Buy ACC 100 powder for preparing a solution for oral administration Orange for children 3g No. 20 in pharmacies

pharmachologic effect

The product has a mucolytic effect. Since the structure of the acetylcysteine ​​molecule contains sulfhydryl groups, this ensures the rupture of disulfide bonds of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, as a result, the viscosity of the mucus decreases.

ACC Long is also active if the patient produces purulent sputum.

Provided that the drug is used for the purpose of prevention, the severity and frequency of exacerbations in people who suffer from cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis .

ACC 200

ACC 200 (acetylcysteine) is an expectorant drug from a multinational pharmaceutical company. Its active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​is one of the most well-studied and effective mucolytics (medicines that thin mucus and facilitate its removal from the lungs). One of the advantages of acetylcysteine ​​over other mucolytic agents is the presence of antioxidant activity in this substance. It is a close relative of glutathione, one of the key components of antioxidant protection, which has a protective effect on the respiratory tract and inactivates aggressive free radicals. It is also necessary to note the antitoxic potential of the drug. Pathogenic bacteria tend to produce toxins that disrupt tissue pH and contribute to the development of inflammation. The release of toxins entails oxidative stress, which reduces the concentration of sulfhydryl groups in cells. Acetylcysteine ​​provides its thiol groups, thereby protecting tissues from oxidative damage and neutralizing toxins. In this regard, acetylcysteine ​​is rightfully considered one of the most universal means of detoxification. Moreover: it is often used as an antidote for poisoning with various pharmacological substances and poisons. Acetylcysteine ​​also prevents the settling of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

ACC 200 is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Rapidly undergoes metabolic transformations in the liver. Metabolites of the drug are pharmacologically active. The peak concentration of the active component in the blood plasma is observed 1-3 hours after oral administration. The half-life is approximately 1 hour. ACC 200 is indicated for diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by the production of thick pathological secretion of the tracheobronchial tree, including inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi, spasmodic bronchitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea, larynx, nonspecific inflammation of the lung tissue with the formation of purulent-necrotic cavities, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis , inflammation of the sinuses, acute inflammation of the middle ear. The optimal time to take the drug is after meals. Additional fluid intake increases the mucolytic potential of the drug. For short-term colds, the duration of the medication course is 5-7 days. If the pathological process is chronic, pharmacotherapy is continued for a longer period of time until the desired effect of treatment is achieved. Persons suffering from bronchial asthma should be prescribed the drug with the condition of mandatory monitoring of bronchial patency. It is not recommended to take ACC 200 in the evening (after 18:00) and before bedtime.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Once in the body, it is absorbed quickly. Metabolism occurs in the liver, resulting in the formation of a pharmacologically active metabolite - cysteine , also cystine , diacetylcysteine , mixed disulfides.

When taken orally, the level of bioavailability is 10% (as there is a pronounced first-pass effect). The highest level of concentration in the blood is determined after 1–3 hours. 50% bound to plasma proteins. Excreted from the body through the kidneys. The half-life is approximately 1 hour; if liver function is impaired, the half-life is 8 hours. Penetrates through the placental barrier. There is no evidence of penetration through the BBB.

What is the difference?

The drugs differ:

  • active substance and composition,
  • forms of production,
  • some application features.

Active substance

Bromhexine hydrochloride is a derivative of vasicin, a chemical derived from the plant Justice vascularis. It has long been used in the East as an expectorant. Bromhexine in the body is converted into an active metabolite - ambroxol .

ACC contains acetylcysteine , which is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine.

Release forms

The choice of dosage form is based on the patient's age and desired dosage, as well as individual characteristics and preferences.

Bromhexine is available in the form of tablets and dragees, fruit-flavored syrup for children, oral solution and alcohol-based drops.

ACC is available as cold or hot drink powder, effervescent tablets, soluble granules, or syrup.

Indications for use

ACC Long is used in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the respiratory system that are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum, which is difficult to separate ( acute and chronic bronchitis laryngotracheitis , obstructive bronchitis , bronchiectasis , pneumonia , cystic fibrosis , bronchiolitis , bronchial asthma );
  • acute and chronic sinusitis
  • otitis media.


ACC Long is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding ;
  • when the patient is under 14 years of age;
  • with high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug is used with caution for stomach and duodenal ulcers during exacerbation, for pulmonary hemorrhage, hemoptysis, varicose veins of the esophagus, bronchial asthma , diseases of the adrenal glands, as well as for liver and kidney failure .

How to take ACC

The dosage regimen and dosage of the drug depend on the patient’s age. ACC is taken orally and always after meals.


