less than 2 years. Treatment of gastritis – 250 mg per day. The duration of the treatment process is from 10 days to 2 years.

Negative reactions:

  • calcification of stones;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, which can cause a gag reflex.


Cholenzym is prepared in tablets for oral administration based on three components: dry bile, dry crushed pancreas and the mucous membranes of the intestines of cattle. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • stagnation of bile and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis in the chronic stage;
  • hepatitis and gastritis;
  • pancreatitis, diarrhea of ​​infectious origin;
  • colitis and flatulence.

The drug is also prescribed to patients with high cholesterol index, poor diet and physical inactivity.


Cholenzym is not prescribed to patients with an allergy to the drug, in children under 12 years of age, with jaundice and pancreatitis in the acute phase of development. During pregnancy and lactation, Cholenzym does not harm the baby, so taking the medication during these periods is allowed, but only as prescribed by a doctor, and without deviating from therapeutic dosages.

Negative effects from taking the medication are rare, but with a long course of medication, you can observe the development of such side effects as:

  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdominal and epigastric region;
  • heartburn;
  • severe nausea;
  • allergic skin reactions - hives, redness and itching of the skin.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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