Normoflorin-B instructions for use

What are normoflorins used for?

Normoflorins are a special composition of biologically active food additives that contain everything necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive organs, in particular the intestines.

Several pathological conditions can be identified that indicate the need for the use of normoflorins:

  • Stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, functional intestinal obstruction).
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system caused by taking medications such as antibiotics or a course of chemotherapy.
  • Allergic reactions of food origin.
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and stomatitis, caused by weakening of local immunity.
  • Due to the disruption of metabolic processes, changes in the figure began to appear - excess weight, which could not be controlled through diets.
  • High cholesterol levels caused by carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
  • Food poisoning has manifested itself in the acute stage or there is a suspicion of an intestinal infection.

In addition to these pathologies, it is worth resorting to taking normoflorins if you need to prepare for surgery, especially if antibiotics were prescribed in this regard. Any treatment with antibacterial therapy requires protecting the body from the development of a fungal infection. In particular - thrush. It always affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs or oral cavity when the balance of beneficial microflora is disturbed.

Normoflorin-B instructions for use

Biocomplex "Normoflorin -B"

SoGR No. RU. E.006476.05.15 dated 05/19/2015

TU 9229-001-18840410-05 as amended. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.


cultures of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum) in 1 ml of at least 109 CFU; metabolic products of bacteria.

The nutritional value 100 ml 30 ml
(single dose for adults)
Squirrels 2,0% 0.5g
Carbohydrates 4,0% 1 g
Fats 0,0% 0,0
Energy value 105kJ/25kcal 30kJ/8kcal
Potassium 4,54% 1.4g
Calcium 4,21% 1.3g
Magnesium 0.17 mg/kg 0.05 mg/kg

Application area:

As a biologically active food supplement - a source of probiotic microorganisms.


The microorganisms in the Biocomplex are not genetically modified. No lactose or cow's milk protein. Completely natural, without preservatives, dyes, taste adapters.


In a short time, it restores the intestinal microflora, participates in the metabolism and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by the body, restores cholesterol and bilirubin metabolism; improves the absorption of calcium and iron salts, vitamins D, P, improves the synthesis of B vitamins; prevents the penetration of endotoxins into the body and the development of intoxication, stimulates the production of interferons and helps maintain the general pool of immunoglobulins.

Indications for use:

  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, postcholecystectomy syndrome, celiac disease, erosive gastritis) (in complex therapy);
  • Dysbacteriosis and its prevention;
  • Dermatitis of various etiologies (in complex therapy);
  • Artificial feeding;
  • Malabsorption syndrome, disaccharidase (lactase) deficiency, food allergy (in complex therapy);
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Frequent respiratory infections, diathesis, rickets, anemia (in complex therapy);
  • Metabolic syndrome and obesity (in complex therapy);
  • Coronary heart disease (in complex therapy);
  • Elimination of dysbiotic intestinal disorders in premature infants;
  • Restoration of disturbed microbiocenosis against the background of antibacterial therapy

Interaction with other drugs:

Can be combined with any pharmaceuticals.

When antibacterial therapy is prescribed from the first day of treatment, with an interval of 2-4 hours from taking the antibiotic.

Dosage and methods of application:

1-2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recommended together with Normoflorin-L to achieve a better therapeutic effect: morning - L, evening - B

5 ml – 1 tea. lodge

10 ml – 1 tbsp. lie

from 0 to 6 months From 6 months to 1 year 1-3 years 3-7 years 7-14 years Over 14 years old adults
Recovery at least 30 days 20-30 drops 3-5 ml./ 0.5-1 tsp. 5-7 ml./ 1-1.5 tsp. 7-10 ml. / 0.5-1 tbsp. 10-15 ml. / 1-1.5 tbsp. 15-20 ml. / 1.5-2 tbsp. 20-30 ml. / 2-3 tbsp.
Prevention for at least 14 days

*children from birth to 14 years old should take it in consultation with a pediatrician!

Shake before use and, if desired, dilute 1:2 or more with any food liquid at room temperature, consume immediately. Do not heat!

The evening dose can be replaced with a microenema: dilute the dose of the drug 1:1 with boiled water at room temperature and inject it into the rectum overnight.

A course of 10-14 procedures.


Individual intolerance to components.

Release form:

Bottles of 20 ml (with a dropper), 100 ml, placed in a cardboard box.

Best before date:

60 days from the date of manufacture in unopened original packaging.

