Sandy immortelle plant: medicinal properties, indications, contraindications, reviews. How to use immortelle in folk medicine for pancreatitis, for the liver and weight loss: recipes

There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Sandy immortelle, popularly also called Dried Flower, is truly an amazing herb because of its wonderful properties, which are fraught with enormous benefits for the human body. This is an unsightly plant that does not attract attention due to its appearance: ordinary stems with sparse, elongated silver-green leaves and inflorescences of bright yellow flowers that look like small balls. This herb received the amazing name “Immortelle” because even after the plant is picked, its flower baskets and leaves around remain as if alive, do not lose their color, do not wither, do not fade. Hence the second name of the plant – “Dried flower”.

What is immortelle, what does immortelle grass look like: photo

Immortelle grows in small bushes, which during the flowering period become dotted with many yellow flowers. In their shape, they resemble very small but numerous asters, collected in basket inflorescences. The bush itself has only one stem. Its height rarely exceeds 50 cm.

Immortelle (tsmin sandy)

Immortelle has pubescent and leafy stems. The leaves have pointed ends.

After immortelle was brought from the New World, it began to spread quite quickly throughout Europe. Today it can be found in many countries of our continent. Including in Russia (mainly in the Caucasus), Belarus and Ukraine. This plant prefers dry, rocky and loose soils. Immortelle feels good on forest edges and foothills.

The Legend of the Immortelle

This extremely useful plant has a lot of “nicknames”. It is called sandy tsmin, sandy cudweed, yellow cat's paws, dried flowers, etc. But it is the name “immortelle” that has stuck with the plant among the people. And it came from one very famous legend about Odysseus.

As is known from the Great Epic of Homer, in his travels Odysseus visited the island of Psyche. His ship was wrecked and the king of Ithaca was saved by the daughter of the king of the island. She gave Odysseus a healing potion based on immortelle oil. After which the great traveler of antiquity was able to regain his strength and return to his beloved Penelope.

Medicinal properties of the immortelle plant and contraindications

Doctors believe that this plant can cure many ailments. But, like many useful plants, immortelle has contraindications.

Useful properties of immortelle

This plant contains several types of essential oils. It is thanks to them that the immortelle owes its characteristic smell. The essential oils of this plant not only affect its smell, but also impart medicinal qualities to sandy cinnamon.

In addition to oils, this plant also contains other useful phytocompounds: stearins, flavonoids, tannins, natural antibiotics, bitters and various resins. Also, immortelle contains a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene and various salts.

Immortelle decoction

IMPORTANT: Immortelle is rich in such a natural antibiotic as arenarim. Thanks to him, this plant can be used to treat inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. And thanks to the compounds contained in the oil of this plant, it can be used as an immunomodulator.

Immortelle contraindications

It is also important to know that immortelle can provoke hypertension. The components of this plant accumulate in the body and over time can begin to act harmfully. Therefore, immediately after you have achieved the desired effect, you must stop taking medications based on this plant. The maximum course of use of drugs based on immortelle is 3 months.

If you feel uncomfortable after taking tea or a decoction of this plant, then it is better to abandon it. There are better ways to lose weight. For example, taking apple cider vinegar, ginger-based preparations, etc. You also need to understand that the effectiveness of immortelle can only be achieved with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, some people may experience individual intolerance when using preparations based on this plant.

Immortelle: harm and contraindications

It is undeniable that immortelle is a very useful and necessary

herb used for human health. But since the chemical components of this plant tend to accumulate in the body and can cause undesirable consequences, it should be taken with caution and in consultation with the attending physician. Immortelle herb is contraindicated for the following serious diseases:

  • gastritis of the stomach during exacerbation;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

The use of the herb is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children under 12 years of age.

Immortelle for gastritis

Most often, drugs based on immortelle are used in gastroenterology. This plant has diuretic and choleretic properties. Due to this, it can be used in the treatment of:

  • gastritis and liver diseases
  • disorders of the pancreas
  • atherosclerosis
  • cirrhosis and diabetes
  • hypotension and jaundice
  • kidney diseases and rheumatism
  • atherosclerosis and cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus;
  • jaundice and hypotension;
  • cystitis and other “female” problems
  • gout

The flowers of this plant are used to cleanse the body of parasites. Immortelle inflorescences can remove roundworms and lamblia from the body. This plant also has analgesic properties. And if you are concerned about gastrointestinal upset, then prepare a decoction of dried immortelle.

