Phoenix powder for oral solution 500 mg in bags No. 10

Elixir "Phoenix" Fohow is a unique natural product created on the basis of a traditional Chinese recipe using modern technologies of cryoextraction and subnanometric crushing of the cell membrane.

Currently, Elixir “Phoenix”, produced by Fohow, is the most effective natural product for restoring health with a proven level of effectiveness for a variety of diseases.

The drug was developed in 1992 by a professor at the Chinese Institute of Traditional Medicine and represents a new generation of fast-acting regulators of the body's immune and energy systems.

Cordyceps "Elixir" Phoenix in liquid form for oral use

Based on the traditional recipe of the imperial family, a unique liquid product for oral use was made - Elixir "Phoenix" . The pride of modern TCM technologies. This is an amazing drug that in its natural form contains all the substances necessary to restore the normal functioning of all systems of our body. It is widely used as a powerful preventive agent, as well as for cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system and other chronic diseases. The drug has a strong effect on the human body as a bioimmunoregulator. It contains only natural ingredients, including mycelium (mycelium) of three higher mushrooms: cordyceps, lingzhi and black fungus, with the addition of high-mountain honey as a natural preservative.

Elixir "Phoenix" for oral use was developed under the leadership of an outstanding medical figure of our time, "the doctor of modern emperors", the rector of the Chinese Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Professor Tang Yuzhi.

In the production of the Phoenix Elixir (as well as the Phoenix Three Jewels Elixir ), advanced cell crushing and extraction methods are used: multifunctional low-temperature extraction, supercritical extraction, effective multi-component separate purification, high-performance column chromatography and vacuum concentration. In the manufacture of this product, the theory of molecular design was used, which made it possible to achieve optimal mutual solubility of various biologically active components, selection of chemical bond energies, and complementarity of molecular space structures to achieve even better digestibility of the product by the body.

Packaging standard: 4 bottles of 30 ml in a box.

Storage method: store the opened bottle in a cool place, avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

Shelf life: 18 months.

What to do if you have an allergy?

Despite the fact that Phoenix is ​​declared as a hypoallergenic washing powder, it contains phosphates, surfactants and other chemicals, so the possibility of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.

It manifests itself with symptoms such as:

  • large red spots on the skin;
  • peeling and itching of the dermis;
  • weeping eczema or watery blisters;
  • sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose.

If such signs appear, you should stop using washing powder and consult a specialist. The doctor will perform allergy tests and determine the exact cause of the body’s pathological reaction.

As a rule, treatment comes down to taking antihistamines and completely avoiding contact with the identified allergen.


In the production of the Phoenix Elixir, Chinese Cordyceps (Cordyceps Sinensis) -75%, collected in China on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is used The product also contains other edible higher mushrooms: Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) - 6%, Aromatic mushroom (Lentinus Edodes) - 6%, young bamboo shoots - 5%, honey - 2%, as well as other components.

Lingzhi (Ganoderma)

Lingzhi (Ganoderma) , also called “herb of immortal saints”. Since with the help of Lingzhi in ancient times they were cured of a hundred syndromes and a hundred diseases, that is why it was popularly called “herbs of immortal saints”: often with the help of Lingzhi they were resurrected from the dead in the literal sense of the word.

Lingzhi has the effect of increasing the body's immune forces and promoting health. It has a healing effect on many diseases that are difficult to cure by other means. Until now, Lingzhi is the only natural TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) preparation that can penetrate all five main meridians of the human body (Heart, Liver, Lungs, Spleen, Stomach).

In recent years, the percentage of cancer cases has increased significantly, and cancer is treated mainly with methods and drugs aimed at inhibiting the division and growth of cancer cells, however, when using these drugs and methods there is a fairly large side effect. However, Lingzhi prevents this side effect while increasing the healing effect. Modern medical research has found that Lingzhi Lingzhi and organic germanium in large quantities which are capable of destroying cancer cells . Lingzhi is able to stop the metastasis of cancer cells, has the function of stopping pain and prolonging life. Today, Lingzhi is the most effective natural anti-cancer treatment.

