Vitamin-mineral complex Alerana tablets 60 pcs. in Moscow

Active component and mechanism of action:

The active ingredient is minoxidil 5%.

The active component of ALERANA® sprays, minoxidil, acts directly on the hair follicles. Minoxidil changes vascular tone, improves nutrition and strengthens hair roots by increasing blood flow to the scalp. Improving blood circulation around the hair follicle allows you to give life to new healthy hair. Thus, minoxidil stimulates the transition of hair follicles from the latent to the active growth phase.

Minoxidil modifies the effects of androgens on hair follicles; reduces the formation of 5-alpha-dehydrotestosterone, which plays a significant role in hair loss, which makes minoxidil effective, including in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

The use of ALERANA® sprays may cause a temporary increase in hair loss during the transition from the resting phase (telogen) to the growth phase (anagen). This is a normal phenomenon, which is explained by the acceleration of metabolic processes in the hair follicle, and only old hair that should have fallen out within the next 2 months falls out, and new ones begin to grow in their place. This hair loss is temporary and is usually observed within 2-6 weeks of starting use.

Alerana spray for external use 5% 60ml

Release form, packaging and composition of the drug

Spray for external use2%.

1 ml
minoxidil20 mg

[PRING] ethanol, propylene glycol, purified water.

50 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) sealed with dispensers - cardboard packs. 60 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) sealed with dispensers - cardboard packs.

Spray for external use

1 ml
minoxidil50 mg

[PRING] ethanol, propylene glycol, purified water.

50 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) sealed with dispensers - cardboard packs. 60 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) sealed with dispensers - cardboard packs.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug for the treatment of alopecia in men and women

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Alopecia treatment

pharmachologic effect

When applied topically, minoxidil is poorly absorbed through normal intact skin: on average, 1.5% (0.3–4.5%) of the total applied dose enters the systemic circulation. The effect of concomitant skin diseases on the absorption of minoxidil is unknown.

After discontinuation of the drug, approximately 95% of minoxidil that enters the systemic circulation is eliminated within 4 days. The profile of the metabolic biotransformation of minoxidil after external use of the drug Alerana® has not yet been fully studied.

Minoxidil does not bind to plasma proteins and is excreted by the kidneys through glomerular filtration. Minoxidil does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Excreted mainly in urine. Minoxidil and its metabolites are eliminated by hemodialysis.

Indications for use

For the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (hair restoration) and stabilization of hair loss in men and women.


Externally. Regardless of the size of the area being treated, 1 ml of solution should be applied using a dispenser (7 pumps) 2 times a day to the affected areas of the scalp, starting from the center of the problem area. After use, wash your hands.

The total daily dose should not exceed 2 ml (the dose does not depend on the size of the affected area). Patients who do not experience cosmetically satisfactory hair growth when using a 2% solution, and patients for whom faster hair growth is desired, can use a 5% solution. For men, Alerana® is most effective for hair loss on the crown, for women - for hair loss in the middle parting area.

Apply Alerana® only to dry scalp. The solution does not require rinsing.

The appearance of the first signs of stimulation of hair growth is possible after using the drug 2 times a day for 4 months or more. The onset and severity of hair growth, as well as the quality of hair, may vary from patient to patient.

According to isolated reports, restoration of the original appearance can be expected within 3-4 months after cessation of treatment.

The average duration of treatment is about 1 year.

Recommendations for using attachments:

A dispenser attached to a bottle is better suited for applying the solution to large problem areas of the scalp.

To apply the drug under long hair or on small areas of the scalp, it is more convenient to use an elongated spray nozzle. To do this, you need to remove the dispenser attached to the bottle and strengthen the elongated spray nozzle.


  • hypersensitivity to minoxidil or other components of the drug;
  • age under 18 years;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin, dermatoses of the scalp.


old age - over 65 years (with local application).


Accidental ingestion of Alerana® may cause systemic side effects due to the vasodilatory properties of minoxidil (5 ml of a 2% solution contains 100 mg of minoxidil - the maximum recommended dose for adults in the treatment of arterial hypertension; 5 ml of a 5% solution contains 250 mg of minoxidil , i.e. a dose 2.5 times the maximum recommended daily dose for adults for the treatment of arterial hypertension).

Signs of overdose:

fluid retention, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia.


to eliminate fluid retention, diuretics can be prescribed if necessary; for the treatment of tachycardia - beta-blockers.