Immortelle: medicinal properties

Since immortelle is freely sold in pharmacy chains and is affordable, it can be safely used as a basis for the treatment of a large number of diseases, as well as for eliminating unwanted processes

in the human body. After all, the immortelle herb contains a large number of chemical elements (including vitamins, micro- and macroelements) that will help not only cure an existing disease, but also prevent the emergence of new ones. The main, generally accepted use of immortelle herb is for such medicinal properties as:

  • has a choleretic effect, increases the concentration of bile acids in bile, which improves the functioning of the liver and biliary tract;
  • strengthens the functioning of the gallbladder, promotes the outflow of bile;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect on the liver and gall bladder;
  • changes the viscosity and chemical composition of bile, which promotes its rapid outflow;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which promotes complete digestion of food;
  • activates the pancreas;
  • dilates blood vessels in the intestines, which helps its normal functioning and simplifies the process of defecation;
  • stops the process of gas formation, promotes the removal of gases from the body;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys;
  • prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder and bile ducts;
  • destroys bacteria harmful to the body that cause intestinal diseases.

And these are not all the beneficial properties that immortelle is capable of. Its rich composition of internal biological components, such as vitamins “C” and “K”, tannins, fatty acids, mineral salts, sugars, flavonoids and much more, has other healing properties for the body, necessary for the normal and full functioning of internal organs and the whole organism as a whole. It has such therapeutic effects as:

  • makes you sleep soundly, which contributes to a good night's rest for the body, overall peace of mind, and helps relieve physical fatigue and tension;
  • removes toxins and waste, which prevents the emergence of new serious diseases and slows down the development of cancer;
  • normalizes the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the process of blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • has hemostatic, disinfecting, antiallergic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antimicrobial effects;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • increases the efficiency of the immune system;
  • promotes the assimilation of information and increased mental capabilities, sharpens attentiveness, improves brain function, reduces brain fatigue;
  • is a good aid for burning and reducing body fat;
  • is an effective anthelmintic.

And this is not a complete list of the medicinal effects that immortelle herb has on the human body. The most complete information can be found in specialized literature, as well as in official information sources.

Immortelle for weight loss

People who are overweight can also use immortelle to solve their problem. In combination with St. John's wort, chamomile and birch buds, tea based on this plant can help you lose weight in a fairly short time.

Herbal mixture for weight loss

Immortelle effectively affects intestinal motility. Its laxative and diuretic properties help the body cleanse itself not only of excess fat, but also of various toxins and wastes. But, you need to know a few nuances. When using drugs based on immortelle, it is important to avoid alcohol. The thing is that the phytocomponents of this plant are able to retain alcohol. Which not only reduces the effectiveness of such funds, but can also lead to the opposite effect.

Immortelle against cancer

Several drugs are produced based on sandy cinnamon for the treatment of ovarian and liver cancer. These drugs are capable of regenerating tissue of internal organs after chemotherapy. In addition, at different stages of cancer, treatment based on immortelle herbs can be used. Infusions based on these preparations have proven themselves well in the fight against metastases in the gallbladder, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


  1. Pour cumin flowers (2 tablespoons) into an enamel pan.
  2. Pour water (1 liter) into a container and bring to a boil
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for 15 minutes

You need to take this remedy half a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 120 days.

Beneficial features

The medicinal properties of immortelle have been known since ancient times, thanks to which the plant is widely used in both traditional and alternative medicine.

Medicines containing the plant have hemostatic, disinfectant, astringent and anthelmintic properties, increase the tone of the gallbladder and urine output, improve bile secretion, and also promote:

  • Reducing blood cholesterol;
  • Increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • Washing away small stones and sand;
  • Improved appetite and digestion;
  • Activation of the pancreas;
  • Reducing the acid content in the liver secretion, the concentration of bilirubin and bile acids in bile, as well as its viscosity.

In alternative medicine, immortelle is used as an antiseptic, blood purifying, diaphoretic, antiemetic, hemostatic, expectorant and analgesic. It is used in the treatment of colds, dropsy, cirrhosis of the liver, hemoptysis, hernia, paralysis, lichen and jaundice.

Immortelle powder is sprinkled on wounds that take a long time to heal; the decoction is used to treat leucorrhoea, diathesis, fear, cataracts and skin diseases; and the alcohol extract treats diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus and alpha-hemolytic streptococci.

