RIBOXIN (tablets)

Riboxin - the active substance inosine, is a metabolic agent. Belongs to the class of purines. In bodybuilding it is called a “non-steroidal anabolic.” But in fact, it does not have anabolic activity. Why is it so valuable in various sports: bodybuilding, strength sports, weightlifting. It’s very simple, Riboxin increases the energy balance of the myocardium, improves coronary circulation, and increases the force of contraction of the heart muscle. Reduces platelet aggregation - which is very important during a course of anabolic steroids (reduces the risk of blood clots). Another big plus: it activates the regeneration of myocardial tissue and the gastrointestinal mucosa. How do you like it? I believe that at this price, inosine should be in every athlete's first aid kit. The information in the article is provided for informational purposes only, without any call to action.

Effects of taking Riboxin in bodybuilding

It is mainly used by athletes as a metabolic agent, not only during the steroid cycle, but also during PCT and after it. Statistics on the positive effects of using Riboxin by me:

  • More oxygen is supplied to muscle tissue, which causes a moderate increase in performance and endurance
  • is directly involved in glucose metabolism
  • dilation of blood vessels
  • stimulates the immune system (inosine pranobex), stimulates regenerative processes in muscle tissue.

Yes, you will not feel a surge of strength when comparing Riboxin, for example, with pre-workout complexes, but inosine will really work and, moreover, restore your body. I believe that this is a great benefit from using Riboxin. Any drugs used to increase physical performance require a lot of attention, and Riboxin is no exception. You can always contact me for an individual consultation, in which we will select for you the optimal regimen for using a particular drug.

Riboxin is very often used in courses that contain anabolic steroids that affect blood thickening, for example Boldenone. Again, your situation should be considered comprehensively and individually, with the main emphasis on test results.

RIBOXIN (tablets)

long-forgotten pills act much more gently on the body, which is important for me, at twenty-three years old...) This is how it happens.
You need to rely on yourself, not on doctors. After all, even the most competent doctor cannot take into account all the characteristics of your body; he does not know about your previous illnesses (well, that is, of course, unless you go to the same doctor). You always need to talk about drug tolerance or existing allergies, and all that, because the doctor sometimes prescribes what suits most people, and not individually for you. At the pharmacy they sold me a drug from this particular company, OJSC Borisov Medical Preparations Plant. This cardiovascular drug was given out without a doctor’s prescription, although they write everywhere that they are not given out. I don’t know, but they gave it to me. It looks like this:

Light, small packaging with a gray pattern. It is immediately obvious that the active substance is inosine. The number of film-coated tablets is also indicated. As you can see from the photo below, the composition for one tablet is already visible on the side of the package, which is very convenient; you don’t need to look at the instructions. Excipients and other useful information about the release of the drug are also indicated. And be sure to contact the hotline. (although in principle they have never been useful to me yet).

The instructions for the drug are relatively small, since it is basically harmless and is available from the pharmacy without a prescription. This is just a sheet, smaller in size than A4, written on both sides. Pharmacological action, indications, contraindications and everything else are indicated here.

These are the indications for its use, you will read this in the photo below. Written in detail, clearly and clearly. There are practically no contraindications, but of course it must be taken strictly individually according to a doctor’s prescription. Although there are not many contraindications, be sure to read the instructions, the doctor is also a person and he cannot know the body in as much detail as you do. So rely only on yourself, and not on the doctor.

Read the instructions, don't be lazy. After all, contraindications relate to kidney failure, diabetes and gout, because it is possible to develop allergies, skin itching, and redness. So the doctor may not take something into account. And of course, if you notice any disorder or deviation from the norm in the body, immediately stop taking the pills. And consult a doctor. You never know. The body of each of us reacts differently to possible drugs. BUT, of course, no matter how well you know your body, you cannot prescribe the number of tablets for yourself.

There is even a lot of free space on the back of the instructions. Which surprised me.

Now I’ll tell you about the tablets themselves. Small tablets. Yellow. Well packed. They pop out easily when you press on the packaging. They do not have a pronounced odor. They have a pleasant taste, not bitter if swallowed immediately. I drank them before meals three times a day, for a week, one tablet at a time, and then two tablets as prescribed by the therapist.

The price of tablets Cardiovascular drug Borisov plant of medical preparations “Riboxin” is very low, only 29.50 rubles. This is a very small amount for ionisin. Of course, this is only a positive quality of the drug.

As I read on the Internet: Riboxin generally refers to anabolic and non-steroidal substances that stimulate metabolic processes. And, as a general practitioner told me, the drug has a universal mechanism of action on the human body; Riboxin works in all types of human cells, beneficially influencing the processes occurring in them. It certainly won't do any harm if you try it.

