Enterosgel - a drug for poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting


The medicine has an adsorbent, enveloping and antacid effect. After taking it, pepsin activity decreases. The active substance removes excess hydrochloric acid. At the same time, the physiological characteristics of digestion remain unchanged.

After administration, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is enveloped, resulting in a protective layer that prevents the negative effects of external factors and promotes its healing.

Also, the medication is able to suppress gases, eliminate toxic and harmful microorganisms in the stomach, stabilizing the passage of the gastrointestinal tract.

The medicine does not affect the electrolyte balance in any way. There is currently no verified information on pharmacokinetics.

Mechanism of operation

Once in the stomach, aluminum phosphate neutralizes hydrochloric acid and increases the pH in a short time, which reduces irritation of the mucous membrane. The ability of the enzyme pepsin to break down proteins decreases. At the same time, aluminum phosphate is deposited on the mucous membrane in the form of colloidal micelles and creates additional protection both from hydrochloric acid and pepsin, and from toxic substances. The effect is enhanced by other components and the structure of the gel itself; Thanks to the protection, the stomach has the opportunity to recover, and the buffering properties of aluminum phosphate maintain the pH of the stomach for a long time.

Phosphalugel leaves the pH value of the stomach at a natural level for the body, which means that increased production of hydrochloric acid in response to changes does not occur.

The gel has also been noted for its ability to absorb gases and toxins throughout the entire digestive tract.

In addition, the medicine facilitates the movement of contents through the intestines and may have a laxative effect. All this helps to normalize the functions of the digestive system.

When to take Phosphalugel: before or after meals

If a person has a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, then the medicine is taken 2 hours after eating or during the manifestation of severe pain. Patients with diaphragmatic hernia take the medicine after meals or before bed. For colon disease, you need to drink the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. For gastritis and dyspepsia, the drug is drunk before meals.

Children under six months are prescribed ¼ sachet or 1 tsp. Should be taken after feeding (no more than 6 times a day). A child from six months of age is prescribed ½ sachet 4 times a day after feeding.

If between doses the pain returns again, then you can take the remedy again.

As stated in the instructions, before opening the bag, its contents must be kneaded well so that the gel becomes homogeneous.

Similar drugs

Even if treatment with Phosphalugel has become habitual for a particular patient, sometimes it is not possible to get the medicine you love. Fortunately, there are often analogues on the market. Some of them will become more suitable for situations in which taking Phosphalugel has become a tradition, while others will lose out.

NameActive substanceManufactureraverage price
Phosphalugel gel for oral administration 20% (12.38 g/20 g or 10.4 g/16 g)Aluminum phosphateASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE BV (Netherlands)194 rub. for sticks and 340 rub. for packs of 20 sachets
Almagel suspension for oral administration 2.18 g + 350 mg / 5 mlAlgeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel) Magnesium hydroxide pasteBALKANPHARMA-TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)229 rub.
Almagel A oral suspension 2.18 g + 350 mg + 109 mg/5 mlAlgeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel) Magnesium hydroxide paste BenzocaineBALKANPHARMA-TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)296 rub.
Almagel neo oral suspension 340 mg + 395 mg + 36 mg/5 mlAlgeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel) Magnesium hydroxide paste SimethiconeBALKANPHARMA-TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)248 rub.
Maalox suspension for oral administration 525 mg + 600 mg/15 ml or 3.5 g + 4 g/100 mlAluminum hydroxide (as gel) Magnesium hydroxide (as gel)ANOFI-AVENTIS FRANCE (France)795 rub. for the first option and 386 rubles. for the second
Gaviscon oral suspension (mint) 500 mg + 267 mg + 160 mg/10 mlSodium alginate Sodium bicarbonate Calcium carbonateRECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) Limited353 rub.
Gaviscon forte oral suspension (mint) 1000 mg + 200 mg/10 mlSodium alginate Potassium bicarbonateRECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) Limited305 rub.
Gaviscon forte suspension for oral administration (during pregnancy, mint)Sodium alginate Potassium bicarbonateRECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) Limited333 rub.
Maalox chewable tablets 400 mg + 400 mgAlgeldrate (in the form of hydrated aluminum oxide) Magnesium hydroxideANOFI-AVENTIS FRANCE (France)251 rub.
Gaviscon chewable tablets (mint) 250 mg + 133.5 mg + 80 mgSodium alginate Sodium bicarbonate Calcium carbonateRECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) Limited212 rub.
Gastal lozengesAluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel Magnesium hydroxideTeva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Israel) 304 rub.

