Arbidol, 20 pcs., 50 mg, film-coated tablets

What kind of medicine is Arbidol?

The drug Arbidol is a fairly effective antiviral agent.

The medication specifically affects viruses and provokes the production of interferon in the human body.

The active component of Arbidol helps stimulate the cellular, humoral reactions of the immune system, thereby increasing resistance to viral pathologies.

Due to the mechanism of action on the body, the medicine can be called a fusion inhibitor. Taking a pharmaceutical product helps:

  • reducing the incidence of complications associated with exposure to viruses
  • reduces the risk of exacerbation of chronic bacterial diseases

Pharmacodynamic properties

The mechanism of reproduction of viruses is different from that of bacteria. Viral particles penetrate through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract into the blood. The pathogen seeks to enter the host cell. This is necessary for the synthesis of new viral particles.

The microorganism penetrates the cell and uses the patient’s DNA to form the virion genome. New microbes enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. The cell that was used to create new virions dies.

Umifenovir, which is the active component of the drug, has an antiviral effect on the body. The substance prevents the viral particle from merging with the host cell. Because of this, the virus cannot penetrate into the cell.

The drug prevents the virus from multiplying. The pathogen is not able to continue its life cycle, therefore it is present in the circulatory system for a long time. The protective cells have time to recognize and destroy dangerous microorganisms.

The medication also enhances immune defense. While taking medication:

  • The number of lymphocyte cells increases;
  • The function of macrophages that capture harmful microbes is stimulated;
  • The number of immune cells that detect the presence of foreign microorganisms increases.

When the drug Arbidol is used correctly, patients tolerate the disease more easily. The duration of the disease decreases. Symptoms: hyperthermia, muscle pain, nasal congestion, sore throat begins to subside already on the 3-4th day of therapy.

Indications for use

Most often, doctors recommend using Arbidol for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases.

The medicine is recommended for:

  • influenza type A and B
  • acute respiratory viral infection
  • bronchitis, pneumonia (complex therapy)
  • immunodeficiency
  • severe acute respiratory disease

In addition, the medication is prescribed for:

  • prevention of infectious diseases after surgery
  • normalization of immunity

Doctors prescribe the drug to children under 3 years of age for intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology (complex treatment).

When should you use the medication?

The drug is recommended to combat viral infections. It is recommended to prescribe the medication when rotavirus enters the digestive tract. In this case, Arbidol is used as part of the main treatment. It is acceptable to use the drug to eliminate herpetic eruptions (herpes simplex).

The drug is indicated after surgery. This helps prevent complications and improve overall immunity.

The drug is indicated as a systemic antiviral agent. It is taken simultaneously with symptomatic therapy (medicines for fever, cough and other drugs).

Instructions for use of Arbidol

  • Both forms are taken orally before meals.
  • The dosage of the capsule form depends on the age of the patient. For children from 3 to 6 years old, doctors prescribe 50 mg; for children from 6 to 12 years old, the dosage is doubled. Persons over 12 years of age can take 200 mg of the medication.
  • Arbidol is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.
  • After contact with an infected patient, you can take Arbidol for preventive purposes for 2 weeks.
  • In the above-mentioned dosage, the drug is prescribed during an epidemic of viral pathologies. In this situation, the medicine should be taken twice a week, one dose, the prophylactic course should last 3 weeks.
  • Doctors prescribe the tablet form to children from 3 to 6 years old one tablet (50 mg), children from 6 to 12 years old are recommended to take 100 mg of the medicine, adult patients are advised to take 200 mg.
  • Depending on the situation, the doctor can select the dosage of the medication individually for each patient.

Special conditions

If the drug is prescribed as a suspension to patients with diabetes, the sucrose that is present in the dosage form should be taken into account.

During therapy, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If 1 dose was missed, it should be taken as soon as possible. And then the medicine is taken according to the schedule. It is not advisable to miss taking your medication at the scheduled time. Skipping a dosage reduces the concentration of the drug in the blood, which affects the effectiveness of therapy.

Attention! If symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection or flu do not subside within 3 days, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment adjustment.

