Flavital tab. 600 mg No. 60 Hankintatukku Oy/Finland

Flavital tab. 600 mg No. 60 Hankintatukku Oy/Finland

Important. If the location “Online Pharmacy” is selected in the site menu, ordering the product is possible only at the “Price to order” based on suppliers’ offers. If suppliers do not have goods, only the “Subscribe” option is available if the old price is known, or “To order” when there is no information on the old prices. We ask you to pay attention to the “Availability” Tab - you can order goods at the balances and prices of pharmacies, but to do this you need to select the desired pharmacy in the site menu (next to the “Your pharmacy” field).

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions from visitors to our site.
What is the minimum order amount?
The minimum order amount for regular customers when purchasing from a pharmacy is 400 rubles.
The minimum order amount for regular customers when delivering by courier is RUB 1,500. The minimum order amount for legal entities purchasing goods for their own needs is 400 rubles. Can I get an additional discount?
There are no discounts on the site.

We simply gave up discounts and set a minimum markup on goods, and try to keep prices at such prices that it turns out even cheaper than with the maximum possible discount, and these prices are for all our customers. Accordingly, the discount does not apply to online orders made through. These orders are already at the minimum price, since when ordering, the minimum price is automatically selected from the price at the pharmacy and the price to order. Usually the price “to order” is cheaper than in a pharmacy, it comes to order, with a guarantee of quick redemption, and accordingly the markup is lower than in a pharmacy, since there is no need to keep the goods in stock. If the product is available in the pharmacy and the price in the pharmacy is cheaper, then we take the pharmacy price for this item as a basis.

Can I change my order after I have submitted it?

Adjustment of goods, quantity, change of point of issue, etc.
after you send your order is possible only by the manager after we receive the order, when the manager contacts you to clarify the order. In the buyer's personal account, only the ability to cancel or repeat orders is available. To adjust your order, you need to contact the contact manager of the pharmacy - the order pick-up point indicated on the “Contacts” page of the website. Can I contact the pharmacy myself to find out if my order has arrived?
You can call the pharmacy using the numbers listed on the website.
OUR PHARMACIES, ADDRESSES, TELEPHONES What will happen to my order if I don’t buy it within 5 days, and when can I pick it up later?
If you have not purchased your order within 5 days, your order will be canceled and the product will be put up for sale at the retail price in the pharmacy. And you will have to make a new order on the website.

If you ordered a product on the website and did not come for it within 5 days from the date of receipt, your data will be blacklisted (emergency), and a new order will be possible only after making a deposit on the order in the amount of 30% of its cost. If you refuse to purchase your order, the deposit amount will not be returned.

When you first add to an emergency situation, a warning is sent that the next time you find yourself in an emergency situation again, you will not be able to place orders.

Those buyers who systematically do not redeem their orders on time, as well as those who do not buy all the goods from the order, but only part of them, also fall into emergencies.
If I cannot pick up my order on the day it arrives at the pharmacy, can I redeem it later?
Your order is stored in the Pharmacy for 5 days from the date of receipt, during which time you can pick up your order.
When can I receive my product after ordering?
After sending the order, an SMS message about the order will be sent to the mobile phone number you specified, for example: “Zdravstvujte, Vladimir! Vy oformili zakaz No. 1234 na summu RUR 2345.50 Ozhidajte zvonka iz apteki.”, then during the working day, from 9-00 to 17-30, the APTEKA-INFO.RU service manager will contact you to confirm your application, then the application will be sent to the supplier , will be collected there and delivered to the pharmacy of your choice on the next business day.


Applications are processed only on weekdays from 9-00 to 17-30.

Applications accepted and processed on Friday will be delivered to the pharmacy on Monday or Tuesday. It is possible to speed up the order readiness; the exact date of order readiness is agreed upon with the manager. Applications received on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) will be accepted and processed on the next business day, and delivered on Tuesday-Wednesday.