One of the famous Japanese experts in the field of medicine from the Japanese Research Institute Dong Yang, Mr. He Jing Yang, gave the following reviews about Lingzhi : “Lingzhi is highly effective in relation to cancer, has preventive, therapeutic and restorative value .

A specialist from the Taiwan Cancer Treatment Center at Rongming General Hospital, Mr. Chen Guang Yao, gave the following characteristics in his “Research on the effectiveness of Lingzhi in the fight against cancer tumors” :

  1. Lingzhi mycelium extract (Ganoderma) against malignant fibrous tumors of small rats has a pronounced effect of destroying cancer cells, and also has a pronounced inhibitory effect against the site of metastasis of malignant tumor cells.
  2. During experiments on the anti-cancer effect of Lingzhi , it was discovered that Lingzhi significantly increases the survival period of experimental animals, increases the body's resistance, and reduces the mortality rate of animals.

The Cancer Memorial Center (New York, USA) and Weill Cornell Hospital (Medical Center) made the following statement during the International Conference on the Use of Lingzhi in 1996: “In recent years, we in America have often used Lingzhi in the treatment of cancer and AIDS, and this issue deserves close attention and study.”

The collection “Modern Research on Lingzhi” states the following: complex substances are obtained from Lingzhi , consisting of 4 types of monosaccharides and 18 types of amino acids, which are capable of suppressing the growth of S180 sarcoma cells with an efficiency of up to 87.6%, and a third of the tumor cells are completely destroyed.

Cordyceps chinensis

Chinese Cordyceps. Along with Ginseng and Antlers, Cordyceps is also one of the “Three Chinese Pearls” of TCM. Especially Cordyceps chinensis , which grows in the western part of China, in the high mountain zone of Tibet and the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Cordyceps is shrouded in mystery and myth; it truly is the pearl of Chinese traditional medicine and pharmacology. Because it is both an animal and a plant. Traditionally it is called the "grass insect". The life cycle of Cordyceps sinensis literally takes place underground and above ground, as well as in summer and winter - several seasons.

The pharmaceutical collection of medicinal herbs and plants of the People's Republic of China “Ben-cao-shi-i” says: “ Cordyceps penetrates two meridians - the lungs and the kidneys. Cures hundreds of deficiencies! Cordyceps long been widely used in the treatment of cough and asthma, kidney failure and general lethargy. A particularly striking effect was observed in cases of bronchitis, chronic prolonged cough, general weakness of the body, susceptibility to disease, male impotence, prospermia, etc.

Ancient Chinese classical medical sources contain quite a lot of information about Cordyceps .

“Chinese Consolidated Pharmacopoeia”: cordyceps is sweet and warm in quality; has a beneficial effect on the lungs and kidneys, restores sperm and bone marrow, stops bleeding, removes phlegm;

“New consolidated pharmacopoeia”: cordyceps is sweetish, stable, good for the kidneys, stops bleeding during bleeding, removes phlegm, and relieves cough symptoms.

The pharmaceutical collection of medicinal herbs and plants of the People's Republic of China "Beng-tsao-shi-i" says: "Cures lung failure, hemoptysis, cough, kidney failure, prospermia and spermatorrhea, hundreds of diseases and insufficiencies."

Treatise “Yao-hsing-kao” by Fr.

“Modern applied pharmacology”: “Cures tuberculosis, senile dementia, chronic cough, asthma, hemoptysis, night sweats, involuntary sweating. It is also used for anemia, many types of insufficiency, spermatorrhea, senile hypothermia, frequent lacrimation, etc.”


Astragalus. Astragalus removes “bad” blood from the five internal organs, restores insufficiency in men, weakness and exhaustion syndromes, stops thirst, is useful for vital pneuma, favors Yin-Qi energy, and helps with childhood diseases.

Dereza chinensis (Lycium)

Dereza chinensis (Lycium) . Chinese wolfberry mainly regulates pathogenic pneuma in the Five Organs, relieves thirst during fever, is used in the treatment of rheumatic pain, rheumatism, with long-term use it strengthens joints and ligaments, has a rejuvenating effect, slows down aging, helps withstand heat and cold, and also relieves pain in sternum and ribs, treats headaches from heat and cold, restores internal wounds, fatigue, softens Yin, is beneficial for the colon. Restores the vital substance Jing and pneuma Qi in case of various deficiencies, gives the skin gloss and softness, restores vitality and physical strength, slows down the aging process, and promotes longevity.