  • adults and adolescents over 14 years of age - 10 ml twice or thrice a day;
  • children 6-14 years old - 5 ml 3-4 times or 10 ml twice a day;
  • children 2-6 years old - 5 ml twice or thrice a day.

ACC 100 mg (one tablet or one sachet):

  • adults and adolescents over 14 years of age – 2 tablets/2 sachets twice or thrice a day;
  • children 6-14 years old – 1 tablet/1 sachet three times a day or 2 tablets/2 sachets twice a day;
  • children 2-6 years old - 1 tablet/1 sachet twice or thrice a day.

ACC Long adults and adolescents from 14 years of age take one effervescent tablet once a day.

Patients with cystic fibrosis are allowed to increase the dose of acetylcysteine ​​to 800 mg per day.

Effervescent tablets must be dissolved in 200 ml of water; the solution should be drunk immediately after preparation. The powder is dissolved in non-hot tea, water or juice.

During therapy, it is advisable to drink more fluid to better thin the mucus.

The duration of treatment for coughing against the background of ARVI is no more than a week.

Chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis are indications for longer courses.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur during treatment:

  • nervous system: in rare cases - tinnitus, headaches ;
  • digestive system: stomatitis , vomiting , diarrhea , nausea , heartburn ;
  • heart and blood vessels: tachycardia , low blood pressure;
  • allergies: bronchospasm (in isolated cases - mainly in patients with bronchial hyperreactivity), urticaria , skin rash, itching ;
  • other manifestations: bleeding - in isolated cases.

Effervescent tablets ACC Long, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug 600 mg is usually prescribed to patients over 14 years of age. The instructions for use of ACC Long 600 stipulate that the patient should take 1 effervescent tablet per day, this dose corresponds to 600 mg of acetylcysteine.

The tablet is dissolved in 1 glass of water and should be taken immediately after the tablet has dissolved. It is allowed to take the prepared solution for 2 hours in exceptional cases.

If we are talking about colds, then treatment continues for 5-7 days. If it is necessary to treat other diseases that have a longer course, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. People with chronic bronchitis are given longer treatment to ensure infection is prevented.

It is recommended to take the drug after meals.

When treating with ACC tablets, it is recommended to take additional fluid to ensure an enhanced mucolytic effect.

Application of bromhexine

Bromhexine - description of the substance and instructions


  1. Suitable for the treatment of not yet formed sputum, promotes the transition from a debilitating dry cough to a productive one if indicated.
  2. It has a higher bioavailability of the active substance and a prolonged effect.
  3. Suitable for people of all ages. It has several dosage forms for use in pediatric practice. Prescribed for the treatment of cystic fibrosis and other inflammatory diseases in children even under the age of 2 years (for certain dosage forms).
  4. Can be used to treat pneumonia and bacterial bronchitis in combination with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Bromhexine helps to increase the concentration of antibacterial drugs in the alveoli and bronchial secretions, which makes it easier to get rid of pathogens.
  5. In the treatment of lung diseases, it activates the synthesis of surfactant, which supports air exchange in the alveoli and the protective function.


  1. With large doses or impaired respiratory peristalsis, a large amount of sputum may be released, which can lead to congestion and difficulty breathing.
  2. The simultaneous use of bromhexine with antitussives (codeine) is strictly contraindicated.
  3. It is prohibited to use it during breastfeeding and is not recommended during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester). It has a number of other contraindications and restrictions.
  4. Some forms are not used in patients under 12 years of age due to the presence of alcohol in the composition (solutions, drops), and also have additional restrictions specified in the instructions.


In the case of simultaneous use of acetylcysteine ​​and cough suppressants, due to suppression of the cough reflex, the likelihood of mucus stagnation increases. Therefore, such medications must be combined with caution.

If treatment with acetylcysteine ​​and nitroglycerin , the vasodilatory effect of nitroglycerin may be enhanced.

Acetylcysteine ​​is not compatible pharmaceutically with a number of antibiotics (cephalosporins, penicillins, Erythromycin , Amphotericin B , Tetracycline ) and with proteolytic enzymes.

tetracycline decreases . In this regard, it is necessary to observe an interval between taking these medications of at least 2 hours.

If acetylcysteine ​​comes into contact with rubber or metals, sulfides with a characteristic odor are formed.

special instructions

It is important to use ACC Long with caution to treat patients with bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis. In this case, it is necessary to ensure systematic monitoring of bronchial patency.

If side effects occur during therapy, you should stop taking it and consult a specialist.