Riboxin is generally very useful for the smooth functioning of the heart and for the treatment and prevention of many heart diseases. That is, as I understand it, the role of riboxin is to improve metabolism in tissues, even if the patient has severe hypoxia caused by a lack of oxygen. So this is great! You should start taking it with a dose of 1 tablet 3 times a day to see its tolerability and eliminate the risk of developing any allergies. Well, you can find out more about this from the instructions, it is written about it in detail. Then it can be gradually increased to 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. And it usually lasts from 1 month to 3 months. Thus, one pack is not enough for a course; you need at least two. But judging by its cost, it will not require large expenses. By the way, improvements or changes in the body with taking these pills are immediately visible. Of course, I have not tried Riboxin from other companies that produce it, but I consider the Borisov Medical Preparations Plant to be a worthy manufacturer.

The drug has many advantages:

*it is used both in complex therapy of coronary heart disease, myocardial dystrophy, previous myocardial infarction, and for minor heart rhythm disturbances; *the price of the drug is very low; *the drug is of high quality, time-tested, has been produced for a long time; *a good addition is its help with liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration) and urocoproporphyria;

There are also disadvantages:

*You cannot use the drug if you are under 18 years old, have kidney failure, gout or are allergic to inosine;

Be sure to take the pills exactly as they should be, otherwise they simply won’t be of any use. The drug is quite good, so I recommend it to everyone.

Don't get sick, have a nice day.

Riboxin (inosine) dosages in bodybuilding

Once you are convinced that you really need Riboxin, I advise you to start with small dosages of the drug: 200 mg 3-4 times a day. In the absence of side effects, the working dosage of inosine can be increased to 2.4 grams of the drug per day, divided into 3 doses: morning, lunch, evening. The duration of use of inosine is from four to twelve weeks. After which you should take a break. During treatment, uric acid in the blood and urine may increase (rarely), as well as exacerbation of gout or allergic reactions, in which case the dosage should be reduced to the minimum or the drug should be discontinued altogether.


Riboxin (pharmacologically active substance - inosine) is a metabolic therapy that normalizes metabolic processes in the myocardium and reduces tissue hypoxia. Inosine is a purine nucleoside, a precursor of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Has antihypoxic and antiarrhythmic effect. Improves energy supply to the myocardium. During surgical interventions, it has a protective effect on the kidneys against the background of ischemia. Participates in glucose metabolism, increases the activity of a number of enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and stimulates the synthesis of nucleoside phosphates.

Metabolic therapy can be carried out in two directions: harmonizing the processes of energy formation and consumption and equalizing the balance between the intensity of free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection. Riboxin, along with B vitamins (primarily thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin) was the first drug designed to improve myocardial energy metabolism in cardiovascular diseases. At a certain stage, the popularity of Riboxin, especially in our country, was quite high, but over time, the enthusiasm for this drug faded somewhat. It seems obvious that exogenous administration of ATP is of no practical importance, since The body itself produces a much larger amount of this macroerg. The use of the ATP precursor riboxin also does not solve the issue of increasing the ATP pool in the myocardium, because its delivery to cardiomyocytes under ischemic conditions is extremely difficult. Another important point: the ATP molecule lives only for nothing - blood enzymes destroy it in no more than 1 minute. Thus, the probability that the “ambulance” in the form of ATP will reach the heart to saturate it with the necessary energy tends to zero. Another limiting factor is the size of the ATP molecule, which is too large to “squeeze” through the cell membrane unchanged. Currently, of all the previous areas of using exogenous ATP in the fight against coronary heart disease and its manifestations, its use for stopping a number of disorders in the first minutes of their occurrence remains more or less justified.

Another significant point: in the USA and Western European countries, Riboxin has not been used for a long time, continuing to be in demand only in the post-Soviet space.

The active ingredient riboxin inosine is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver with the formation and subsequent oxidation of glucuronic acid. The products of riboxin metabolism are excreted in small quantities in the urine. The drug is available in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for intravenous administration. When taking Riboxin orally, the starting daily dose is, according to general recommendations, 600-800 mg. In the future, depending on the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug, its dose can be increased to 2.4 g per day for 3-4 doses. For jet or drip intravenous administration, the starting single (also daily) dose is 200 mg with the possibility of further increasing to 400 mg 1-2 times a day. The duration of the medication course is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. Riboxin has a favorable safety profile and is in the vast majority of cases well tolerated by patients even when taken in submaximal doses. It is recommended to exercise caution when prescribing it to persons suffering from renal failure. If during treatment there is itching and hyperemia of the skin, pharmacotherapy must be interrupted.

A separate line should be mentioned about the use of Riboxin in sports. In the 70s of the last century, this drug was a mandatory attribute of the “first aid kit” of an athlete of the USSR national team representing speed-strength sports. However, later, as much more effective means became available, he gradually dropped out of the race. Clinical studies have shown that Riboxin does not lead to any significant improvement in athletic performance.

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