High effectiveness of nebivolol and improvement in the quality of life of patients

Instructions for use NEBILET

The following warnings and precautions are common to β-blockers.


Maintaining β-adrenergic receptor blockade reduces the risk of cardiac arrhythmias during induction of anesthesia and intubation. If beta-adrenergic blockade needs to be interrupted in preparation for surgery, beta-blockers should be discontinued at least 24 hours before.

Caution is needed when using certain anesthetics that cause myocardial depression. The appearance of vagal reactions in the patient can be prevented by intravenous administration of atropine.

Heart and blood vessels:

In general, β-blockers should not be given to patients with untreated heart failure until their condition has stabilized.

In patients suffering from coronary heart disease, β-blocker therapy should be discontinued gradually, that is, within 12 weeks. If necessary, in order to prevent exacerbation of angina pectoris, it is recommended to simultaneously begin treatment with substitute drugs.

β-adrenergic blockers may cause bradycardia. If the resting pulse drops to values ​​below 50-55 beats per minute and/or the patient develops symptoms indicating bradycardia, then the dose should be reduced.

β-adrenergic blockers should be used with caution in:

  • patients with peripheral circulatory disorders (Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome, intermittent claudication), as an exacerbation of these diseases may occur;
  • patients with first degree AV block due to the negative effect of β-blockers on conduction;
  • patients with Prinzmetal's angina due to unopposed α-adrenergic receptor-mediated vasoconstriction of the coronary arteries: β-adrenergic blockers may increase the frequency and duration of angina attacks.

The combination of nebivolol with calcium antagonists such as verapamil and diltiazem, with group I antiarrhythmic drugs, as well as with centrally acting antihypertensive drugs is not recommended in principle.

Metabolism and endocrine system:

Nebilet has no effect on glucose levels in diabetic patients. Despite this, caution must be exercised in diabetic patients since nebivolol may mask certain symptoms of hypoglycemia (tachycardia, palpitations).

With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, β-blockers can mask a symptom of the disease such as tachycardia. If therapy is suddenly stopped, these symptoms may worsen.


In patients with chronic obstructive airway diseases, β-blockers should be used with caution, as airway constriction may increase.


In patients with a history of psoriasis, β-blockers should be prescribed only after the situation has been carefully considered.

β-adrenergic blockers may increase sensitivity to allergens and the severity of anaphylactic reactions.

At the beginning of treatment of chronic heart failure with nebivolol, regular monitoring of the patient is required. Unless absolutely necessary, treatment should not be stopped abruptly.

This product contains lactose. Patients with rare hereditary galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should not take Nebilet.

Impact on the ability to participate in street traffic and maintain vehicles

Studies on the effects of Nebilet® on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machines have not been conducted. Pharmacodynamic studies have shown that Nebilet has no effect on psychomotor function. When driving or servicing equipment, you should be aware that dizziness and a feeling of fatigue may sometimes occur.

a brief description of

From the reviews of cardiologists about Nebilet, you can form a general idea about this product. It belongs to a large group of beta-blockers. Such drugs have been used for a very long time, and several generations of them have already been released today. “Nebilet” is the latest generation of tablets that combine effectiveness and maximum safety for the patient.

The drug quickly lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, eliminates oxygen starvation and normalizes heart rate. Also, from the reviews of cardiologists about Nebilet, it becomes clear that the drug significantly reduces the risk of death from stroke and coronary disease. It is also often prescribed to avoid recurrent heart attacks. The product can be used as personal therapy or in combination with other medications prescribed by a doctor.

Analogues and synonyms

Almost every drug has a number of similar drugs. Pharmacists divide them into synonyms and analogues. The former have identical active substances, but the latter have a similar therapeutic effect when using other active ingredients.

Among the synonyms of “Nebilet” are “Binelol”, “Nevotens” and “Nebikor”. In general, there are about ten such drugs.

Analogs of Nebilet are very numerous; thirty-three drugs with similar effects are known on the drug market. These include such well-known names as:

  • "Egilok";
  • "Coronal"
  • "Concor";
  • "Cerdol";
  • "Biprol."

If Nebilet does not suit you for certain parameters, then the cardiologist has the right to prescribe a synonym or analogue of this drug. Perhaps another remedy will be more useful to you.

Effect of the drug on the course of pregnancy

Taking Nebilet during pregnancy can lead to a number of complications:

  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • miscarriage;
  • premature contractions.

Doctors try to avoid prescribing this drug to pregnant women. In rare cases, when the life of the expectant mother is at risk and without Nebilet she may die, the doctor may prescribe this remedy. However, a woman should be under the supervision of specialists at all times and stop taking pills three days before giving birth and three days after it. The newborn should also be under close medical supervision, because the drug can cause many complications.

During breastfeeding, stop taking the medicine, otherwise the baby should be immediately switched to artificial formula.

