How to take water pepper tincture - indications, methods of use, contraindications and reviews

Composition, form

An extract is an extract from medicinal raw materials containing high concentrations of beneficial substances with pharmacological properties identical to the original material.

Water pepper extract contains the following components:

  • flavonoids are plant substances that have a general strengthening effect and take part in redox reactions;
  • glycosides – participate in metabolism, serve as energy storage in the body, and are carriers of sugar;
  • vitamins – K, D, E, C;
  • tannins – have astringent and bactericidal properties;
  • organic acids;
  • trace elements and metal salts – manganese, magnesium, silver, titanium;
  • essential oils.

Based on extracts from water pepper, pharmacological preparations are produced in several forms:

  • infusion – a water-based liquid substance;
  • tincture – a liquid alcohol-based preparation;
  • suppositories - candles, where one of the components is pepper extract.

An extract is most often called a tincture of water pepper. It is available in dark glass bottles, where 70% ethanol is used as an excipient.

Price of water pepper infusion

Water pepper extract is available, relatively inexpensive, and very effective. You can buy or order raw water pepper or tincture in many pharmacies, on the open market, without a doctor’s prescription. The purchase price varies from 14 to 73 rubles (for 25 ml). The cost of peppermint in the city and region (Moscow) is presented in the table:

Pharmacy name Price, rub.
Online pharmacy No. 1 “” 40,00
Online pharmacy


(Saint Petersburg - Moscow)

Pharmacy "911 Pharmacy point Sviblovo" 14,00
Pharmacy "GORZDRAV Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya" 46,50
Pharmacy "36.6 Tverskaya" 73,00

pharmachologic effect

The beneficial effect of the extract is due to the valuable plant and mineral composition of the plant. It has the following medicinal properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • painkiller;
  • bactericidal.

The drug reduces capillary permeability, strengthens blood vessels and accelerates blood clotting. This is the most valuable property of the plant, which allows it to be actively used for uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

The extract has a stimulating effect on the contractility of the uterus, therefore it is indispensable in the postpartum period.

Indications for use

The official instructions for use of water pepper extract contain only gynecological indications. It is recommended to use the drug as part of complex therapy for heavy menstruation, for minor bleeding after cauterization of cervical erosion, as a stimulant for hypotension and uterine atony.

But practice shows that the scope of application of the hood is much wider. It is used for hemorrhoidal bleeding, diseases of the urinary system, stomatitis, skin lesions, and to normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

The effect of the tincture

An infusion of water pepper is primarily used for the recovery of women after childbirth, heavy menstruation, and bleeding from hemorrhoids. It works effectively due to its analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, and hemostatic properties. When used in herbal preparations with other plants, it gives a positive effect in the treatment of rheumatism, ulcers on the mucous membranes, diarrhea, chronic diseases of the small and large intestines (colitis, enterocolitis).

How to use the drug?

Water pepper is not just a medicinal plant, it is a medical product that is used strictly according to indications.

Only the attending physician can prescribe a course of treatment and the exact dosage in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient and the picture of the disease. The liquid extract is measured in drops - before use, it is recommended to dilute a single dose of the medicine with clean drinking water and drink it before meals.

At the pharmacy you can purchase crushed herbs of a medicinal plant for home preparation of healing infusions.

After childbirth

After the birth of the child, the enlarged uterus should return to its previous size. To shorten the duration of this process, the gynecologist may prescribe water pepper extract. It will allow you to quickly eliminate discharge, restore the menstrual cycle and get stronger after a difficult birth.

The recommended single dose of the drug is 20-25 drops. You need to drink the extract twice a day - morning and evening. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days. But the therapeutic regimen can be changed by the attending physician according to the individual needs of the young mother.

The concentration of ethanol in the breast milk of a woman taking the tincture is negligible. Therefore, the likelihood of a negative effect of the drug on the child’s body is low.

As an alternative, you can use a water-based pepper infusion rather than a tincture. It does not contain alcohol, which means that concerns for the baby’s health will be minimized. Doctors advise especially suspicious women to stop breastfeeding while taking the medicine, and to express and discard the milk.

During your period

Heavy menstruation causes significant discomfort to a woman, worsens her health and reduces her performance. In such cases, the tincture of water pepper will again come to the rescue, especially since the instructions for use highlight heavy periods as the main indication.

The extract optimizes the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus and relieves unpleasant symptoms. The remedy is also effective in cases where menstruation is too long and lasts more than 7 days. The hemostatic property of the drug will help to quickly get rid of bleeding and normalize the volume of discharge.

There is also evidence of the ability of peppermint to influence the timing of menstruation. With its help, you can delay the “critical date”, but no more than 3 days.