Xianggu. Also called shiitake , winter mushroom, Lentinus edodes, Lentinula edodes, Agaricus edodes. It has a characteristic smell, excellent qualities, high nutritional and pharmaceutical value. In the USA it was called “the food of the emperor”, in China it was called the “mountain pearl”. The nutritional elements in Xianggu are of high importance for human health.

Contains a large amount of plant proteins; 100 g of mushroom contains 20 g of protein. It has a high content of amino acids - 8 amino acids, and 7 amino acids are essential amino acids for the human body.

Xianggu is a treasure trove of many vitamins. Xianggu contains many B vitamins, including high levels of B1, B2, B12. Prevents anemia, improves nervous function, and prevents catarrh and dermatitis. Also contains vitamin D, promoting calcium absorption. Vitamin C in Xiangu preserves normal sugar metabolism, the functionality of the nervous system, and stimulates appetite.

The most important is the anticarcinogenic function of Xianggu . Xianggu polysaccharide - lentinan - is the strongest regulator and immune factor. Xiang has an obvious antitumor effect; it helps restore the body’s immune function after weakening due to a tumor disease. Polysaccharides stimulate the formation of antibodies, also increase and regulate the active defense function of the internal organs of the body. For this reason, it is recommended to take more Xiangu in food for patients with tumor diseases. Xianggu is also able to reduce blood fat levels. Lentinin in Xiangu dissolves cholesterol and reduces fat in the blood, which is especially important for heart disease and hyperlipemia.

Ophiopogon japonica

Ophiopogon japonica. Regulates lung yin, stimulates the production of humoral fluid, stops coughing, eliminates worries and difficult emotions. In addition, it restores the function of insular cells, increases liver glycogen, reduces blood sugar, etc. Since Ophiopogon also has the function of restoring cardiac function, it also has a beneficial effect in diabetes mellitus associated with heart disease.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Phoenix washing powder include:

  1. Versatility: It can be used for both hand and machine washing.

  2. The powder is suitable for caring for items made from various types of fabrics: cotton, synthetics, as well as white and colored linen.
  3. The product does not contain fragrances or fragrances, so washed items will not smell like household chemicals.
  4. Moderate foaming is possible due to the presence of a defoamer in the composition. This prevents the soap solution from leaving the washing machine drum in case of an accidental overdose.
  5. The powder does not generate dust, so it can be used by people with allergies.
  6. The high concentration of detergent ensures its economical consumption.

Despite many advantages, Phoenix Professional has a lot of disadvantages . These include:

  1. Large packaging that is difficult to store. The detergent is packaged in plastic buckets with a lid.
  2. The volume of each pack is 15 kg, and the price exceeds 1,500 rubles.
  3. The presence of phosphates, which are harmful to human health and pollute the environment.
  4. There is no optical brightener in the composition, which is why additional products may be required to wash white items.
  5. Poor assortment.

Noteworthy is the unusual measuring cap, which is made from compressed granules of washing powder. This is done to protect the environment from the harmful effects of plastic. After the last dose is measured out, the cap is thrown into the drum and washed along with the laundry.

Main action, effect:

Tens of millions of consumers, their excellent results and gratitude indicate that the Phoenix Elixir for oral use has 8 different types of influences and effects:

Increases the immune-protective function of the body. Cordyceps polysaccharides are a highly effective modern immunoregulator.

Elixir "Phoenix" for oral use with Lingzhi and Cordyceps in its composition increases cellular and humoral immunity, that is, it has an effect on both functions. Stimulates the growth of lymphocytes, increases the content of immunoglobulin and complement, induces the growth of interferons. It also increases the activity of NK cells, increases the proportion of immune system organs (thymus, spleen, liver), thus increasing the human body’s resistance to various diseases. It is especially recommended for people who have suffered from an illness and have been in the recovery stage for a long time, people with poor health, people who are often sick and people with weak resistance. (For colds it is effective up to 90%, for febrile diseases it is effective up to 61%).

