Bromelain – preparations, instructions for use

Bromelain for treating indigestion

It is known that this substance is an enzyme that promotes the digestion of proteins. Specifically, bromelain helps your body digest food and absorb nutrients more efficiently, which can be extremely effective in treating the following gastrointestinal problems: • Inflammatory bowel disease • Ulcerative colitis • Crohn's disease • Dyspepsia • Constipation • Colon cancer Something
to consider is that taking bromelain on an empty stomach triggers its beneficial properties as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer or anti-thrombotic substance. And if you use bromelain during or immediately after meals, its beneficial properties will be aimed at digesting food and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Bromelain helps you recover faster after surgery or injury

Just recently, a study was published that assessed the ability of bromelain to treat patients undergoing knee surgery. Most patients who undergo surgery often show significant postoperative pain and swelling. Unfortunately, antibiotics and painkillers were completely ineffective, and they also brought with them many side effects.

Of the 80 people in the study, those who received bromelain reported a “significant improvement in well-being” after surgery. They had reduced levels of pain, swelling and redness (inflammation) even compared to the control group who were prescribed generic modern pain medications.

It can be said that the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain make it an excellent natural replacement for relatively harmful drugs, such as aspirin .

Bromelain for the treatment of allergies and asthma

Last year, the American Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine covered the results of a study that examined how bromelain affected experimental mice with asthma. During the research, some interesting results were obtained. In addition to its positive effect on asthma, bromelain reduced the body's allergic reactivity. It was found that the use of this substance helped reduce the incidence of allergic diseases .

This is actually very interesting information because it suggests that bromelain helps modulate the entire immune system. This was also noted in the study when scientists noted decreased activity of CD11c(+)DC44 dendritic cells and antigen presenting cells. This proves that bromelain reduces the activity of the first immune response and improves well-being in most people suffering from allergic rhinitis, redness and itching of the eyes, skin rashes, etc. It turns out that this enzyme helps normalize an overactive, hypersensitive immune system.

Bromelain for the treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis)

To understand whether a daily dose of bromelain of 300 IU FIP (600 mg tablets) could help people suffering from chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), the University of Cologne (Germany) conducted a study involving 12 patients who had previously undergone surgery. interventions.

The duration of bromelain use was 3 months. During this time, patients reported the following benefits of using this enzyme: • Overall symptom scores improved • General rhinoscopy results improved • Quality of life was improved • And there were no negative consequences of use

Surgery is often ineffective in treating sinusitis, so this study brings a lot of hope for people suffering from chronic sinusitis problems.

Bromelain to reduce joint pain

Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, bromelain is a very good treatment for chronic or acute joint pain. In 2016, the American journal Alternative Therapies and Health published a study that assessed 42 patients with osteoarthritis of the joints and degenerative changes in the spine.

Patients received 650 mg bromelain capsules 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. As a result, it was found that in the case of acute pain there was a reduction in pain by 60%, and in the case of chronic pain the reduction reached 50%.


  • Replenishes the deficiency of digestive enzymes.
  • Improves the digestion process.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Promotes weight loss.

In the Bible, in the second Book of Kings, chapter twenty, the story of the fatal illness of King Hezekiah is told. Weeping, he asked the Lord for salvation, and the Lord heard him and decided to cure Hezekiah, and even add fifteen years to his days. He told people a simple recipe for healing: “Take a layer of smokes. And they took it and applied it to the boil; and he recovered..." This is the oldest documented case of enzyme therapy with complete recovery.

The primitive peoples of Africa, Asia, Australia, and America used this help from the Lord to treat abscesses, wounds and other diseases. In some cases, fig (fig) juice was dripped into the wound; sometimes papaya pulp or crushed fresh pineapple was applied to the wounds. This method of treatment with enzymes (from plant fruits) was based on practical experience. But from the point of view of modern science, the correction of almost all chronic diseases with the help of enzymes is quite possible.

Pineapple pulp not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but also increases the activity of other digestive enzymes, so it has long been recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to improve digestion. The healing properties of pineapple are due to the presence of a complex of enzymes in it under the general name “bromelain”.


It also has a wide spectrum of action as a digestive enzyme: it increases enzymatic activity, helps reduce the level of enzymes in digestive juices, and promotes the breakdown of protein foods and their absorption by the body. Bromelain also has the ability to break down fat, which makes it possible to include it in weight loss programs. It should be noted that bromelain has a wide range of pH activity - it has a positive effect on both the low pH of the stomach and the high pH of the small intestine.

When taken during or after meals, bromelain acts as a digestive enzyme to help improve digestion. When taken on an empty stomach, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to Get Bromelain from Food and Supplements

There are three main ways to include bromelain in your natural health regimen:

1. Eat fiber-rich, juicy and ripe pineapple. This is the best way to get natural sources of bromelain. Although the highest concentration of bromelain is found in the strong and tough core , it is better if you do not chew it. Not only is it very harsh, but it may also contain higher concentrations of various pesticides that may be used to grow pineapple.

2. If you know for sure about the safety of growing pineapple, then you can easily include the pineapple core to obtain freshly squeezed juice along with other healthy vegetables and fruits. Drinking 120 ml of pineapple juice daily is said to help prevent digestive problems, while 240 ml of this juice can help treat ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease or constipation.

3. Taking the proteolytic enzyme bromelain as a dietary supplement can be a fairly effective way to influence the treatment of some specific inflammatory or chronic diseases. If you are trying to improve your digestion, you should take bromelain with food, and for other conditions, especially inflammatory conditions, you should take this enzyme on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals.

