Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) solution d/in 0.5 mg/ml amp 1 ml N10


Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 is the only one of all water-soluble vitamins that can accumulate in the body (in particular, it is stored in the liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs). It is a crystalline powder of brown-red color and odorless. Cyanocobalamin is available exclusively in the form of an injection solution. The active form of cyanocobalamin is cobamine (or adenosylcobalamin). This vitamin is endowed with high biological activity. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the normal course of the hematopoiesis process (it accelerates the maturation of red blood cells from erythroblasts). Cyanocobalamin takes part in hydrogen transfer, transmethylation processes, formation of choline, creatine, methionine, and nucleic acids. It “helps” red blood cells accumulate substances containing sulfhydryl groups. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and central nervous system. Activates the blood coagulation system. It has a powerful lipotropic effect, prevents fatty hepatosis (fatty liver), and ensures oxygen saturation of cells under hypoxic conditions. Cyanocobalamin stimulates protein synthesis and promotes its accumulation in the body, thereby providing an anabolic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the immune status, increasing the ability of leukocytes to phagocytose and “turning on” the reticuloendothelial system at full capacity. Lack of cyanocobalamin doubles the risk of disease in patients with AIDS. The emotional state of a person and the level of his cognitive abilities depend to a certain extent on the content of vitamin B12 in the body. Pharmacotherapy with cyanocobalamin can prevent depression, slow down the development of senile dementia, maintain clarity of thinking, and prevent mental degradation in patients suffering from AIDS. Cyanocobalamin helps overcome insomnia, adapt to changes in sleep and wakefulness, and normalize excessively low blood pressure.

B12 is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system in both sexes. The following symptoms can serve as an alarm bell (and in some cases, a loud alarm bell) indicating a lack of this vitamin in the body: dyspepsia, liver enlargement, persistent fatigue, irritability, depression, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, impaired breathing, disorders vision and memory; at a more serious level - immunodeficiencies, neurological disorders, pernicious anemia, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Even a slight deviation in the concentration of cyanocobalamin in the blood from the norm can cause serious harm to the brain and nervous system as a whole. But “a lot” is not always a synonym for “good”. If you consume cyanocobalamin in “horse” doses, you can develop hypervitaminosis. Signs of a drug overdose are: pulmonary edema, blockage of peripheral vessels, congestive heart failure, urticaria, and less commonly, anaphylactic shock. Cyanocobalamin is not a relatively harmless ascorbic acid: its use requires regular medical monitoring. Thus, patients suffering from angina pectoris should not take more than 100 mcg of this vitamin at a time, and during treatment it is very important to monitor the blood picture and coagulation parameters. B12 solution cannot be mixed in the same syringe with solutions of B1, B6 and ascorbic acid. When used together with oral contraceptives, a decrease in the content of cyanocobalamin in the blood plasma is possible. Anticonvulsants impair the absorption of the drug in the intestine. The same can be said for neomycin, ranitidine, cimetidine, and potassium preparations. Cyanocobalamin can potentiate allergic reactions provoked by thiamine. Levomycetin when administered by injection can neutralize the hematopoietic activity of cyanocobalamin.

Solution for injection Cyanocobalamin - reviews

Vika Vika, Russia, St. Petersburg

Can you find out why you took a break?

After all, it is recommended to take vitamins for pregnant women before, throughout pregnancy and after (for breastfeeding)


https://xn--b1accz8b1g.xn--j1amh/ru/%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%B4%D0 %BB%D1%8F_%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8A%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B0 %D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD-r903056.html

indications for the use of cyanocobalamin (or vitamin B12):

Anemia (Addison-Biermer, alimentary macrocytic, iron deficiency, posthemorrhagic, aplastic, caused by toxic substances and drugs), liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, myelosis, polyneuritis, radiculitis, trigeminal neuralgia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, disease Down, skin diseases, peripheral nerve injuries.