Immortelle decoction: recipe

Its flowers are used to prepare a decoction of this plant. You can prepare them yourself or buy them in ready-made dry form at the pharmacy. The decoction is usually prepared in a water bath. Thanks to this method of preparing this remedy, the greatest amount of beneficial substances is released from immortelle flowers.

The decoction is prepared at the rate of 10 grams of dried plant flowers (about 3 tablespoons) per glass of water.

  1. Place them in a small saucepan and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Then the future decoction must be kept in a water bath for half an hour and cooled.
  3. Filter the broth, pour into a glass and add boiling water to full volume

Indications for the use of immortelle decoction are disorders of the digestive tract, stomach and pancreas. You can drink the decoction for kidney problems, as well as to cleanse the body of parasites. The course of treatment should not exceed 30 days.


Sandy immortelle (Helichrysum arenarium) . Other known names for the plant are tsmin, dried flowers, and sandy cudweed.

Immortelle blooms from June to August; after flowering, an achene of light or dark brown color is formed. Sandy immortelle is widespread in Central Asia, Western Siberia and the European part of the CIS. The grass predominates on dry sandy soils and is found in clearings, clearings, and eastern and southern slopes.

Useful properties of immortelle

Immortelle inflorescences have beneficial properties. The composition of immortelle includes tannins, resinous and mucous substances, sugars, ash, fatty acids and high molecular alcohols, flavonoid glycosides, flavonoids (naringenin and apigenin), essential oils, dyes and organic acids.

Immortelle inflorescences are rich in vitamin C and K and contain carotenoids. Microelements are represented by potassium, calcium and magnesium. Among the trace elements, boron, nickel, zinc, manganese, iron, selenium, etc. can be distinguished.

Sandy immortelle is included in medicines and herbal mixtures, mainly gastric and choleretic. Essential oil is extracted from the plant and used to produce perfume in the perfume industry.

The herb of the plant is used in the chemical industry to produce yellow paint. In everyday life, immortelle protects clothes from moths. The plant is cultivated and used to create decorative everlasting bouquets (dried bouquets).

Healing properties of immortelle

For medicinal purposes, immortelle inflorescences collected at the beginning of flowering until the baskets are fully opened are used. Immortelle inflorescences are used in the form of a decoction, extract or infusion.

Flavonoid compounds in the composition of immortelle extract have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine, blood vessels, bile ducts and gallbladder.

Immortelle extract increases the secretion of gastric juice and stimulates the functions of the pancreas. Removes parasites (worms) from the intestines.

Immortelle improves metabolism and acts as a mild sedative for atherosclerosis.

Decoctions and infusions of immortelle are used for liver diseases (cholecystitis and hepatitis). The use of immortelle enhances the secretion of bile and reduces its viscosity, lowers cholesterol and bilirubin levels. Removes sand and stones (1-2mm in diameter) in case of chronic cholecystitis. At the same time, the metabolic function of the liver improves.

Immortelle decoction relieves pain and dyspeptic symptoms, improves the general condition of the body.

Contraindications to the use of immortelle

In people with high stomach acidity, the use of immortelle causes heartburn. Patients with hypertension should consult their doctor, since the plant can increase blood pressure and accumulates in the body. Immortelle can be used during pregnancy only after permission from a doctor.

Its use for more than 30 days is not allowed.

Doctor - hygienist

Gapanovich Valentina


Dmitrieva L.I.

Immortelle in folk medicine: uses, recipes

In addition to the recipes described above, other preparations based on immortelle are also used in folk medicine.

To treat the liver and gallbladder you can use:

TINCTURE . Dried flowers of the plant (1 teaspoon) are poured with boiling water (9150 ml) and infused for 10 minutes. You need to drink this infusion three cups a day.

TINCTURE FROM POWDER . The inflorescences of the plant are ground to a powder. Two grams of this product are diluted in a glass of water and drunk throughout the day.

ALCOHOL TINCTURE . Forty drops of alcohol tincture are diluted in a glass of water and drunk three times a day.


  1. Mix immortelle flowers (four parts), coriander seeds (2 parts), peppermint leaves (2 parts) and trefoil leaves (three parts)
  2. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture into two glasses of boiling water and leave for half an hour.

Take this remedy warm, half a glass three times a day.