Side effects and contraindications

Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Information for specialists about application features

There are several hypotheses regarding the mechanisms of action of bromelain due to which it has anti-inflammatory properties. The inflamed area is surrounded by a layer of fibrin, a pro-inflammatory compound. Bromelain is able to prevent edema by activating proteases that break down fibrin. Bromelain also stops the formation of kinins, compounds produced during inflammation that contribute to increased joint pain and swelling.

Source of information - materials of the company Altera Holding
Certificate of state registration No.

Bromelain: properties

A herbal preparation, Bromelain, which is based on fresh pineapples, or rather their core, which is not used for food. According to research, the drug improves digestion, alleviates traumatic inflammation, relieves swelling, and increases the regenerative properties of tissues. The drug’s ability to prevent the formation of blood clots by normalizing blood clotting parameters was also noted. There is reason to believe that the drug has a beneficial effect on the body as a prophylactic against a predisposition to cancer. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of arthritis, as a restorative agent after intense training, has been proven. The enzyme affects body weight by optimizing digestion, accelerating the flow of amino acids into the blood during the breakdown of protein. This process promotes the growth of muscle mass, so in combination with fitness training it can be indirectly used for weight correction. There are a number of contraindications for people with liver and kidney pathologies. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.

This drug has strong immunomodulatory properties, because... has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Bromelain (Altera Holding) is a natural enzyme and therefore helps normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Bromelain - instructions for use

Next, we will consider the main indications for the use of the bromelain enzyme.

Prevention of tumor diseases

Studies have found that bromelain has natural anti-cancer effects, including promoting the death of “bad” cells and preventing tumor growth (). It has been shown in animal studies that it can induce the production of selected cytokines, has antimetastatic efficacy, and inhibits metastasis by reducing platelet aggregation.

Research has linked bromelain to increased protection against breast and lung cancer. The journal Anticancer Drugs recently published the results of a clinical trial that suggested it had an effect on malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure. According to the study, it was found that taking a drug with bromelain significantly increased the death of cancer cells (cytotoxicity). Bromelain has the potential to be developed as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of malignant cancer ().

Digestive disorders

How can bromelain preparations be useful for stomach or gastrointestinal disorders? Because this enzyme helps in the digestion of proteins and has been found to help your body absorb nutrients and even medications more efficiently. Research shows that it reduces colon inflammation and reduces the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that damage the intestinal lining (). Because it is very effective in healing gastrointestinal tissue, bromelain is beneficial for people with any of the following gastrointestinal problems: ()

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Dyspepsia, or peptic ulcers due to Heliobacter pylori infections
  • Colon cancer
  • Constipation
  • Crohn's disease
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea

Recovery after surgery and injury

The anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain make it an excellent natural alternative to pain medications such as aspirin. One study that assessed bromelain's ability to treat patients who had third molars removed found that it promoted wound healing and helped reduce pain and swelling after surgery ().

Most patients who have this surgery experience significant postoperative symptoms, and unfortunately, antibiotics and pain medications are not always effective in preventing infection or other discomfort during the healing process. Of the 80 people who took part in the study, those who were prescribed the drug bromelain reported "significantly less" post-surgery pain, swelling and even redness compared to the control group who were prescribed a general painkiller drug.

Allergies and asthma

The journal Evidenced-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine highlighted the results of a study that examined the effects of bromelain on mice with asthma. The study yielded some interesting results - for example, bromelain reduces allergic sensitization and stops the development of other inflammatory reactions affecting the airways ().

These results indicate that the enzyme helps modulate the entire immune system. This can help prevent allergies by addressing the cause—an overactive, oversensitive immune system. The study noted that CD11c(+) dendritic cells and DC44 antigen-presenting cells were "kept at bay" when supplemented with bromelain, a sign that this enzyme is capable of addressing the cause of asthma and allergies. This is why it helps most people suffering from symptoms such as stuffy/runny nose, itchy eyes, swollen lymph nodes, congestion and breathing problems.

Related articles:

  • Serrapeptase: uses, benefits, dosage, risks
  • Magnesium glycinate - instructions, preparations

Sinus infections (rhinosinusitis)

To see if a daily dose of bromelain (300 FIP units, 600 mg tablets) could help people suffering from chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), researchers from the University of Cologne in Germany took 12 sinus surgery patients and treated them with bromelain for three months. They found the following benefits of bromelain: overall symptoms and overall quality of life improved, and no side effects were reported ().

Since surgery is often ineffective in treating sinusitis, this study offers hope for people suffering from chronic nasal problems.

Joint pain

Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, bromelain is great for reducing acute or chronic joint pain. The Journal of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine published a study that evaluated 42 osteoarthritis patients with degenerative spine or joint disease.

Patients were given bromelain medications - two 650 mg capsules two to three times a day on an empty stomach (depending on whether they had acute or chronic pain). The researchers found that pain decreased in 60% of participants dealing with acute pain and in more than 50% of those with chronic conditions. The researchers concluded that bromelain has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and may provide a safer alternative or complementary treatment for osteoarthritis ().

Excess weight and weight loss

Scientists suggest that there is a definite connection between bromelain and weight loss. Its effects on weight control and fat cells are still being studied, but there is evidence to suggest that it may help with weight loss due to its anti-inflammatory effects, ability to reduce pain, and ability to improve physical performance and digestion.

Some studies have shown that bromelain helps inhibit adipocyte fatty acid binding protein, fatty acid synthase, and lipoprotein lipase. It may also inhibit adipogenesis (cell differentiation that can promote the formation of fat cells) and reduce triglyceride accumulation.

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