I use it a little for other purposes. It’s probably no secret to anyone that the most important vitamins for the growth of healthy, beautiful, long hair are B vitamins. I’ve been growing my hair for a long time, I found my effective remedy for very fast hair growth, but I was faced with the question of how to grow healthy hair !? Cyanocobalamin helped me in this matter

I bought an injection solution at a regular pharmacy (6 hryvnia, 10 ampoules of 1 ml each in a cardboard box). cyanocobalamin has such an interesting, pleasant pinkish tint, every evening before going to bed I open one ampoule and distribute the contents along the partings with my fingers, don’t worry - the hair after it doesn’t get dirty, doesn’t get greasy and generally takes on a healthy, well-groomed appearance after five days of use, you don’t just need to think that I have a small head or something else that you definitely won’t have enough of one ampoule to apply the vitamin to your entire head, enough is enough, no need to overdo it! one ampoule is enough for one time, you don’t need your head to be wet from cyanocobalamin, it will spread all the benefits throughout your head and hair roots, don’t worry

the hair is very beautiful, well-groomed, smooth and all this without extra costs, money and time

Zemlyansky A. V. hematologist with 30 years of experience

Pros: The drug is effective, no side effects were noted. The drug is good for occasional correction of B12 in vegans.

Cons: An excellent drug for the treatment of B12 deficiency anemia. The main consumers are adult patients, but children (2) with Imerslund-Gresbeck syndrome have also been treated. It is convenient to administer the drug under the control of B12 level (test cost: 500 rubles) in the blood 1-2 times a year.


Experience of use: several times Cost: 30 rubles I decided to write a review because perhaps someone else needs the same help. I knew for a long time that vitamins are useful and that they can be used in masks. When buying ready-made mesopreparations, I too...


Depending on your experience, well, I injected B12, just not for sports purposes, and for myself and others, for the treatment of anemia in women, I did not see any particular effect, in therapeutic doses.


Pros: Affordable price, quick effect, good tolerability of the drug. It is quite possible to use the medicine during pregnancy; there is no risk to the unborn child.

Cons: Sold in pharmacies only by prescription, intended for injection, and the child may be afraid of injections, an allergic reaction is possible. It weakens attention, so it is not recommended to use vehicles during the treatment period.

Feedback: We completed a course of injections with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) as prescribed by our local physician. The child began to feel unwell, became easily fatigued, weak, and was very tired at school. He lost his appetite, complained of headaches, became irritable and tearful. Of course, we became worried and immediately went to the hospital. The doctor ordered a general blood test and diagnosed anemia. At first they wanted to refuse the course of injections, but the therapist assured that the effect would be very fast. They gave injections every other day, one ampoule at a time, for a month and a half. We are very pleased, the effect of the drug appeared in about two weeks. The child became happier, had more energy and the headaches went away. A repeat blood test after treatment showed a hemoglobin level of 125 g/l, and before treatment it was 98 g/l.


Thanks for your feedback.

I have B-12 deficiency anemia, this vitamin is practically not absorbed from food. I took tablets in a dosage 5 times higher than yours - according to tests, there was zero effect. Therefore, you have to take a course of injections a couple of times a year. I don't like it, it's scary :(

I'll try your spray now. Thanks again :)


I don’t like meat, I hardly eat it. Unpleasant consequences in the form of dizziness, weakness, memory impairment. When checking the blood, a deficiency of vitamin B 12 was revealed. I found out that if there is a small amount of meat in the diet, it is necessary to obtain B 12 by taking dietary supplements. It is necessary to take B 12 together with folic acid, they work together. And B 1 and B 6 are highly desirable. To improve my well-being, I decided to try additionally taking the indicated quartet of vitamins. When choosing a source of B12, the choice fell on Methyl B-12 with cherry flavor. I was impressed by the manufacturer’s self-presentation, quality control, and I also like the taste of cherries. During the first month I noticed an improvement in my condition. The dizziness went away very quickly. This all happened more than six months ago. It's not even really a drug - rather a pleasant candy with a slight fruity aftertaste. I liked the taste so much that if it weren’t for the instructions telling me to take one tablet a day, I would have taken more. The jar lasted a long time, now the second one is waiting in the wings. At first I took one tablet a day for three months. Then a break for two months, only on fasting days do I replenish supplies at 12. Lately I have been feeling only good.


