Effects and dangers of using butyrate - the drug “water”

Butyrate (GHB) is a drug that was created in 1874 and began its distribution in the 30s of the last century. In the 60s, the drug’s effect on growth hormone, which helps increase muscle mass, was discovered. Thanks to this effect, the drug has become widely known among athletes and bodybuilders. It could easily be purchased at a pharmacy under the guise of a dietary supplement. In medicine, butyrate was used as anesthesia, as well as for the treatment of sleep disorders, neuroses and central nervous system disorders.

In recent decades, the drug butyrate has become widespread among young people. People began to take it as an antidepressant and euphoretic for recreational purposes. Most often, butyrate addicts can be seen in nightclubs or other entertainment venues. Despite the fact that in drug slang the substance received the harmless name “water,” butyrate is a potent drug, an overdose of which can be fatal. However, this is not the only dangerous thing about butyrate; its harm and harmful effects on the body can hardly be overestimated. Further in the article you will learn all about butyrate, the effect of its use and the consequences of long-term addiction.

What is butyrate and what are the consequences of using it?

Butyrate – what is it?
CNS depressants are a fairly broad group of psychoactive substances. This class also includes butyrate. It has a calming, analgesic and psychostimulating effect. That is why it became popular as a drug. Sodium hydroxybutyrate - what is it? Butyrate is a synthetic antidepressant that has a nootropic effect. In the drug community it is called sodium hydroxybutyrate. GHB – what is it in medicine? Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid is a medicine that is considered one of the vital drugs used in modern medicine. However, when using butyrate and GHB for recreational purposes, a narcotic effect and depression of the central nervous system occur.

The effect of butyrate can be compared to the effect of ecstasy, alcohol and amphetamines. Therefore, quite often the drug is used together with alcoholic drinks to enhance the effect. Dependence on sodium hydroxybutyrate occurs quite quickly, as the substance causes euphoria and an uplift in mood, which leads to long-term abuse and deterioration in the general health of the addict.


Pharmacological analogues of the drug are any salts of GHB. During seizures, law enforcement officers discovered not only sodium, but also potassium and even lithium versions of the homemade product. Other non-inhalation drugs for anesthesia have a different mechanism of action, effects, and consequences of abuse.

The clinical picture of intoxication is similar to that of alcohol, which is why victims of rape are rarely taken seriously. Alcohol abuse is a worldwide problem.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), ethanol causes more than 3 million deaths annually, of which about 13.5% occur among people aged 20-39 years.

Butyrate in medicine

Butyrate has a fairly wide application in modern medicine, in particular, it acts as an anesthesia in anesthesiology. In addition, the drug is used in ophthalmology, for the treatment of neuroses, and during various operations. Butyrate has a relaxing and sedative effect, activates contraction of the heart muscle, improves fluid circulation in the body, activates metabolism, and eliminates sleep disorders.

In what areas of medicine is butyrate used? What properties does it have?

  1. Muscle relaxant.
  2. Nootropic.
  3. Hypnotic.
  4. Antidepressant.
  5. Anesthetic.
  6. Sedative.
  7. Stimulant.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that we are only talking about a legal drug that is produced legally in accordance with all available quality standards in medicine and pharmacology. For recreational purposes, the substance most often used is a substance created in artisanal conditions, which has various impurities, is hazardous to health and does not have any beneficial properties. When creating a drug, life-threatening chemicals are used that are unsuitable for ingestion.

General information

Sodium hydroxybutyrate (NO) is a medication that is used in medicine for anesthesia. Oxybutyrate puts a person into a deep, medicated sleep. Thanks to this, the drug can be combined with narcotic analgesics for long-term anesthesia.

Butyrate is structurally gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). In the USA, studies were carried out in which it was proven that GHB is able to prolong the life of brain neurons under conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

In practical medicine, additional uses for butyrate are found. It is effective for daytime sleep syndrome (narcolepsy).

The drug was first synthesized at the end of the 19th century. The author of the technique was the Russian scientist Alexander Zaitsev. But, like most discoveries of that time, GHB did not attract interest from other scientists. After 50 years, it was proven that GHB is able to protect brain neurons from hypoxia.

In the 90s of the 20th century, hydroxybutyrate was used by people who were actively involved in sports. It is believed to increase the production of growth hormone, which plays an important role in the development of muscle strength and endurance.

This is all subject to compliance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If the dose is increased to obtain narcotic intoxication, then disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems appear.