  1. Four tablespoons of immortelle need to be poured with vodka (100 g)
  2. The container with this product must be heated for two hours in a water bath.
  3. Then remove and pour 100 ml of warm water

When treating hepatitis, you need to take this infusion, 20 drops diluted in 30 ml of water every hour. The course of treatment is one day. This tincture is an analogue of the pharmaceutical drug Flamina .

Sandy immortelle


  • Collection regions
  • Beneficial features
  • How to take:
  • infusion
  • decoction
  • Collections with immortelle
  • Tibetan collection
  • For gastritis
  • From parasites
  • For constipation
  • Choleretic
  • How to collect and dry it yourself
  • Contraindications

This perennial herbaceous plant has many names: immortelle, aka tsmin, aka dried flower, aka sandy goldenflower, aka cat's paws, aka goldenflower, aka dried flower, aka sunny gold. Why do people love the plant so much, who and how does it help?

Distribution and collection regions

Immortelle is not uncommon either in Europe or in the vast expanses of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Western Siberia. The plant grows mainly on dry saline, rocky and sandy soils.

It is collected in the clearings and edges of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. It can easily be found in areas with plenty of sunlight.

Beneficial features

Immortelle sandy flowers 25 gr. 49 rub.

Article: 01-00008697

Immortelle sandy flowers 30 gr. 93 rub.

Article: 00000003084

Why is cumin popular and why has it been actively included in folk herbal medicine for several centuries, and has been used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations for the last hundred years?

  • Due to the high content of essential oils in the plant, immortelle is used both for treatment and as a prophylaxis for endocrine system disorders, cholecystitis, and metabolic disorders;
  • The bitterness in the herb helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juice;
  • It can be prescribed once as a laxative for constipation and colitis;
  • Sandy immortelle is effective for the treatment and prevention of kidney and gallstones, for cleaning sand and stones from the urinary ducts;
  • Due to the presence of flavonoids and resin acids in immortelle, it is used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • The presence of galenic drugs in the composition of immortelle stimulates the synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol and also increases bilirubin;
  • It is part of anthelmintic drugs; decoctions are prescribed to remove parasites from the body;
  • Immortelle promotes blood clotting, so it will be effective both for healing open wounds and for internal bleeding, including uterine bleeding;
  • In complex therapy it is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and to lower cholesterol;
  • The presence of flavonoid compounds in the chemical composition of the plant acts as a sedative, therefore it is used for nervous disorders, stress, as well as to reduce heart rate (by relaxing blood vessels) and as a relaxant for spasms of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach, intestines, etc.;
  • Dried flowers are effective for rheumatism and gout;
  • It is prescribed independently and in combination with other herbs for cystitis and kidney diseases;
  • Due to the presence in the chemical composition of the plant of magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, aluminum, copper, vitamins C and K, decoctions and infusions have a general strengthening and tonic effect;
  • Sandy immortelle is steamed to eliminate cough due to acute respiratory viral infections.

How to take immortelle?

You can take cinnamon as an infusion and as a decoction.


Like any other medicinal herb, a tablespoon of cumin is infused in a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. The strained infusion is taken three times a day for 30-40 minutes. before meals.

However, if you have otitis media to drain the bile, and we know that immortelle is an excellent choleretic agent, you need to pour the same tablespoon with 0.5 liters of cold water and leave it overnight (7-8 hours). Drink on an empty stomach. You need to consume the entire amount per day.


In a metal (preferably) saucepan, mix 2 cups of water and 1 tbsp. herbs. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Drink warm three times a day, half a glass. If the broth has been boiled down and turned out to be very concentrated, you can take half the volume.

Healing fees with immortelle

Remember that, as with treatment with pharmaceutical drugs, when starting phytotherapeutic treatment, you must give up alcohol, junk and fatty foods.

"Tibetan collection"

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The most famous collection of herbs, which includes immortelle, is the so-called “Tibetan collection”. It is also called “the collection of beauty” and “the decoction of youth.” Is this where his popularity lies? Doctors of Eastern medicine are confident that the health of the whole body begins with a healthy spine and joints. In order for your joints to work for a long time and efficiently, performing all the functions assigned to them, as well as to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should take a course of “Tibetan collection”. As a “side effect” you will get an improved metabolism, cleanse yourself of toxins, strengthen your entire body and, as a result, you may lose a few extra pounds.

