Positive experience of using the antacid Maalox in patients with newly diagnosed non-erosive reflux disease


One chewable Maalox tablet contains 400 mg of aluminum hydroxide and 400 mg of magnesium hydroxide . Additional substances: sorbitol , starch with sucrose, magnesium stearate, mannitol, sodium saccharinate, mint flavor, sucrose.
1 sachet of suspension (15 ml) of Maalox contains 525 mg of aluminum hydroxide and 600 mg of magnesium hydroxide . Additional substances: citric acid monohydrate, hydrochloric acid, mannitol, peppermint oil, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, hydrogen peroxide, sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, water.

A 250 ml suspension of the drug Maalox (bottle) contains 3.5 grams of aluminum hydroxide and 4 grams of magnesium hydroxide . Additional substances: citric acid monohydrate, hydrochloric acid, mannitol, peppermint oil, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, hydrogen peroxide, sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, water.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Maalox

A well-balanced combination of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide provides pronounced acid-neutralizing ability and a protective effect. in vitro studies using the Vatier method: total acid neutralizing capacity (titration at pH 1): 440 mmol H+ ions. The drug is not radiopaque. Used as an antacid and adsorbent. The drug is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and does not enter the systemic circulation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


An antacid that neutralizes unbound hydrochloric acid in the stomach does not provoke its secondary hypersecretion. Due to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, when using the drug Maalox, the peptic activity of the secreted gastric juice decreases. It has adsorbing and enveloping properties that weaken the effect of damaging agents on the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus.


The active substances of the drug are considered local antacids, which are almost not absorbed when taken orally in the doses below and do not have general effects.

Indications for use of Maalox

What are Maalox tablets and suspension for?

  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer ;
  • acute and chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute phase with normal or enhanced secretory function;
  • diaphragmatic hernia , reflux esophagitis ;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, including with excessive intake of coffee, nicotine, ethanol, medications, errors in diet (for suspension);
  • pain or discomfort in the upper third of the abdomen, including with excessive intake of coffee, nicotine, ethanol, medications, errors in diet (for suspension).

What does Maalox cure?

Most often, the drug is prescribed for chronic or acute gastritis. Other common indications include:

  • ulcer;
  • hernia;
  • acute pain (most often appears after drinking coffee or alcohol in large quantities, as well as if you indulge in fast food too often);
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

The drug is also effective for bloating, sour belching, and dyspepsia.


  • severe renal failure ;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome , sucrase or isomaltase deficiency (chewable tablets);
  • intolerance to maltitol (chewable tablets);
  • age less than 15 years.

It is necessary to use the medicine with caution in patients on hemodialysis with porphyria, during pregnancy, Alzheimer's disease , and diabetes mellitus (chewable tablets).

Side effects

  • Reactions from the immune system: anaphylactic reactions, urticaria , itching , angioedema .
  • Digestive reactions: diarrhea , constipation .
  • Metabolic reactions: hyperaluminemia , hypermagnesemia , hypophosphatemia (with prolonged therapy or taken in large doses, with low concentrations of phosphates in food), which can lead to increased bone resorption, osteomalacia , hypercalciuria .

Instructions for use of Maalox (Method and dosage)

Maalox tablets, instructions for use

It is recommended to dissolve or chew the tablets. Persons over 15 years of age are prescribed to take 1-2 tablets three to four times a day at intervals of 1-2 hours after meals and before bedtime.

When treating reflux esophagitis, the medicine is taken within a short time interval after eating. The maximum permitted frequency of administration is 6 times a day. It is strictly forbidden to take more than 12 tablets per day.

The duration of treatment should not last more than 3 months. For a single use (after errors in the diet), use 1-2 tablets.

Maalox suspension, instructions for use

Suspension in bags

Before use, the suspension in the bag must be homogenized by kneading it well. The contents are taken without dissolution, 1 sachet (15 ml) 2 hours after meals and before bedtime, as well as when abdominal pain or heartburn develops. The daily dosage should not be more than 6 sachets.

When treating reflux esophagitis, the medicine is taken half an hour after meals, and when treating peptic ulcers - half an hour before meals.

The duration of treatment should not be more than 3 months. For discomfort after eating spicy, fatty or fried foods, take 15 ml of suspension once.

Suspension in bottles

The instructions describe how to take the suspension: shake the bottle before taking. Usually it is prescribed to take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of the drug 3-4 times a day, 1-2 hours after meals and before bedtime. The dosage should not be more than 6 tablespoons per day.

When treating reflux esophagitis, Maalox is taken 30 minutes after eating.

The duration of treatment should not be more than 3 months. For discomfort after eating spicy, fatty or fried foods, take 15 ml of suspension once.

In persons with impaired renal function, the use of the drug in high dosages or for long periods of time should be avoided.


When used together with Quinidine, an increase in its content in the blood and even an overdose of Quinidine are possible.

When used together with the drug Maalox, absorption from the intestine of the following drugs is reduced: Propranolol , H2-histamine receptor blockers, Atenolol , Cefdinir , Metoprolol , Cefpodoxime , prostacyclins , chloroquine , Digoxin , Diflunisal , Ethambutol , bisphosphonates, Isoniazid , sodium fluoride , fluoroquine lonov, Prednisolone, Indomethacin , Dexamethasone , Ketoconazole , phenothiazine neuroleptics, lincosamides, Penicillamine , iron salts, Rosuvastatin , levothyroxine sodium. By maintaining a 2-hour break between the use of these drugs and Maalox and a 4-hour break between the use of fluoroquinolones and Maalox, unwanted interactions between these drugs can be avoided.