Storage conditions:

In the refrigerator, at t 4 ± 2 ˚C. Once opened, store in a tightly closed bottle in the refrigerator.


Through the pharmacy chain and specialized departments of the retail chain.


LLC NPP Bifilux+, 143005, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Odintsovo, Mozhaiskoe highway, 38B.

Normoflorins for women over 50

Menopause is one of the most difficult periods in a woman’s life. She needs help from both inside and outside. Relatives should understand with understanding that sudden changes in mood, a critical look at others and increased nervousness are the result of hormonal changes in the body of every representative of the fair sex of Balzac’s age. Hormones affect not only mood, but also the microflora of the intestines and mucous membranes of the female reproductive system. Normoflorins, when taken in a timely and correct manner, restore the mucous membranes, returning them to comfortable functioning.

The itching and sensations of dryness disappear, the annoying thrush disappears, the quality of life improves, and with it the mood. When you are not bothered by any intimate problems that are inconvenient to share with family members, nervousness and anger at the world around you disappear.

The benefits of Normoflorins for premature babies

The difference between premature babies and those born on time is clearly noticeable in the first month of life. If the baby does not wait until the due date, he is born unprepared. His immune system is immature, many functions of the internal organs are not yet ready to work. Depending on what caused the premature birth, additional complications may occur.

For example, if a child was born by cesarean section, he was deprived of the opportunity to pass through the mother's birth canal, which means he did not receive the required amount of beneficial bacteria from her mucous membranes. This suggests that the intestines of such a child continue to be sterile, and the first food, be it maternal colostrum or an adapted milk formula, will certainly cause bloating, pain and cramping in the abdomen.

Normoflorin will help populate the intestines with all the necessary beneficial bacteria, so that the digestion and absorption of food will take place calmly and completely. For babies born at term but suffering from infant colic, dietary supplements will help. It will speed up the absorption of nutrients and normalize stool. As a result, gas formation is significantly reduced, the child becomes calm and enjoys exploring the world.

Normoflorins in gastroenterology

L.I. Shaposhnikova

Inside each of us there is a huge world containing over 500 species of various microorganisms, the mass of which is about 5% of the human body weight, and their number is an order of magnitude greater than the number of cells in the human body. The skin, oral cavity, nasopharynx, stomach, intestines, genitourinary tract. Only if the community of physiological bacteria is hundreds of millions of times greater than pathogenic ones and is able to neutralize their effect, does a biological balance occur between the world of microbes and the macroorganism, in which a person remains healthy.

However, a huge number of factors directly or indirectly disrupt the state of this dynamic balance, and then dysbiosis occurs, which is the trigger of pathological processes in the body.

With dysbacteriosis, the permeability of the intestinal wall to toxins and allergens increases, intoxication develops, and the barrier functions of the liver and skin decrease. which leads to the formation of allergic diseases; Parietal digestion and absorption of micronutrients suffer, causing disruptions in protein-fat, cholesterol and bilirubin metabolism in the body, which contributes to the formation of diseases of the liver and pancreas.

In addition, the synthesis of vitamins and the absorption of calcium and iron salts drop sharply, leading to the development of hypovitaminosis, rickets and anemia, and a violation of the protective function of the microflora leads to a decrease in the body’s immunoresistance, which sooner or later ends in frequent acute respiratory viral infections with the formation of complications in the ENT organs and bronchopulmonary system.

Since initially we are not able to eliminate many of the causes of dysbiosis. Our task is to break cause-and-effect relationships, eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis, which will help counter changes in the functions of internal organs and systems and reduce the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases.

The efforts of doctors are traditionally aimed at compensating for already changed structures and functions of the macroorganism and do not concern the restoration of microflora. On the other hand, work in recent years shows that microflora should be considered as the most important metabolic organ, taking an active part in all vital processes of the body.

Based on all that has been said and focusing on the Hippocratic principle; “Our food should become our medicine,” several years ago a comprehensive program for solving the problem of dysbiosis, called “Systemic biophytocorrection of dysbacteriosis,” was developed, tested and already patented. This program includes functional food products and dietary supplements that effectively restore and regulate the microecological balance in the body and reduce the risk of dysbiosis.

The main element of the biophytocorrection program is the liquid complexes Normoflorin-L and Normoflorin-B. According to the existing classification of drugs for the correction of microbiocenosis, normoflorins belong to the most promising group and, in addition to microorganisms, contain substances and compounds that stimulate the growth and reproduction of their own obligate microflora and affect metabolic processes in the body.