To treat hypotension, 0.9% sodium chloride solution should be administered intravenously. Sympathomimetic agents, such as norepinephrine and epinephrine, which have excessive cardiac stimulating activity, should not be prescribed.

Side effects

Local side effects:

Side effects observed in clinical studies of Alerana® were in most cases dermatitis of the scalp.

More severe cases of dermatitis, manifested by redness, peeling and inflammation, have been observed less frequently.

In rare cases, scalp itching, allergic contact dermatitis, folliculitis, hypertrichosis (unwanted body hair growth, including facial hair growth in women), and seborrhea have been reported.

The use of minoxidil may cause increased hair loss during the transition from the resting phase to the growth phase, with old hair falling out and new hair growing in its place. This temporary phenomenon usually occurs 2-6 weeks after the start of treatment and gradually stops over the next two weeks (the first signs of minoxidil action appear).

Systemic side effects (in case of accidental ingestion of the drug):

Dermatological diseases: nonspecific allergic reactions (skin rash, urticaria), facial swelling.

Respiratory system: shortness of breath, allergic rhinitis.

Nervous system: headache, dizziness, vertigo, neuritis.

Cardiovascular system: chest pain, blood pressure fluctuations, rapid heartbeat, changes in heart rate, edema.


There is a theoretical possibility of increased orthostatic hypotension in patients receiving concomitant treatment with peripheral vasodilators, which, however, has not received clinical confirmation. A very slight increase in the level of minoxidil in the blood of patients suffering from arterial hypertension and taking minoxidil orally cannot be excluded in the case of simultaneous use of the drug Alerana®, although corresponding clinical studies have not been conducted.

It has been found that topical minoxidil may interact with some other topical medications. The simultaneous use of minoxidil solution for external use and a cream containing betamethasone (0.05%) leads to a decrease in the systemic absorption of minoxidil. Simultaneous use of a cream containing tretinoin (0.05%) leads to increased absorption of minoxidil.

Simultaneous application of minoxidil to the skin and topical drugs such as tretinoin and dithranol, which cause changes in the protective functions of the skin, may lead to increased absorption of minoxidil.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

. 2 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Special Instructions

Do not apply the drug to other parts of the body.

Apply Alerana® only to dry scalp after bathing or wait about 4 hours after applying the drug before swimming. Do not let your head get wet earlier than 4 hours after applying the drug. If you applied the product using your fingertips, wash your hands thoroughly after treating your scalp. When using Alerana®, it is recommended to wash your hair as usual. Hairspray and other hair care products can be used while using Alerana®. Before applying hair care products, you must first apply Alerana® and wait until the treated area of ​​skin is completely dry. There is no evidence that hair coloring, perming or using hair softeners can in any way reduce the effectiveness of the drug. However, to prevent possible scalp irritation, you must ensure that the product is completely rinsed from the hair and scalp before using these chemicals.

Before starting treatment with Alerana®, patients should undergo a general examination, including the collection and study of a medical history. The doctor must make sure that the scalp is healthy.

If systemic side effects or severe skin reactions occur, patients should discontinue the drug and consult a doctor.

Alerana® contains ethyl alcohol, which can cause inflammation and irritation of the eyes. If the drug gets on sensitive surfaces (eyes, irritated skin, mucous membranes), rinse the area with plenty of cold water.

Is there any effect from the product?

Since the Alerana brand positions itself as a pharmacy cosmetics, and it is produced by a pharmaceutical company, customers can trust it. Judging by the reviews of women, the products really actively strengthen the hair. The most commonly purchased products are serums and masks, as well as spray. The line of shampoos receives slightly less attention.

In general, the reaction to the product is mixed. In most cases, buyers note that Alerana shampoos are truly effective products; moreover, they foam well, are economical to use, and have convenient packaging. However, the effect declared by the manufacturer - an increase in hair thickness and density, a decrease in hair loss, and accelerated growth - is very uneven. For every 5 people who felt this result, there are 5 who did not notice it at all.

This creates a certain attitude towards Aleran products, because the entire line is quite expensive compared to popular brands from the mass market (Pantin, Clean Line). Anti-hair loss spray, for example, costs almost 1000 rubles (5%).

However, many note that there are results from using Alerana, and they are quite noticeable. It is cumulative, especially visible with long-term use of drugs. Thus, these products are like other brands of pharmacy cosmetics. As a rule, women who have felt the effects of using these products become real fans of Aleran.

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