You should resort to this method only in extreme cases, since experiments with the menstrual cycle can negatively affect women's health.

The course of treatment recommended by experts is 30-40 drops 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. In case of severe premenstrual syndrome, the drug is taken several days before menstruation, until its completion. In case of severe bleeding, you can increase the frequency of use of the extract to 4 times a day.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Pepper extract is part of the complex treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines. Thanks to tannins, the drug effectively fights bleeding and successfully heals small ulcers.

In gastroenterology, the anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of the plant are used; it helps with gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Tincture of water pepper can get rid of dysbacteriosis and dysentery bacillus, restore healthy microflora and overcome diarrhea.

Preparations based on water pepper will not help with heavy and profuse bleeding - they are prescribed only for small blood losses.

To treat the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol tincture is taken according to the standard regimen specified in the instructions - up to 40 drops three times a day.

To contract the uterus

It is necessary to stimulate uterine contractions not only in the postpartum period. Water pepper extract is prescribed after medical curettage, abortion and other procedures that are accompanied by blood loss and require the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

The drug is especially necessary for women who have hypotension or atony of the uterus, weakness of the muscles of the pelvic organs. Intense contractions of the uterine muscles will help quickly remove residual secretions and blood clots from the hollow organ and get rid of bleeding. At the same time, the product will strengthen blood vessels and serve as a prevention of intense blood loss in the postoperative period.

To contract the uterus, the tincture is taken according to two schemes:

  • twice a day – in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, 20 drops;
  • 30 drops once before meals.

If bleeding of unknown etiology occurs, it is prohibited to take medications based on water pepper on your own. You should immediately consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and determine the cause of blood loss.

For hemorrhoids

The hemostatic effect of the drug is actively used to treat hemorrhoids. It is most convenient to use a pharmacy alcohol tincture for oral administration: you should follow the official instructions and medical prescriptions.

Water pepper in the form of sitz baths is effective. A solution for topical use should be prepared independently; it should not be too concentrated so as not to cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes.

Pour one tablespoon of dried chopped herbs into a liter of boiling water. When the infusion for the baths has cooled to a comfortable temperature and does not burn, it needs to be strained and poured into a small basin. Take baths for 15 minutes, completely immersing the perianal area in the liquid. The course of treatment lasts until a therapeutic effect is achieved.

Local treatment should have a beneficial effect on the course of hemorrhoids - relieve bleeding, relieve swelling and inflammation, reduce hemorrhoids and dry out the wounds.

Contraindications for water pepper

Like any medicine, the tincture has contraindications. It is not recommended for use in cases of kidney disease: the product has a diuretic effect. In addition, the tincture is contraindicated in case of inflammatory processes of the bladder, pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis. A direct contraindication is during pregnancy.

People with hypertension should take it with caution: the infusion constricts blood vessels, which will immediately affect the person’s well-being. It is not recommended to take for various heart diseases, chronic constipation, individual intolerance and allergic reaction to grass. May cause side effects:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • hives (rashes) on the skin;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

When feeding a baby

A woman is prescribed highlander after childbirth to speed up recovery and stop bleeding. Based on the results of numerous studies, it has been proven that the tincture is safe during lactation, but when consumed in small quantities. To avoid the toxic effects of the tincture on the baby, it is recommended not to feed the child while taking the product.

What are the dangers during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you need to take care of your health and nutrition, and take any medications with extreme caution - this also applies to knotweed infusion. The plant has a drawback - it increases the tone of the uterus, the consequences of which can be as follows:

  • in the first trimester, this can cause a miscarriage, lead to a frozen pregnancy or death of the fertilized egg;
  • in later stages leads to premature birth or spontaneous abortion;
  • contributes to the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Features of using hair growth products

Pepper knotweed is suitable for use in home cosmetology. The extract is not used in its pure form - it is used as an additional ingredient in masks and cosmetic oils. The beneficial effect of such products is explained by increased blood circulation in the area of ​​application and stimulation of hair follicle growth.

A homemade strengthening remedy is prepared from any factory mask suitable for your hair type, vegetable oil and water pepper tincture in equal proportions. All ingredients are mixed, rubbed into the roots of the hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap the head. After an hour, the mask is washed off with plenty of warm water. The course of treatment is no more than a month.

You can add liquid vitamin E to the mask, which will enhance the beneficial properties of the product.

Analogues of the drug

There are no complete analogues of the extract. The following herbal preparations have similar properties:

  • arnica tincture;
  • nettle leaves;
  • yarrow herb.

They can be used after consultation with a doctor as a replacement or additional therapeutic agent for bleeding of various etiologies.

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