Festal: contraindications, side effects

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This enzyme agent can compensate for the insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas, as well as the biliary activity of the liver.

The enzymes contained in pancreatin - protease, amylase and lipase - help facilitate the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates, improving the absorption of these components in the small intestine.

It is known that the enzyme hemicellulase improves the breakdown of plant fiber and digestive processes, reducing the formation of gases.

Bovine bile extract is also characterized by a choleretic effect, improved emulsification of fats, normalization of absorption of fats or fat-soluble vitamins , and increased lipase activity.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

According to the annotation, Festal has choleretic, lipolytic and proteolytic effects.

This enzyme preparation helps normalize the functioning of the pancreas and compensates for its secretory insufficiency.

Protease, lipase and amylase contained in the drug stimulate digestive and metabolic processes, and also facilitate the breakdown of carbohydrates and protein compounds, improving their absorption into the blood from the intestines.

Hemicellulase reduces gas formation and helps eliminate bloating.

Bile components emulsify fats and also facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, B, K).

Indications for use of Festal

The main indications for the use of Festal are insufficiency of the pancreas, accompanied by chronic pancreatitis , as well as biliary insufficiency with impaired digestion of food, flatulence, constipation , and so on in the treatment of:

  • diffuse liver diseases, for example, liver cirrhosis , alcoholic and toxic liver damage;
  • large losses of bile acids, for example, after cholecystectomy ;
  • disruptions in the circulation of bile acids, as a result of biliary dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis and malabsorption;
  • deviations in the digestion of food in people with normal gastrointestinal tract function due to changes in nutrition, problems with chewing function, a sedentary lifestyle, and so on;
  • violations of the neurohumoral regulation of various processes of bile formation or bile secretion, accompanied by chronic gastrointestinal diseases, for example, chronic forms of gastritis, duodenitis or cholecystitis;
  • as well as in preparation for an abdominal ultrasound or x-ray.

What does Festal help with?

The main indications for taking an enzyme preparation is a decrease in the activity of the pancreas and hepatolienal system, which is accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia, increased gas formation, and impaired digestion of food.

Festal is prescribed for:

  • Toxic, medicinal and alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Malabsorption syndrome.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, colitis.
  • Other pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by impaired digestion and absorption of food.

Contraindications for use

Main contraindications to the use of Festal:

  • high sensitivity to its components;
  • hepatitis;
  • acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of its chronic form;
  • liver failure , coma or precoma;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • intestinal obstruction, empyema of the gallbladder, tendency to diarrhea ;
  • patient age under 3 years;
  • obstructive jaundice and various gallstone diseases.


The main conditions limiting the use of the drug:

  • A history of allergic reactions to one or more components of the drug.
  • Severe liver failure.
  • Diarrhea of ​​unknown origin.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Obstructive jaundice.
  • Early childhood (up to 3 years).

Festal during pregnancy

It should be noted that Festal is prescribed with extreme caution pregnancy As a rule, you should check with your doctor to find out whether pregnant women can take this or other medications. According to the instructions, the use of this drug during breastfeeding and pregnancy is allowed if the benefit for treating a woman significantly outweighs the risk of developing undesirable effects for the baby.

Instructions for use of Festal (Method and dosage)

This medicine is intended to be taken orally as a whole, together with or immediately after eating, with water.

The average daily dosage is 1-2 tablets for 3 times a day. Increasing the dose is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Before an x-ray or ultrasound, the drug is taken 2-3 days before the examination, 2 pieces 2-3 times a day.

At the same time, the instructions for using Festal for children indicate that when prescribing the drug to a small patient, the dose is determined by the attending physician.

The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the disorder and can range from several days to years.

How to give Festal to children?

Children often have various problems in the gastrointestinal tract and therefore they may be prescribed enzyme preparations.

Festal often helps eliminate bloating, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, and problems with bowel movements. This drug can be used for children only from 3 years of age. In this case, the dosage for children is determined by the attending physician.

The medicine should be given immediately with food or a short time after. If the tablets are difficult for a child to swallow, they can be pre-dissolved in liquid.


The combination of the drug with sulfonamides, antibiotics and iron supplements can have different effects on their absorption.

Antacids containing magnesium hydroxide or calcium carbonate can reduce the effectiveness of Festal.

Simultaneous use with Cimetidine may enhance its effect.

Festal's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:







Panzinorm Forte



Enzistal P






The main analogues of Festal: Digestal, Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim Forte and Pangrol.

Festal or Creon - which is better?

Before you think about which of these drugs to take, you need to find out what Festal helps with, what it is needed for, and what disorders does Creon ? To do this, you need to compare the symptoms of the disease and the indications for which these drugs are prescribed. Of course, for this it is better to consult a doctor.

As for the effectiveness of these two drugs, according to experts, Creon is higher, and it has more advantages. Creon is offered in a more convenient form of release - capsules, and has an improved principle of action - granules dissolve well in the small intestine.

