Prontosan / Prontosan - solution for wound healing, ampoule, 40 ml

Prontosan solution 350ml (Brown Medical)

The surface of the wound must be thoroughly washed and cleaned with Prontosan solution to remove foreign and necrotic tissue, exudate, surface films and crusts, fibrin and biofilms. In order to reduce the risk of introducing microbes into the wound, it is recommended to clean as much of the area around the wound as possible using Prontosan solution. Gauze pads or other types of dressings soaked in Prontosan solution can be used to clean and moisturize the wound surface according to their instructions. Due to the relatively low water-holding capacity of the solution (unlike Prontosan gel), dressings should be carried out at least once a day, and preferably several times a day. To remove large accumulations of fibrin, denser films, crusts, scabs, etc. It is recommended to continue treating the wound with Prontosan gel. Washing the wound with Prontosan solution should be performed with a frequency sufficient to completely remove all films and necrotic tissue and achieve optimal cleansing of the wound to accelerate its healing or for the subsequent stage of surgical treatment. To wash large wound surfaces, as well as wounds in hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to treat the entire affected organ or part of the body with Prontosan solution for at least 15 minutes. The Prontosan solution can be warmed to body temperature immediately before use. To remove denser films, crusts and scabs, in the presence of abundant accumulations of fibrin, densely lying necrotic tissue, etc., it is recommended to continue treating the wound with Prontosan gel. The surface of the wound should be covered with a layer of gel at least 3 mm thick. Prontosan is applied to the wound or injected into the wound cavity. The top layer of gel is covered with two or three sterile gauze wipes or other dressings. Prontosan should remain on the wound until the next dressing. Dressings are done daily. As the wound is cleared of necrotic tissue, dressings can be done every other day. Depending on when the next dressing is scheduled, varying amounts of Prontosan gel can be applied in a layer of 3 to 5 mm thick. Application of the gel should be carried out at a frequency sufficient to completely remove all films and necrotic tissue and achieve optimal cleansing of the wound to speed up its healing or for the subsequent stage of surgical treatment.

Prontosan / Prontosan - solution for wound healing, ampoule, 40 ml

Prontosan, a clear solution with a slight odor, is a proven wound healing agent that works. Immediately usable.

It is used as an effective antimicrobial agent with the widest spectrum of action and is used to decontaminate and cleanse wounds. The product is indicated for use for cleansing and moisturizing, including hard-to-reach wounds such as cracks, diverticula and fissures.

Prontosan extremely effectively suppresses bacterial flora, gently moisturizes and cleanses the wound surface and confidently promotes rapid and final healing of the wound. The cleanser prevents infection of the wound by pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the occurrence of infectious complications, and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the wound.

The use of Prontosan does not prevent the formation and development of new granulations, and also promotes rapid epithelization of the wound. Prontosan is especially indicated for cleansing wounds with a slow process of marginal epithelization.

Using Prontosan Wound Cleanser is completely painless. The solution in ampoules is sterile. Sterilization method: A (using aseptic processing methods).


– 0.1% undecylenic amidopropyl betaine

– 0.1% polyaminopropyl biguanide (polyhexanide)

- purified water

Indications for use:

purulent-necrotic wounds of various etiologies, including long-term non-healing ones, such as trophic ulcers, bedsores, etc.

- post-operative wounds

- post-traumatic wounds (abrasions, bruises, cuts)

- thermal and chemical burns

- wound surfaces around stomas, catheters and other medical devices

— can be used for primary surgical treatment of injuries of the upper and lower extremities

- can be used for dressings to moisturize wound dressings, napkins, tampons, to remove them without disturbing the wound surface

Contraindications for use:

- allergic reactions to the solution or its components

- avoid contact with eyes, otherwise rinse immediately with running water

- do not use for wounds that have hyaline cartilage as a bottom

— do not use together with other surfactants, oils, creams, disinfectants

- do not use internally!

- bottles that have touched the wound should be thrown away immediately after use to avoid reinfection

Instructions for use:

- rinse and clean the surface of the wound with Prontosan solution to remove foreign and necrotic tissue, exudate, surface films and crusts, fibrin and biofilms

- it is recommended to clean as much of the area around the wound as possible

- wipes or other types of dressings soaked in the solution can be used to clean and moisturize the surface of the wound

- washing the wound should be carried out at least once a day, with such a frequency that will be sufficient to completely remove all films and necrotic tissues

- for washing large wound surfaces, as well as hard-to-reach wounds, treatment of the entire affected organ or part of the body with Prontosan solution for at least 15 minutes is indicated

— Prontosan solution can be warmed to body temperature immediately before use

Storage conditions: store unopened, in a dry, dark place, at room temperature.

Show all types of wound cleanser Prontosan

Prontosan solution for washing wounds 350ml


Active ingredients: 0.1% undecylenic amidopropyl betaine, 0.1% polyaminopropyl biguanide (polyhexanide)


Healing of the wound surface may be delayed due to the presence of exudate, film-like formations, crusts and scabs of dead tissue and cellular debris and/or biofilms in the wound. These coatings are difficult to remove and create good conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora. In addition, even apparently clean wounds, especially post-traumatic ones, can be contaminated with microorganisms that can cause infectious complications in the wound.


allows for thorough cleansing of the wound surface, moisturizing the wound and suppressing bacterial flora, which creates conditions for rapid wound healing.
Thanks to the antibacterial component , Prontosan
can be successfully used to prevent infection of wounds by pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of infectious complications in the wound.

