Oralit for diarrhea and vomiting, diarrhea - instructions for use

Manufacturer: Vitaukt-prom LLC
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Urolite
  • Composition Urolite
  • Indications for use of the drug Urolit
  • Release form of the drug Urolite
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Urolit
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Urolit
  • Storage conditions for the drug Urolit
  • Shelf life of the drug Urolit

Directions for use and dosage

To prevent dehydration, the use of Oralit should be started as soon as diarrhea begins. Usually the drug needs to be used for no more than 3-4 days, treatment is stopped when the diarrhea ends.

If nausea or vomiting occurs, it is advisable to take the solution chilled in small portions (for example, teaspoons).

Fluid replacement

To replenish fluid, Oralit is taken during the first 6-10 hours in an amount that is twice the weight loss caused by diarrhea.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Uralit-u

Pharmacodynamics. Salts of strong bases combined with weak acids alkalize (neutralize) the pH of the urine, and the acid component is metabolized. The citrate ion from alkaline citrates undergoes oxidative metabolic breakdown to carbon dioxide or bicarbonate. The remainder of the base, which is formed from the remaining alkali ions, is excreted by the kidneys and increases the pH of the urine. Neutralization or alkalinization of urine can be achieved by oral administration of alkaline citrates; the reaction to the drug is dose-dependent. 1 g of hexacalium-hexasodium-trihydropentacytrate complex (8.8 mmol of alkali) increases urine pH by 0.2–0.3 units. As a result, the degree of dissociation and solubility of uric acid increase. Dissolution of uric acid stones was confirmed radiographically. The concentration of bicarbonate (a negatively charged base residue) in the blood plasma regulates the excretion of citrate. The negatively charged base residue induces (stimulates) alkalosis by changing intracellular pH. Alkalosis inhibits tubular metabolism of citrate in the kidneys, which leads to decreased absorption of citrate and increased excretion. In addition, alkalosis affects excessive calcium excretion and reduces urinary calcium excretion. Alkalinization of urine increases the excretion of citrate and reduces the excretion of calcium, which leads to a decrease in the activity of calcium oxalate, since citrate forms stable complexes with calcium in a weak alkaline environment. Therefore, citrate ion is the most effective physiological inhibitor of crystallization of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate and aggregation of these crystals. Based on observations, we can talk about a therapeutic effect for:

  • Cystinuria and the formation of cystine stones: alkalinization of urine increases the solubility of cystine. The urine pH should reach 7.5–8.5;
  • therapy with cytostatics: a shift in the urine reaction to the alkaline side in order to increase the elimination of uric acid is indicated during treatment with cytostatics (prevention of the formation of uric acid stones). In addition, the protective effect of the alkaline reaction of urine has been confirmed due to a decrease in the aggressiveness of cytostatic metabolites (for example, oxazaphosphorus cytostatics) and an increase in the solubility of cytostatics and their metabolites (methotrexate), respectively. Urine pH should be maintained at 7;
  • In skin porphyria tarda there is a deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, which converts uroporphyrinogen into coproporphyrinogen. The purpose of metabolic alkalization is to prevent re-diffusion of coproporphyrin through the renal tubules in order to increase the clearance of coproporphyrin. Due to increased excretion of coproporphyrinogen, the synthesis of coproporphyrinogen from uroporphyrinogen increases, which is accompanied by a decrease in the circulation of uroporphyrin. Urine pH should be 7.2–7.5.

Pharmacokinetics. Citrate is almost completely subject to metabolic breakdown. Only 1.5–2% of the initial dose is detected unchanged in the urine. Taking 10 g of hexacalium hexasodium trihydropentacytrate complex produces approximately 36 mmol of citrate, which is equivalent to less than 2% of the body's daily turnover of citrate involved in energy metabolism. After taking hexacalium-hexasodium-trihydropentacitrate complex (for 1 day), an equivalent amount of sodium and potassium is excreted by the kidneys for 24-48 hours. With long-term use, the daily excretion of sodium and potassium is equal to the daily intake. Significant changes in the gas composition of the blood and electrolytes of the blood plasma are not noted. This indicates that, thanks to renal regulation, the body's COR remains stable and, with normal kidney function, the possibility of sodium or potassium accumulation is excluded.