When agreeing on an order, we warn you about the approximate time frame for the entire order to be ready in order to avoid misunderstandings.
How will I know that my order has been delivered to the pharmacy?
When the goods arrive at the pharmacy, you will receive a letter about the readiness of your order and an SMS notification, then they will call you and inform you that you can come and pick up your order. If you do not redeem your order within 1-2 days from the moment it is ready, they will call you and remind you that it is ready.


All letters and SMS are sent automatically when the status of the order changes, but sometimes situations are possible when the letter and SMS are ahead of the delivery of your order to the pharmacy, mainly due to an error by the workers processing the order.

A phone call from the pharmacy is a 100% guarantee that your order has already arrived at the pharmacy and you can receive it. So please wait for this call.

If you want to clarify the status of your order, you need to call the pharmacy where the order is issued and provide your name and order number.
Is it possible to pick up the ordered goods?
Pickup is the main way to receive an order on our service, since most orders contain medications that we cannot deliver to you by courier.
You can independently pick up the ordered goods at our pharmacies - delivery points, this is convenient, we have 4 pharmacies in Tomsk and 1 in Seversk. How is delivery to the regions carried out?
Delivery to regions is not possible.
We work only in Tomsk and Seversk. Is it possible to order medicine to be delivered to your home?
The delivery of prescription drugs is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Delivery of over-the-counter medicines is permitted only if there is a license for the remote sale of medicines.

APTEKA-INFO is working to resolve the delivery issue, but unfortunately we do not yet have the necessary license, so home delivery is not possible.

We deliver orders containing medications only to our pharmacies.

You can choose any pharmacy convenient for you from those presented on and redeem your order at the selected pharmacy.

There are prescription drugs on the site, can I order them and get them at the pharmacy?

You can order prescription goods, but when purchasing from a Pharmacy for any prescription drug, you have the right to require a prescription, and if you do not have a prescription, the Pharmacy has the right not to issue your order. When confirming an order by the buyer at the stage of its pre-processing, the service manager usually always checks whether the buyer has a prescription; if it is not available, prescription products are excluded from the order. The items in your order are not a single item, and you will be able to receive over-the-counter drugs included in your order.


Buyers who regularly fail to redeem part or all of their orders risk being blacklisted. If a buyer is blacklisted, a restriction is included - when ordering rare drugs and goods, the pharmacy has the right to demand from the buyer:

1) making a deposit - if, when the buyer refuses to buy these goods, the service has problems with further sales, since the goods are very rare, are not in rare and everyday demand, or the supplier refuses to return such goods. The deposit amount in this case is not refundable.

2) making an advance payment - if the product is rare, but it is still bought by ordinary customers in pharmacies.
Making an advance payment in this case is an additional guarantee that the buyer really intends to purchase this product. In case of cancellation of the purchase, the advance payment is returned to the buyer in full. Why do “to order” prices on the website differ from prices in pharmacies?
We try to keep prices minimal for our clients, so prices for drugs on our website are usually lower than in pharmacies and apply only to online orders made on the website.

The “made to order” price is formed based on suppliers’ proposals. Prices in a pharmacy are individual, since prices from suppliers change every day, all pharmacies work independently and receive goods on different days and months, so prices in pharmacies are all different. If you urgently need medicine on the same day, and at a low price, you can find information about the availability and prices of the product on its page, in the “Availability” tab, there is information about stock and prices in our pharmacies.

How can an organization purchase medicines and goods?

Due to the introduction of labeling for drugs, a large number of labeled drugs, and the lack of profitability of this activity, we are forced to stop working with legal entities on drugs that have a labeling sign.

Therefore, on our website, legal entities can no longer purchase medicines and medical products by bank transfer.

The opportunity to register and place orders remains available for legal entities. But working by bank transfer and receiving sales and accompanying documents for orders is impossible.

We continue to accept applications from medical centers, hospitals, medical institutions, medical units, beauty salons, private offices, etc., who need medicines and over-the-counter medicines and other goods and medical products that do not have a label, as well as parapharmaceutical products for “own needs”, as well as from organizations that maintain their production first aid kits fully equipped.

