Nephroleptin - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: MedBioSphere NPF (Russia)
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Composition Nephroleptin
  • Indications for use of the drug Nephroleptin
  • Release form of the drug Nephroleptin
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Nephroleptin
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Nephroleptin
  • Precautions when taking the drug Nephroleptin
  • Storage conditions for the drug Nephroleptin
  • Shelf life of the drug Nephroleptin

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Golden mustache. V. Ogarkov's drops No. 5 (Drops for oral administration)
  • Yinqiao "Silver Feather" (Oral Tablets)
  • Yoshi Vitamin Jelly Drink (vitamin complex) (Liquid for oral administration)
  • Marine calcium for children with vitamins (Oral tablets)
  • Marine calcium for children with iodine (Oral tablets)
  • Marine calcium for children with taurine (Oral tablets)
  • Marine calcium for children with zinc (Oral tablets)
  • Pantohematogen "Altamar™-4" (Oral tablets)

The description of the Nephroleptin vitamin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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The components that provide the therapeutic effect of Nephroleptin are exclusively of natural origin:

  • Propolis extract . The chemical composition of bee glue has not yet been fully understood by humans, but it has already been established that propolis is a unique antioxidant and aseptic agent, active against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It has local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating, immunostimulating and general tonic effects.
  • Knotweed , popularly known as knotweed, provides Nephroleptin with the ability to increase the rate of blood clotting, increase urination, and reduce pressure in the arteries, which is very important for the kidneys.
  • Bearberry is an active diuretic and antiseptic. By accelerating diuresis, it will cleanse the kidneys and prevent the development of urolithiasis.
  • Lingonberry is a mild diuretic and choleretic agent that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract.
  • Calendula supports and calms the cardiac system, supporting the diuretic effect of other components of Nephroleptin, and has a bactericidal effect. Moderately reduces blood pressure and has a choleretic effect.
  • Licorice kidney cleansing process , stimulating the functioning of the adrenal cortex, and will manifest itself as an antioxidant and stimulator of regeneration of kidney tissue.

Nephroleptin instructions for use

Recommendations for use

The drug Nephroleptin is recommended to be used in accordance with the following instructions: Adults - for urinary tract infections, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 2–4 weeks. For hypertension – 1 tablet at 10–11 o’clock once a day. Also, in order to prevent seasonal exacerbations of chronic urinary tract infections, it is recommended to use preventive courses 2 times a year - in early spring and early autumn.

Home remedies – how to treat cystitis?

Mild to moderate urinary tract infections can be treated on your own with home remedies or over-the-counter medications.

As for cystitis, when treating it, it is very important to drink a large amount of fluid (up to 3-5 liters per day) so that bacteria are systematically washed out of the urinary tract and do not stick to the walls of the bladder. You should also wear warm clothes and avoid hypothermia.

Other remedies that support the treatment of cystitis include hot foot baths, warm sitz baths, and the use of heating pads. You should also practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, following proper hand washing practices, and using intimate hygiene products that contain disinfectants.

To avoid serious urinary tract infections and prevent recurrence of cystitis, prevention is necessary. Natural ways of prevention are to drink fluids that acidify the urine, such as cranberry juice and taking vitamin C.

Preparations containing cranberry fruit extracts have antibacterial properties and prevent bacterial strains from adhering to the epithelium of the urinary tract. This effect is due to substances present in cranberries, such as flavonoids, vitamin C, rutin, anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins.

Juice and cranberries in cystitis tablets effectively prevent urinary tract infections, complement the action of antibiotics and reduce the risk of recurrent infection. The Florentina drink contains two active ingredients that are effectively used for cystitis and urinary tract infections - cranberry and Siberian fir. The drug has diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.

Herbs for cystitis

If you experience mild or moderate symptoms of cystitis, such as frequent urge and burning in the urethra, you can use herbal (over-the-counter) medications, including the following:

  • preparations with a disinfectant effect on the urinary tract;
  • diuretics;
  • antispasmodics.

Herbal medicines with a disinfectant effect on the urinary tract include preparations containing cranberry fruits, horsetail herb, bearberry leaves, lingonberry leaves and fruits.