The circulation of hydroxybutyrate is limited in almost all countries where it is used for medical purposes. This is due to the fact that the substance is used by rapists and drug addicts, it is colorless and odorless, this allows it to be mixed with food or drinks and given to victims.

For recreational purposes, the drug is used more often in combination with other drugs or alcohol. Typically, the dose of the substance in such cases exceeds the permissible limit. The consequence of such mixing is increasing damage to internal organs. First of all, damage occurs to neurons and hepatocytes.

Butyrate is toxic with long-term use. The drug causes physical and mental dependence. This is evidenced by studies conducted on 26 thousand people. It was also indicated that several people died due to an overdose of sodium hydroxybutyrate.

When the substance began to be used as a drug, its circulation and distribution were sharply limited. In the world, sodium hydroxybutyrate is used mainly in post-Soviet countries, Italy and France.

Characteristics of butyrate

Chemical formula of sodium hydroxybutyrate: HO-CH₂-CH₂-CH₂-COONa. However, the composition of artisanal butyrate can vary greatly. At the same time, the consequences of drug use are not tested empirically; they are immediately “released” onto the streets. GHB salts or butyrate disrupt spatial memory and provoke, like many psychostimulants and amphetamine-type drugs, the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, causing a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Why can't you quit on your own?

The formation of any addiction requires not only time, but also a vulnerable psyche. Users ignore the presence of the problem for a long time and deny the pathological attraction to the drug (anosognosia). At the same time, criticism of one’s actions decreases.

A drug addict cannot think or act rationally. The situation is aggravated by an extremely severe withdrawal syndrome, the manifestations of which provoke the use of any means that can alleviate the torment. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a narcologist and psychotherapist.

Butyrate as a drug

Liquid drugs such as sodium hydroxybutyrate are practically not used by bodybuilders today, and butyrate is not used for pregnant women as an anesthesia due to health risks. Previously, butyrate was used during childbirth, but the consequences of such anesthesia were quite severe. Today, other drugs are used for these purposes.

What does butyrate look like?

Butyrate is a dangerous synthetic drug that destroys the human central nervous system. What does he look like? It is a white powder, highly soluble in water and alcohol. Drug addicts most often use sodium butyrate or butyrate salts to obtain a psychotropic effect and euphoria. The powdered substance is dissolved in liquids or alcoholic beverages. Narcologists classify butyrate as a club drug, which is associated with its effects: increased mood and sociability, euphoria, relaxation, emancipation, etc. The effect is similar to alcohol intoxication.

The effect of the drug begins 15-20 minutes after use and continues for 2-4 hours, after which a decline occurs.

Slang names

  • boutique;
  • oxyk;
  • oxy, oxana;
  • Pinocchio;
  • water, water;
  • lemonade;
  • bottle;
  • traffic jams;
  • Ksyu, Ksyusha, Ksyukha;
  • Sodium Oxybate;
  • Liquid E, H.

Effects of drug use

Under butyrate, people lose touch with the real world. Their actions become completely unpredictable. It is very dangerous if a drug addict gets behind the wheel. In our country, there are hundreds of cases of DTM involving butyrate drug addicts. While on drugs, a person can easily get into a fatal accident and take the lives of others.


  1. The influence of sodium hydroxybutyrate on the conduction of excitation in the afferent pathways of the celiac nerve: Abstract of thesis. for the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences / Churyukanov, V.V. / 1st Moscow. honey. Institute named after I. M. Sechenov. - Moscow: 1966. - 14 p.
  2. The influence of sodium hydroxybutyrate on the activity of some narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics: (Experimental and clinical studies): Abstract of thesis. for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. (14.00.25) / Lapin, Robert Alexandrovich. / Sverdl. state honey. int. - Sverdlovsk: 1973. – 24 p.
  3. On the pharmacology of sodium hydroxybutyrate: Abstract of thesis. for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. (775) / Kondrashin, A. D. / Sverdl. state honey. int. — Sverdlovsk: [b. i.], 1970. – 22 p.

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Butyrate addiction

Not all addicts who decide to try butyrate know about its dangers. First of all, it is quite quickly the formation of psychological and then physical dependence. After just a few caps, a person feels a craving for the drug. Butyramania takes away a person’s desire to study and work, communicate with loved ones, and engage in hobbies. All the addict's thoughts are now devoted to the drug.

Using butyrate with alcohol and other drugs can easily lead to coma and cardiac arrest.