You need to take flowers of immortelle, chamomile, St. John's wort and birch buds in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the herbal mixture and let it brew. To make the infusion more “rich,” you need to infuse it either in a thermos, or in a pan wrapped in a blanket, or keep it in a water bath for a while. That is, your task is to prevent the water from cooling quickly. Leave the mixture for no more than an hour.

You need to take it the first time in the morning on an empty stomach in a glass with 1 tsp. any natural honey. You should have breakfast no earlier than 30 minutes after taking the infusion. The second dose should be in the evening 3 hours after dinner. Naturally, after taking the infusion, do not eat anything.

The course of treatment depends on the intensity of pain and/or severity of the disease. For prevention, it will be enough to drink the infusion for 1 month; for medicinal purposes, it is taken for 2-3 months with a week break after each month. Important! On the 2-3-4 day, an exacerbation of your disease may occur, but it will not last long, literally a day or two. If the exacerbation does not go away for more than 4-5 days, you should stop taking the infusion and consult a doctor.

For gastritis

Take equal parts of nettle, corn silk, chamomile, mint, plantain, yarrow and dried flowers. Pour a tablespoon of these herbs into a glass of boiling water, take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

From parasites

Boil 1.5 teaspoons of immortelle in a water bath for 30 minutes in 1 glass of water. Strain, add cold water to a volume of 1.5 cups. Drink in equal portions (0.5 cups) three times a day before meals.

For constipation

Take equal parts of immortelle, buckthorn bark, dandelion roots and half as much mint. 2 tbsp. pour a mixture of these herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, drink in portions throughout the day.


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Of all the choleretic herbs, goldenrod is the most powerful choleretic, helping to empty the gallbladder and remove sand and stones from it. To cleanse your gall bladder, take equal parts St. John's wort, calendula, mint, dandelion and licorice roots, pour 4 tbsp. of these herbs with a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight (about 10-12 hours), take 0.5 cup three times a day for 30 minutes. before eating.

If you do not want to look for all the components indicated in the recipe, you can brew and infuse immortelle in the proportion of 1 tbsp. herbs for 1 glass of water. You need to take it according to a similar scheme - three times a day, 0.5 cups for 30 minutes. before meals.

How to collect and dry immortelle flowers yourself

Since all recipes involve the use of immortelle inflorescence, it is this part of it that is worth collecting. The inflorescence is an umbrella of 25-50 sunny yellow heads. Unlike other medicinal plants, which are harvested at the peak of their flowering, cat's paws are cut before the flowers ripen, which occurs mainly at the beginning of August, that is, the harvesting period occurs at the end of June - beginning and mid-July. As a rule, the inflorescences plus a small section of the stem are cut off to make it easier to dry the grass.

For drying to be successful, solar gold should be collected in dry, sunny weather after the dew has disappeared. Then the plant will be dry and it will be possible to prepare it faster and better.

Dry the bouquets with their heads down, or lay the flowers out on dry, clean paper or cardboard. The room in which you decide to dry should be isolated from direct sunlight, but there must be a constant flow of fresh air. Without air flow, the baskets can crumble into dust, and all your work will go down the drain. An excellent place for drying can be an attic or a closed part of the veranda.


Sandy immortelle is a fairly potent remedy, the abuse of which can negatively affect the health of the entire body. Remember that it affects not only the organ that you want to cure, but also the entire body as a whole.

The first thing you should pay attention to when starting to take immortelle is that it works as a sedative. Therefore, carefully drinking decoctions and taking pharmaceutical preparations with this herb is necessary for people who require attentiveness and concentration.

The second important property of the plant is stimulation of platelet production. People who have been diagnosed with thrombophlebitis need to be careful here. Naturally, a one-time use of the decoction will not lead to the formation of blood clots, but long-term uncontrolled use of drugs with sandy aureus can be quite dangerous for you.

The third important function of the plant is stimulation of the production of gastric juice. Therefore, in order not to develop a stomach ulcer, very dosed decoctions and preparations with immortelle should be taken by people with gastritis and high acidity of gastric juice.

Remember also that immortelle toxins accumulate in the liver, which can cause stagnation of blood in the organ. Therefore, we strongly recommend starting treatment under the supervision and prescription of the attending physician.

Tibetan longevity herb - St. John's wort, birch buds, immortelle flowers: recipe

People at all times have strived to find a recipe for a remedy that allows them to maintain excellent health throughout their lives. Tibetan monks were especially successful in this field. Their sacred scriptures preserve a collection recipe that will not only help improve the health of our contemporaries, but also prolong their lives.

