Pain in the toes: causes, diagnosis, treatment of pain in the joints of the toes

The beauty of women has always been of great importance. Perhaps all modern men will agree with this, and what’s more, even the classics of Russian literature mentioned it. However, it happens that legs, or rather feet, lose their beauty due to a protruding “bone” at the base of the big toe. It is important to understand how to deal with the bunion so as not to torment yourself with pain all your life.

A sore “bunion” (as deformities on the big toes are often called) is perhaps the most popular orthopedic problem, and it is mainly women who suffer from it. Statistics say that men are four times less susceptible to it. The cause of pain in the bone lies in the failure of the ligamentous apparatus - a congenital problem transmitted mainly through the female line.

Why does the bone in my foot hurt?

We need to figure out what is the root cause of the diseased “bone.” This, not surprisingly, is flat feet. A healthy person has a concave foot. There are two concavities in total: the longitudinal concavity is located inside the sole, the transverse one is located near the base of the toes. When the ligaments and tendons cannot withstand the load, the foot becomes flat.

In the case of transverse flatfoot, the metatarsal bones, instead of running parallel to each other, begin to fan out, and the toes follow them. What's wrong with this, you ask? This causes the appearance of a protruding bone: the big toe does not move outward, but, unlike its metatarsal bone, turns inward. As a result, the head of the metatarsal bone of the big toe begins to move out of the joint, and we see a “bump” at the very base of the big toe - this is a visual manifestation of the “bunion”.

Further, the deformation of the bone progresses. Why does the bone in my foot start to hurt? Contact of the protruding knuckle with shoes provokes chafing, which eventually becomes inflamed, and the person feels pain in that same bone on the toe. Next, osteochondral overgrowth appears, and the bone protrudes even more. After some time, its neighbors begin to suffer from the pressure of the deformed thumb. They bend in the wrong position, are fixed in it, eventually acquiring an unnatural curved shape, and pain appears in them too.

This leg disease is a serious problem, especially for women. There is a constant feeling of heaviness and pain in the feet, and the ability to wear shoes and other elegant footwear is lost.

Causes of finger arthritis

The disease is an inflammatory process affecting the metacarpophalangeal, metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the upper and lower extremities. Most often, it is not an independent disease, but develops against the background of other pathologies (rheumatic, infectious, metabolic). Our center's kinestherapists provide effective treatment for finger arthritis.

The following causes of the disease are identified:

  • age (the disease develops more often in older people);
  • disruption of the endocrine glands;
  • minor bone damage;
  • infections (flu, ARVI);
  • heredity;
  • injuries, bruises, previous operations;
  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol);
  • disorders in the vascular system (deterioration of joint nutrition);
  • stress (stress hormones worsen the composition of joint lubrication).

What is the treatment for a bunion? What to do if the bones on your toes hurt?

Many people have asked this question. Let's deal with him.

There are many methods to combat thumb deformation, including traditional ones:

  • compresses,
  • iodine nets,
  • foot massage
  • warm foot baths with herbal infusions and sea salt.

and others.

These remedies can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but they cannot cure the disease itself. The joint remains deformed, and the pain in the foot eventually returns. Only qualified orthopedic surgeons can truly cure this disease, and the radical treatment is surgery on the bone.

The first practices of surgical treatment of a diseased leg bone

At the beginning, the operations to treat the diseased bone were terrible. The orthopedic surgeon simply removed the protruding part of the bone. After a while, the disease appeared again, and in a more acute form, and the pain became even stronger.

The next step in treatment was the Wreden operation, which was named after the man who created it - the famous Russian surgeon R.R. Harmful. The patient experienced less pain during this operation. The method involves completely removing the inflamed metatarsal bone on the big toe. As a result, the big toe ceases to be connected to the foot and is supported only by soft tissues. Oddly enough, when everything heals, people feel relatively well, the pain goes away, and the ability to walk and lead a normal life returns. This practice still exists today. It would seem that there is no need to further develop the treatment of a diseased bone, but medicine continued to progress.

Modern methods of eliminating diseased foot bones

In modern orthopedic operations, bone fragments are cut out and moved to eliminate the diseased bone and give the correct position to the big toe. The finger is fixed with medical screws or knitting needles until final fusion.

There is another treatment option - “closure” of the deformed joint. Orthopedic surgeons remove the cartilage completely and reattach the metatarsal bone to the first phalanx of the big toe in the correct position. As a result, the bone and pain disappear.

Considering what was described above, we can say that a surgical revolution has occurred in the treatment of diseased bones. The most important thing is that the attitude towards the problem and the very essence of treatment have changed. If in the past a deformity of the thumb was considered a defect of one joint and its bones, today an integrated approach is used in the fight against the bunion.

