Vitamin and mineral complex for women Velwomen capsules with vitamin C, vitamin D3 and zinc 2 blisters of 15 pcs.


1. Energy and active lifestyle

The pace of life of a modern woman requires a lot of energy! Vitamins B1, B3, pantothenic acid stimulate energy production and maintain vitality during physical and psychological stress. Vitamins B6, B12 and magnesium normalize the activity of the nervous system, overcome stress and ensure a good mood.

2. Immunity

The stronger the immune system, the less often we get sick. Vitamins C and E, citrus bioflavonoids, ugrotinoids and selenium in Velwomen support the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses.

3. Women's health

A woman's reproductive health requires special care. That is why Wellwoman contains unique herbal components - evening primrose oil and borage oil, which help alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (pain, cramps, tension in the mammary glands) and normalize the menstrual cycle.

4. Beauty of skin, hair and nails

B vitamins, folic acid and iron improve microcirculation in skin cells, ensuring its beauty and radiant appearance. Vitamin C, E, selenium protect the skin from the negative effects of free radicals and premature aging. Zinc and biotin are important for healthy hair and strong nails.

Vitamins for women 30-40 years old

Women over 30 are exposed to constant stress related to raising children, careers, and there are more and more things to do. At the same time, the first health problems appear: for example, irregular nutrition at a young age can affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Also at this age, expression lines appear, so it is important to provide the body with substances that improve skin condition. These are fat-soluble vitamins (A, B, E, C, B), collagen, zinc, sulfur, silicon, calcium and iron.

Experts recommend

  1. Velwomen is a foreign drug containing all the complex of useful substances necessary for the female body. The reproductive system, which after 30 years of age needs additional stimulation, will receive special support.
  2. Lady's formula Woman 30 Plus - each capsule contains vitamin supplements, herbal extracts, selenium and magnesium. The balanced formula allows you to remove toxins, normalize your complexion, and improve your well-being.

These same drugs are considered by experts as the best vitamins for women over 35 years of age.

You may not even know about a number of problems if the body has enough resources to deal with stress and more.

Indications for use

An additional source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to improve the functional state of the body of women:

  • leading an active lifestyle;
  • who play sports;
  • during physical and psychological stress.

For menstrual irregularities and to reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (pain, cramps, tension in the mammary glands, unstable emotional state, etc.).

For hypovitaminosis of various origins, as well as deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that have arisen:

  • during the recovery period;
  • during and after treatment with antibiotics;
  • during a diet or an unbalanced diet;
  • with excessive drinking or smoking.

Vitamins for women under 30 years old

The body needs vitamin support at any age. But each stage of life requires certain nutrients and in different quantities. Their list changes depending on social and physical activity, health status and a number of other factors.

Most girls after 20 years old begin to build families, give birth to children, and get a job. Therefore, vitamins for girls under 30 should help strengthen the immune system, supply the body with energy, and help fight stress. It is best to choose vitamin complexes. They contain all the necessary substances in the right proportions and help solve several problems at once.

The best vitamins for girls:

  1. Duovit - recommended for physical and mental stress, unbalanced diet, heavy menstruation, increased sweating. All components of the drug are balanced with each other.
  2. Lady's formula Antistress - American-made vitamins for girls. Relieves irritability, improves sleep and appetite. Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for use.

Family, travel, relationships, sports - everything requires strength and vitamins from the body.

After 25 years, there are no fewer things to do, and even vice versa - their number is only growing, and life is in full swing. Many people at this age begin to pay special attention to caring for their appearance.

Vitamins for women under 30 years old:

  1. Woman's formula - complex contains the best vitamins for hair and skin. It also contains trace elements and plant extracts. Does not cause side effects.
  2. Alphabet Cosmetic - ensures rapid skin restoration and improves hair growth. Contains flavonoids and trace elements. Do not use if you have hyperthyroidism.

No matter how life “kicks”, it can be easily pacified if you have enough strength.