Dose recommended by Chinese experts: a bottle in the morning and evening, a course of 15 days, a break for 3 days, then another course. Often those suffering from colds are recommended to take it continuously for up to 20 days or more, which will greatly reduce the incidence.

Prevention and treatment of cancer.

The mechanism of cancer inhibition when taking Elixir “Phoenix” for oral use.

Elixir "Phoenix" for oral use Lingzhi polysaccharides (lentinan), Cordyceps acid, uridine, adenine, triterpene, polypeptides, glycopeptides, enzymes, proteins, numerous amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, B12 and K, alkaloids and other effective components, as well as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, selenium and other microelements, which have very high bioactivity. They have an effect on the human body both independently and jointly according to the principle of synergy.

Mycelium of Lingzhi and Cordyceps , mainly by stimulating the activity of active cells (these are LAK cells (lymphokine-activated killer cells), which “wake up” under the influence of T cells, M8 macrophages, natural killer NK cells, lymphocytes, etc.) and cellular factor by enhancing the bioactive mobility of the reticuloendothelial system and destroying tumor cells, control over tumor growth is achieved, up to tumor reduction. Specifically, this is expressed as follows:

  1. Revitalizes, activates the functioning cells of the body, increases the body's capabilities in the fight against tumors (tumor poisoning, tumor dissolution), helps to increase the positive activity of the body's autonomous capabilities to destroy tumor cells by an average of 82%. Causes the synthesis and secretion of cellular factor, guarantees the health of the body's cells.
  2. Inhibits (inhibits) the production of immunosuppressant by tumor cells, makes them accessible to immune killer cells, restores and enhances the body's sensitivity to cancer cells, and strengthens the anticancer function of the immune system. Clears free radicals, significantly enhances the activity of SOD (superoxide dismutase) in the body, reduces the surface potential of cancer cells, causes repeated mutation of the cancer genome, including the process of regulated death of tumor cells. Also activates bone marrow cells to synthesize protein, DNA, RNA; accelerates the process of reproduction of bone marrow cells by division; increases the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow.
  3. Lingzhi acid has the function of destroying cancer cells. Experiments on animals have shown that this elixir has a strong inhibitory effect on many types of transplanted tumors. Including, it is 82.5-89.1% effective against Raveis cancer; 58.5-76.2% effective for leukemia P388, up to 62.1% effective for liver cancer AN-13, AN7974, AH-66R 83.1-92% effective for sarcoma sarcoma - 180; 72.2-85.7% effective in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC); 42.7-56% effective in ascites liver cancer; 86-98% effective in myo-fibroplastic sarcoma.

Anti-cancer function of the Phoenix Elixir.

Elixir "Phoenix" has a relatively excellent effect on many types of cancer at different stages of the disease, more specifically this is expressed in the following:

  1. Enhances the therapeutic effect: taking the drug during radiotherapy and chemotherapy increases the inhibitory antitumor effect, while increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy by 68.3-76.5%, chemotherapy treatment is reduced by 26%, the effectiveness of radiotherapy increases by 26.5-33, 9%;
  2. Creates an opportunity to cure the body of a tumor: returns the desperate and patients on the verge of death, as well as conservatives, to the mainstream of the treatment process; makes it possible at this stage of the disease (!) to continue to take chemotherapy and treatment for patients accounting for 12.8-26.6% of the total. Taking the drug after surgery to remove a tumor increases the rate of recovery and healing of wounds, which allows a person to move on to chemotherapy and radiotherapy much sooner;
  3. Stops the rapid spread of the tumor: makes it possible to some extent solve the issue of ascites, the accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity;
  4. Reduces toxic side reactions: after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, it reduces toxic side reactions and alleviates the situation when bone marrow functions are suppressed. Up to 82.6-86.3% of patients have leukocyte counts within normal limits: 52.8-67.5% of patients do not have a vomiting reaction, in others the vomiting stops within 1-3 days; 16.5-25% of patients stop the process of hair loss; in 96% of patients, nutrition and sleep normalize;
  5. Improves the quality of life: throughout the entire period of the disease, there is a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients, the amount of food taken increases, sleep improves, a state of vigor is achieved, and physical strength is strengthened. In 92% of patients, lymphocyte counts return to normal, in 58% constipation goes away, in 73% pain is relieved, 65% of bedridden patients begin to get up and move;
  6. Life expectancy increases: in all patients taking the drug during the treatment period, the previously predicted life expectancy increases.