In addition, Creon has more indications for use and fewer contraindications. This remedy can also be taken by children from 1 year of age.

Festal or Creon - which to choose?

Before choosing one of these drugs, it is important to carefully study the indications for their use and the realized effects. It is better to do this not on your own, but with the help of a specialist who will give you the correct diagnosis and select the most suitable medication.

If we rely on patient reviews and the opinion of doctors, Creon is a faster and more effective drug, but it also costs significantly more. This medication has a wide range of indications for use and has virtually no contraindications. Unlike Festal, Creon can be prescribed to children starting from the first year of life. If we compare the release forms, the latter is produced in the form of capsules, which dissolve better in the gastrointestinal tract.

Either way, these are just statistics. Only a doctor, based on your complaints, medical history and objective examination methods, can decide which of these drugs is best for you.

Reviews about Festal

As numerous reviews of Festal show, it is extremely popular among patients of various groups. According to many patients, this is an excellent, highly effective remedy that helps improve digestion and eliminate many unwanted symptoms. There are also many people who have to take Festal N for many years, for example, with constant functional deficiency in the digestive system. Due to the natural origin and high degree of purification of this drug, it is often used as a substitute for its own enzymes.

In addition, there are many messages on the Internet from users who take such drugs for any digestive disorder. At the same time, they are trying to choose the best medicine for themselves and are interested in the forums about Festal tablets, why they help, how to take them before or after meals, and so on.

It is possible that some people are using this remedy for other purposes, since they do not know exactly what it helps with. It should be noted that they will not immediately feel the development of undesirable effects if used incorrectly, but over time this will certainly appear. If a person regularly has digestive problems, then you need to contact a gastroenterologist, who will conduct a full examination and write a prescription in Latin prescribing the necessary treatment.


Festal is an enzyme drug used to compensate for the functions of the pancreas and liver that are suppressed for some reason. The drug contains the following enzymes: amylase, protease, lipase, hemicellulase, as well as bovine bile extract. Each of them has their own unique role that requires a more detailed story.

Almost any disease that is the object of efforts of gastroenterologists is associated with certain disorders of digestion or absorption of gastrointestinal contents. There may be a lot of reasons for this, but the end result, as a rule, is the same: “interruptions” in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other essential nutrients, depriving the body of much-needed energy “feeding” from the outside. Digestive enzymes can be called perhaps the most common group of drugs prescribed to patients by gastroenterologists. “Reinforced concrete” indications for this are acute and chronic digestive and absorption disorders of various etiologies in the stomach and duodenum. They are also used as replacement therapy in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Today, doctors have in their arsenal a sufficient number of enzyme preparations for any, in the most literal sense, taste and color. A striking example of an effective and popular combined enzyme preparation is Festal. The digestive enzymes of the pancreas included in its composition are in higher concentrations than in natural conditions. A distinctive feature of Festal, of course, should be recognized in the form of its release: the acid-resistant shell of the pill protects enzymes from inactivation in the acidic environment of the stomach.

The destruction of the membrane and the release of enzymes to the outside takes place in the small intestine with its alkaline environment, ideal for enzymes to perform their functions. As a result, the process of digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates goes more smoothly. Naturally, the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine is also facilitated. In case of pathologies of the pancreas, Festal neutralizes the insufficiency of its functions in the secretion of digestive enzymes and helps to improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. If we break down the functions and personal contribution to the common cause of each enzyme, we get the following picture: protease, amylase and lipase facilitate the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, respectively; The enzyme hemicellulase breaks down plant fiber, which reduces gas formation and improves digestion. The bile acids included in the drug make it possible to correct biliary insufficiency characteristic of patients with chronic pancreatitis. As for the bovine bile extract, it is included in the composition of Festal to facilitate the absorption of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins, stimulate the secretion of lipase by the pancreas and to manifest its choleretic properties.

The duration of the medication course varies significantly and is calculated in days (for digestive disorders due to excessive indulgence in “wrong” foods) or even years (as part of replacement therapy for insufficient functioning of the internal organs involved in digestion due to chronic diseases).

Festal price, where to buy

The price of Festal in Moscow is 120-590 rubles.

In Ukraine, the medicine can be bought in Kyiv, as well as in cities such as Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, etc., the cost of the drug varies between 53-75 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Festal three-component enzyme dragee No. 40Sanofi Aventis

    RUB 291 order

  • Festal three-component enzyme tablet No. 20Sanofi Aventis

    RUB 153 order

  • Festal three-component enzyme tablet No. 100Aventis Pharma

    RUB 755 order

  • Festal three-component enzyme tablet No. 100Sanofi Aventis

    RUR 741 order

  • Festal three-component enzyme tablet No. 10Sanofi Aventis

    87 RUR order

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  • Festal Neo 10000 N20 tablets LLC "Pharmex Group", m. Boryspil, Ukraine
    60 UAH. order


  • Festal neo tablets Festal Neo 10000 tablets. No. 20 Ukraine, Pharmex Group LLC

    69 UAH order

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