Remens Control of hot flashes capsules for women during menopause, packaging 64 pcs.

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Remens is a homeopathic medicine from the widely known (mainly due to its miraculous balm) Austrian. The area of ​​application of remens is menstrual irregularities and “women’s autumn” - the notorious menopause. The composition of the drug seems to have come out of the pages of the books of Gerald Durrell or Jules Verne: pilocarpus, sanguinaria canadensis, black cohosh, cuttlefish gland secretion, surukuku snake venom. And now - about each ingredient separately.

So, the function of pilocarpus is to eliminate hot flashes and sweating, as well as reduce sweating. Sanguinaria regulates blood pressure, complements the action of pilocarpus in eliminating facial hyperemia, and alleviates headaches. Cohosh compensates for the lack of female sex hormones - estrogens and stimulates the ovaries. The secretion of the cuttlefish gland (sepia) has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic area (more specifically, in the ovaries and uterus). The venom of the surukuku snake (lachesis) improves mood, normalizes sleep, relieves irritability, in a word, adds a little harmony to complex relationships with the outside world. What is the outcome of this homeopathic miracle cocktail? For a woman (and the drug is intended exclusively for the fair half of humanity) there is a lot: it regulates the balance of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary arc, regulates the “loose” menstrual cycle, controls the intensity of bleeding, softens menstrual pain, reduces the severity of the so-called premenstrual tension syndrome ( the latter is manifested by emotional instability, aggressiveness, irritability, tearfulness, depression), helps eliminate edema. During the menopausal period, remens is able to effectively manage the psycho-emotional sphere of a woman (including excessive touchiness, tearfulness, somnological disorders, aggressiveness), correct autonomic disorders (hot flashes, excessive sweating, tachycardia, heart pain, fluctuations in blood pressure), regulate metabolic processes (lipid metabolism, weight body).

The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect on the ovaries and endometrium, and optimizes capillary blood flow in the pelvic organs. It should be noted that, given the multicomponent composition of remens and the complex combined effect exerted by this “explosive mixture,” it is not possible to provide any pharmacokinetic calculations for this drug. Once in a mixture, the substances included in remens cannot be traced through pharmaceutical markers or biological studies. Which, however, cannot be a worrying factor for the average consumer.

Remens is available in two dosage forms: sublingual (sublingual) tablets and drops. For menstrual disorders (including absence of menstruation, painful menstruation), as well as for chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, adults and adolescents are recommended to take 10 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day. Course duration is 3 months with the possibility of repetition after 1 month. For menopause, the dosage and frequency of taking Remens is the same, but the duration of pharmacotherapy is at least six months. If the woman’s condition has returned to normal, then the drug is continued in smaller quantities - not 3, but 1-2 times a day. Sometimes the clinical situation requires higher doses of the drug: in such cases, Remens is taken 8-10 drops every half hour to hour but not more than 8 times a day. The schedule for taking the drug in relation to the diet is set as follows: half an hour before or an hour after meals. Drops can be diluted in a tablespoon of water. Before swallowing, they must be held in the mouth for 20-30 seconds.

Types of artificial menopause

Surgical menopause

The most radical of all methods of stopping ovarian function. This is achieved by completely removing them. This operation, called oophorectomy, is indicated for cancer of the ovaries, uterus, and mammary glands. Its consequences are irreversible, i.e., ovarian function will never be restored. Sometimes menopause develops even after the removal of only the uterus (for example, with extensive purulent damage) with preservation of the ovaries. This happens immediately or some time after the operation due to a disruption in the blood supply (when the uterus is removed, the vessels that supply the ovaries are ligated).

Radiological (radiation) menopause

This type of menopause is provoked by radiation therapy: X-ray irradiation of the ovaries themselves (in the treatment of malignant tumors), or in the treatment of other diseases (tumors of other pelvic organs, blood diseases, etc.). The changes in the ovaries that occur in this case are considered partially reversible: their function can be restored, although not always fully.

Medicinal (medicinal) menopause

It is used in the complex treatment of tumors, endometriosis, and infertility (as one of the stages of preparation for IVF). It is achieved by introducing special drugs - artificial analogues of hypothalamic hormones, which indirectly, through the pituitary gland, first stimulate the ovaries, and then (when the reserves of pituitary hormones are depleted) force them to temporarily stop their activity. This method is the most “gentle”, because it involves the complete restoration of normal functioning of the ovaries after the end of therapy.

