Multi-tabs b-complex 100 pcs film-coated tablets

Multi-tabs Baby tab. chew tuber/raspberry N60

Registration Certificate Holder

FERROSAN (Denmark)

Dosage form

Medicinal product - Multi-Tabs® Kid (Multi-Tabs Kid)


Chewable tablets

with raspberry-strawberry or fruit, or orange-vanilla, or banana flavor, or cola and lemon flavor, round, flat, beige in color with multi-colored inclusions.

1 tab.

retinol acetate (Vit. A) 400 mcg D,L-α-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) 5 mg colecalciferol (Vit. D3) 10 mcg ascorbic acid (Vit. C) 40 mg thiamine nitrate (Vit. B1) 700 mcg riboflavin (vit. B2) 800 mcg pantothenic acid (in the form of calcium pantothenate) 3 mg pantothenic acid (in the form of calcium pantothenate) (vit. B5) pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit. B6) 900 mcg folic acid (vit. Bc) 20 mcg cyanocobalamin (vit. B12) 1 mcg nicotinamide (vit. PP) 9 mg iron (in the form of fumarate) 10 mg copper (in the form of oxide) 1 mg zinc (in the form of oxide) 5 mg manganese (in the form of sulfate) 1 mg iodine (in form of potassium iodide) 70 mcg selenium (in the form of sodium selenate) 25 mcg chromium (in the form of chloride) 20 mcg


: xylitol, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, colloidal anhydrous silica, methylcellulose, flavorings (raspberry-strawberry, orange-vanilla, banana, fruit or cola and lemon), mixture of mono-di- and triglycerides, aspartame, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, corn starch, purified water, ascorbic acid, gelatin.

Inactive ingredients included in the active substances:

sucrose, gelatin, modified starch, butylated hydroxytoluene, sodium aluminosilicate, triglycerides (medium chains), corn starch, mixture of mono-, di- and triglycerides, hypromellose, maltodextrin, sodium citrate, citric acid, water.

15 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs. 15 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs. 10 pieces. - blisters (3) - cardboard packs. 10 pieces. - blisters (6) - cardboard packs.


Recommended for children aged 1 to 4 years:

  • for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis, lack of minerals;
  • as a means necessary for the proper formation and development of the musculoskeletal system and organ systems that ensure the growth of the child;
  • for the correct neuropsychic development of the child;
  • during the period of recovery after illnesses;
  • with unbalanced or inadequate nutrition.

Contraindications for use

  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

A combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins and minerals. The action is determined by the properties of the vitamins included in the drug.

Vitamin A

promotes proper growth and development of the child’s body. Plays an important role in the formation of the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections. Provides normal visual function. It is an essential component of the body's antioxidant defense.

Vitamin D

necessary for the normal formation of bones and teeth in a growing body. Maintains the level of inorganic phosphorus and calcium in plasma and increases calcium absorption in the small intestine, preventing the development of rickets and osteomalacia.

Vitamin C

plays an important role in the formation of a protein called collagen, which makes up a significant part of the material of connective tissues, bones, cartilage, teeth and skin. It is vital for the immune system and helps increase the body's resistance to various infections. Ascorbic acid promotes the absorption of inorganic iron from the digestive tract. Is an important antioxidant.

Vitamin E

stimulates and improves the immune system. Ensures normal muscle function, improving their functional state and exercise tolerance.

Vitamin B1

is a necessary component of carbohydrate metabolism as the main part of the coenzyme for the decarboxylation of keto acids; plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, and is involved in the conduction of nervous excitation at synapses.

Vitamin B2

is of great importance in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the synthesis of hemoglobin. Promotes good condition of the skin, tissue regeneration in case of wounds and cuts, maintains the normal structure and function of the mucous membranes.

Vitamin B6

participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, therefore it is important for the normal function of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.


regulates higher nervous activity and functions of the digestive organs. Improves microcirculation.

Pantothenic acid

plays an important role in the regulation of oxidation and acetylation processes. Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Promotes wound healing, stimulates the synthesis of antibodies. Reduces the side and toxic effects of antibiotics.

Folic acid

participates in the processes of normal cell division (including blood cells), in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, pyrimidines, and is important in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells.


is of great importance in the regulation of myocardial contractile function and ensures a normal cardiac cycle.


participates in hematopoietic processes. Promotes the full functioning of cellular and local immunity.


necessary for the formation of red blood cells and other blood cells. Stabilizes the body's immune processes.


is a vital microelement.
Plays an important role in metabolic processes. Chromium
is involved in the process of insulin synthesis. A decrease in chromium levels in the human body can cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar and contribute to the development of diabetes. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it has a protective effect on the immune system, preventing the formation of free radicals that have a damaging effect on the body.

Thyroid hormones, which contain iodine,

perform vital functions. Regulate the activity of the brain, nervous system, gonads, growth and development of the body.

Dosage regimen

Children aged 1 to 4 years

— 1 tablet/day. Take simultaneously with meals or immediately after them.

Side effect


allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

special instructions

While taking Multi-Tabs Baby, it is not recommended to take other multivitamin preparations in order to prevent an overdose.

Do not exceed the indicated daily dose.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Use in children

Restrictions for children - No restrictions.

Children aged 1 to 4 years

— 1 tablet/day. Take simultaneously with meals or immediately after them.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

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