Liquid forms of normoflorins destroy, neutralize pathogenic microflora, stimulate the growth of normal flora and the production of secretory immunoglobulins, enhance intestinal motility, promoting the rapid evacuation of pathogenic microbes and their toxins from the human body.

Normoflorin-L and Normoflorin-B are liquid complex probiotic preparations of a new generation. They are a complex of living microorganisms (lactobacteria and bifidobacteria) in a physiologically active state and substances of natural origin: organic acids, amino acids (including essential ones), micro- and macroelements, enzymes, low-molecular proteins and endobiotics. Normoflorin-B is prepared on the basis of strains of bifidobacteria B.bifidum, B.longum; Normoflorin-L - strains of lactobacilli L.acidophilus, L.planfarum. The nutrient medium contains the optimal amount of prebiotics with bifido- and lactogenic properties.

The large volume of the growing medium allows the bacteria to remain viable longer (up to 50 days) and actively produce metabolites. The unique production technology eliminates the aging of the culture and the mutation of lacto- and bifidobacterium strains. The liquid form of Normoflorins allows them to be used to eliminate dysbiosis not only in the intestines, but also on the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, and genitals.

Normoflorins are intended to restore and stabilize the normal balance of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, urogenital tract, to increase immunity and restore the anti-infective resistance of the human body.

Liquid probiotics Normoflorins have two active ingredients:

  1. active living cells of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria with pronounced biological properties. 1 ml of each preparation contains at least 100 billion CFU of probiotic bacteria;
  2. a balanced composition of substances necessary for the implementation of physiological processes and maintaining homeostasis of the body:
  • vitamins: B1, B2. VZ, V6, V12, N, RR, S, E;
  • trace elements: Fe, Ca. K. Na, Zn, Mg, Cu;
  • organic acids: lactic, propionic, acetic, succinic;
  • amino acids: alanine, arginine, ornithine, asparagine, glycine, serine, proline, cystine;
  • essential amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine;
  • glycoprotein complex (muramyl dipeptide), which is part of the bacterial cell wall and promotes nonspecific immunomodulation and activation of T- and B-lymphocytes and macrophages;
  • enzymes: lysozyme, lactase.
  • All components of probiotics are of natural origin, preparations that do not contain preservatives, dyes, or taste adapters.

Normoflorins have a number of advantages over other probiotics, since the bacteria in the preparations are in a biologically active state and begin to work from the first minutes of contact with the mucosa; they are resistant to gastric juice, which allows them to overcome the gastric barrier and achieve rapid colonization resistance. Normoflorins are physiologically complementary to the human body, since they contain only those components that must always be present in the body of a healthy adult and child.

Another indicator of the quality of Normoflorins is that, having high acidity and antibiotic activity, they suppress the growth of foreign microorganisms, so foreign microflora does not enter the preparations from the outside, even during long-term storage.

A distinctive feature of Normoflorins is the fact that they are prepared on milk hydrolyzate containing residual milk proteins, and during the preparation of the preparations the proteins are converted into oligopeptides, dipeptides and amino acids. In addition, they are low-lactose products containing 0% to 3% lactose, so they are suitable for children and adults suffering from lactose intolerance. Normoflorins contain the probiotic lactitol. Studies have shown that lactitol has a positive effect on the formation of intestinal microflora.

Liquid probiotics Normoflorins have:

  • pronounced antagonistic activity - they inhibit the growth of putrefactive, gas-forming and pathogenic bacteria due to the release of endobiotics - lacticins and bactericins, as well as due to organic acids contained in Normoflorins and produced during transit of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestine;
  • immunocorrective effect, manifested by stimulation of phagocytosis and synthesis of immunoglobulins, normalization of the subpopulation of T-lymphocytes, activation of T-killers, stimulation of the synthesis of endogenous interferon in the body by components of the cell wall of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • detoxification effect due to inhibition of pathogenic microflora and reduced penetration into the blood of toxins (indole, skatole, biogenic amines, carcinogens) - producers of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, lactobacilli neutralize the action of phenolic enzymes, which are the main culprit in the growth of cancer cells in the intestines;
  • optimization of metabolic processes due to the utilization of undigested nutrients, metabolism of proteins, nitrogen and carbon-containing compounds, recycling of bile acids, active influence on cholesterol and bilirubin metabolism;
  • increasing the body's anti-infective resistance by stimulating the production of nonspecific defense factors - lysozyme and interferons, replenishing the human body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, and amino acids.

