Prolatan eye drops 0.005% 2.5 ml 1 pc. in St. Petersburg

Prolatan, 1 piece, 2.5 ml, 0.005%, eye drops

The drug Prolatan® should be used no more than once a day, since more frequent administration of latanoprost leads to a weakening of the IOP-lowering effect.

If one dose is missed, the next dose should be administered at the usual time.

The drug Prolatan® can be used simultaneously with other classes of ophthalmic drugs for topical use to reduce IOP. If the patient is using other eye drops at the same time, they should be used at least 5 minutes apart.

The drug Prolatan® contains benzalkonium chloride, which can be absorbed by contact lenses. Before instilling drops, contact lenses must be removed and reinserted after 15 minutes.

Prolatan® can cause a gradual increase in the amount of brown pigment in the iris. The change in eye color is caused by an increase in the melanin content in the stromal melanocytes of the iris, and not by an increase in the number of melanocytes themselves. In typical cases, brown pigmentation appears around the pupil and extends concentrically to the periphery of the iris. In this case, the entire iris or parts of it become brown. In most cases, the color change is minor and may not be clinically detectable. Increased pigmentation of the iris of one or both eyes is observed mainly in patients with mixed iris color, containing a brown color as a base. The drug has no effect on nevi and lentigines of the iris; no accumulation of pigment in the trabecular meshwork or in the anterior chamber of the eye was noted.

When determining the degree of pigmentation of the iris for more than 5 years, no undesirable consequences of increased pigmentation were revealed, even with continued therapy with latanoprost. In patients, the degree of IOP reduction was the same, regardless of the presence or absence of increased iris pigmentation. Therefore, treatment with Prolatan® can be continued in cases of increased pigmentation of the iris. Such patients should be monitored regularly and, depending on the clinical situation, treatment may be discontinued.

Increased pigmentation of the iris is usually observed during the first year after the start of treatment, rarely during the second or third year. After the fourth year of treatment, this effect was not observed. The rate of pigmentation progression decreases over time and stabilizes after 5 years. In the longer term, the effects of increased iris pigmentation have not been studied. After stopping treatment, no increase in brown pigmentation of the iris was noted, but the change in eye color may be irreversible.

In connection with the use of latanoprost, cases of darkening of the skin of the eyelids have been described, which may be reversible.

The drug Prolatan® can cause gradual changes in eyelashes and vellus hair, such as lengthening, thickening, increasing pigmentation, increasing thickness and changing the direction of eyelash growth. Changes in eyelashes are reversible and disappear after cessation of treatment.

Patients using drops in only one eye may develop heterochromia.

The use of eye drops may cause transient blurred vision.

Effect on the ability to drive a car and other mechanisms

Driving a car or using complex machinery while using the drug should be done with caution.


The drug Prolatan® should be used no more than once a day, since more frequent administration of latanoprost leads to a weakening of the IOP-lowering effect.

If one dose is missed, the next dose should be administered at the usual time.

The drug Prolatan® can be used simultaneously with other classes of ophthalmic drugs for topical use to reduce IOP. If the patient is using other eye drops at the same time, they should be used at least 5 minutes apart.

Prolatan® contains benzalkonium chloride, which can be absorbed by contact lenses. Before instilling drops, contact lenses must be removed and reinserted after 15 minutes.

Prolatan® can cause a gradual increase in the amount of brown pigment in the iris. The change in eye color is caused by an increase in the melanin content in the stromal melanocytes of the iris, and not by an increase in the number of melanocytes themselves. In typical cases, brown pigmentation appears around the pupil and extends concentrically to the periphery of the iris. In this case, the entire iris or parts of it become brown. In most cases, the color change is minor and may not be clinically detectable. Increased pigmentation of the iris of one or both eyes is observed mainly in patients with mixed iris color, containing a brown color as a base. The drug has no effect on nevi and lentigo

iris; no accumulation of pigment in the trabecular meshwork or in the anterior chamber of the eye was noted.

When determining the degree of pigmentation of the iris for more than 5 years, no undesirable consequences of increased pigmentation were revealed, even with continued therapy with latanoprost. In patients, the degree of IOP reduction was the same, regardless of the presence or absence of increased iris pigmentation. Therefore, treatment with Prolatan® can be continued in cases of increased pigmentation of the iris. Such patients should be monitored regularly and, depending on the clinical situation, treatment may be discontinued.

Increased pigmentation of the iris is usually observed during the first year after the start of treatment, rarely during the second or third year. After the fourth year of treatment, this effect was not observed. The rate of pigmentation progression decreases over time and stabilizes after 5 years. In the longer term, the effects of increased iris pigmentation have not been studied. After stopping treatment, no increase in brown pigmentation of the iris was noted, but the change in eye color may be irreversible.

In connection with the use of latanoprost, cases of darkening of the skin of the eyelids have been described, which may be reversible.