It is recommended to dissolve the tablets in glass containers to avoid contact with rubber, metal, and easily oxidized materials.

Patients with diabetes should take into account that one tablet corresponds to 0.01 XE.

Buy ACC 100 powder for preparing a solution for oral administration Orange for children 3g No. 20 in pharmacies

ACC Buy ACC in pharmacies DOSAGE FORMS granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration orange 100 mg

MANUFACTURERS Salutas Pharma GmbH (Germany)

GROUP Mucolytic agents

COMPOSITION The active substance is acetylcysteine.


SYNONYMS Acetylcysteine, Acetylcysteine ​​Sediko effervescent instant, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada International, Acetylcysteine-Hemofarm, ACC 100, ACC 200, ACC injection, ACC Long, Vicks Active ExpectoMed, Muco Sanigen, Mukobene, Mukonex, Tussicom, Fluimucil

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION Mucolytic agent. Pharmacodynamics. The presence of sulfhydryl groups in the structure of acetylcysteine ​​promotes the rupture of disulfide bonds of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which leads to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus. The drug remains active in the presence of purulent sputum. With the prophylactic use of acetylcysteine, there is a decrease in the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis.

INDICATIONS FOR USE Diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum: acute and chronic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis. Acute and chronic sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media).

CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​or other components of the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 2 years of age.

SIDE EFFECTS In rare cases, headaches, inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) and tinnitus are observed. Extremely rare - diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn and nausea, drop in blood pressure, increase in heart rate (tachycardia). In isolated cases, allergic reactions such as bronchospasm (mainly in patients with bronchial hyperreactivity), skin rash, itching and urticaria are observed. In addition, there are isolated reports of bleeding due to hypersensitivity reactions. If side effects develop, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

INTERACTION With the simultaneous use of acetylcysteine ​​and antitussives, mucus stagnation may occur due to suppression of the cough reflex. Therefore, such combinations should be selected with caution. The simultaneous use of acetylcysteine ​​and nitroglycerin can lead to an increase in the vasodilatory effect of the latter. Pharmaceutically incompatible with antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, erythromycin, tetracycline and amphotericin B) and proteolytic enzymes. Upon contact with metals and rubber, sulfides with a characteristic odor are formed. Reduces the absorption of penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracycline (they should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after ingestion of acetylcysteine).

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSAGE In the absence of other prescriptions, it is recommended to adhere to the following dosages: Mucolytic therapy. Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age are recommended to take 1 sachet 2 - 3 times a day (400 - 600 mg per day). Children aged 6 to 14 years are recommended to take ACC® 200 mg 3 times a day, 1 sachet or 2 times a day, 1 sachet (300 - 400 mg per day). Children aged 2 to 5 years are recommended to take 2-3 times a day, 1/2 sachet (200-300 mg per day). Cystic fibrosis. Children over 6 years of age are recommended to take 1 sachet (600 mg per day) 3 times a day. Children aged 2 to 5 years are recommended to take 1/2 sachet (400 mg per day) 4 times a day. For patients with cystic fibrosis and a body weight of more than 30 kg, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 800 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per day. The granules should be dissolved in water, juice or iced tea and taken after meals.

OVERDOSE In case of erroneous or intentional overdose, phenomena such as diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, heartburn and nausea are observed. To date, no severe or life-threatening side effects have been observed.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS With caution - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage; hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, esophageal varices, bronchial asthma, adrenal diseases, liver and/or kidney failure. Pregnancy and breastfeeding For safety reasons, due to insufficient data, the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is only possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or infant. For patients with bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis, acetylcysteine ​​should be prescribed with caution under systematic monitoring of bronchial patency. When treating patients with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account that the drug contains sucrose. When working with the drug, you must use glass containers and avoid contact with metals, rubber, oxygen, and easily oxidized substances.

STORAGE CONDITIONS Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 C.


Level 4 ATX code matches:




ACC 100

ACC 200




Bromhexine 8

Bromhexine 8 Berlin-Chemie






Pectolvan C




Analogs of the drug ACC Long are:

  • ACC
  • ACC 100
  • ACC 200
  • Mucocil Solution Tablets
  • N-AC-ratiopharm
  • Acetylcysteine
  • N-acetylcysteine
  • Eifa AC
  • Acestine
  • Fluimucil
  • Mucomist
  • Mukobene
  • Mukonex

The most optimal drug must be selected individually by a specialist.

ACC Long price, where to buy

The price of 600 mg tablets is from 350 rubles for 10 pieces. Packaging of the drug 20 pcs. can be purchased at a price of 650 rubles.

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  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


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