Nowadays, orthopedic surgeons, even taking into account the operation, can rehabilitate a patient in one day. The next day, people begin to walk on their own, albeit with more support on the heel and the outer edge of the foot, but without a cast or crutches. After two weeks, the sutures are removed, and after 1-1.5 months the patient returns to his usual lifestyle, but without pain in the foot.

We can say that modern operations have virtually no disadvantages. Unfortunately, they are not made everywhere. There is a shortage of highly qualified surgeons and special, high-quality, and therefore expensive, equipment. The situation is the same in other countries, but at a much higher cost for surgery on the leg bone.

Are there alternatives to surgery for a sore big toe bone?

Not all people, when asked “what to do if the bones on the feet near the big toe hurt,” want to hear about the need for surgery. There are methods to relieve foot pain. True, if the problem is not solved, the foot disease will progress. Helps reduce pain and improve overall condition

  • pain-relieving drugs
  • silicone inserts for feet and toes,
  • custom orthopedic insoles,
  • night orthoses for fixing one or more fingers in the correct position,
  • selection of comfortable shoes with the help of an orthopedist.

It should be remembered that in this case the deformity remains and the pain in the bone is relieved only temporarily.

Diagnosis of finger pain

CELT specialists recommend seeking medical help if you experience even a slight feeling of numbness in your fingers. Along with pain, this is a reason to visit a rheumatologist or neurologist in our Pain Clinic, conduct diagnostic tests and treatment.

In order to correctly make a diagnosis, in addition to a clinical examination and history taking, other diagnostic tests are carried out:

  • radiography;
  • manual muscle testing;
  • ultrasonography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

What is bunion surgery?

It’s still not entirely clear what to do if the bones on your feet near your big toe hurt? Let's take a closer look at the operation to remove the diseased bone. Surgical intervention on the bone of the big toe is expressed in the correction of the angle between the metatarsal bones and the phalanges of the fingers. This allows you to return the big toe to its normal position, correct transverse flat feet, and ultimately relieve pain and return the foot to its full function.

In each specific case, the surgical plan may vary depending on the degree of deformity of the foot and accompanying changes in the other toes.

Why might your thumb joint hurt?

Pain in the joint of the big toe often occurs when breaking in new shoes and is usually caused by the formation of a callus or rubbing. In such cases, it quickly weakens immediately after the skin heals.

The development of pathology is indicated by the appearance of pain more than once a week, and a gradual increase in its intensity. Indirect signs of an inflammatory or destructive process include swelling and redness of the skin over the joint and its stiffness.


When a patient complains of pain in the joint of the big toe, the doctor first of all assumes the development of rheumatoid arthritis. This is a serious pathology that cannot yet be completely cured. But long-term use of drugs allows one to achieve stable remission and slow down the inflammatory process.

Also, the cause of pain can be infectious arthritis, which occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the joint cavity. Antibiotic therapy helps eliminate all symptoms of the pathology.

Less commonly, the appearance of discomfort is provoked by reactive arthritis, which develops due to an inadequate response of the immune system to the introduction of infectious or allergic agents. The disease can be completely cured in 60% of cases.


Pain in the toe occurs with arthrosis of the 2nd degree of severity. And at the initial stage of development, only mild discomfort occasionally appears after a long walk, lifting weights, or intense sports training. It is in the absence of symptoms that the difficulties of treating this degenerative-dystrophic pathology lie. The patient consults a doctor if irreversible changes in cartilage and bone tissue have already occurred.


Pain of similar localization in men is a specific sign of damage to the toe by gouty arthritis. This joint is also involved in the inflammatory process in women, but usually a little later, after damage to the small joints of the hands. Gout develops due to dysregulation of purine synthesis in the body. The level of uric acid and its salts increases, and then they crystallize, accumulate and deposit in the joints, irritating the tissues, provoking the development of inflammation. Indirect confirmation of a gout attack is redness of the finger and a strong increase in local temperature.


This is an acute, subacute or chronic inflammation of the synovial bursa, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate in its cavity. Bursitis can be infectious, developing after pathogenic microorganisms enter the joint, for example, due to injuries.

Its cause can be respiratory, urogenital, intestinal infections. After visiting a doctor, patients for treatment of bursitis are prescribed antibiotics to destroy pathogenic bacteria and eliminate symptoms.

Bursitis is often a complication of systemic diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, gout.

Tendon inflammation

Tendonitis is an inflammatory pathology that affects the tendons. It develops as a result of a single or regular increased load on the joint of the big toe. If a person does not seek medical help, tendonitis becomes chronic. Pain in the finger appears when the weather changes, hypothermia, or ARVI. Gradually, the structure of the tendon changes pathologically, which leads to gait disturbance.

With tendovaginitis, connective tissue cords also become inflamed, but only those that have vaginas. The causes of the development of this disease can be either monotonous, frequently repeated movements, or rheumatic or infectious processes.