The drugs from the table act similarly to Phosphalugel, reduce the acidity of gastric juice and share indications for use. The difference in composition gives the drugs their own advantages and disadvantages. All funds from this group are worth considering in more detail.


Almagel is a suspension for oral administration, it is sold in bottles and requires dosing. When trying to understand whether Almagel or Phosphalugel is better, you can pay attention to the active ingredients: here we are talking about aluminum and magnesium hydroxides, which in the same way neutralize hydrochloric acid and form a protective film in the stomach. The effect of the medicine appears within 3-5 minutes and lasts 3 hours, so Almagel starts working faster. Do not drink liquids within 15 minutes after taking the suspension.

Side effects and contraindications for both drugs are similar, however, Almagel is not prescribed to children under 10 years of age, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding it should be taken with caution. Phosphalugel sticks are slightly cheaper compared to this suspension. The advantage of Almagel is the options with additional active ingredients. Thus, Almagel A contains the analgesic benzocaine, and Almagel Neo, with the help of simethicone, hinders the formation of gas bubbles and relieves bloating. Such drugs should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding; They are not prescribed for children either.


Unlike Phosphalugel, Maalox is available in the form of a suspension or tablets. Active substances are aluminum and magnesium hydroxides. Lozenges are convenient to take with you, and the suspension can be bought either in a bottle or already dosed in sachets. Maalox or Phosphalugel is better, it’s impossible to say for sure: both medications are prescribed in the same situations. Maalox should not be used before the age of 15, but it can be prescribed during lactation. Take it after meals and at night.


Available in the form of a suspension and chewable tablets; Sodium alginate, calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are responsible for the effect. Interacting with the contents of the stomach, they form a neutral gel and retain the effect for up to 4 hours. It is used only as a symptomatic remedy to quickly relieve discomfort from heartburn or heaviness in the stomach. Safe for pregnant women and can be used from 6 years of age. Gaviscon has almost no side effects: they can be allergies or bronchospasm.


Aluminum hydroxide and magnesium carbonate gel in combination with magnesium hydroxide neutralize hydrochloric acid and reduce enzyme activity. The drug is available in tablet form, which is recommended for heartburn and increased acid production. The effect of the medicine lasts about 2 hours. In some cases, it can cause nausea and changes in taste. Not prescribed until 6 years of age. The tablets are dissolved an hour after eating and taken for no more than 2 weeks.

Drugs with a different mechanism of action

For heartburn, heaviness and abdominal pain, medications with a different effect may be prescribed. These can be either sorbents for diarrhea or enzyme preparations that improve the breakdown of nutrients. Below you can see examples of them:

  • Smecta is a powder for preparing suspensions based on diosmectite. Natural aluminosilicate is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but absorbs toxins and bacteria, quickly stopping diarrhea. The medicine may be prescribed to relieve abdominal discomfort, but its main role is to treat diarrhea.

  • Enterosgel is an oral paste consisting of polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. Collects only toxic metabolites and does not reduce the absorption of vitamins. Treats intoxication and infections.

  • De-Nol - bismuth tripotassium dicitrate tablets. Needed for the treatment of peptic ulcers, they form a protective film on the surface of damaged areas and increase the formation of mucus. They fight Helicobacter pylori, one of the factors in the formation of ulcers.

  • Creon is an enzyme preparation. Pancreatin accelerates the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prescribed for diseases of the pancreas, chronic diseases of the digestive system, and also in general for better absorption of food.