“Nebilet” and “Nebilet Plus”: similarities and differences

Often patients who are prescribed this drug are interested in whether they can purchase “Nebilet Plus” instead, which is also very common. Doctors usually warn against such a replacement, because, despite the similarity of the drugs, they also have significant differences.

"Nebilet Plus" has two active components instead of one, and the second has a pronounced diuretic effect. This helps to quickly lower blood pressure, but at the same time, such a side effect can aggravate the patient’s condition with certain cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the drug that we are describing today differs significantly in its therapeutic effect from Nebilet Plus, and they are in no way interchangeable.

How to take Nebilet?

Nebilet should be prescribed by a doctor based on your individual characteristics. The doctor will select a specific dose for you, which may be adjusted from time to time.


When using the drug Nebilet, you should not skip doses, independently reduce or increase the dose or abruptly stop taking this drug, and you also need to systematically monitor your blood pressure using a tonometer.

Nebilet should be taken regularly in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. This medicine can be used with or without food. Even if you feel well, you still should not skip Nebilet doses, since hypertension is often asymptomatic.

As a rule, Nebilet is taken orally (by mouth) 1 time per day, starting with the lowest effective dose, trying to take the medicine at the same time.

Reviews about taking the medicine

Patient reviews of Nebilet are numerous, so you can easily find comments from people who take these pills regularly. The disadvantages of the drug, most patients attribute its very high cost. If we add to this serious health problems when abruptly stopping the drug, it becomes clear that you need to start drinking Nebilet only if you can afford it for several years.

Some patients note that the drug caused them a lot of side effects, which prevent them from enjoying life and provoke new health problems.

However, most of the patients were very satisfied with the doctor's prescription. They write that the drug is very effective for hypertension. Moreover, in such cases, treatment lasts no more than several months. During this period, the patients' blood pressure normalizes, and they continue to live as usual without taking pills. Also, for some, it saved them from sudden jumps in blood pressure, which often cause strokes.

Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases also respond very well to the drug we describe. It copes well with a lot of problems and allows patients to feel the taste of life again. At the same time, many especially noted that they did not experience any side effects. And after the course of treatment, they were able to gradually replace the drug with cheaper analogues. However, they attribute the improvement in their condition precisely to taking Nebilet, which made it possible to relieve the acute symptoms of the disease and bring the body into working condition.

I would like to note that this remedy is considered in many countries to be one of the best, so do not worry if your doctor prescribes it for you. Be sure that you will immediately feel improvements, and in the future you can, if necessary, after consulting with your doctor, stop taking the pills.

Cost of the drug

Unfortunately, Nebilet tablets are not the lowest priced. Therefore, the drug is not available to every patient. Often its cost reaches almost six hundred rubles per package. At the same time, reviews often write that with each increase in prices for medicines, Nebilet becomes more expensive by almost a hundred rubles immediately.

Patients consider this fact to be a significant disadvantage of this drug.

"Nebilet": side effects

Despite its safety, the drug can cause a lot of side effects, about which patients should be warned. For example, the central nervous system may respond with fainting, depression, insomnia, and fatigue.

Patients may also experience dry mouth, nausea (even vomiting) and bloating after taking the drug. Sometimes patients complain of heart pain, arrhythmia and low blood pressure. In the rarest cases, severe skin rash, itching and even swelling have been observed. Side effects include such manifestations as:

  • dry eyes;
  • sweating;
  • blurred vision;
  • regular swelling;
  • hallucinations.

If you notice any side effects while taking Nebilet, consult your doctor immediately. He will do some lab tests to see if you should continue taking this drug.

Release form, active and excipients

is the Belgian company Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group. It has been supplying the drug to Russia for several years. In pharmacies, the product is sold only in tablet form, so if you are offered to purchase the medicine in the form of drops, keep in mind that this is an obvious fake. It can cost you not only your health, but also your life.

The instructions for Nebilet indicate that the tablets are produced in blisters of seven, fourteen, twenty-eight and fifty-six pieces. Each tablet is painted white and has a convex shape on both sides. It has a notch on one side, making it easy to divide.

Often, cardiologists, when prescribing this drug to a patient, say such a mysterious phrase as “Nebilet”, 5 mg.” However, at the pharmacy, visitors learn that each tablet of the drug contains almost five and a half milligrams of the active substance. It is nebivolol, which lowers blood pressure. For those who are confused by the dosage indicated on the packaging of Nebilet tablets, we will tell you that the main active ingredient of the drug in the tablet is in connection with the hydrochloride. Once in the body, nebivolol is released, and in its pure form its dosage is exactly five milligrams. Therefore, pharmacists decided to indicate the amount of pure active substance on the medicine packaging.

Among the auxiliary components of the drug are the following:

  • polysorbate;
  • corn starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose and other similar substances.

Cardiologists in reviews of Nebilet write that the drug is very quickly absorbed into the body, so you don’t have to wait more than ten minutes for its effect. All patients note that relief occurs within minutes after taking one tablet.

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