Features of treatment

To correct the manifestations of artificial menopause, the same tactics are used as for natural menopause. During surgical or radiation-induced menopause, given the young age of patients and the need to smooth out a sharp transition, a special role is given to hormone replacement therapy: it is important to start it on time, selecting an individual regimen under the guidance of a specialist, and not to interrupt the prescribed course without permission, without waiting for the “instant effect.” Drugs - analogues of female sex hormones - help alleviate a woman’s condition and reduce the risk of some complications. With the onset of age, which is characteristic of the natural decline of reproductive function, these drugs are gradually discontinued.

Sometimes the help of a psychologist is very important, since artificial menopause is often accompanied by severe depressive states and psychosomatic manifestations: stress from undergoing surgery, awareness of the severity of the diagnosis, problems in the intimate sphere aggravate the course of menopausal syndrome.

A separate case involves temporary medical cessation of ovarian function in preparation for in vitro fertilization. Although the manifestations of this type of artificial menopause can also be very painful (the same hot flashes and other vegetative and psycho-emotional disorders), nevertheless, the ultimate task facing a woman - the birth of a desired child - helps her cope with temporary difficulties. Homeopathic remedies, sedatives of plant origin, and vitamin and mineral complexes can have a certain effect. The course of treatment in this case rarely exceeds six months: late manifestations during this time, as a rule, simply do not have time to develop.

Features of artificial menopause

The main difference between an artificial menopause and a natural one is that the cessation of ovarian function occurs abruptly (in the case of surgical intervention, almost instantly), and not over several years, as nature intended. The body is deprived of the opportunity to gradually adapt to existence in conditions of hormone deficiency, therefore, with artificial menopause, more than half of women experience manifestations of menopausal syndrome in the most pronounced form. These signs are divided into early and late.

Early signs of artificial menopause

Some of them appear already in the first week.

  • neurovegetative disorders: night sweats, hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, palpitations, paresthesia (tingling, goosebumps);
  • general weakness, increased fatigue, sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • emotional lability, irritability, tearfulness, decreased or loss of libido, depressive states, fear, anxiety, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness;
  • vaginal dryness and itching, burning and pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).

Late signs of artificial menopause

They appear several months or years after artificial menopause and develop much faster than during natural menopause.

  • decreased turgor and elasticity of the skin, dryness and thinning of the skin, brittle hair and nails;
  • urological disorders: urinary incontinence, frequent urge, pain when urinating; urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis);
  • cardiovascular diseases: the progression of atherosclerotic changes accelerates, blood pressure increases, the tendency to thrombus formation and vasospasm, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases;
  • osteoporosis (decreased bone density, increased risk of fractures): with artificial menopause it occurs faster (especially in the next 5-10 years), pain in bones and joints.

Experts say that at present, the severity of the manifestations of artificial menopause as a whole is beginning to approach those of natural menopause. This happens, firstly, due to their competent and timely correction; secondly, due to the fact that among patients, unfortunately, the proportion of relatively young women is growing (at a young age, the body’s adaptive reserves are greater, there are fewer concomitant diseases, therefore, changes are tolerated somewhat more easily).


1 capsule “Day” contains nutrients: sage extract (Salvia officinalis L.) - 150 mg, Peruvian maca root extract (Brassicaceae lepidium meyenii W.) - 80 mg, Rhodiola rosea L. root extract - 40 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - 1.4 mg/100%*, vitamin B12 (mannitol and cyanocobalamin) - 2.5 µg/100%*, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, starch and sucrose) - 2.5 µg/100% *. Capsule shell: gelatin; dye: titanium dioxide; filling: white rice powder; anti-caking agents: maltodextrin, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

1 capsule “Night” contains nutrients: valerian root extract (Valeriana officinalis L.) - 120 mg, sage extract (Salvia officinalis L.) - 80 mg, lemon balm (Lemon balm) - 80 mg, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, starch and sucrose) - 2.5 mcg/100%*. Capsule shell: gelatin; titanium dioxide and indigo dye; filling: white rice powder; anti-caking agents: maltodextrin, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

*Based on the recommended daily requirement for an adult

Recommendations for use

Capsule "Day" (white): 1 white capsule with a glass of water in the morning, preferably during breakfast. Capsule “Night” (blue): 1 blue capsule with a glass of water, preferably before bed.

Do not exceed the daily recommended dose.

The period of use is agreed with the doctor.

Remens® hot flush control should not be used by women with individual intolerance to the components of the product, or by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Consultation with a physician is recommended before use.

Dietary supplement. Not a medicine.

The dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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