Indications for use

Solution for wounds of Prontos n

can be used for rinsing and cleaning:

  • purulent-necrotic wounds of various origins, including long-term non-healing wounds, such as trophic ulcers, bedsores, etc.,
  • post-traumatic wounds with the presence of foreign and necrotic tissues,
  • thermal and chemical burns, especially in lesions with a large amount of necrotic tissue and scab,
  • wound surfaces around stomas, catheters or probes,
  • postoperative wounds.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Avoid contact with eyes and hyaline cartilage; if contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with saline solution.

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature, protected from light. Keep away from children. An opened bottle can be stored and used for 8 weeks.

Best before date

2 years

special instructions

Prontosan does not have allergenic or irritating properties, is painlessly applied to the wound surface, does not inhibit the development of granulations and does not interfere with wound epithelization. To avoid reinfection of the wound, vials that directly touched the surface of the wound should be discarded immediately after use.

Side effects

Rarely: a slight burning sensation that disappears after a few minutes.


Prontosan should not be mixed or used with other disinfectants, ointments, oils, surfactants, enzymes, etc.

Prontosan instructions for use

Release form Gel for wounds Packaging 30 ml bottle

Pharmacological action Healing of the wound surface may be slowed down due to the presence in the wound of exudate, formations in the form of films, crusts and scabs from dead tissue and cellular detritus and/or biofilms. These coatings are difficult to remove and create good conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora. In addition, even apparently clean wounds, especially post-traumatic ones, can be contaminated with microorganisms that can cause infectious complications in the wound. Prontosan allows for thorough cleansing of the wound surface, moisturizing the wound and suppressing bacterial flora, which creates conditions for speedy wound healing. Thanks to the antibacterial component, Prontosan can be successfully used to prevent infection of wounds by pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of infectious complications in the wound.

Indications Gel for wounds - for cleansing, moisturizing and decontaminating: purulent-necrotic wounds of various origins, including long-term non-healing wounds, such as trophic ulcers, bedsores, etc.; post-traumatic wounds with the presence of foreign and necrotic tissues; thermal and chemical burns, especially in lesions with a large amount of necrotic tissue and scab; wound surfaces around stomas, catheters or probes; postoperative wounds.

Contraindications Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Avoid contact with eyes and hyaline cartilage; in case of contact, rinse thoroughly with saline solution.

Special instructions Prontosan does not have allergenic or irritating properties, is painlessly applied to the wound surface, does not inhibit the development of granulations and does not interfere with wound epithelization. To avoid reinfection of the wound, vials that directly touched the surface of the wound should be discarded immediately after use.

Composition Active ingredients: 0.1% undecylenic amidopropyl betaine; 0.1% polyaminopropyl biguanide (polyhexanide)

Method of administration and dosage The surface of the wound must be thoroughly washed and cleaned with Prontosan solution to remove foreign and necrotic tissue, exudate, surface films and crusts, fibrin and biofilms. In order to reduce the risk of introducing microbes into the wound, it is recommended to clean as much of the area around the wound as possible using Prontosan solution. Gauze pads or other types of dressings soaked in Prontosan solution can be used to clean and moisturize the wound surface according to their instructions. Due to the relatively low water-holding capacity of the solution (unlike Prontosan gel), dressings should be carried out at least once a day, and preferably several times a day. To remove large accumulations of fibrin, denser films, crusts, scabs, etc. It is recommended to continue treating the wound with Prontosan gel. Washing the wound with Prontosan solution should be performed with a frequency sufficient to completely remove all films and necrotic tissue and achieve optimal cleansing of the wound to accelerate its healing or for the subsequent stage of surgical treatment. To wash large wound surfaces, as well as wounds in hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to treat the entire affected organ or part of the body with Prontosan solution for at least 15 minutes. The Prontosan solution can be warmed to body temperature immediately before use. To remove denser films, crusts and scabs, in the presence of abundant accumulations of fibrin, densely lying necrotic tissue, etc., it is recommended to continue treating the wound with Prontosan gel. The surface of the wound should be covered with a layer of gel at least 3 mm thick. Prontosan is applied to the wound or injected into the wound cavity. The top layer of gel is covered with two or three sterile gauze wipes or other dressings. Prontosan should remain on the wound until the next dressing. Dressings are done daily. As the wound is cleared of necrotic tissue, dressings can be done every other day. Depending on when the next dressing is planned, varying amounts of Prontosan gel can be applied, in a layer of 3 to 5 mm thick. Application of the gel should be carried out at a frequency sufficient to completely remove all films and necrotic tissue and achieve optimal cleansing of the wound to speed up its healing or for the subsequent stage of surgical treatment.

Side effects Rare: a slight burning sensation that disappears after a few minutes.

Drug interactions Prontosan should not be mixed or used together with other disinfectants, ointments, oils, surfactants, enzymes, etc.

Storage conditions Store at room temperature, protected from light. Keep away from children. An opened bottle can be stored and used for 8 weeks.

Shelf life 2 years

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