For such cases, there are divisions on the syringe. Throw away the remaining solution. Cyanocobalamin (B12) is cheap. Colitis as best you can (from the instructions: “the drug is used subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously and intralumbarally”). Actually, he is injected every other day with vitamin B6 (the course is only 20 days)


I never complained about my memory and suddenly something happened, I constantly began to forget everything. I went to the doctor, she told me that it was my age and that everything was fine. And the nurse is smart and advised me to take cyanocobalamin. Well, I bought the pills. I've been drinking this for eight days now. I don't complain about my memory anymore. Even the blood pressure began to normalize. I will continue to drink!



Effective for anemia and cosmetic problems, inexpensive


It is difficult to saw off the neck of the ampoule


I was constantly diagnosed with anemia - from early childhood. And she was difficult to treat, until a wonderful therapist advised me to add cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12, to iron-containing medications. Upon repeated analysis, not only my hemoglobin increased, but also the number of red blood cells returned to normal. This treatment also had a “side effect” - hair began to fall out less and nails began to become stronger. Previously, I couldn’t even peel an orange—my nails peeled and broke. Now I can afford a manicure. On the advice of my doctor, I take cyanocobalamin injections twice a year, 15 injections per course. And I definitely take tests before and after the course of injections. I can see the effect of the treatment in the condition of my nails and hair.



Price, effect



Dalkhimpharm “Cyanocobalamin” injection solution was administered to my grandmother. She was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. And this disease is an indication for the use of this solution. Of course, there are a lot of other diseases that are indications for use. You should read the instructions for use. The volume of the ampoule is 1 ml, it can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Number of ampoules: 10 pieces. The ampoules come with a special opener, but it doesn’t cut the ampoule well. Because there is practically no material that cuts the ampoule. Vitamins have an effect, so we will give them in courses. Good day and health to you all.



justifies the declared properties


allergic reactions are possible with subcutaneous administration

We started using vitamin B12 regularly about nine years ago, so I want to share with everyone, often in the spring, when we felt exhausted in the morning - as if we had not slept, and in the spring our hair became dull after the first day of washing our hair - I was recommended to take a course treatment with double doses of vitamin B 12 for fourteen days using subcutaneous administration of the drug, my colleague, a dermatologist, uses this technique himself, the result is always obvious - spring has become much better tolerated by us, especially March-April. when there is still little sun, and the body is already quite exhausted by the autumn and winter months. Economically, such courses are very profitable, their cost is low - 45 -50 rubles, and anyone can afford them once or twice a year in the fall and spring. We like. I recommend trying it. Sincerely, Julia.



not expensive and effective



My hair was falling out a lot, literally in clumps, and a friend advised me to take vitamin B12. The next day I went to the pharmacy and bought Dalkhimpharm “Cyanocobalamin” injection solution. Which literally cost fifty rubles. Well, the syringes all together cost about more than 100 rubles. There are 10 ampoules in a package, so I used them for ten days. I gave the injections to myself and it didn’t hurt at all. The result is simply amazing, after just a week the nails became stronger and the hair began to fall out less, and then stopped altogether. You can also use it with folic acid, which is also not expensive. Or buy a ready-made vitamin complex, but it will be much more expensive.



