How to use Zinocap for acne, blackheads and blackheads

To treat fungal and bacterial skin diseases associated with inflammatory processes, various drugs are used, including Zinocap ointment. This is a non-hormonal drug for the treatment of dermatitis of various natures, eczema, psoriasis and other skin lesions. Used for several weeks until complete recovery.

Indications for use

Manufacturers present this product as a panacea for almost any skin disease, but this is far from the case.

Let's consider the indications for which Zinocap will be effective.

Among them:

  • Dermatitis without pronounced ulcers, scabs, scaliness, edging (in these cases, only glucocorticoids + anti-infective agents);
  • Oily seborrhea in complex therapy (with dry seborrhea it is not recommended to use it due to the drying effect, which will further aggravate the situation);
  • Miliaria, diaper rash and types of diaper dermatitis;
  • Irritation from prolonged wearing of medical masks;
  • Dandruff is not of a fungal nature, but due to irritation of the scalp (fungus must be gotten rid of with antifungal drugs, and Zinocap will be an auxiliary remedy, nothing more);
  • To relieve irritation from allergic urticaria and insect bites;
  • Pimples, wen, comedones (as a skincare product in complex therapy);
  • To normalize sebum secretion and reduce oily shine.

Contraindications and side effects

The product has virtually no contraindications - the gel and aerosol can be used by different patients, with the exception of children in the first year of life. Also, the drug cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance to the main or additional components.

In some cases, side effects are observed - itching, redness, burning and others. You should stop taking it - as a rule, the described symptoms go away on their own. In extreme cases, symptomatic treatment is indicated. To continue the course, you need to consult a doctor, as you may need to change the drug.


Analogs of Zinocap include products that can be divided into several groups. Each of them is effective in its own way, but they are united by the fact that they are used as dermatoprotective and anti-inflammatory agents.

Preparations containing zinc oxide

This subgroup of drugs is less effective for the same indications as Zinocap. Since this form of zinc has a less pronounced antibacterial, antiallergic and drying effect.

Zinc ointment

The classic remedy, which our parents used, perfectly dries out pimples and reduces the severity of inflammation. It has several big disadvantages. It clogs pores, which leads to the appearance of blackheads, is difficult to wash off from the skin and is poorly distributed on the skin due to its thick structure.


This drug has a much higher price because it differs from classic zinc ointment in the 4-fold concentration of zinc oxide per gram of ointment, and therefore the effect of its use is much stronger.

Preparations with zinc pyrithione

This form of zinc has a more pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect, but a weaker drying effect.


An excellent product that has a pronounced dermatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Its price is not very high and amounts to ~250 rubles.

Skin Cap

The original product, the first of the drugs containing zinc pyrithione, released onto the market. Thanks to its constituent components, it has high bioavailability. Prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Available in cream and aerosol format. However, its price is twice as much as the previous product and amounts to ~1100 rubles.


Zinocap® is 5 actions1 to defeat itching, flaking, irritation and dry skin. Without hormones and antibiotics. For adults and children from 1 year of age.

Zinocap® allows you to cope with various skin lesions caused by psoriasis, atopic or seborrheic dermatitis. Zinocap® is a broad-spectrum drug. Thanks to the active zinc contained in the composition (in the form of Zinc Pyrithione), Zinocap® has an antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin and protection against infection. The drug also contains Dexpanthenol, which provides a regenerating effect, minimizes moisture loss by the skin, thereby reducing flaking and dryness, helping to restore a beautiful and healthy appearance.

Advantages of Zinocap®2

5 actions1 to defeat itching, peeling and irritation of the skin: antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, protection against infection (when scratching), restoration and protection of the skin3.

  • Without hormones and antibiotics. Zinocap® does not cause skin atrophy and “withdrawal dermatitis”4. It has a favorable safety profile5, and therefore can be used by both adults and children from 1 year of age.
  • Possibility of long-term use . Unlike hormonal drugs, Zinocap®, if necessary, can be used for a long time without fear of local and systemic side effects.
  • Wide range of applications . Zinocap® can be used for skin lesions even on large areas of the body, including particularly sensitive (face, neck) and hard-to-reach (folds and scalp);
  • Ease of use. Zinocap® cream , with a lighter texture than regular ointments, is quickly absorbed6 and softens the skin, which is especially important for combating the manifestations of atopic dermatitis on the face, neck, and hands. Zinocap® aerosol is equipped with a special nozzle and is convenient for application to hard-to-reach areas of the skin (for example, on the scalp with seborrheic dermatitis).

Zinocap® - 5 actions1 for the treatment of skin dermatitis. Without hormones and antibiotics.