Morton's neuroma

This is the name for damage to the plantar digital nerve at the level of the heads of the metatarsal bones as a result of compression by the transverse intermetatarsal ligament.

Morton's neuroma appears due to wearing tight high-heeled shoes, improper gait, excess weight, and long walking. Athletes and people who work in a standing position are at risk.

A characteristic symptom of Morton's neuroma is the sensation of a foreign object in the shoe. Over time, the pain in the toe may subside, but when wearing tight shoes, another exacerbation occurs.


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This is a chronic metabolic disorder, which is characterized by insufficient production of its own insulin and increased blood glucose levels. The course of diabetes mellitus is complicated by impaired functioning of almost all vital systems, including the musculoskeletal system. Diabetic foot becomes a serious consequence of the pathology.

A patient with a similar condition exhibits circulatory problems in the lower leg, pain in muscles and joints, and destruction of bone and cartilage tissue.

Ingrown nail

The nail becomes ingrown due to too much pressure on the surrounding soft tissue. Most often, this pathology affects the big toe.

As a result of ingrowth of the nail plate into the periungual fold, an acute inflammatory process develops. Severe pain occurs, spreading to the entire finger. Usually making a diagnosis is not difficult. Upon external examination, redness of the skin and inflammatory swelling are clearly visible. Ingrown toenails are treated conservatively, but surgical intervention is often required - partial or complete removal of the nail plate.

Preparing for bunion surgery

At the initial consultation, the doctor will explain the surgical plan to you and tell you how to prepare your leg for surgery.

If the diseased bone on the foot is not too large, and there are no changes in other toes that require intervention, the entire hospitalization will take only one day.

It is a good idea to prepare your home for the recovery period following surgery. You may want to rearrange your furniture to make it easier to walk around. It is also advisable to stock up on food so that you don’t have to go shopping, which will be uncomfortable given the pain in your finger.

Surgery to remove the bunion to relieve pain in the big toe can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, after several injections at the level of the ankle joint, you will no longer feel your feet. The operation can also be performed under spinal anesthesia, in which sensitivity will be completely absent in both lower extremities, which means the patient will not feel pain.

Before any of these anesthetics, it is recommended that you do not eat for 6 hours before your planned surgery.

Your surgeon will tell you what will happen before, during, and after surgery. If there is something you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask. After you ask all the questions you are interested in and receive answers to them, you will be allowed to sign a consent to undergo surgery on your leg.

Features of treatment

After the doctor determines why the patient's toes hurt, he will develop a treatment plan. In advanced cases, surgery may be required, but treatment is usually limited to conservative methods:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physical therapy.

Painkillers are necessary if your toe hurts very badly. Anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants are also recommended. Sometimes taking chondroprotectors is required.

Physiotherapy improves blood circulation and metabolism, eliminates pain and swelling, and accelerates tissue recovery. Therapeutic exercise ensures the development of muscles and ligaments, which is necessary for proper distribution of the load on the legs, preventing repeated injuries and exacerbation of joint diseases. On the website you can find prices for services. To prevent pain, a healthy diet, wearing comfortable shoes, and avoiding excessive stress and hypothermia are necessary. It is also advisable to continue doing therapeutic exercises - this will help maintain muscle tone and healthy joint mobility.

We specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, even in severe stages of disease. For 10 years we have been helping thousands of patients avoid surgery.

  • Our doctors

This is the strongest team of experts who teach at the RUDN Department. We are the clinical base of leading universities, where the best doctors in Moscow, unique specialists from Russia and abroad are trained.

What happens during bunion removal surgery?

Surgery on a sore leg rarely lasts more than 1 hour, but the duration still depends on the degree of deformity. There are different options for surgical treatment of bunions, using both open and percutaneous surgical techniques. When using the closed method, artificial “fractures” called “osteotomies” are performed, which restore the normal position of the bones of the foot. With the open method, an incision about 5-7 cm long is made along the inner surface of the foot, which allows you to accurately determine the required angle at which to operate and the degree of displacement of the bone fragments. If the surgeon is experienced, the osteotomy can be performed in a closed manner. With such interventions, large scars are not left, and postoperative pain is usually less. But sometimes in such cases there may be incomplete correction of deformity and delayed consolidation of osteotomies. It is also possible to combine closed and open methods, for example, surgery on the 1st metatarsal bone is performed openly, and on the small rays and phalanges closed.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, anamnestic data, the results of an external examination and instrumental studies. The most informative is radiography. The resulting images clearly visualize changes in the structure of bone and cartilaginous tissues, characteristic of gout, deforming arthrosis, and some types of arthritis.

X-ray of the foot.

Using MRI and CT, you can assess the condition of connective tissue structures, blood vessels, and nerves. If an infectious process is suspected, biochemical studies are carried out to determine the species of pathogenic microorganisms.

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