Very useful, enriches hair with vitamin B12


I didn’t find any cons

Hello dear friends and dear readers of the review site! I would like to tell you about another excellent product from DALCHIMPHARM OJSC, “CYANOCOBALAMIN” injection solution, or, more simply, about vitamin B12. Let's look at the packaging with you: Let's open it: And we will see ten cute ampoules with beautiful and brightly colored contents. In the set we have ten ampoules with vitamin B 12, an opener for the ampoules and instructions... Let's look at the instructions: Such a small instruction, little ones compared to the others... The cost of these beauties is about the same as the rest of my favorite B vitamins, within thirty rubles... By the way, in comparison with vitamin B1 and B6, our vitamin B12 has no odor as such, it smells a little like oil, it has such an oily structure, unlike our previous magic vitamins... I personally use DALCHIMPHARM OJSC "CYANOCOBALAMIN" not for injections, and also in the form of a hair mask. Just like other B vitamins, two pieces in one mask, which is equal to one teaspoon. I really like taking care of my hair with natural masks. This is so cool! And of course, with great joy I recommend that you purchase this vitamin CYANOCOBALAMIN.” You will undoubtedly be pleased if you use it all correctly. Thank you for your attention and understanding. I hope my review can help you)






Good day everyone, dear readers!) I want to tell you about another injection solution “Cyanocobalamin”, that is, vitamin B12, which will help us in the beauty of our hair. The cost is about 30 rubles. Khabarovsk. The package contains ten ampoules of one ml. Vitamin B12 is a beautiful pink color. The ampoules are easy to open. You can take the vitamin intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously, but you can also add it to hair masks. “Cyanocobalamin” does not smell at all; it warms the scalp well, stimulating hair growth. Hair after this particular vitamin B12 becomes better and begins to grow quickly, hair that does not have enough strength to grow - it begins to bristle and grow, fluff appears, hair volume becomes larger, hair is thicker and softer. An excellent vitamin for hair and health.



Good price and quality.



Good day to all. Today my review will be devoted to Dalkhimpharm “Cyanocobalamin” injection solution. , Republic of Belarus, Minsk region. I came across this vitamin B 12 quite recently; I’ve never taken anything like this before. A neurologist prescribed this vitamin to me because I had a pinched lumbar nerve. I was given painkillers, and this vitamin B 12. Vitamin B 12 includes: numerous enzymes, folic acid, has high biological activity, and so on, I won’t write all the pharmacodynamics. I really liked the vitamin. because not only did it help my back, but I also noticed that my hair began to fall out in less quantity. The price is low, only 45 rubles for a pack of 10 ampoules. I recommend trying it, as I’ll now take a short break and put in vitamin B 12 again.


Good day to all!!!

B vitamins are vital compounds for the human body! It is absolutely indispensable for the nervous system, digestion, muscle growth, hair, etc. But they have such a small but unpleasant feature, which any doctor will confirm - in tablet form, these vitamins are absorbed at best by 40%, and 100% of them are absorbed only through intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous administration, that is, through injections.

I am prescribed injections of B vitamins every season, and I notice a real effect and improvements not only in my health, but also in my appearance - my hair is stronger, my skin begins to look younger.

I have already written about B6, nicotine, thiamine... now I want to talk about B12.

I am against transferring vitamins in ampoules to masks and shampoos - their molecular structure is designed specifically for injection, and I do not rub these ampoules into my hair or face, I use them in injections.

As you can see from the photo, this vitamin is red, droplets sometimes remain on the ampoules... Already in one color it differs from its counterparts - other B vitamins, they are transparent.

It is almost impossible to achieve an overdose of B vitamins - however, this is not true with B12; it is very easy to overdo it.

Excess vitamin B12 leads to heart failure, pulmonary edema, vascular thrombosis and anaphylactic shock, followed by death.

So he is by no means harmless... And even dangerous. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t prescribe B12 to yourself. I noticed that in many dietary supplements the level of B12 is deliberately underestimated by the manufacturer - apparently, again, due to a possible overdose. Even despite the fact that when consuming the tablet form, only a certain percentage will be absorbed.