Such drugs do not affect the acidity of gastric juice. They are similar to Phosphalugel only in certain effects: for example, the ability to remove toxins or the formation of a protective film.

Contraindications and negative effects

You should avoid taking the drug in case of increased susceptibility to the constituent components of the drug, as well as in persons who have kidney pathologies. The medicine has no other contraindications.

Negative manifestations after administration appear in rare cases. Elderly people and bedridden people may experience constipation.

Since the composition contains many aluminum ions, intestinal motility may deteriorate. In case of overdose, you need to take a laxative.

Enterosgel during pregnancy and lactation

The annotation for the drug states that taking Enterosgel during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not contraindicated. Thus, the drug is prescribed to reduce the severity of toxicosis, in case of fetoplacental insufficiency (placental dysfunction), for the treatment of acute and chronic bacterial, viral or fungal vaginal infections.

Enterosgel is not contraindicated during pregnancy

special instructions

The medication should be taken with extreme caution in case of such problems and pathologies: cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Elderly patients and people with kidney disease may experience an increase in the amount of aluminum in plasma.

If constipation occurs after taking the medicine, you need to drink as much fluid as possible.

Since there is no sugar in the composition, the drug can be taken by people with diabetes.

The use of the medicine does not in any way affect the results of X-ray examinations.

The use of Phosphalugel cannot in any way affect the ability to drive a vehicle or operate other dangerous machinery.


Enterosgel is often used in gastroenterology, allergology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and toxicology as a treatment for conditions in which intoxication of the body is observed. Thus, the indications for use of Enterosgel are:

  • chronic kidney diseases (including pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, azotemia);
  • burn disease in the intoxication phase;
  • purulent-septic pathology, accompanied by significant intoxication of the body;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, food allergies, acute or chronic urticaria);
  • skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, eczema);
  • ARVI;
  • radiation injuries;
  • acute/chronic diarrhea of ​​any nature (including viral, bacterial, occurring due to food poisoning or after treatment with antibiotics, associated with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, malabsorption syndrome, etc.);
  • poisoning with toxic and potent substances, including drugs, alcohol, salts of heavy metals;
  • acute and chronic poisoning of the body, including food poisoning;
  • intestinal syndrome caused by allergic food intolerance;
  • acute intestinal infections of any origin (viral, bacterial infections)
  • for toxic-infectious liver damage (including viral hepatitis types A and B, toxic hepatitis);
  • with cholestasis of various origins;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with hypo- or hyperacid gastritis;
  • for peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • with enterocolitis;
  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • with irritable bowel syndrome;
  • with post-resection syndrome;
  • during the periods before and after operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

For people who do not suffer from gastrointestinal problems to one degree or another, Enterosgel can be prescribed for the prevention of ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, for chronic intoxication in those employed in hazardous work, living in environmentally unfavorable regions, as well as for preventive cleansing of the body.

Side effects

Long-term treatment with Almagel can provoke high concentrations of magnesium, calcium and phosphates in the blood. This can disrupt the functioning of major organs and systems.

The main load goes to the digestive tract:

  • - stomach ache;
  • – diarrhea;
  • - nausea, vomiting;
  • - violation of taste.

Rare adverse reactions:

  • – dementia;
  • – swelling of the arms and legs.

Treatment of gastritis with the drug "Phosphalugel" can cause constipation. This adverse reaction most often occurs in elderly people and bedridden patients.

Enterosgel for allergies

As for the use of Enterosgel for allergies, monitoring of patients indicates a noticeable improvement in their condition. Thus, with bronchial asthma, the patient’s condition improves by the 3rd day of treatment, and after 2 weeks breathing returns to normal.

For allergies that are associated with disorders of the digestive system, the use of Enterosgel helps remove toxins from the body, restore intestinal function, and also helps prevent erosion. Improvements are observed already on the 4-5th day of using the drug.

Enterosgel for allergies

Enterosgel is used to treat eczema. It takes 6 days to eliminate fresh rashes.

Using the drug for the treatment of atopic dermatitis allows you to extend the period of remission to 8 months (usually remission lasts no more than six months).

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