Is Arbidol suitable for breastfeeding women?

Arbidol is a low-toxic medicine. When using it, side effects are extremely rarely observed. Unfortunately, no experiments have been conducted regarding the effect of the drug on breastfeeding. The instructions note that it is unknown how much of the substance passes into breast milk. Therefore, it is more advisable to interrupt breastfeeding during treatment.

But still, some doctors prescribe the drug during lactation, until a negative effect on the child has been recorded.

Is it possible to take Arbidol during pregnancy and lactation?

Arbidol during pregnancy should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is prohibited during the first 3 months of pregnancy, since the medicine has not been studied in women in this group.

It is permissible to use the medication for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in the 2nd and 3rd trimester if the benefit to the patient outweighs the possible negative effects on the embryo.

There is no data on the ability of the drug to penetrate the secretions of the mammary glands. If the medication is prescribed by a doctor, breastfeeding should be suspended for the entire period of therapy. During treatment, you need to pump regularly to maintain lactation.

What is stronger Arbidol or Anaferon

The homeopathic remedy Anaferon is prescribed for colds; it is also suitable for strengthening the immune system. However, the drug does not have an antiviral effect. When treating pathologies, its use is effective only in the initial stages of the disease.

The drug Arbidol perfectly fights viruses, so in case of viral diseases it is better to opt for it, it is more effective.

Both medications are recommended to be taken together with other medications if a person suffers from a serious illness. But Anaferon and Arbidol are excellent for use for preventive purposes, as they do not harm the body.

Before starting to take Arbidol, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions included with the drug.

Arbidol powder for suspension 25mg/5ml 37g

A country

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Active substance



Bottle 37 g
Umifenovir hydrochloride monohydrate 25.88 mg.

Excipients: sodium chloride - 26.85 mg, maltodextrin (Kleptose Linecaps) - 750 mg, sucrose (sugar) - 840.42 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) - 24.6 mg, titanium dioxide - 25 mg, pregelatinized starch (type PA5PH) - 129.5 mg, sodium benzoate - 9.25 mg, banana flavor - 12.4 mg, cherry flavor - 6.1 mg. Powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration is granular, white or almost white in color, with a characteristic fruity odor. The prepared suspension is homogeneous, white or white with a yellowish or creamy tint, with a characteristic fruity odor.

pharmachologic effect

Antiviral agent. Specifically suppresses in vitro influenza viruses A and B (Influenza virus A, B), including highly pathogenic subtypes A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H5N1), as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections (coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), rhinovirus (Rhinovirus), adenovirus (Adenovirus), respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) and parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus)). According to the mechanism of antiviral action, it belongs to fusion inhibitors, interacts with the hemagglutinin of the virus and prevents the fusion of the lipid membrane of the virus and cell membranes. It has interferon-inducing activity - in a study on mice, the induction of interferons was noted after 16 hours, and high titers of interferons remained in the blood up to 48 hours after administration. Stimulates cellular and humoral immune responses: increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood, especially T-cells (CD3), increases the number of T-helpers (CD4) without affecting the level of T-suppressors (CD8), normalizes the immunoregulatory index, stimulates the phagocytic function of macrophages and increases the number of natural killer (NK) cells. Therapeutic effectiveness for viral infections is manifested in a decrease in the duration and severity of the disease and its main symptoms, as well as in a decrease in the incidence of complications associated with viral infection and exacerbations of chronic bacterial diseases. Refers to low-toxic drugs (LD50>4 g/kg). Does not have any negative effects on the human body when administered orally in recommended doses.

Indications for use

— prevention and treatment of influenza A and B, other acute respiratory viral infections in children over 2 years of age and adults; — complex therapy of acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology in children from 2 years of age; — nonspecific prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in children over 6 years of age and adults; - treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in children over 12 years of age and adults.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: - rarely (with a frequency of at least 1/10,000, but less than 1/1000) - skin itching, rash, angioedema, urticaria; - very rarely (with a frequency of less than 1/10,000) - anaphylactic reactions. If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or the patient notices any other side effects not listed in the instructions, he should inform the doctor.