Important information:

When taking B12, it is necessary to control the content of leukocytes and red blood cells in the blood, since an excess of this substance leads to an increase in their number in the blood. During treatment, antiallergic drugs are prescribed, and in case of complications, hospitalization is necessary. Vitamin B12 interferes with the absorption of vitamins B1 and B2.

It is difficult to get an overdose of B12 with products of natural origin, our wise body will eliminate the excess, but with synthetic vitamins everything is completely different...

So be careful with the dosage!!

But B12 deficiency is also extremely unpleasant - this is what a deficiency of this vitamin threatens:

poor digestibility of food,

constipation, liver enlargement, cause chronic fatigue, irritability, depression,

dizziness, ringing in the ears, drowsiness,

headaches, difficulty breathing, visual disturbances, hallucinations, memory loss, pernicious anemia, neurological disorders, immunodeficiencies, gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Personally, while taking B12, my headaches caused by cervical osteochondrosis completely go away (in fact, because of this, the doctor prescribes these injections for me), I feel much more cheerful, I wake up easier in the morning.

But due to my health condition, I have an increased need for this vitamin, so it’s more difficult for me to overdose...

Conclusion - do not self-medicate, this is not just a harmless vitamin... Take it only as prescribed by your doctor!


Divas, everyone writes about hair and nerves, and today I will tell you about Cyanocobalamin as a radical remedy for acne. It was the vitamins in the Cyanocobalamin ampoules that saved me from long-term acne that had haunted me for the last 3 years. It was a SHOCK-SHOCK-SHOCK effect, a WOW effect, whatever you want to call it, but the result was bomb. I am impressed.

I'm 28, for the last 3 years I've been struggling with acne, which appeared on my face out of the blue at the age of 25. It should be noted that I have never suffered from such problems and do not understand what caused it. My pimples were red, large, painful, with almost no pustules. Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos of the “bad” days, but I’m attaching photos of the “good” days with acne.

I tried almost everything, with the exception of isotretinoin, I took various tests under the supervision of a dermatologist, but we never found the cause. My assets included antibiotics, talkatives, klenzites, rosamet, sentimycins, various washes, salicylic tonics, serums and foams with anti-acne effect, acid peels, tonics with acids, etc. - you can’t list everything. Some drugs helped temporarily, some turned out to be completely useless. As a result, regular vitamins in ampoules of Cyanocobalamin or B12 helped once and for all.

It all started with reading a review about these vitamins here on Aireka. I thought what the hell, and decided to try rubbing my face with vitamin B12 at night. That day, a real agony of acne raged on my face. In particular, my problem area is my cheeks.

I poured the contents of one ampoule of Cyanocobalamin onto a cotton pad and wiped it over my clean face. After that I applied

my favorite night cream from Kleona and retreated to bed.

Imagine my surprise in the morning when I looked in the mirror! All my pimples “blown away” overnight, in just 8 hours! I just couldn’t believe my eyes, I didn’t believe that this was possible. As a result, I wiped my face for 10 days in a row until the ampoules ran out. Thus, I completed a kind of 10-day course. By the end my face was clear of acne. There is not a single inflammation left. After discontinuation of Cyanocobalamin, acne did not return, but post-acne still flaunts. Today this is my No. 1 problem on my face, which I actively deal with with the help of cheap and accessible products, about which you can

read in this review.

Immediately after the course, I bought a dietary supplement with some B vitamins and take them in courses. I still use Cyanocobalamin in ampoules for my face when I do roller mesotherapy. I alternate Cyanocobalamin in ampoules with ascorbic acid, apply it to the face with a cotton pad before meso and immediately after. The effect the next morning is simply stunning. The skin is tightened, smooth, the turgor seems to be filled. I'm delighted with the effect. I do meso once a week.

I recently studied the effect of vitamin B12 on the body and learned the following information:

When interacting with vitamin A, B12 converts it into active retinol.

