Complex "Opti-Men" for men with an active lifestyle

Health improvement

Sergey Sidoruk 02/09/2019 no comments


How to take Opti-men vitamins correctly

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To achieve high athletic results and more effective recovery during exercise, along with other pharmaceuticals, it is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes, including those specially designed for men. By figuring out how to take Opti-men vitamins correctly, you will not only improve your workout results, but also improve your overall health.

Purpose of the complex of vitamins and minerals


The “Opti-men” vitamin complex is advisable for professional athletes, as well as all men who regularly face intense physical activity.

The complex performs several functions:

  • providing the body with necessary vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances;
  • metabolism optimization;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • increasing resistance to stress;
  • improving blood supply to all organs, including the brain;
  • improving the quality of sexual life.

Similar problems for the fair sex are solved by the Opti women complex from Optimum Nutrition. The compositions of the products are similar, but they are not interchangeable: nevertheless, Opti-men vitamins are much better suited for men.

Today, more and more athletes are trying to include vitamin complexes in their program.

What to replace it with?

Absolute structural analogues of the drug are not currently produced - this explains the high cost of one package of the complex.

The best option for replacing the drug would be the multivitamin complex “Supradin” .

It is much cheaper than its analogue (a pack will cost about 400-600 rubles), so the mineral content is also reduced several times compared to Opti-Men.

At the same time, the amount of essential vitamins is almost the same.


The composition of “Opti-men” includes 5 groups of substances, each of which is responsible for performing its own functions:

  • "Opti" is the basis of the drug. Includes vitamins A, C, D, K, as well as Mn, Cr, Zn and other minerals.

Note! Iodine is contained only in the drug produced for the American market. There is no iodine in the European version!

  • "Phyto" - concentrated extracts from fruits and vegetables. Provide additional vitamins and help remove free radicals.
  • "Amino" is an amino acid complex. Increases resistance to stress, promotes more intense muscle mass gain.
  • "Viri" - extracts of medicinal plants and algae. The presence of these components in Opti Men determines its usefulness specifically for men.
  • "Enzy" is a complex of four selected enzymes. They contribute to more efficient absorption of food: thanks to this, Opti-men vitamins bring maximum effect, since immediately after entering the body they are included in metabolic processes.

The supplement is especially useful for representatives of strength sports - fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting

Instructions for use

"Opti-Men" was developed specifically for men who take care of their well-being and devote a lot of time and effort to sports (since physical activity is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a strong immune system).

Ginseng, which is part of the drug, activates strength energy and increases endurance, strengthening the heart and nervous system.

Phyto-components help enrich the diet with vitamins contained in exotic (and therefore not always available) fruits and vegetables.

For example, papaya and pineapple extracts help optimize lipid metabolism, as well as the proper absorption of glucose, which accumulates in the muscles and gives them the necessary energy.

Composition and release form

The drug has a rich composition of nutrients, and contains minerals, enzymes, vitamins, and acids.

Thanks to such a number of useful elements, Opti-Men is a leader in the market of sports vitamin complexes. The high level of sales is explained by the distinctive results that almost all men notice after a month of use.

“Opti-Men” contains 13 vitamins ( , group B, , , , ) and 9 macro- and microelements ( copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium, molybdenum, calcium ), including iodine , which supports healthy brain activity, and chromium , which significantly reduces the need for products containing large amounts of simple carbohydrates (primarily sugar, confectionery and rich products).

Note! It is worth considering that two versions of the “Opti-Men” complex are produced on the market: the first is intended for domestic consumption (in the United States), and the second is exported to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. This need is caused by the difference in regulations containing standards for the consumption of minerals and vitamins. The European version of Opti-Men does not contain iodine!

The complex is also supplemented with additives to increase performance, improve endurance and replenish energy resources.

Amino acids . “Opti-Men” contains 8 amino acids ( glutamine, arginine , etc.), which help increase muscle mass in terms of “dry” values.

It is worth noting that the amount of acids is quite small - only 800 mg. Therefore, the complex is not suitable for men seriously involved in bodybuilding.

Enzymes (lipase, bromelain, etc.). Digestive enzymes are necessary for the complete absorption of nutrients and beneficial substances that enter the body with food or other sources (for example, synthetic additives). People who do not have problems with the digestive system should consult a doctor, since additional intake of enzymes may disrupt the production of their own.

Plant concentrates. A mixture of extracts from vegetables and fruits (for example, spinach, grape seeds, broccoli, kiwi, etc.) helps provide additional vitamins, as well as normalize intestinal activity and stomach function. Ingredients of plant origin also help increase vital energy and regulate metabolic processes.

Marine concentrates and plant extracts (oyster extract, ginseng, pumpkin seeds, etc.) are responsible for the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system: they stimulate sperm production, improve its quality, increase libido, and stimulate erection.

Important! The complex contains an extract from oysters, so men prone to allergic reactions should refrain from using it.

"Opti-Men" is available in the form of capsules placed in jars (90, 150 or 240 pieces per pack).


"Opti-Men" can serve as a source of additional vitamins and minerals during periods when it is necessary, and act as an energy activator and an auxiliary element of a sports diet.

Indications for admission are:

  • intensive training in professional sports;

  • exercise in the gym or strength groups in combination with a low-carbohydrate diet (if necessary, reducing the amount of fatty tissue in the body);
  • problems in the sexual sphere (impaired potency, decreased sexual desire, loss of sensitivity during intimacy, etc.);
  • disruption of digestive processes;
  • general fatigue and malaise;
  • deficiency of nutrients.