Our conditions and a brief procedure for working with legal entities:

  1. The minimum order amount for legal entities was previously 3,000 rubles, now it is 400 rubles.
  2. The purchasing organization registers on the website apteka-info.ru, where it can then create an order.
  3. To receive information about the order and its approval, the purchasing organization sends a request to the email address and also provides the order number.
  4. A supply agreement is not concluded with a legal entity, since the purchasing organization buys the online order in cash, at retail, in the same way as ordinary buyers - individuals.
  5. After receiving the order and agreeing on the terms of sale of medicines and other goods, APTEKA-INFO LLC accepts the online order and orders the goods from suppliers.
  6. After receiving the goods from the supplier, the order is collected and prepared for delivery.
  7. The delivery of the goods occurs after its preparation and assembly, pick-up at the addresses of the pharmacies of APTEKA-INFO LLC. The purchase period for the order by the buyer is 7 days from the date of readiness. Only cash receipts and sales receipts are provided with the goods. Certification documents for goods are provided upon special prior request.

You can also place an order:

  • by sending a letter to
  • by calling 8-3822-609-839.

Our specialist will advise you on the products, check their availability and calculate the cost of the order.
Is the price of the product on the website inclusive of VAT?
LLC "APTEKA-INFO", operating under the brand "APTEKA-INFO", applies a simplified tax regime (without VAT).

Didn't find the answer to your question?
Contact us and we will provide the necessary information.




Registration number:

Trade name: Phlebaven®

International nonproprietary or group name: purified micronized flavonoid fraction (diosmin + flavonoids in terms of hesperidin)

Dosage form: film-coated tablets

Composition 1 film-coated tablet contains: Core: purified micronized flavonoid fraction, substance - granules 1226.00 mg [Active substance of the substance - granules: purified micronized flavonoid fraction [diosmin (90%) 900 mg + flavonoids in terms of hesperidin ( 10%). film: film-forming mixture1, red iron oxide dye (E172), yellow iron oxide dye (E172) 1 Composition of the film-forming mixture: hypromellose, titanium dioxide (E171), talc, propylene glycol

Description Oval, biconvex tablets, film-coated, orange-pink in color, scored on one side.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: venotonic and venoprotective agent

ATX code: C05CA53

Pharmacological properties Pharmacodynamics The drug is a purified micronized flavonoid fraction, consisting of diosmin and other flavonoids in terms of hesperidin. The purified micronized flavonoid fraction has venotonic and angioprotective properties. Reduces the distensibility of veins and venous stagnation, reduces capillary permeability in microcirculation and increases their resistance, improves venous hemodynamics. It affects the following venous plethysmographic parameters: venous capacity, venous distensibility, time of venous emptying. The optimal effect is achieved when taking 1000 mg per day. The drug increases venous tone by reducing the time of venous emptying. In patients with signs of severe microcirculation disorders, after using the purified micronized flavonoid fraction, an increase in capillary resistance is noted. The purified micronized flavonoid fraction is effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, as well as in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Pharmacokinetics The drug undergoes active metabolism, which is confirmed by the presence of phenolic acids in the urine. The drug is primarily excreted through the intestines. On average, about 14% of the dose taken is excreted by the kidneys. The half-life is 11 hours.

Indications for use The drug Flebaven® is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of chronic venous diseases (elimination and relief of symptoms). Treatment of symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency: • pain; • spasms of the lower extremities; • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the legs; • “fatigue” of the legs. Treatment of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency: • swelling of the lower extremities; • trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue; • venous trophic ulcers. Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

Contraindications • Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients included in the drug. • Pregnancy and breastfeeding (limited or no experience with use). • Children under 18 years of age (no experience of use).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding Pregnancy Data on the use of purified micronized flavonoid fraction in pregnant women are absent or limited. As a precautionary measure, it is preferable not to use Flebaven® during pregnancy. Breastfeeding Period It is not known whether the purified micronized flavonoid fraction (metabolites) passes into human breast milk. A risk for newborns and infants cannot be excluded. It is necessary to make a decision either to stop breastfeeding or to cancel therapy with Flebaven®, taking into account the benefits of breastfeeding for the child and the benefits of therapy for the woman. Effect on reproductive function Reproductive toxicity studies have shown no effect on reproductive function in rats of either sex.