Tibetan collection

The recipe for the “Eternal Youth” decoction consists of four components. Along with the hero of this article (immortelle), it includes:

  • St. John's wort
  • Chamomile
  • Birch buds

These natural ingredients can be prepared yourself or purchased at any pharmacy. It is enough to mix these dried components together (100 grams each) and brew one teaspoon in two glasses of boiling water. Infuse this remedy for 25 minutes.

You need to drink half of the infusion, cleared of plant residues, with a teaspoon of honey 30 minutes before bedtime and immediately after waking up. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

Tibetan collection is capable of:

  • Improve metabolism
  • Remove waste and toxins from the body
  • Cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol and make them more elastic
  • Improve vision
  • Reduce the occurrence of headaches
  • Clear skin from inflammation

IMPORTANT: In the first days of the course of treatment based on the Tibetan collection, negative symptoms may appear: weakness, headache and general deterioration of well-being. After 2-3 days, these symptoms, indicating the start of the collection, will go away and your health will be restored.

Tibetan collection provides comprehensive treatment. In addition to immortelle, it contains St. John's wort, which relieves inflammatory processes in the body. Chamomile helps fight viruses and is a natural adsorbent. And birch buds activate metabolic processes in the body and help fight chronic fatigue and atherosclerosis.

How to drink immortelle for the liver?

Immortelle can be used in the treatment of almost all liver diseases. For this purpose, a decoction of this plant is used:

  1. Immortelle flowers (2 teaspoons) are poured with boiling water (1 glass)
  2. Then the product must be boiled in a water bath for 1 hour.

The decoction is drunk chilled. The daily dose (1 glass) should be divided into three parts and drunk throughout the day.

Also, when treating the liver, you can use a liquid extract of this medicinal herb. To do this, the product (35 drops) is diluted in water and drunk three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Immortelle for the treatment of the liver and gallbladder

In this article I will tell you about an amazing medicinal plant. This is Immortelle sandy . Its flowers (dried) are used for treatment.

It is useful in treating a number of diseases such as:

— chronic cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder); - hepatocholecystitis; - biliary dyskinesia; - cholangitis; — condition AFTER removal of the gallbladder; - hepatitis, including viral hepatitis A, B or C: in this case, immortelle is used, of course, in combination with antiviral drugs.

Beneficial properties of Sandy Immortelle:

1. Immortelle improves liver function! – in general, it is very useful for the liver in many cases.

2. Changes the viscosity and chemical composition of bile for the better, facilitates the discharge of bile, improves the functioning of the gallbladder; It is also used (including) for the prevention of cholelithiasis.

3. Activates the activity of the pancreas.

4. Improves intestinal function and dilates intestinal blood vessels; promotes better digestion of food.

5. For people who have had their gallbladder removed and who, because of this, suffer from various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the flowers of the sandy immortelle can be especially useful. In this case, immortelle often SIGNIFICANTLY improves your well-being!

6. It also helps many people get rid of nausea associated with poor functioning of the liver, gallbladder or stomach.

7. Immortelle has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect: very often it helps relieve pain or spasms in the area of ​​the stomach, intestines or gall bladder.

Side effects:

There are very few side effects of Immortelle flowers : 1. In the first days of taking it, some people experience stool disorders, from one extreme to another, i.e. from constipation to diarrhea. But after, after a couple of days, the stool usually returns to normal for a long time.

2. Again, in the first days of taking it, your stomach and right side may ache a little. This usually goes away after 3-5 days. But if it doesn’t go away, or it hurts a lot, then you’d better cancel Immortelle - this will mean that it’s not suitable for you.

3. Occasionally, NOT OFTEN, but in some people, taking immortelle may initially increase blood pressure - this should be kept in mind by people with hypertension, in this case it is better to control the pressure.

should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, or for children under 12 years of age.

Contraindications to the use of Immortelle:

- hypersensitivity to the drug, allergy to it; - cholelithiasis, gallstones (especially with large stones, more than 1-2 cm); - peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum; — gastritis in the acute stage (I emphasize that it is precisely in the acute stage, outside of the exacerbation of gastritis, that immortelle can be taken, and most often it is very useful); - acute pancreatitis (but for chronic pancreatitis - if there is no exacerbation - you can take an immortelle decoction).