Important! People intolerant to palm oil should use this drug carefully. If frequent digestive disorders occur, use of Opti-Men should be discontinued.

How to use?

The drug "Opti-Men" must be taken 3 times a day, 1 capsule. Take with any liquid that does not contain caffeine, sugar or alcohol. The duration of the course is 30 days . It is recommended to repeat the course at least 3 times a year.

Interactions with drugs

It is prohibited to use the complex together with other drugs containing vitamins or minerals. Failure to comply with this rule is fraught with overdose and hypervitaminosis (hypervitaminosis A is especially dangerous), which can lead to an upset stomach, disruption of the nervous system and other negative consequences.

Video: “Opti-men vitamin complex review”

The main advantages of taking the drug

Optimum Nutrition "Opti-men" vitamins should be taken if you need to increase your resistance to physical activity. Bodybuilding, active sports, extreme sports, tourism - these are the situations in which this complex will certainly be useful.

When taken regularly and correctly, Opti Men vitamins provide the following benefits:

  • Sports training brings more pronounced results (increased muscle mass, strength and endurance), and the body adapts more easily to general stress. To increase efficiency in this area, you can take additional medications, such as Animal Flex sports nutrition.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized, which helps reduce excess weight.
  • A man who takes Opti Men vitamins gets sick less often due to the normalization of immunity.
  • Sports activities do not worsen sexual function, but, on the contrary, increase potency. In this case, Opti-men vitamins from Optimum Nutrition act in much the same way as vitamins with ginseng for men - they mobilize internal reserves.

Customer Reviews

Reviews from men taking Opti-Men indicate that you should not expect a miracle from the drug, and you will not be able to build muscle mass by taking only these capsules.

As for activity, almost 100% of consumers report a significant increase in strength and energy - this allows them to make workouts more intense and longer and achieve better results.

No less important is the normalization of the sexual sphere.

Men experiencing problems with potency note that while taking Opti-Men capsules they were able to improve the process of sexual intercourse.

Problems with potency (provided there were no serious diseases) disappeared after 4 weeks of daily use.

Rules for taking the vitamin complex

It’s quite simple to figure out how to take Opti-men:

  1. The optimal dosage is from 2 to 4 tablets per day.
  2. It is better to take vitamins not immediately, but one tablet throughout the day.
  3. For maximum absorption, the instructions for use recommend taking the complex after meals.
  4. It is best to drink it with water – purified or mineral (still).

The best approach is to take it throughout the day.

The recommended course duration is 1 month. Increasing the duration is advisable only in consultation with a sports physician.

Contraindications and side effects

"Opti Men" are vitamins with a balanced composition that are well tolerated. But in some cases you should refuse to take them.

Main contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • exacerbation of asthma (oyster extract in the composition of the drug can lead to a worsening of the condition);
  • carrying or breastfeeding a child.

Also, you should not take this complex before reaching 18 years of age.

If you decide to take Opti Men, you should also be aware of the possible side effects of the supplement.

Side effects when the dosage is followed are extremely rare. In isolated cases the following are noted:

  • allergic reactions;
  • digestive disorders (from mild nausea to vomiting and diarrhea);
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • pain in the stomach or back of the head.

For allergy sufferers, taking vitamins can trigger anaphylactic shock.

If you notice any of these manifestations, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Release form and cost of vitamins

The vitamin complex is available in the form of tablets, packaged in jars of 90, 15 or 240 pieces.

Cost of the drug:

  • 90 tablets – from 1100 rubles;
  • 150 tablets – from 1650 rubles;
  • 240 tablets - from 2650 rub.

Cheaper analogues of Opti Men are primarily the vitamin complexes Supradin, Alphavit, as well as some other drugs. But, in any case, they do not contain the entire list of biologically active substances, so they cannot be considered a full replacement.

A product characterized by the highest degree of purity and maximum quality

Considering the considerable cost of the complex, many are interested in how to distinguish a fake “Opti-men” from the original. In practice, vitamins of this level are counterfeited quite rarely, so the low price should first of all alert you. To be sure of the quality of the purchased product, you should purchase the product in trusted stores and carefully study the labels on the packaging, comparing the information with the information on the official website.


The prices for the drug are quite high, but they are fully justified by the ideal composition and high pharmacological effect.

Number of tables packaged Average cost in RussiaAverage cost in Ukraine
90 capsules1200-1300 rubles465-500 hryvnia
150 tablets1600-1950 rubles635 hryvnia
240 tablets3000-3700 rubles830 hryvnia


To ensure maximum results when taking Opti Men, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Take vitamins according to the approved regimen, without violating the dosage.
  2. After a month's course of treatment, you should take a break for 2-4 weeks, and then continue taking it.
  3. Together with the complex, you can use natural fat burners for men - lean beef, seafood, eggs, etc.
  4. For more effective fat burning, thermogenics for men can also be used: the vitamin complex will enhance their effect, compensating for the negative aspects of the effect on the body.

Doctors' opinion about the drug

Reviews from doctors about Opti Men vitamins are mostly positive:

Vladimir Nikolaevich, andrologist:

I prescribe the drug to restore potency to many patients, and I can note its high effectiveness. If there are no fundamental problems, then sexual function is restored in one course.

Igor Ivanovich, sports doctor:

One of the best complexes today. If you need to improve “everything at once,” then this option will be preferable, first of all, due to its multi-component balanced composition.

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