First stage

In total, when consuming about 1 g of butyrate, drug intoxication occurs, which is characterized by mild narcotic intoxication. The person’s mood rises, he is in a state of relaxation, and talks a lot, as in the case of alcohol intoxication.

Second stage

The average degree of drug intoxication is achieved by consuming about 2-3 g of the substance. In this case, the addict experiences the following symptoms:

  • euphoria;
  • relaxation;
  • desire to move, dance;
  • desire to communicate, get to know each other;
  • disturbance of perception;
  • lack of coordination;
  • slurred speech;
  • relaxed behavior;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Third stage

When taking more than 2.5-3 g of the drug, a severe degree of drug intoxication and butyrate poisoning occurs, which is characterized by lethargy and has a risk of death, and therefore requires calling an ambulance for drug treatment.

Signs and symptoms of butyrate use

Butyrate – what does it mean? Many people who are faced with drug addiction want to know “butyrate” - what is it? A butyrate addict is a person who uses a drug called butyrate on a regular basis. How can you tell if a person is addicted to this substance? There are a number of symptoms by which drug addiction can be recognized:

  • apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • depression;
  • depression;
  • isolation;
  • deterioration of health;
  • decline in immunity;
  • anxiety.

An addict with butyrate addiction develops dark circles under the eyes, skin color changes, the condition of teeth, hair, and nails deteriorates significantly, and metabolism slows down. The person looks sick and behaves irritably in the absence of the drug. Dependence occurs within a few weeks after the first use. A person begins to behave secretly, changes his social circle, and spends money thoughtlessly. You can often find bags of white powder in a drug addict’s room and clothes.

Butyrate addiction requires treatment in a drug treatment clinic. At the first sign of use, call. Our narcologists are ready to give you a free consultation and help you undergo comprehensive treatment for butyrate addiction in a rehabilitation center.

The action of butyrate and its effect on the body

Butyrate has the same negative effect on the body of men and women, but in the case of women, the risk of rape often arises.
How does butyrate affect a woman’s body? Young people quietly add butyrate to drinks to make the girl more relaxed and approachable. Under the influence of the drug, rape, unplanned pregnancy, and STDs are possible. Men under the influence of butyrate often behave inappropriately and pose a threat to both themselves and others. Calculating a relatively safe dosage of butyrate is quite difficult. A homemade drug can have an unpredictable effect, so sodium hydroxybutyrate poisoning occurs quite often. With severe intoxication, a person may fall asleep and not wake up. Addicts who use butyrate and alcohol together experience severe consequences and complications, as there is a combined overdose and severe intoxication.

Physical symptoms

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • incontinence;
  • lack of coordination;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • memory losses;
  • lethargy;
  • slurred speech;
  • increased excitability.

Cognitive changes

  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • inadequacy;
  • depression;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • self-harm;
  • hallucinations;
  • insomnia, drowsiness.
  • propensity for illegal actions.

It is important to understand that just 0.5 g can cause not only a butyrate trip, but also death due to severe intoxication.

Adverse reactions

If a person does not think about how to get off butyrate, he will soon encounter the side effects of this drug. Among them:

  • inability to navigate normally in space;
  • rapid loss of body weight;
  • enuresis;
  • lethargy and drowsiness during the daytime;
  • dizziness;
  • attacks of vomiting and nausea;
  • increased anxiety;
  • hallucinations;
  • severe renal/liver failure.

It is important not to delay treatment for drug addiction. Otherwise, butyrate will cause irreparable damage to internal organs. Then the person may become disabled or die.

Harm and consequences of taking butyrate

“Narcotic water” is a dangerous substance that can lead to completely unpredictable, but absolutely negative consequences. People under butyrate can cause the death of other people, because when intoxicated they completely lose control over their actions, especially when driving a car. The consequences of using butyrate include not only poor health, but also a risk of suicide. In addiction medicine, there are many cases where a drug addict, under the influence of a substance, injured himself, jumped out of windows, caused an accident, or ran out onto the road.

The harm of butyrate has long been confirmed by narcologists. “Boutique” becomes addictive quite quickly due to its effect. It is not so difficult to stop using, but soon the addict relapses. Breakdowns during butyramania are a very common occurrence. To forget about the disease forever, long-term treatment in a rehabilitation center in Rostov-on-Don is required.

