Regetsin - effective acne gel according to reviews, description and price

Composition and release form

Regetsin's composition is very ambiguous, which misleads many representatives of the fair sex who are familiar with the components of cosmetics.

What is it?

As can be seen in the photo, and also stated by the manufacturer in the instructions, this drug contains the following components:

  • Purified water;
  • Carbopol (gelling agent, film former);
  • Sodium hyaluronate (gelling agent, film former);
  • Sodium hydroskid (alkali, drying agent);
  • Potassium sorbate (preservative, bactericide, fungicide, antiseptic);
  • Zinc chloride (astringent, soothing, antimicrobial, preservative).

Composition of Regetsin gel in the instructions
Many people think that if the cream contains hyaluronic acid or its sodium salt, then the product has a pronounced moisturizing effect and can be used against wrinkles, but things are not quite as they might seem at first glance.

Firstly, hyaluronic acid comes in three types:

  • Low molecular weight;
  • Hyaluronic acid with medium-sized molecules;
  • High molecular weight.

There are also mixtures of two or three types, for example among injection forms; they will not be discussed now. In cosmetics, as a rule, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is used, because it is better absorbed by the skin, including with ultrasonic vibrations.

Few people remember that hyaluronic acid in gels acts as a forming agent, namely a gelling agent itself. It must be said that it has good properties, but is not used as an independent gelling agent. In addition, it is also capable of forming a moisture-retaining film on the skin, but it is not very durable, so other film formers are added along with it, if necessary.

For example, in the composition of Regetsin gel, Carbomer acts as a component that has both of these properties.

In this case, the manufacturer does not indicate which hyaluronic acid is used - high, low or medium molecular weight, so we can only guess.

Knowing the technology for preparing cosmetics, I can secretly say that in such cases, manufacturers do not bother , the main thing is that the acid is of the required degree of purification. But you and I need to remember that low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates better from creams.


This drug is popular among both cosmetologists and dermatologists. For many skin pathologies, Regetsin gel is prescribed; the indications for use are as follows:

  • various types of skin rashes;
  • pigment marks from acne;
  • demodicosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • dermatitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin after special cosmetic procedures.

In addition to the indicated diseases for which Regetsin gel is used, the instructions allow its use as a prophylactic against acne and blackheads.

How does Regetsin work?

This product is positioned to combat acne and acne, but is often used for other purposes, namely for wrinkles.

The reason for this is incorrect information and dishonest reviews on the Internet. It is not clear where the ears of this myth come from in this case, from illiterate advertisers or greedy cosmetologists, but it is our duty to debunk it.

It is recommended to use Regetsin for wrinkles precisely because the composition contains a salt of hyaluronic acid, but we have already found out above that the name in the composition is not enough to achieve the necessary moisturizing effect. And we urge you to pay attention to other means, and perhaps even procedures, to combat wrinkles.

This drug, as the manufacturer assures, still has a regenerating effect, again thanks to hyaluronic salt, and also to the fact that the composition contains antimicrobial components and Zinc, which prevent the development of inflammation and infection.

And here again a disclaimer: products penetrate through damaged and inflamed skin faster than through healthy skin. Therefore, on your healthy skin without acne and inflammation, the hyaluronic acid from this gel will not have any effect .

What is the product used for?

The drug Regetsin can be purchased in pharmacies, since it is a medication used to treat the skin. The gel has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative properties. Its direct purpose is as follows:

  • prevention and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, demadecosis, comedonal and papulopustular acne;
  • fight against acne spots (post-acne);
  • regeneration of the skin after laser exposure (removal of moles, warts and other benign tumors, hair removal, etc.);
  • healing of wounds.

The main active ingredient of Regetsin is zinc hyaluronate. It is this component that determines all of the listed properties of the drug. Acting at the molecular level, zinc hyaluronate restores the extracellular matrix of the epidermis, and this increases the skin's ability to resist external irritants and maintain its elasticity. In addition, zinc takes an active part in the destruction of pathogens that cause inflammatory processes on the skin.

Regetsin also contains auxiliary substances that enhance the effect of zinc hyaluronate.

Regetsin is a pharmaceutical drug whose main purpose is to combat acne.

Effect of use

This product has two main effects: drying and anti-inflammatory. They are due to the components included in this gel.

Therefore, to the question of how to use recin for wrinkles, the best answer would be to buy a concentrate serum with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid or pay attention, including to the cheaper analogues presented below.

This is what the gel looks like on your hand

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Regetsin, consumers note the following:

  • wide range of applications;
  • rare occurrence of side effects;
  • affordable price (128 rubles for 1 tube of 15 g);
  • fast absorption, which ensures the absence of shine on the skin;
  • compatibility with other drugs;
  • lack of photosensitizing effect, i.e. after applying Regetsin to the skin there is no risk of photoallergic and phototoxic inflammation of the skin under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • no smell.

Among the disadvantages of Regetsin are:

  • insufficient information about the effect of the gel on the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child;
  • presence of contraindications for use.