Where to buy immortelle flowers:

It is better to buy it at a pharmacy or order it online from an online pharmacy.

How to take Immortelle for adults and children over 12 years of age:

One way: Approximately 4 tablespoons (that is, about 10 grams) of immortelle sand flowers are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid; heat in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring for 30 minutes.

Then cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, filter, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting decoction is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water.

Take orally (that is, drink) warm, half a glass or 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals. It is recommended to shake the decoction before use.

Duration of treatment: I recommend taking immortelle decoction for a course of 2-3 weeks, no longer. This course can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

How to enhance treatment:

On the first day of taking the Immortelle decoction - only on the first day and only 1 time! – you can take Drotaverine, or No-shpa, or Duspatalin in tablets or capsules, if you have no contraindications to them, of course.

This is necessary in order to facilitate the first discharge of bile when taking Immortelle.

It is very useful to do these special therapeutic exercises, which will significantly enhance treatment with immortelle decoction:


And, oddly enough, during treatment it is very important not to forget to keep your emotional state under control. Read more about this here >>>


The author of the article is Dr. Evdokimenko©. Published 10/05/2020. Attention! When copying or reprinting materials, be sure to indicate the source! All articles, news and book chapters are protected by copyright P.V. Evdokimenko©

Immortelle for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

For the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, the following drug collection is used:

  1. Golden flower (6 parts), ivy budra, centaury (4 parts each), St. John's wort, nettle, mint, kidney tea (3 parts each), flaxseeds (2 parts) and fennel fruits (1 part) are mixed together
  2. The mixture (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused in a thermos for 10 hours
  3. After which, the product must be passed through gauze and drunk ¼ cup 4 times a day before meals.

Is it possible to take immortelle during pregnancy?

Very often during pregnancy, women use various herbs for health problems. But, not all herbs are beneficial and some of them can even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, whether or not to take remedies based on immortelle or any other plant should be decided by the doctor who is registered with the expectant mother.

Immortelle is an extremely beneficial plant for the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. But, it can lead to increased blood pressure. It is also important to remember that you should use drugs based on immortelle for no longer than a month.

Immortelle and herbal collections with immortelle

Of course, the most important thing is complete and accurate knowledge of your personal diseases; only on the basis of this important information should a decision be made about using or not using immortelle herb to eliminate specific problems and diseases.

Only with the correct selection of medicinal herbs and the general matching healing properties that plants have, it is possible to prepare healing infusions/decoctions that will enhance and accelerate the healing effects of herbal remedies.

  1. Immortelle, St. John's wort, medicinal chamomile. The combination of these three plants has a preventive and healing effect for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, relieves physical fatigue, strengthens sleep, improves the functioning of the bile ducts, liver, has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects and more.
  2. Immortelle, birch buds. This collection - immortelle and birch buds - has such effective actions as bactericidal, antipyretic, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, eliminating skin diseases and more.
  3. Immortelle, birch buds, medicinal chamomile. A herbal collection of these three amazing gifts of Nature has such effects as antibacterial, choleretic, diuretic, normalizes metabolism, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and more.
  4. Immortelle, tansy. A collection of these two herbs will have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases such as diseases of the liver, intestines, biliary tract, in eliminating gas formation and constipation, in treating hepatitis, in getting rid of giardia and helminths, and in strengthening the immune system.
  5. Immortelle, wormwood. The combination of these herbs has a positive effect in the treatment of diseases such as stomach diseases and inflammation of the kidneys. They will help strengthen sleep, improve appetite, normalize the functioning of the pancreas, stop the formation of gases and remove them from the body.

Immortelle in cosmetology for facial skin and hair: recipes

Immortelle is rich in essential oils that can be successfully used in cosmetology. Using products based on such oils, you can relieve skin irritation and speed up the healing time of cuts and abrasions. Use cumin essential oil as a sunscreen.

Sandy tsmin in cosmetology

The following product can be used as a skin preparation:

  1. Olive or coconut oil is used as a base.
  2. Two or three drops of immortelle oil are mixed with 1 teaspoon of base

This product should be rubbed into the skin in areas of irritation or hives. To eliminate the consequences of mosquito bites, you can use a mixture of equal parts of lavender and immortelle essential oils.

Immortelle oil is very helpful for acne. To treat acne, you need to apply the oil to the affected areas of the skin and rub into the skin. This oil can also be used for candidiasis. The effect of this remedy has been proven by numerous applications.