Regulates diseases of the body's respiratory system.

Elixir "Phoenix" has an excellent analgesic effect on the smooth muscle of the trachea, stops asthma, has a pronounced expectorant effect, and stops coughing; has an antiseptic anti-inflammatory effect, stopping the infection process; increases the body's resistance to various diseases of the respiratory system; has an obvious positive result in chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other pulmonary diseases.

Protects the liver.

Elixir “Phoenix” has the function of an antioxidant and protects the liver; activates liver metabolism in relation to drugs and toxins; preserves the structure of liver cells, regulates protein synthesis; increases the regenerative abilities of the liver; effectively improves liver function.

Elixir "Phoenix" stimulates the restoration of damaged cells, and is up to 83% effective for viral hepatitis. It has a pronounced effect on liver inflammation, liver sclerosis, hepatitis B, etc.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood vessels of the brain.

Elixir "Phoenix" has a dual regulatory function in relation to blood pressure, it effectively relaxes the coronary artery, dilates capillary vessels, improves microcirculation, increases the supply of oxygen to the myocardium, purifies the blood, reduces the content of cholesterol and medium fats in the blood, prevents the occurrence and promotes the resorption of blood clots, stimulates blood circulation, protects against myocardial hemodeficiency; significantly reduces the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. It has an excellent auxiliary and preventive effect in cases of ischemic disease, myocardial hemodeficiency, angina pectoris (angina pectoris), atherosclerosis, hypotension and hypertension, hyperlipemia, encephalotrophy, etc.

Used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Elixir "Phoenix" has a low sugar content, helps accelerate glucose metabolism, thereby reducing the consistency of insulin in the serum caused by blood sugar; has a clear auxiliary effect on symptoms caused by diabetes, such as coronary disease, hypertension, etc. In addition, it is able to restore pathological glomeruli; has a dual therapeutic and restorative effect for nephritis, renal failure, uremia, etc.

It has a regulatory effect on the central nervous system, improves sleep quality, and is effective for complex symptoms during menopause.

Elixir "Phoenix" has the ability to calm nerves and soothe pain; provides a significant improvement in insomnia, forgetfulness syndrome, dizziness, general weakness and loss of strength, lower back pain and knee pain, various types of pain syndromes, also impotence, spermatorrhea, etc., and the effectiveness reaches 96%. In addition, it has an excellent effect on complex symptoms caused by the menopause: general neuroses, mild excitability, poor sleep and insomnia, imbalance of the endocrine system, etc.

It has an effect on fatigue, excessive alcohol consumption, and has an auxiliary effect as a detoxifier.

Fatigue is caused by excessive sports and hard work, which leads to an increase in free radicals in the body, which causes lipid peroxidation. Elixir "Phoenix" is able to remove free radicals from the body, which allows you to remove the underlying causes of lipid peroxidation, and this in turn not only leads to a speedy recovery of the body from overwork, but also effectively prevents the occurrence of exhaustion and other symptoms.

Action against overwork, chronic fatigue.

Working the night shift or driving all night can easily lead to fatigue. Taking Phoenix Elixir will be enough to overcome fatigue. This product is also suitable for athletes who experience significant overload during training.

Improves sleep, regulates insomnia.

Lingzhi in the Phoenix Elixir has a calming effect on the nervous system; taking the Phoenix Elixir improves the quality of your sleep.

It should be emphasized that the Phoenix Elixir invigorates not due to hormones or caffeine; it does not contain them; improvement in sleep also does not occur due to sedatives and so on. components! Such a double pronounced effect is manifested due to the regulatory action and the achievement of balance of all body systems; this is bidirectional regulation. Elixir "Phoenix" also has a dual regulatory effect on blood pressure and blood sugar.

It has an effect on colds.

In the initial period of a cold, as soon as signs of a cold and malaise appear, taking the drug helps to very quickly remove the symptoms of the disease and avoid the main phase of the disease.

Anti-alcohol effect.