I just used vitamin B12 in ampoules

bioactive sea buckthorn cream with a high content of vitamin A. Perhaps this is why Cyanocobalamin worked so effectively on me. I don't know, but I definitely know that you need to try it if you struggle with acne or want to improve your skin. I am attaching a photo as a visual example.

PS Later I started actively using Cyanocobalamin for my hair. Girls...this is something... My hair began to look healthier and grows very quickly. I simply massage vitamin B12 into my scalp after shampooing. The effect is gorgeous.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) solution d/in 0.5 mg/ml amp 1 ml N10

Registration Certificate Holder

StatusPharm (Russia)

Dosage form

Medicine - Cyanocobalamin


Solution for injection
1 ml
cyanocobalamin 500 mcg

1 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.


Anemia due to B12 deficiency conditions; as part of complex therapy for iron deficiency and posthemorrhagic anemia; aplastic anemia caused by toxic substances and drugs; liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis); funicular myelosis; polyneuritis; radiculitis; neuralgia; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; cerebral palsy; Down's disease; peripheral nerve injuries; skin diseases (psoriasis, photodermatoses, dermatitis herpetiformis, neurodermatitis); for the prevention and treatment of symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency (including when using biguanides, PAS, vitamin C in high doses); radiation sickness.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to cyanocobalamin; thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis; pregnancy, breastfeeding period.


Angina pectoris, benign and malignant neoplasms, accompanied by megaloblastic anemia and cyanocobalamin deficiency, a tendency to form blood clots.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin B12 belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. Has high biological activity. Necessary for normal hematopoiesis (promotes the maturation of red blood cells). Participates in the processes of transmethylation, hydrogen transfer, formation of methionine, nucleic acids, choline, creatine. Promotes the accumulation of compounds containing sulfhydryl groups in erythrocytes. Has a beneficial effect on the function of the liver and nervous system. Participates in the synthesis of the myelin sheath, stimulates hematopoiesis, reduces pain associated with damage to the peripheral nervous system, stimulates nucleic metabolism through the activation of folic acid. Activates the blood coagulation system, in high doses causes an increase in the activity of thromboplastin and prothrombin.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with hormonal contraceptives for oral administration, a decrease in the concentration of cyanocobalamin in the blood plasma is possible.

When used simultaneously with anticonvulsants, the absorption of cyanocobalamin from the intestine decreases.

When administered parenterally, chloramphenicol may reduce the hematopoietic effect of cyanocobalamin in anemia.

The risk of developing allergic reactions increases when cyanocobalamin is used together with thiamine.

With simultaneous use, aminoglycosides, salicylates, antiepileptic drugs, colchicine, potassium preparations, cimetidine, metformin, oral contraceptives, ranitidine, triamterene, methotrexate reduce the absorption of cyanocobalamin from the intestine.

Cyanocobalamin is pharmaceutically incompatible with ascorbic acid, heavy metal salts, thiamine bromide, pyridoxine, riboflavin.

Dosage regimen

Used orally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously and intralumbarally. The dosage regimen is set individually, depending on the indications, clinical situation, age of the patient and the dosage form used.

Side effect

Possible: allergic reactions, mental agitation, cardialgia, tachycardia, diarrhea, headache, dizziness; when used in high doses - hypercoagulation, disturbance of purine metabolism.

special instructions

During treatment with cyanocobalamin, peripheral blood patterns and coagulation parameters should be regularly monitored.

Cyanocobalamin deficiency should be confirmed diagnostically before its use, as it may mask folic acid deficiency.

Antimetabolites and most antibiotics can affect the results of the quantitative determination of cyanocobalamin using microbiological techniques.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Restrictions during pregnancy - Contraindicated. Restrictions when breastfeeding - Contraindicated. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Use in children

Restrictions for children - With caution. Can be used in children according to indications, in recommended doses and regimens. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions in the instructions for the medical use of cyanocobalamin preparations in children.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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