  • borage oil - 100 mg,
  • evening primrose oil – 100 mg,
  • vitamin D3 - 5 mcg,
  • vitamin E - 30 mg,
  • vitamin C - 60 mg,
  • vitamin B1 - 10 mg,
  • vitamin B2 - 5 mg,
  • vitamin B3 - 36 mg,
  • vitamin B6 - 10 mg,
  • folic acid - 400 mcg,
  • vitamin B12 - 20 mcg,
  • biotin - 50 mcg,
  • pantothenic acid - 6 mg,
  • vitamin K - 90 mcg,
  • carotenoids - 2 mg,
  • iron - 12 mg,
  • magnesium - 100 mg,
  • zinc - 12 mg,
  • manganese - 2.5 mg,
  • copper - 1.5 mg,
  • selenium - 100 mcg,
  • chromium - 50 mcg,
  • PABA - 30 mg,
  • citrus bioflavonoids - 10 mg.

Vitamins for women from 40 to 50 years old

Performance decreases, sometimes emotional breakdowns occur. The first signs of menopause appear. This is due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body. In order to support the body during this “restructuring”, it is necessary to receive enough vitamins and minerals, which are often lacking in regular food, not to mention poor nutrition.

What are the best vitamins for women over 40 to take to support the body?

Doctors advise:

  1. Vitrum Beauty Elite - to maintain immunity and normalize lipid metabolism. The substances included in its composition stimulate collagen production and improve skin condition.
  2. Lady's formula Woman 40 Plus is a vitamin and mineral supplement that improves metabolism and skin condition. Prevents obesity and has a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

No matter what happens in a woman’s life, she always needs a complete set of vitamins.

Drug interactions

Since the product is a dietary supplement, its interaction with other products has not been studied. Doctors do not recommend taking vitamins with other products that also contain similar components and have the same effect.

In addition, you should not take the drug simultaneously with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers. It is prohibited to combine the complex with immunostimulants and diuretics.

However, Velwomen is allowed to be taken with drugs from other groups, for example, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, and sedatives. The complex does not disrupt, weaken or enhance the effect of such medications.


There have been no cases of overdose of the drug, but experts suggest that it can develop if the capsules are abused. When consuming a large number of capsules at the same time, stool disorder is observed, manifested in the form of diarrhea or persistent constipation. Additionally, patients report nausea and vomiting, dizziness and severe headaches.

After some time, weakness sets in, the woman quickly gets tired, notices a deterioration in memory and concentration. Epigastric pain and severe heartburn may occur. An allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of severe itching of the skin, a rash spreading over large areas and irritation.

In some cases, an overdose manifests itself in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes of the scalp, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. If such symptoms occur, you should stop taking the capsules and consult a doctor immediately.

In what form is it produced?

The product is available in the form of oral capsules with orange flavor. The cardboard packaging contains blisters, a total of 30 capsules in the box, as well as instructions for using the medication.

The capsules are small in size and have an enteric coating, which makes them easier to absorb in the patient’s digestive tract. The product does not have an unpleasant taste, so it is easy to take. The price of 30 capsules is approximately 600 rubles. It may differ in different regions. There are no other forms of release of the vitamin complex.


Do you know that:

More than $500 million a year is spent on allergy medications in the United States alone. Do you still believe that a way to finally defeat allergies will be found?

In the UK there is a law according to which a surgeon can refuse to perform an operation on a patient if he smokes or is overweight. A person must give up bad habits, and then, perhaps, he will not need surgical intervention.

Four pieces of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you don’t want to gain weight, it’s better not to eat more than two slices a day.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

An educated person is less susceptible to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the disease.

The rarest disease is Kuru disease. Only members of the For tribe in New Guinea suffer from it. The patient dies of laughter. The disease is believed to be caused by eating human brains.

A person taking antidepressants will, in most cases, become depressed again. If a person has coped with depression on his own, he has every chance to forget about this condition forever.

Many drugs were initially marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally brought to market as a cure for children's coughs. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthesia and as a means of increasing endurance.

A job that a person doesn’t like is much more harmful to his psyche than no job at all.

Regular use of a solarium increases your chance of developing skin cancer by 60%.

If your liver stopped working, death would occur within 24 hours.

Research shows that women who drink several glasses of beer or wine per week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

74-year-old Australian resident James Harrison has donated blood about 1,000 times. He has a rare blood type whose antibodies help newborns with severe anemia survive. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.

The well-known drug Viagra was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Human bones are four times stronger than concrete.

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