Maltofer syrup 10 mg/ml box 150 ml x1


Maltofer (iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate) is an antianemic drug, a stimulator of hematopoiesis. Iron deficiency anemia accounts for 70–80% of all types of anemia. The only way to treat this pathological condition is to take iron supplements. The choice of medicine plays an important role, because Anemia therapy is a long process, taking up to 3-5 months. In this regard, in addition to effectiveness, the good tolerability of the drug, its favorable safety profile and the absence of adverse reactions come to the fore. Until recently, iron preparations on the pharmaceutical market did not always meet these requirements. However, with the advent of Maltofer, this problem was solved. Due to its chemical formula and fundamentally different absorption mechanism in the gastrointestinal tract, it has a very high toxicity threshold. Laboratory studies have shown that for toxic effects to occur, it is necessary to take more than 6 bottles at a time (for a child weighing up to 5 kg), more than 33 bottles (for a child weighing up to 25 kg), 1200 tablets (for a woman weighing up to 60 kg). The improved bioavailability of Maltofer ensures its high therapeutic effectiveness. Absorption of the active component occurs using active physiological transport, which ensures direct transfer of iron from the dosage form to transferrin and ferritin and its further deposition in combination with these proteins. As a result, the body absorbs up to 60% of the amount of the drug taken, which is several times higher than that of ferrous iron preparations. Maltofer is well tolerated. Gastric symptoms (stomach pain, dyspeptic disorders, nausea) are practically absent when taking it.

Maltofer does not interact with food or other medications. Liquid forms of the drug do not cause darkening of teeth, which is characteristic of iron-containing drugs. Does not have a damaging effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, because the dosage form does not involve a dissociation process, which eliminates the formation of free iron ions. Maltofer does not activate free radical reactions, because the system of active absorption of the drug eliminates the stage of oxidation of divalent iron into ferric iron. Maltofer is distinguished by a high concentration of elemental iron - 100 mg in one tablet. A variety of dosage forms (drops, syrup, chewable tablets) ensure ease and accuracy of dosing. Clinical studies have shown that Maltofer is as effective as drugs containing ferrous iron, but causes four times fewer unwanted side effects from the digestive tract. In some cases, iron preparations for oral use are ineffective: for example, with individual intolerance or with reduced absorption in the gastrointestinal tract due to inflammatory diseases. In such cases, taking parenteral iron supplements and, in particular, Maltofer for intramuscular administration is indicated. Due to the presence of nonionic iron and the absence of bacterial polysaccharides, the drug has minimal side effects. When taking Maltofer in syrup form, you must keep in mind that one bottle of the drug contains 0.11 bread units (this information is relevant for patients suffering from diabetes).

Maltofer drops for children - reviews



  • the result is obvious

ease of use


  • didn't find it

We took a clinical blood test for our youngest son (11 months old). Hemoglobin turned out to be quite low - 94. I am very careful about medications, I asked the doctor if we could raise the child’s hemoglobin by adjusting the diet? To which I received the answer that we couldn’t, and that it would be necessary to take the drug for several weeks, and, possibly, after a break, more than one course. The doctor recommended the drug “Maltofer” syrup.

I was incredibly happy that this was syrup. Firstly, it will be easier to dose, you usually divide the tablets, knead them, try to give them to a small child with water, and secondly, syrups usually do not taste as bad as tablets, which means the likelihood of the medicine getting inside increases - the baby will not spit it out.

The child took Maltofer syrup 10 mg/ml in a volume of 150 ml for one and a half months. I added the medicine to my son’s favorite dish, children’s cottage cheese. Therefore, I had no problems swallowing the drug. I tasted it myself - it’s a sweet syrup, it doesn’t cause disgust. It seems that the baby didn’t even notice that there was something wrong with the curd :-).

The product comes with a measuring cap. I measured out the required 5 ml of syrup for a single daily dose without difficulty.

And now it’s time to retake the blood test to indicate the result. Imagine my joy when I saw that my son’s hemoglobin level had risen to 127!

Of course, in addition to the drug, we regularly ate meat, apples, buckwheat, and walked in the fresh air every day. But still, I give the palm to the drug “Maltofer”.

Therefore, I recommend it for use. We 7obtained a good result of increasing hemoglobin.


When my son was three months old, we donated blood, and a lack of hemoglobin was discovered. We were prescribed Maltofer drops. They must be taken with increasing doses, that is, the first week, three drops, the second, seven drops.

Later we bought syrup; it is more convenient to give it to the child from a pipette. The child likes the taste, it says creme brulee.

The color of the medicine is dark brown, similar to iodine. But it washes off easily. When we first started drinking it, we had everything in it) since the child did not yet understand how to drink from a pipette. But now everything is fine.

We have been taking it for the fourth month, but I think it’s the last, since hemoglobin has already returned to normal and we are just doing preventive measures.

The doctor explained to us that the hemoglobin had decreased due to my anemia during pregnancy and due to the rapid growth of the child, the blood does not have time to produce hemoglobin, in six months we are already 75 cm and 10 kilograms. And this happens to many! Our friends were also prescribed it, only after the second blood donation in six months. We have no side effects, but some friends of ours have had black stool. This is not absorbed iron that comes out like this, so there is no need to be alarmed.

We all donated blood every three weeks for four months, and the tests show that hemoglobin was slowly but increasing; anemia is a disease that cannot be cured quickly. Due to anemia, we were not given more than one vaccination until six months later, until our hemoglobin level increased. Grandma was like this without vaccinations, but they should only be given to healthy children, otherwise it will only get worse.

This drug is suitable for all ages, only the older you are, the higher the dose. So take it without fear; if it suits your child, it is unlikely that it will not suit others.



  • Delicious
  • effective.


  • No.