- hypersensitivity to umifenovir or any component of the drug;
- age up to 2 years; — age up to 6 years (according to indications, nonspecific prevention of SARS); - age up to 12 years (according to indications for treatment of SARS). - sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding The use of Arbidol® during pregnancy is contraindicated. It is not known whether the active substance of Arbidol® or its metabolites passes into breast milk in women during lactation. If it is necessary to use the drug Arbidol®, you should stop breastfeeding.

Use in children Contraindications:

- age up to 2 years; — age up to 6 years (according to indications, nonspecific prevention of SARS); - age up to 12 years (according to indications for treatment of SARS).

Mode of application

Inside, before meals. Preparation of the suspension Add 30 ml (or approximately up to 2/3 of the volume of the bottle) of water boiled and cooled to room temperature to the bottle containing the powder. Close the bottle with a lid, turn it upside down and shake thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. Add boiled and cooled water to a volume of 100 ml (up to the mark on the bottle) and shake again. Before each dose, shake the contents of the bottle thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. Measure a single dose using the included measuring spoon. Single dose (depending on age) Age | Single dose of the drug, ml suspension (mg umifenovir) from 2 to 6 years | 10 ml (50 mg) from 6 to 12 years | 20 ml (100 mg) over 12 years and adults | 40 ml (200 mg) Indication | Dosage regimen for children over 2 years of age and adults: Nonspecific prophylaxis during an epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections | in a single dose 2 times a week for 3 weeks. Nonspecific prophylaxis in direct contact with patients with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections | in a single dose 1 time/day for 10-14 days. Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections with an uncomplicated course | in a single dose 4 times/day (every 6 hours) for 5 days. In children from 2 years of age: Complex therapy of acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology | in a single dose 4 times/day (every 6 hours) for 5 days. For nonspecific prevention and treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) For nonspecific prevention of SARS (in contact with a patient) in children from 6 years of age and adults: children from 6 to 12 years old - 20 ml (100 mg), children over 12 years old and adults - 40 ml (200 mg) 1 time/day for 12-14 days. For the treatment of SARS in children over 12 years of age and adults: children over 12 years of age and adults - 40 ml (200 mg) 2 times a day for 8-10 days.

special instructions

When prescribing to patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as on a low-calorie diet, it is necessary to take into account that the suspension contains sucrose (0.8 g/5 ml or 0.06 XE/5 ml). It is necessary to follow the regimen and duration of taking the drug recommended in the instructions. If you miss one dose of the drug, the missed dose should be taken as early as possible and continue the course of taking the drug according to the started regimen. When calculating the amount of suspension required for a course of administration, it is necessary to take into account the shelf life of the prepared suspension, which is 10 days. For a course of treatment indicated for nonspecific prophylaxis during an epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children from 2 to 6 years old, two bottles of the drug Arbidol® will be required. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery Does not exhibit central neurotropic activity and can be used in medical practice by people of various professions, incl. requiring increased attention and coordination of movements (transport drivers, operators, etc.).


Not marked.

Interaction with other drugs

When prescribed with other drugs, no negative effects were noted.

Composition and release form

Powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration, granular, white or almost white, with a characteristic fruity odor;
the prepared suspension is homogeneous, white or white with a yellowish or creamy tint, with a characteristic fruity odor. Composition 5 ml:

  • umifenovir hydrochloride monohydrate - 25.88 mg,
  • which corresponds to the content of umifenovir hydrochloride - 25 mg

Excipients: sodium chloride - 26.85 mg, maltodextrin (kleptose linecaps) - 750 mg, sucrose (sugar) - 840.42 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) - 24.6 mg, titanium dioxide - 25 mg, pregelatinized starch (type PA5PH) - 129.5 mg, sodium benzoate - 9.25 mg, banana flavor - 12.4 mg, raspberry flavor - 6.1 mg.

37 g - dark glass bottles with a capacity of 125 ml (1) complete with a measuring spoon - cardboard packs.

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