You can prepare an effective cleanser based on immortelle oil. It will be especially useful for people with dry skin. With its help you can get rid of acne and improve your complexion.

  1. Mix coconut oil (1 tablespoon) with honey (3 tablespoons) and apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon)
  2. Add immortelle oil (20 drops) and live probiotic capsules (2 pieces sold at the pharmacy)
  3. The ingredients can be mixed with a blender and applied to the skin with massage movements.

This cosmetic product should be stored in a cool place in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Home remedies from immortelle

There are several simple recipes for preparing immortelle infusion, decoction, extract and tea at home, namely:

  • Infusion - 100 g of dried flowers of the plant are poured into 1 liter of 20% alcohol and infused for 1 week. Before use, the resulting product is diluted with warm boiled water in the proportion of 20 drops of infusion per 50 ml of water and taken orally, half an hour before meals for 1 month;
  • Decoction – 3 tbsp. immortelle flowers in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and, stirring occasionally, cook in a water bath for half an hour. Then the product is filtered, cooled and poured with boiled water until the total volume of the decoction reaches 200 ml. The finished product is used as a choleretic and anthelmintic, taking half a glass three times a day 15 minutes before meals;
  • Extract – 3 tsp. The plant flowers ground into powder are mixed with 1 tsp. milk sugar. The finished product is used 1 g three times a day for 14-21 days;
  • Tea – 4 tsp. immortelle flowers are mixed with 3 tsp. trefoil leaves and 2 tsp. peppermint leaves and coriander fruits. One tbsp. a spoonful of the prepared mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, and then filtered. Ready-made tea is taken three times a day, 150 ml, half an hour before meals.

Before preparing and using homemade preparations from immortelle, it is recommended to consult your doctor to determine the doses used and the duration of therapy with the plant.

When to collect immortelle for drying?

Immortelle flowers are used for medicinal purposes. To do this, they are carefully picked or cut from the bush. They do this in June. It is important to collect flowers before they bloom. It is at this stage that the largest amount of useful compounds accumulates in the buds.

Collected flowers can be dried in well-ventilated areas (under a canopy) or in special drying chambers. The drying temperature should not exceed 35-50 degrees. Exceeding this temperature can lead to loss of useful qualities of raw materials.

Dried immortelle flowers should be stored in dry, closed containers for no more than three years.

Immortelle reviews

Hope. She suffered from jaundice as a child. Therefore, liver problems lie in wait for me all my life. Most often they appear in spring and autumn. Previously, I used various medications to treat this organ. But, they have a lot of side effects. My grandmother recommended immortelle to me. I read about this herb on the Internet. I tried it. It helps no worse than pharmaceutical drugs. Now, in moments of exacerbation, I always buy immortelle collection. I recommend it to everyone.

Olesya. One day, a brochure containing a miracle hair product was dropped into the mailbox. I read its composition. Most of this remedy was immortelle oil. I found out at the pharmacy that this oil costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the product that was advertised in the brochure. I decided to buy immortelle oil at the pharmacy and try it. Several times a week I applied it to my hair and rubbed it into the roots. I was very surprised by the result. Not only did my hair become less brittle, it regained its natural shine, which I had already forgotten about.

Chemical composition

The widespread use of immortelle in medicine and the medicinal properties of the plant are due to the chemical composition of its inflorescences, flower baskets and grass. The following were found in the inflorescences:

  • Apigenin and naringenin;
  • Naringenin 5-diglucoside C27H32O15;
  • Steroid compounds with the composition C27H46O;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Campesterol C28H48O;
  • Isosali-purposide C21H22O10;
  • Essential oil and inositol;
  • 3-diglucoside of kaempferol C27H30O16;
  • 5,7-dioxyphthalide C8H6O4;
  • Diterpene alcohol C20H34O4;
  • Apigenin glucoside C21H20O16;
  • 5-methoxy-7-glucosylphthalide C15H18O9;
  • Salipurposide C21H22O10 and flavonoids;
  • Phenolic dyes C18H1607 and C21H2407.

Immortelle grass is rich in vitamin K, tannins and essential oil. Flower baskets contain flavonoids, essential oil, steroid compounds, flavone glycosides, carotene, saponins, ascorbic acid, tannins, coloring and bitter substances, as well as trace elements and fatty acids.

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