Natural remedies for cystitis (in the form of extracts and diuretic tablets) include birch leaves, orthosiphon leaves, goldenrod herb, nettle leaves, and parsley roots and fruits. Their diuretic effect is aimed at flushing the bladder from infectious microorganisms.

Herbal preparations are available in various forms such as tablets, capsules, pills, tinctures, oral liquids, teas and even pastes for suspensions. Such drugs are available in the Argo company's assortment, for example, the drug Hydrangea in capsules. It is used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female and male genitourinary system (cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, pyelitis, prostatitis, etc.).

Antispasmodics can reduce strain on the bladder muscles, thereby making it easier to empty. A substance with this effect includes hyoscine butyl bromide.

Antibiotic for cystitis

Treatment of urinary tract infections consists of antibacterial action and elimination of foci of infection. If symptoms of a urinary tract infection persist and worsen despite taking herbal or other over-the-counter medications, you should undergo microbiological testing and seek medical attention. Medicines used for acute and chronic inflammation include:

  • antibiotics for cystitis (amoxicillin, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin);
  • chemotherapeutic agents (furagin, trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin).

Furagin is a widely used over-the-counter chemotherapy drug. It is used for uncomplicated and recurrent urinary tract infections caused by the bacterium E.coli. This drug should be taken with protein foods, the course of treatment usually lasts 7-10 days.

Nephroleptin price properties of the drug

The Argo online store offers to buy Nephroleptin at an affordable price. Nephroleptin is a drug that allows you to completely abandon antibiotics and by purchasing the drug you can use it for: pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating, heaviness in the lower back.

Manufacturer of dietary supplement Nephroleptin: LLC Apifarm Product code: 712

Nephroleptin improves the functional state of the kidneys. Flavonoids of the dietary supplement Nephroleptin have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening, antispasmodic, and diuretic effects. Bactericidal properties are inherent mainly in licorice flavonoids and propolis phenolcarboxylic acids. The licorice triterpene saponins contained in the dietary supplement Nephroleptin have powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity, affecting the exchange of glucocorticoid hormones in the liver and their production by the adrenal cortex. Thanks to the composition of the dietary supplement, Nephroleptin is used as a means of improving the functional state of the kidneys and urinary system. The components of the dietary supplement Nephroleptin have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic, antioxidant, and corticosteroid-like effects. Nephroleptin is recommended by the State Scientific Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine SORAMS.

For prevention and complex therapy:

  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Causes of cystitis

Cystitis and urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria. They are diagnosed in urine during routine examinations. Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are most often caused by anaerobic bacteria - a group of Escherichia coli (E. coli), which originate from the flora of the large intestine.

Other causes of cystitis, as well as factors that may increase the risk of urinary tract infections, include:

  • stress;
  • humidity, hypothermia;
  • bladder stones;
  • bladder catheter;
  • poor hygiene;
  • diabetes.

Women are more prone to urinary tract infections due to their short urethra and ongoing menstruation, during which it is easier to contract bladder infections. Cystitis is also typical during pregnancy and menopause, when atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa caused by hormonal disorders are observed.

Cystitis in men is approximately four times less common than in women, so it is often considered a complicated urinary tract infection. In such cases, it is most often necessary to take an antibiotic for cystitis.

Symptoms of cystitis

Typical symptoms of cystitis include frequent urination, pressure on the bladder, as well as pollakiuria with tingling in the bladder and burning in the urethra. With more advanced urinary tract infections, hematuria may occur, which requires more extensive diagnosis and consultation with a doctor.

Blood in the urine and high temperature, which indicate cystitis, should not be taken lightly, and if the condition worsens or symptoms persist for a long time, then medical help should be sought.

The main indications requiring consultation with a doctor and taking medications for cystitis include:

  • symptoms persist for more than 4-5 days;
  • blood in the urine (hematuria);
  • severe pain during urination, tingling, burning when urinating;
  • symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy, in the elderly and diabetics;
  • the presence of accompanying symptoms (fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the bladder);
  • pressure on the bladder.
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