Indications for use

  • atopic dermatitis (eczema, neurodermatitis)
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • psoriasis
  • dry skin

Release forms

  • Aerosol 0.2% - 58 g
  • cream 0.2% – 50 g
  • cream 0.2% – 25 g

Question answer

At what age can you take Zinocap®?

Zinocap® is approved for use in children from 1 year of age and in adults.

Can Zinocap® be applied to the face?

Since Zinocap® is a non-hormonal drug, it can be applied to highly sensitive areas of the skin - face, neck area, folds, etc.

Zinocap® is available in 2 forms - aerosol and cream. How to use them for atopic dermatitis?

Both forms of the drug Zinocap® contain zinc pyrithione as the main active ingredient, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antipruritic effects. Among the excipients, the aerosol includes ethyl alcohol, which has a drying effect during inflammation, and the cream contains dexpanthenol, which has an additional wound-healing effect. Therefore, the general rules are as follows: the use of an aerosol is indicated in the acute stage of inflammation in the presence of oozing phenomena, and the use of a cream in the subacute period after the acute inflammatory reaction has subsided or in case of moderately severe inflammation. To decide on the choice of the optimal form of the drug Zinocap®, we recommend consulting with a doctor who can assess the clinical symptoms, stage of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Is it possible to use Zinocap® for a long time - more than 2 weeks for psoriasis?

Since Zinocap® is a non-hormonal drug, it can be used for a long time without the risk of systemic and local side effects, for psoriasis for an average of 1-1.5 months.

What complications may occur during treatment with Zinocap®?

According to the instructions for medical use, the drug Zinocap® is well tolerated; local allergic reactions may occasionally occur. Since the drug is practically not absorbed and is found in the blood in trace amounts, Zinocap® does not cause systemic adverse reactions.


We invite you to read reviews from ordinary people about the use of Zinocap for acne and inflammation on the skin of the face, and if you still have any questions, you can always ask them to a cosmetologist or pharmacist on our forum.

The product has a light consistency that is easily and quickly absorbed, which is good for owners of both oily and combination skin. Zinocap is well distributed on the skin, which makes it very economical at such a relatively low price. I really liked it and will recommend it to my friends and acquaintances.

Olga, 25 years old, Moscow

I noticed the tsinocap and good reviews. To be honest, I never noticed the pronounced effects that they write about on various sites; I applied a thin layer to acne and noticed that they did not become smaller, and they did not go away any faster. However, what I definitely noticed was the excellent moisturizing effect and the effect of reducing redness around inflammation.

Angelika L. 27 years old, Kubinka

I have been using the cream for three months and am very pleased with the effect. It dries out perfectly and relieves redness; I bought it as a moisturizer while using Effezel gel, which just dries out the skin like crazy. And Tsinocap coped with his task with just five points. A huge plus is that it is non-comedogenic. During use, even after treatment with “heavy artillery,” I did not get a single black dot because of it. Except, of course, the standard ones, which appear in the same places.

Ksyusha, 23 years old, Shchelkovo

Ointment "Zinocap": description, composition

The anti-inflammatory drug "Zinocap" is produced in 2 forms:

  • aerosol (packaging – 58 g bottle);
  • cream (packaging – tubes of 25 g or 50 g).

The active ingredient is zinc in the form of pyrithione. In both forms the mass fraction is 0.2%. Additional substances are:

  • purified water;
  • macrogol in the form of cetostearate;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate in dihydrate form;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • silicon in the form of dioxide and others.

The product should be stored at room temperature up to 25 degrees Celsius or in the refrigerator. The place should be dark, without access to direct sunlight. Should be kept out of reach of children. The shelf life is 2 years - after this time the drug cannot be used.

Cream "Zinocap": instructions for use

The product can be used by adult patients, including pregnant women, as well as lactating women. The drug can also be prescribed to children over 1 year of age.

The aerosol is shaken before use, then sprayed onto the affected area (it is first washed and wiped dry). The procedure is repeated 2 or 3 times a day, the total duration depends on how quickly the therapeutic effect is noticeable. In this case, after the symptoms disappear, treatment should be continued for at least 7 days. To treat the scalp, use a special attachment, which is included in the kit.

The cream is applied to the affected area in a small layer and rubbed in with gentle movements. The procedure must also be repeated 2 or 3 times a day until complete recovery. After this, the course of treatment is continued for 7 days.

The total duration depends on the disease:

  • psoriasis – 4-6 weeks, during an exacerbation the course is repeated;
  • atopic dermatitis – 3-4 weeks;
  • seborrheic dermatitis – 2 weeks.

No cases of overdose have been reported. When used in the indicated quantities, the drug is safe for health. There is also no information about the interaction of Zinocan with other drugs. Therefore, it can be taken simultaneously with different drugs.

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