For children, Oralit is indicated for dehydration, due to vomiting, diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection, poisoning with toxins or any other pathogen, burns, intestinal obstruction. A small child has a faster metabolism than an adult, the frequency of stools is higher and, therefore, the loss of fluid from the body is more noticeable. Without water-salt solutions to prevent dehydration, the baby is in serious danger.

In case of I – II degree of dehydration, if the child drinks on his own, oral rehydration is performed with a glucose-saline solution. Oralit should be given in small portions of 10–15 ml at intervals of 15–20 minutes. The maximum daily dose is 180 – 200 ml/kg.

Newborns and premature babies need to dilute Oralit with distilled water 2 times, since the solution contains a lot of sodium.

For children under 3 years of age, a rational solution would be to combine glucose-saline solutions and salt-free solutions (water, tea, rosehip infusion, rice infusion). The ratio of solutions is determined based on the volume of fluid loss.

Use of the drug Uralit-u

Uralit-U is taken orally. Before use, the granules are dissolved in a glass of water. The dose of the drug is selected individually based on determination of urine pH values. 1. To dissolve and prevent recurrence of uric acid stones, prescribe 4 scoops (10 g of granules, equivalent to 88 mmol of alkali) per day, divided into 3 doses: 1 scoop in the morning, 1 scoop at noon and 2 scoops - In the evening. The drug is taken after meals. The pH of fresh urine should be 6.2–6.8. If the pH value is below the recommended range, the daily dose is increased by 0.5 scoop (11 mmol of alkali) in the evening. If the pH value is above the recommended range, the daily dose is reduced by 0.5 scoop (11 mmol of alkali) in the evening. The dose is considered correctly selected if the pH of fresh urine before taking Uralit-U is within the recommended range. When taken to prevent recurrence of uric acid stones, regular testing of urine pH is recommended. 2. To prevent the recurrence of calcium-containing kidney stones, the daily dose should be 2-3 scoops (5-7.5 g granules, equivalent to 44-66 mmol alkali) and taken as a single dose in the evening. If the pH value is very low, take 3–4.5 scoops (7.5–11.25 g granules, equivalent to 66–99 mmol alkali) in 2–3 divided doses after meals. The urine pH value should be around 7.0 (range 6.2–7.4). It is necessary to regularly check the citrate level and/or urine pH value and determine the dose accordingly (see above). Measuring urine pH. Before taking each dose, take the test strip contained in the package, hold it with a clip (also included), and dip it into fresh urine. The color of the wet strip is then compared to the color chart and the corresponding urine pH value is determined. The urine pH value and the number of measuring spoons with granules that need to be used are recorded in the control calendar. At each visit to the doctor, the patient should take a control calendar with him.

Interactions of the drug Uralit-u

Any increase in extracellular potassium concentration will reduce the effect of cardiac glycosides, whereas any decrease will potentiate the arrhythmic effect of cardiac glycosides. Aldosterone antagonists, potassium-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs and peripheral analgesics reduce renal excretion of potassium. It should be remembered that 1 g of Uralit-U contains 0.172 g or 4.4 mmol of potassium. When following a low-sodium diet, you must remember that 1 g of Uralit-U contains 0.1 g or 4.4 mmol of sodium, which is equivalent to 0.26 g of sodium chloride. Preparations containing citrates and used simultaneously with drugs containing aluminum may increase the absorption of aluminum, so the interval between taking each of them should be at least 2 hours.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Uralit-u

Before taking the first dose, it is necessary to determine the level of electrolytes in the blood plasma and check the kidney function. In addition, the COR should be checked (if renal tubular acidosis is suspected). Caution must be exercised when using Uralit-U in patients with severely impaired liver function. The use of the drug should be part of the overall concept regarding the prevention of relapse (including diet, increased fluid intake, etc.). The drug contains a dye that may cause allergic reactions, including asthma. Allergies most often occur in individuals with hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid. During pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is insufficient data on the use of Uralit-U in pregnant women. Since the active substance is a combination of substances contained in the body, Uralit-U can be used during pregnancy and lactation in accordance with the dosing recommendations listed above. Treatment of children under 12 years of age is not recommended as there is insufficient clinical experience in this age group.

Overdose of the drug Uralit-u, symptoms and treatment

With normal renal function, no undesirable effect on normal metabolic parameters is expected, even after administration in doses much higher than recommended (due to excretion of the base by the kidneys, a natural regulatory mechanism is triggered that maintains KOR in the body). Elevation of urine pH above the recommended range should not continue for more than a few days, since high pH levels increase the risk of phosphate crystallization and a state of metabolic alkalosis may occur, which is in any case undesirable. Overdose is stopped by reducing the dose; If necessary, metabolic alkalosis is corrected.