Effect of butyrate on the body:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy;
  • depression;
  • depersonalization;
  • loss of connection with reality;
  • thinking disorder;
  • memory losses;
  • risk of suicide;
  • anxiety;
  • degradation;
  • aggression.

Regular use of the powder leads to overdose and intoxication of the body, which leads to death.

Consequences of taking the substance:

  • the emergence of addiction at the physical and psychological level;
  • regular increase in dose, the emergence of tolerance and, as a result, overdose;
  • withdrawal syndrome or drug withdrawal;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney disease;
  • dehydration and exhaustion;
  • high risk of injury and crime;
  • mental disorders;
  • “overdose” with a risk to life.

Butyrate overdose - signs and consequences

An overdose of sodium hydroxybutyrate is dangerous to human life. He completely loses control over himself and his actions, can harm himself and others, choke on vomit, get hit by a car, become involved in an accident, beat up a person, fall and break his head, etc. In case of an overdose, a person falls asleep and may vomit, blocking the airway. An addict dies from suffocation in his sleep. Increased doses of the drug also lead to brain swelling and cardiac arrest.

Among the signs by which an overdose can be identified are: immobility of the pupils, slurred or incoherent speech, pallor, loss of consciousness, vomiting, lack of coordination, drowsiness. At the first symptoms of an overdose of the drug “water,” call an ambulance at the Favorit clinic in Rostov-on-Don.

First aid

You need to immediately call an ambulance and, without waiting for its arrival, begin to help the victim.

Before you call 911, make sure you are safe.

First aid is to create the most comfortable environmental conditions for the patient. If it is cold around, it is necessary to cover the patient; if it is hot, remove outer clothing and open the window.

Ensure good oxygen supply. If the patient is conscious, give him plenty of fluids. If convulsions begin, try to place a soft blanket or pillow near the head so that the patient does not injure himself. There is no need to put objects into the mouth to fix the tongue.

If the patient is not breathing and there is no pulse, begin chest compressions and artificial respiration. You need to start with indirect massage. To do this, use even hands to press the chest in the area of ​​the xiphoid process. The chest should be pressed in at least 5 cm. Don’t be afraid to break the ribs, in this case it is more important to start the heart. You need to make presses at intervals of 2 presses in 1 second, every 15 seconds do mouth-to-mouth breathing, after covering your nose with your fingers.

When the ambulance arrives, it will provide symptomatic therapy and take the patient to the hospital to maintain his vital functions. If there is no aspiration or cardiac arrest, the patient can survive an overdose of butyrate.

Withdrawal syndrome

Abstinence in drug addiction or withdrawal syndrome occurs due to the absence of the next dose of the drug. Withdrawal can last up to two weeks and is accompanied by insomnia, headaches, depression, exhaustion, and deterioration in general well-being.

Withdrawal symptoms:

  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • sweating;
  • fever/chills;
  • paranoia;
  • tremor of the limbs, jaw;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • psychoses;
  • hallucinations.

Withdrawal from butyrate can be treated only in a drug treatment clinic.

How to recover from butyrate?

Treatment for butyrate addiction occurs in stages:

  • withdrawal symptoms;
  • cleansing the body;
  • drug treatment;
  • rehabilitation;
  • social adaptation.

To achieve long-term remission, the addict must go through all stages of treatment.


Drug addiction coding helps addicts reduce cravings for drugs, but is not an independent method of treatment. Coding is used as part of the course of treatment for butyrate addiction.

Detoxifying the body from butyrate

How to remove butyrate from the body? Cleansing the body of drugs is the most important step in treating drug addiction. First of all, doctors eliminate intoxication of the body and relieve withdrawal symptoms. For this purpose, infusion therapy, gastric lavage, sorbents, forced diuresis, as well as a number of medications that normalize the functioning of organs are used. In case of overdose, mechanical ventilation may be required. How much butyrate is excreted from the body depends on the duration of use and dosage.

Sodium hydroxybutyrate, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

This drug can be used for intravenous and intramuscular administration, as well as oral administration.

When general anesthesia is necessary, the medicine is injected into the vein especially slowly, no more than 1-2 ml per minute. When maintaining anesthesia, an additional 40 mg per kg of weight is prescribed. For induction of anesthesia, small patients are prescribed 100 mg per kg of body weight with the addition of glucose solution in frequent drops over 5-10 minutes.

The dosage for intramuscular administration is 120-150 mg per kg of weight.

For oral administration, adult patients are prescribed 100-200 mg per kg of weight, children - up to 150 mg/kg.

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