When taking Maalox with polystyrene sulfonate , there is a risk of metabolic alkalosis (in people with renal failure) and intestinal obstruction.

Interactions of the drug Maalox

Antacids interact with certain medications that are taken orally. Combinations that require special precautions when used. There is a decrease in gastrointestinal absorption of drugs that are used simultaneously. A break of at least 2 hours is required between taking antacids and other drugs. If possible, the time interval should be more than 2 hours between taking Maalox and other drugs: H2 histamine receptor blockers, anti-tuberculosis drugs: ethambutol, isoniazid (for oral use), atenolol , metoprolol, propanolol, chloroquine, cyclines, diflunisal, digoxin, diphosphonates, fexofenadine, iron preparations (salts), fluoroquinolones, sodium fluoride, glucocorticoids (described for prednisolone and dexamethasone), indomethacin, kayexalate, ketoconazole, lansoprazole, lincosamines, antipsychotic phenothiazine new series , penicillamine, phosphorus preparations (supplements), thyroxine. Combinations to consider. Renal excretion of salicylates increases due to alkalinization of urine in the case of combination with salicylates.

special instructions

If, during drug therapy, symptoms from the digestive system do not stop within 10 days, then it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and change the treatment regimen.

The drug is sold without a prescription, but before taking it during pregnancy , lactation , as well as in adolescents and patients with renal failure, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Aluminum hydroxide with a low phosphate content in food can lead to phosphorus deficiency in the body.

Adverse reactions

If the patient self-medicates and exceeds the permissible doses, then there is a high probability that unwanted reactions will occur. But even if you adhere to the treatment regimen, such negative reactions may also occur. These include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • low blood pressure;
  • excessive presence of calcium or magnesium in the blood or urine.

In extremely rare cases, an allergic reaction, swelling, and anaphylactic shock may occur.

Analogues of Maalox

Level 4 ATC code matches:



Gaviscon Forte


  • Ajiflux
  • Alumag
  • Almagel
  • Almol
  • Almagel Neo
  • Altacid
  • Anacid Forte
  • Palmagel
  • Maalox Mini
  • Gastracid
  • Maalukol
  • Rivolox
  • Phosphalugel

The price of Maalox analogues in identical release forms is usually lower than the price of the drug being described.

Which is better: Almagel or Maalox?

The drugs belong to the same pharmacological group and are analogues. The active substances in these drugs are contained in different ratios. In this regard, Almagel constipation , and the effect of Maalox is almost twice as long.

Which is better: Maalox or Phosphalugel?

Of the two drugs, it is preferable to choose Phosphalugel (especially for the elderly and pregnant women), because it does not contribute to excessive evacuation of phosphates from the body (mainly from the bones).

Is it possible to take Maalox during pregnancy?

There is no data regarding the possibility of using Maalox by pregnant women, since relevant clinical studies have not been conducted. Despite the fact that the drug does not have a negative effect on the woman’s body, as well as the developing fetus, it is best to refrain from taking the medication during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Some experts assure that the drug is still approved for use during lactation, since it is absorbed in minimal quantities.

Only a doctor can determine the possibility of taking a medicine if the expected benefit exceeds the threat.

Maalox price, where to buy

The price of Maalox in tablets No. 20 in Russia is about 250 rubles. The price of Maalox suspension 250 ml in bottles is approximately 350 rubles.

In Ukraine, the average cost of tablets in the specified release form is about 130 hryvnia, and the gel suspension is approximately the same price.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Maalox tab.
    chewing without sugar 10pcs Sanofi S.p.A 160 rub. order
  • Maalox chewable tablets. 20 pcs. Sanofi S.p.A.

    RUB 274 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Maalox for heartburn and stomach pain suspension 250mlSanofi-Aventis

    RUB 399 order

  • Maalox antacid for heartburn and stomach pain, sugar-free tablets No. 20Sanofi-Aventis

    RUB 259 order

  • Maalox (bottle 250ml)Sanofi-Aventis

    408 rub. order

  • Maalox sachet No. 1Aventis/Pharmatis

    32 RUR order

  • Maalox antacid for heartburn and stomach pain, sugar-free tablets No. 10Sanofi SpA

    RUB 165 order

show more


  • Maalox 15 ml No. 30 suspension Pharmatis, France
    301 UAH. order
  • Maalox No. 40 tablets Sanofi-Aventis S.p.A.,Italy/Sanofi S.P.A.Italy

    117 UAH. order

  • Maalox mini 4.3 ml No. 20 lemon suspension Sanofi-Aventis S.p.A.,Italy/Sanofi S.P.A.Italy

    155 UAH order

  • Maalox 250 ml suspension E. Nattermann & Sayi GmbH, Germany

    129 UAH order


  • Maalox liquid Maalox suspension. package 15ml No. 30 France, Pharmatis

    318 UAH. order

  • Maalox mini liquid Maalox mini suspension. d/peror. approx 25mEq/4.3ml pack No. 20 Germany, Nattermann

    162 UAH order

  • Maalox liquid Maalox suspension. 250ml Germany, Nattermann

    131 UAH order

  • Maalox tablets Maalox tablets No. 40 France, Aventis Pharma Specialite

    138 UAH order

  • Maalox tablets Maalox tablets. chewing No. 20 Italy, Sanofi

    78 UAH order

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