Best before date

18 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Yoshi Vitamin Jelly Drink (vitamin complex) (Liquid for oral administration)
  • Pantohematogen "Altamar™-4" (Oral tablets)
  • Oculist blueberry (Oral tablets)
  • Progaine, strawberry flavor (Powder for oral solution)
  • Orthomol Vital F (granules) (Capsule)
  • Goal T (Ointment for local and external use)
  • Gripp-Heel (Aerosol)

Description of vitamin Urolite is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Description of pharmacological action

Have litholytic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects Prevent the formation of sand and stones in the urinary system Promote the removal of urinary and gallstones Have disinfectant, antibacterial and diuretic effects Exhibit mild sedative properties, which are very important during the passage of stones Provide the removal of uric acid, urea, chlorides, which allows the drug to be used in the complex treatment of uric acid diathesis Promotes the outflow of bile

Brief instructions for Oralit

Oralit contains:

1 potassium chloride (KCl);

2 sodium chloride (NaCl);

3 sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3);

4 glucose.

It is not difficult to prepare the solution; you just need to dilute the powder with warm boiled or distilled water, according to the instructions. Oralit normalizes energy balance due to the presence of glucose. In some diseases, metabolic acidosis develops, which is characterized by an imbalance of the acid-bile balance in the direction of increasing acidity. In a healthy body, oxidation products are excreted normally, while in diseases with elevated body temperature or the presence of intestinal disorders, their excessive accumulation occurs, which provokes acidosis. The resulting state of acidosis negatively affects cardiovascular activity; in severe forms of acidosis, for example in diabetes mellitus, it can lead to a coma.

Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of acidosis, it is necessary to carry out measures to alkalize the blood composition, which Oralit successfully copes with. Dehydration may occur if the following conditions are present:

1 for diarrhea due to intestinal infection, poisoning, or other diseases;

2 for diarrhea in young children;

3 when there is an imbalance of water electrolytes due to heavy physical activity or when the body overheats due to high temperatures.

Vomiting in childhood is a fairly common phenomenon, but every time it confuses parents and raises a lot of questions. There are many reasons for vomiting, and only a specialized specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis after examining a small patient. What to do if vomiting is caused by banal food poisoning? What medications can be taken to normalize the water and electrolyte balance in a child’s body? We will discuss these and many other questions on the topic in this article.

Vomiting is an involuntary emptying of the stomach intended to cleanse the body of harmful microorganisms or poor-quality food. However, vomiting does not always indicate poisoning - problems in the functioning of the stomach or brain can also provoke this symptom. Among the main causes of vomiting are the following:

1 strong emotional experiences or stress;

2 penetration of infectious pathogens into the child’s body;

3 poisoning with chemical elements;

4 individual intolerance to any food or medication;

5 problems with the intestines: obstruction, inflammatory processes, etc.;

6 overeating, eating too heavy food;

7 neurological disorders;

8 acetonomic crisis;

9 foreign body in the esophagus.

Indications for use

For the removal of stones, small stones and sand from the kidneys and gall bladder In combination with surgical treatment methods and lithotripsy - for the speedy removal of fragments of crushed stones For the prevention of relapses of stone formation In cases where surgical treatment methods are contraindicated Complex treatment of salt diathesis, acute and subacute calculous cholecystitis and pyelonephritis, biliary dyskinesia (as part of complex therapy). For the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes that complicate the course of urolithiasis (cystitis, pyelonephritis)


Madder rhizomes and roots (Rhizomata et radix Rubiae tinctori) Wild carrot fruits (Fructus Dauci carotae) Horsetail herb (Herba Equiseti arvensis) Goldenrod herb (Herba Solidáginis virgáureae) Common fennel fruits (Fructus Foeniculi vulgaris Common aspen bark (Populi tremulae cortex ) St. John's wort herb (Herba Hyperici perforati) Knotweed herb (Herba Polygoni avicularis) Melissa officinalis leaves (Folia Melissae officinalis) Eucalyptus leaves (Folia Eucalypti viminalis) Auxiliary components: Sorbitol Potassium sorbate Citric acid Purified water

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