Directions for use and dosage : Inside. The tablets should be swallowed with water. The recommended dose for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning, during meals. The score on the tablet is intended solely for scoring purposes to make it easier to swallow. The duration of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated. The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 3 tablets per day (1 tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening) for 4 days, then 2 tablets per day (1 tablet in the morning and evening) for the next 3 days. The recommended dose for chronic hemorrhoids is 1 tablet per day.

Side effects Side effects of the purified micronized flavonoid fraction observed during clinical studies were mild. Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting) were predominantly observed. Classification of the incidence of side effects recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO): very common ≥ 1/10 common ≥ 1/100 to < 1/10 uncommon ≥ 1/1000 to < 1/100 rare ≥ 1/10000 to < 1/1000 very rare <1/10000 frequency unknown cannot be estimated from available data. Nervous system disorders: rarely - dizziness, headache, general malaise. Gastrointestinal disorders: often – diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting; uncommon – colitis; frequency unknown - abdominal pain. Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: rarely - skin rash, itching, urticaria; frequency unknown - isolated swelling of the face, lips, eyelids. In exceptional cases - angioedema. Inform your doctor if you experience any undesirable reactions and sensations, including those mentioned in these instructions, as well as changes in laboratory parameters during therapy.

Overdose Symptoms Data on cases of overdose of the drug Flebaven® are limited. The most common adverse reactions in cases of overdose were gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain) and skin reactions (itching, skin rash). Treatment Treatment for overdose should consist of eliminating clinical symptoms. In case of overdose of the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs No clinical studies have been conducted to study the interactions of the purified micronized flavonoid fraction with other drugs. To date, no cases of drug interactions have been reported.

Special instructions • Before you start taking Flebaven®, it is recommended to consult your doctor. • In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the use of Flebaven® does not replace the specific treatment of other diseases of the rectum and anal canal. When using the drug on your own, do not exceed the maximum periods and doses recommended for the treatment of acute hemorrhoids specified in the section “Method of administration and doses”. If symptoms persist after the recommended course of therapy, you should be examined by a proctologist, who will select further therapy. • In the presence of venous circulation disorders, the maximum effect of treatment is ensured by a combination of therapy with additional therapeutic and preventive measures and a healthy (balanced) lifestyle: it is advisable to avoid long exposure to the sun, prolonged standing, and it is also recommended to reduce excess body weight. Walking and, in some cases, wearing special stockings help improve blood circulation. Contact your doctor immediately if your condition worsens or does not improve during treatment.

Effect on the ability to drive vehicles, machinery. Clinical studies have not been conducted to study the effect of purified micronized flavonoid fraction on the ability to drive vehicles, machinery, and perform work requiring a high speed of mental and physical reactions. However, based on the available safety data, we can conclude that the drug Flebaven® does not affect (does not have a significant effect) on these processes.

Release form: Film-coated tablets, 1000 mg. 8 or 10 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and aluminum foil. 4.8 blister packs (8 tablets each) or 3.6 blister packs (10 tablets each) together with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C, in the original blister packaging. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Conditions of release Dispensed without a prescription.

Name of the legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued, address LLC "KRKA-RUS", 143500, Russia, Moscow region, Istra, st. Moskovskaya, 50

, 143500, Russia, Moscow region, Istra, st. Moskovskaya, 50 Tel., fax

Name and address of the organization receiving consumer complaints LLC KRKA-RUS, 125212, Moscow, Golovinskoe highway, building 5, building 1 Tel., fax

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