Having visited the pediatrician at 3-4 months and undergoing blood tests, we discovered a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. The pediatrician immediately prescribed this drug to us and prescribed it to us free of charge. Having received it at the appropriate pharmacy, I started giving it to my son as prescribed by the doctor. There is no dispenser here - which is not very convenient, but we managed with this simple syringe. Or rather, the dispenser here is presented in the form of a graduated transparent lid, but we did not want to smear the drug on the lid and then pour it into the milk; it was more convenient to draw it up with a syringe and inject it into a bottle of milk.

The preparation is very tasty - this syrup has the look, taste and smell of chocolate caramel, I would eat it myself if I had to. And while licking themselves, they gave it to their son. Having checked the blood tests after the treatment, we saw an increase in hemoglobin, which is what we needed.

Our son had no side effects or allergies to this drug.



  • affordable price
  • no side effects
  • raises hemoglobin very well


  • stains teeth

I was diagnosed with anemia during pregnancy. And when my daughter was born, the maternity hospital said that her hemoglobin was also low, and they recommended donating blood a month later. That's what we did. The test result showed us that we actually have low iron levels in our blood. The doctor prescribed Maltofer to be taken for a month, 5 drops 3 times a day.

We took them before meals, from a spoon, and then immediately washed them down with water. Because maltofer stains teeth brown! Be very careful with this, as I know of cases where stains appeared on the teeth of children as a result of taking this drug. Therefore, to be on the safe side, I always gave it to my daughter to drink.

After a month of treatment, we again donated blood to check hemoglobin. As a result, hemoglobin rose, but not to the required level, it was still low, so we were given a medical diversion from vaccinations.

Our doctor extended the use of Maltofer for another month. Now increasing to 20 drops per day. In the morning I gave the child 7 drops, in the afternoon also 7, and in the evening 6. So we drank it for another month and went to retake the test.

And a miracle! Hemoglobin has risen to 115, we are allowed to get vaccinated! By the way, we raised it from 98. First it rose to 105, then 115.

The effect of the drug was, of course, long-lasting, but the main thing is the result! And hemoglobin, by the way, never rises quickly.

What is also important is that there were no side effects or allergic reactions. And the price of the drug is good. About 260r. We needed 1 whole bottle for the course of treatment and we used 1/3 of the second one.

(Yanik) Yana


  • there is an effect


  • stool staining

After the next test, it turned out that the child (about one and a half years old) had a greatly reduced hemoglobin. The number was 98 when the norm was 115. As the doctor told me, all clinics have different assessments of tests due to different laboratory conditions.

In order to increase the child's hemoglobin level, we were prescribed Swiss-made drops. The daily norm is determined only by the doctor. Despite the dosage according to the instructions, we were told to drink 15 drops 2 times a day. The good thing is that drops to raise hemoglobin can be mixed with juices and other simple drinks.

The child did not have any serious unpleasant consequences, the only thing being “dying” something in a dark color. But when you stop using the drug, everything returns to normal.

It is important to drink systematically. If you were told to drink for at least a month, then do so. We even had a break for 2 weeks and then drank again for a month. Thus, the hemoglobin level rose to at least 110.


My little daughter did not gain weight well at 5 months, and at 6 months the story repeated itself. We were sent for tests, and it turned out that her hemoglobin was low. They told me to stop eating milk porridge and eat foods that contain iron, but this did not improve my test results, then they advised me to drink Maltofer in drops, syrup or tablets. For the baby it is most convenient in drops, which can be added to the mixture or milk. The tests improved after two weeks of taking it. We drank the entire course, hemoglobin levels are fine. The drug is completely safe for both children and mothers, both expectant and nursing.

We were pleased with the reception.


“I don’t have too much trust in pharmacists in general and medicines in particular. That’s why when a doctor prescribes something, I think for a long time. But it so happened that from the age of 4 months our hemoglobin began to jump, and at the age of one it completely dropped to 93. The doctor scared me about anemia, and I agreed to use Maltofer. I didn’t regret it! Very convenient dispenser. The tummy did not bother me, the stool was normal, except that it had darkened. There was no constipation.

The only problem is that it is very difficult to wash drops from clothes. But we improved the hemoglobin.”

Christina G.

It so happened that our son needed an operation, one of the conditions of which was that the level of hemoglobin in the blood was not lower than 120. After a control test with a reading of 105, I realized that the work ahead of us would not be easy. The pediatrician prescribed Maltofer drops for us. This drug is easy to use, I simply added the required number of drops to the drink, and the child drank everything without any problems. But the most important thing is that the medicine is effective. By taking it, we quickly achieved the desired result. The price is also not very expensive.

In general, if you need to quickly increase hemoglobin, maltofer will help.

dudu d.

When my daughter was 4 months old, she had her blood donated as planned, and her hemoglobin was slightly below normal. I was breastfeeding, they said that most likely my hemoglobin was also lame. Our pediatrician advised my daughter to take it and me too, the doses taken orally were naturally different. The child’s hemoglobin rose from 116 to 127 in 21 days. Of course, before giving it to my child, I tested it on myself and read the reviews. We were pleased. God forbid, of course, you get sick, but if something happens, you can drink.

For those who have not encountered iron-containing medications, do not be alarmed - the stool turns dark.


  • existing hypersensitivity or intolerance to the active substance or any component of the drug;
  • excess iron content in the body (for example, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis);
  • disorder of iron excretion mechanisms (lead anemia, sideroachrestic anemia, thalassemia);
  • anemia not caused by iron deficiency (for example, hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency);
  • esophageal stenosis and/or other obstructive diseases of the digestive tract; intestinal diverticulum, intestinal obstruction, regular blood transfusions;
  • simultaneous use of parenteral forms of iron.


Description of the drug Maltofer syrup 10 mg/ml vial. 150ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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