Normoflorins produced by the production company (Moscow) have undergone clinical testing in many medical institutions and have received good reviews based on clinical observations. and according to laboratory studies. Clinical testing took place with the inclusion of comparison groups in which patients received dry probiotics.

The State Scientific Center for Coloproctology studied the effect of methods of administering liquid probiotics (rectal and combined) on the state of microflora and motor activity of the colon in individuals who underwent colon hydrotherapy. Patients mainly suffered from irritable bowel syndrome with constipation - 56%. All patients had dysbacteriosis of 1-2 degrees (according to the classification of I.N. Blokhina). All patients received liquid probiotics; the number of colon hydrotherapy sessions was 5-10, depending on the pathology. The duration of oral administration of probiotics was up to 30 days. The best results (89.4%) were obtained with the combined administration of liquid Normoflorins.

In the gastroenterology department of the outpatient clinic of the MC UDP of the Russian Federation, Normoflorins were used in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, accompanied by a violation of the intestinal biocenosis. All patients had grade 2-3 intestinal dysbiosis. The best liver results were obtained when Normoflorin-L was administered in the morning, Normoflorin-B in the evening. All patients had a positive effect: 66.7% of patients noted a persistent disappearance of dyspepsia symptoms, a decrease in pain, and in 53% of cases, after taking Normoflorins, laxatives were abandoned. In 80% of patients, the complete disappearance of pathogenic microflora was noted; in addition, all patients showed positive changes in the clinical picture of concomitant diseases: hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus.

At MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky studied the effectiveness of Normoflorin-L and B in children with intestinal dysbiosis. Before baking, significant disturbances in the composition of the intestinal microflora were detected (in 86% of children). After the liver treatment, the content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli normalized in almost all patients, and a decrease in the frequency of enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus was noted.

At the Department of BD No. 3 of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University, children from 1 month to 12 children were observed. In children under 1 year of age, the clinical picture included regurgitation, pain (colic), and undigested impurities in the feces. Older children were observed for chronic gastroduodenitis and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In all children, grade 2-3 dysbiosis was detected in the intestinal microflora.

As a result of baking with Normoflorins, there was a rapid relief of dyspeptic symptoms, a decrease in pain, and intestinal dyskinesia. In the coprogram of patients, the amount of undigested muscle fibers, plant fiber and starch decreased.

Thus, when correcting intestinal dysbiosis with Normoflorins, a high therapeutic effect was obtained in both children and adults, which served as the basis for including Normoflorins-L and B in a comprehensive program for correcting dysbiosis.

The first stage of the program for improving human microecology is cleansing the body of intestinal parasites, which have a powerful toxic effect on all organs and tissues. For this purpose, the biophytocorrection program includes an antiparasitic complex containing a composition of medicinal plants that have a pronounced antiparasitic effect on mature forms of helminths. their eggs and larvae, as well as antiseptic and antitoxic effects.

To suppress the growth and neutralize the activity of pathogenic microflora, collections of medicinal plants and ready-made herbal preparations are used, which have powerful antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, improving the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa.

The most important component of the program is detoxification and enterosorbation of pathogenic microbes and their toxic metabolites. For this purpose, natural enterosorbents are used, among which the most promising are pectin products containing apple and beet pectin. These enterosorbents have a high sorption capacity (including in relation to salts of heavy metals and radionuclides) and bactericidal activity. In addition, pectins have a mild prebiotic effect, being a reliable substrate for the colonization of obligate intestinal microflora.

A necessary condition for the correction of dysbiosis is the protection of the liver from endotoxins of pathogenic bacteria and intestinal parasites, the restoration of its detoxifying, bile-forming and bile-excretory functions, since even minimal disruptions in the liver affect the digestive processes in the small intestine and metabolic processes of the whole body. For this purpose, herbal remedies containing essential oils and flavolignans (such as silymarin) have been successfully used. providing hepatoprotective, antioxidant and bile excretory effects.

To stimulate the growth of obligate microflora of the body, the complex program includes drugs that ensure the metabolism of automicroflora due to the oligosaccharides and dietary fiber they contain as preobiotic substrates.

A comprehensive program of biophytocorrection and dysbacteriosis is successfully used in many medical and health institutions in Moscow, the Moscow region and a number of Russian cities. Since the program uses only natural products, it is safe and can be used on even infants. Practitioners highly appreciated its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.

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