Regetsin analogues for wrinkles

Let's take a look at analogues of this drug, which have a similar and even better effect.

Methyluracil ointment

Among pharmacy analogues in terms of action (but not composition), it is impossible not to mention Methyluracil ointment. This ointment has an excellent regenerating agent that has the property of stimulating the division of new skin cells.

Price from 35 to 80 rubles.

Gel Hyalurol

Another inexpensive analogue of this drug is Hyalurol gel. It is a cosmetic product containing hyaluronic acid. We have personally tested this product and can say with confidence that it has a good moisturizing effect. You can read more in this article.

Price 55 - 100 rubles per 75 ml.

Gel Hyalurol ZD

Novosvit cosmetics

Also in the pharmacy you can find the Novosvit line of cosmetics from a domestic manufacturer. Of the many brands of budget cosmetics, this company has proven itself well both among young people and among more mature representatives of the fair sex. Aqua-gel concentrate Hyaluronic acid and Collagen is another analogue for wrinkles.

The price is approximately 120 rubles for 25 ml.

Hyaluronic cream Novosvit

Hydra Therapy with hyaluronic acid

Another cosmetic company, Compliment, has released a line of Hydra Therapy products with hyaluronic acid.

Among the funds are:

  • Serum with AHA and BHA acids;
  • Face mask;
  • Hydro-sculptor;
  • Micellar water;
  • Day and night creams.


Regetsin ointment has a number of useful properties, on the basis of which indications are formed. It has the following positive effects on the epidermis:

  • fights different types of rashes;
  • resolves pustular acne;
  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the integument;
  • promotes regeneration processes of damaged areas;
  • pronounced antimicrobial effect;
  • eliminates inflammatory foci, soothes the epidermis;
  • copes with irritation;
  • eliminates age spots;
  • has a brightening effect;
  • evens out texture and mattifies;
  • has deep moisturizing and nourishing properties;
  • activates blood circulation in the treated area;
  • forms a protective barrier on the surface of the skin;
  • produces immune properties of the integument.


Let us present reviews from our fellow cosmetologists and visitors to beauty salons who used Regetsin for wrinkles, and if you have any questions, you can always ask your question on our cosmetic forum.

About a year and a half ago I tried using this gel for crow’s feet around the eyes. I read about this somewhere on the VKontakte website, it said that the composition contains hyaluronic acid and the product helps a lot. I went to the pharmacy and bought two boxes. So, I applied it in the morning after my skincare routine and, what can I say? I just threw away the money, I didn’t notice the effect of the word at all. I don’t rule out the possibility that the skin may simply not react, but I don’t buy it anymore.

Olesya, 36 years old, Moscow

I bought Regetsin Gel, having accidentally come across it in a pharmacy, and quickly looked through the reviews on the Internet. And I decided to buy one box to try, I smeared it at night after removing makeup and washing my face. However, after some time I developed a severe allergy and had to stop using the product. I didn’t even try it again.

Victoria, 41 years old, Odintsovo

Contraindications and side effects

Regetsin ointment for acne, like any other medicine, has a number of limitations. Therefore, before applying it to your face, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • lung diseases, asthma;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. This may trigger an allergic reaction;
  • oncology;
  • pathologies of internal organs of a chronic nature;
  • infectious lesions;
  • burn injuries.

Sometimes a gynecologist approves therapy with this drug for expectant and nursing mothers, however, this happens in exceptional cases and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Regetsin gel instructions for use recommend using a specific regimen. If the recommendations are violated, you may encounter the following unpleasant consequences:

  • burning; itching;
  • tightness of the integument;
  • hypermia of the epidermal layer;
  • allergic manifestations in the form of rashes and swelling.

If these symptoms appear, you should stop using this medication and visit a dermatologist.

Application of Regetsin against acne

To achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to use acne cream correctly. The instructions for use included with the Regetsin gel contain the following information:

  1. Thoroughly clean the epidermis of decorative cosmetics and visible impurities. It is advisable to do this with special products designed for problem skin.
  2. Dry your face and wait a couple of minutes until it dries completely.
  3. Squeeze out a small amount of medicine and gently rub into the affected areas. Avoid the area around the eyes, as well as the eyelids and lips.
  4. Wait until the drug is completely absorbed.
  5. If additional application of another medical product is required, this should be done half an hour after using Regetsin.
  6. The procedure is carried out in the morning and at night before bedtime.

Excessively dry skin requires increased hydration. In this case, after using the drug, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

The full course of acne treatment is about four weeks or longer, but it is not recommended to exceed it for more than two months. For preventive purposes, it is enough to apply the product twice every five to seven days. It is considered a good base for makeup, as it gives the skin a soft and matte finish.

Regetsin gel for acne on the face is effective if therapy is carried out in parallel to eliminate the specific causes of the rash. In some situations, treatment with external medications alone may not be enough.

How to use the product if there are severe lesions on the skin is decided by a dermatologist. He may increase the duration of the course by a few more weeks.

Regetsin gel combines well with other anti-acne medications, both for external treatment and for internal use.

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