The drug Prolatan® can cause gradual changes in eyelashes and vellus hair, such as lengthening, thickening, increasing pigmentation, increasing thickness and changing the direction of eyelash growth. Changes in eyelashes are reversible and disappear after cessation of treatment.

Patients using drops in only one eye may develop heterochromia.

The use of eye drops may cause transient blurred vision.

Prolatan 0.005% 2.5ml eye drops

Prolatan 0.005% 2.5ml eye drops

Trade name Prolatan International nonproprietary name Latanoprost Dosage form Eye drops 0.005% 2.5 ml Composition 1 ml of the drug contains the active substance - latanoprost 0.05 mg, excipients: benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, water for injections. Description Transparent colorless solution. Pharmacotherapeutic group Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases. Antiglaucoma drugs and miotics. Prostaglandin analogues. Latanoprost. ATC code S01EE01 Pharmacological properties Pharmacokinetics Latanoprost, being a prodrug form, is absorbed through the cornea, where it is hydrolyzed to biologically active acid. Concentration in aqueous humor reaches a maximum approximately two hours after topical application. Latanoprost undergoes hydrolysis in the cornea under the action of esterases to form a biologically active acid. Latanoprost acid entering the systemic circulation is metabolized mainly in the liver by beta-oxidation of fatty acids with the formation of 1,2-dinor and 1,2,3,4-tetranor metabolites. The volume of distribution is 0.16 ± 0.02 l/kg. Latanoprost acid is determined in aqueous humor during the first 4 hours, and in plasma only during the first hour after topical application. Latanoprost acid is rapidly cleared from plasma (T1/2=17 min). Systemic clearance is approximately 7 ml/min/kg. After beta-oxidation in the liver, metabolites are excreted mainly by the kidneys: after topical application, approximately 88% of the administered dose is excreted in the urine. Pharmacodynamics Prolatan, an analogue of prostaglandin F2α, is a selective FP receptor agonist and reduces intraocular pressure (IOP) by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor, mainly through the uveoscleral route, as well as through the trabecular meshwork. It has been established that latanoprost does not have a significant effect on the production of aqueous humor and the blood-ophthalmic barrier. When used in therapeutic doses, latanoprost does not have a significant pharmacological effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Indications for use : reduction of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma and increased ophthalmotonus. Directions for use and dosage Adults (including elderly patients) One drop into the affected eye once a day. The optimal effect is achieved when using Prolatan in the evening. The frequency of use of Prolatan should not exceed once a day, since it has been established that with more frequent use the effectiveness of the drug decreases. If one dose has been missed, then treatment should be continued by administering the next dose as usual. Side effects Very often (≥1/10): - increased pigmentation of the iris, slight hyperemia of the conjunctiva, eye irritation (burning, itching, tingling, foreign body sensation), thickening and elongation of eyelashes, increase in their number, pigmentation Often (≥1/100 , - transient pinpoint epithelial erosions of the cornea, in most cases asymptomatic, blepharitis, painful sensations in the eyes Uncommon (≥1/1000, - swelling of the eyelids, dry eyes, keratitis, blurred vision, conjunctivitis - skin rash Rarely (≥1/10, 0000, - iritis/uveitis, macular edema (including cystoid macular edema), corneal edema and erosions, periorbital edema, disturbance of the direction of eyelash growth, which may be accompanied by an irritating effect on the eyes, distichiasis (an additional row of eyelashes behind normally growing eyelashes) - asthma, worsening of bronchial asthma, acute asthmatic attacks and shortness of breath - rash, darkening of the skin of the eyelids Very rare (- worsening of angina in patients with an existing disease - chest pain Unknown (cannot be estimated from the available data) - dizziness, headache - palpitations - myalgia, arthralgia - herpetic keratitis Contraindications - hypersensitivity to latanoprost or other components of the drug - children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Drug interactions Prolatan is effective both as monotherapy and in combination with other drugs that reduce intraocular pressure, for example, beta-blockers (timolol). Prolatan has an additive effect when used in combination with adrenomimetics (dipivalyl adrenaline), oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide) and, at least partially, an additive effect when prescribed in combination with cholinomimetics (pilocarpine). When prescribing combination therapy, different eye drops should be administered at least five minutes apart. The use of two or more prostaglandins or prostaglandin analogues is not recommended due to the possible increase in intraocular pressure. Prolatan is incompatible with eye drops containing thiomersal, as this leads to precipitation. Special instructions Prolatan contains benzalkonium chloride, which can be absorbed by contact lenses. Before instilling eye drops, contact lenses should be removed, and they can only be inserted 15 minutes after instillation. Prolatan can increase pigmentation of the iris, which is accompanied by a gradual change in eye color due to an increase in the melanin content in the melanocytes of the iris stroma. Typically, brown pigmentation located around the pupil extends concentrically to the periphery, and all or part of the iris may become a more intense brown color. Changes in iris color develop slowly in most cases and may remain clinically unnoticeable. Discoloration in one or both eyes is detected mainly in patients with mixed iris color, which contains brown as the main color. Clinical studies did not reveal pigment accumulation in the trabecular meshwork or in any other part of the anterior chamber of the eye. Despite increased pigmentation of the iris, a decrease in intraocular pressure was observed in patients. Thus, treatment with Prolatan can be continued in patients whose iris pigmentation increases. These patients should undergo regular examinations or (depending on the clinical situation) treatment may be discontinued. Increased pigmentation of the iris usually occurs in the first year of treatment. This rarely occurs during the second or third year of treatment and has not been observed after the fourth year of treatment. The degree of pigmentation of the iris decreases over time. After discontinuation of the drug, no further increase in the amount of brown pigment was observed, however, the color change that has already developed may become permanent. When using Prolatan, darkening of the skin of the eyelids was observed, which may be reversible. Prolatan can gradually cause darkening, thickening and lengthening of eyelashes, an increase in their number and disruption of the direction of their growth. These changes are reversible after stopping treatment. Macular edema, including cystic edema, occurred mainly in patients with aphakia, pseudophakia, damage to the posterior capsule of the lens, or in patients with known risk factors for the development of macular edema; in these patients, Prolatan should be used with caution. There is limited data on the use of Prolatan in neovascular and congenital glaucoma. Therefore, Prolatan is recommended to be used with caution in these conditions. There is limited experience with the use of the drug in patients with asthma. Some cases of exacerbation of asthma and shortness of breath have been reported. Therefore, patients with asthma should use the drug with caution. Prolatan should be used with caution in patients with a history of herpetic keratitis; the use of the drug should be avoided in cases of keratitis caused by Herpes simplex and in patients with a history of recurrent herpetic keratitis (especially associated with prostaglandin analogues). Pregnancy and lactation The safety of Prolatan during pregnancy has not been studied. However, its administration poses a potential risk to pregnancy, the fetus and the newborn. Therefore, Prolatan should not be used during pregnancy. The active substance Prolatan and its metabolites can pass into breast milk, therefore Prolatan should not be used by nursing mothers or breastfeeding should be discontinued. Peculiarities of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms Instillation of eye drops can cause a transient sensation of “veil before the eyes” for several minutes, which must be taken into account when driving a car and working with moving mechanisms. Overdose Symptoms: irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, hyperemia of the conjunctiva or episclera. Treatment: immediately rinse eyes with water or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, symptomatic therapy. Release form and packaging Eye drops 0.005% 2.5 ml of the drug is poured into plastic bottles with a turquoise screw cap with first opening control. 1 bottle with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​is placed in a cardboard pack. Storage conditions Store in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. Store an opened bottle for no more than 4 weeks at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life: 2 years Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies By prescription