Taking the Phoenix Elixir before drinking alcohol allows you to drink much more than normal without consequences; Also, taking 1-2 bottles of the Phoenix Elixir after a significant dose of alcohol allows you to avoid the “next day” syndrome, when you have a headache, a feeling of powerlessness, pain in the limbs, etc.

Clearly eliminates the symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, (asthma).

Non-stop cough after a cold or bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by cough, asthma. Should be taken twice a day, morning and evening, and the effect is visible after the first box. Should be used for a long time. With a constant cough in children, it has a very pronounced effect.

Elixir "Phoenix" is a classic alloy, the ideal combination of an ancient recipe of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and cutting-edge scientific biotechnology. There is a fundamental difference in the methodology and ideology of modern Western pharmacology and traditional Chinese pharmacy; Western medicine distinguishes the state of illness and health according to digitized standards, uses harsh methods of pacifying the disease with the help of antibiotics, a scalpel and radiotherapy, and Chinese medical culture emphasizes complex, general regulation, emphasizing the smooth transformation of quantity into quality, supporting the importance of going back to the origins and nurturing began, the desire to completely eliminate the cause of the disease. In the tradition of maintaining health in the West, the main attention is paid to the function of “cleansing” the body and “restoring” the body’s resources (vitamins, minerals). However, in the West they have no idea - they don’t attach importance, they don’t realize the miracle of such a function as a regulatory function. “Regulation” is the basis, the most significant functional secret of TCM and traditional Chinese pharmaceuticals. With the help of regulation, complete balance is achieved in the body between the elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, water - between the internal systems of the human body, bringing the “inner Universe” into harmony, achieving a balance of the forces of Yin and Yang.


Recommended: for various symptoms, for people with a weakened body; people with strong physical and mental stress; persons in a pre-ill state.

Instructions for use

Recommendations for using Phoenix washing powder:

  1. The washing temperature must be set according to the recommendations on the product label. The minimum threshold for activating granules is 40 degrees. The maximum water temperature is 90 degrees.
  2. For a washing machine with a load of 4-6 kg, use 1 measuring cap, the volume of which is 70 ml.
  3. If things are heavily soiled, then the dose of detergent is increased to 140 ml (2 caps).
  4. To remove difficult stains, it is recommended to pre-soak items in a concentrated solution. The manufacturer recommends diluting 1 tbsp. l. powder in 1 glass of water, foam the product and treat the contaminated area with it several times. When the stain disappears or becomes less noticeable, the product is washed as usual.

People with sensitive skin are advised to wear gloves when hand washing to avoid irritation.

Methods of using liquid forms Elixir “Phoenix” and Elixir “3 Jewels Phoenix” A. Y. Gamperis.

Liquid preparations are best used in the morning (from 6 to 9 a.m.) immediately after waking up. Before using them, it is recommended to rinse your mouth, clean your tongue from plaque and drink half a glass of warm water. The bottle should be shaken before use. Afterwards, the required amount of the drug is taken orally. To do this, you can use the supplied straw, or to more accurately determine the amount of the drug, it is advisable to use graduated syringes. The opened bottle should be kept in a dark and cool place. You can have breakfast in about half an hour. In case of simultaneous use of several drugs containing cordyceps, it is possible to take other drugs before lunch and dinner.

Prophylactic use:

At least 2 months.

It is advisable to use the drug seasonally (spring and autumn) and during outbreaks of various viral infections (influenza, etc.)

Children use smaller doses, depending on age.

Line of laundry detergents

The Phoenix line of laundry detergents is represented by high-concentration washing powder and gel. The manufacturer suggests using a liquid composition for washing children's clothes.

The gel belongs to the “0+” category. This means that it can be used to care for newborns' belongings. The composition contains no fragrances or fragrances.

Where and for how much to buy?

You can buy Phoenix washing powder in large household chemical stores. However, ordinary consumers point out that it is rarely available at retail, so it has to be ordered online.

In addition, purchasing online allows you to save a lot, since you can compare prices in different markets in a few minutes and make the best choice.

Average cost of Phoenix Professional laundry detergents:

  1. Powder weighing 15 kg – 1800 rubles.
  2. Gel in a 2 kg package – 270 rubles.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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