Drug treatment of glaucoma

As a conservative treatment for glaucoma, special eye drops are most often used. Drops are instilled in a specific mode, which is selected by an ophthalmologist separately for each eye.

This therapy is best suited in the early stages of the disease and is therefore widely used in clinical practice. In addition, drops are used as an addition to other treatment methods - surgical and laser.

Eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma have different compositions and different modes of action. Some of them reduce the production of aqueous humor. Others include special mechanisms and improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, which helps reduce intraocular pressure. There are also combined eye drops that can act in both of these directions.

Glaucoma drops: benefits and harms

Modern medications for glaucoma are usually very effective, although they are not always completely harmless.

Traditionally, drops are a solution of the active substance and a necessary preservative, for example, benzalkonium hydrochloride. Taken once and in small doses, it is absolutely harmless. But years of instilling pressure-reducing solutions, especially when the doctor does not change the drug, makes its effect on the surface of the eye quite dangerous. Indeed, with prolonged use of benzalkonium hydrochloride, dry eye syndrome may occur, which is accompanied by redness of the eye, dryness and discomfort.

Many patients cannot tolerate modern medications due to local or general allergic reactions. Systemic reactions of the body to their use are also common: decreased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, insomnia, dizziness, etc.

How is drug therapy prescribed?

The task of a competent doctor is to choose from a huge arsenal of drugs with a similar effect that are suitable for a particular patient, or to find an adequate replacement for it if necessary. When this does not work, they resort to surgical help.

Treatment of glaucoma with drops can be prescribed by a specialist only based on the results of a complete ophthalmological examination. All drugs are selected strictly individually and used according to the recommended regimen.

Self-medication, in the case of glaucoma, is especially dangerous, because eye health and the ability to see are at stake. Therefore, it is necessary to use exactly the medications prescribed by the doctor and strictly adhere to the course of treatment.

You can learn about surgical treatments for glaucoma, including laser treatment for glaucoma, on this page.

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