Motherwort P (tablets): buy, description, instructions for use, reviews

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Taking this drug allows you to regulate the functions of the nervous system, exhibiting a calming effect. Nervous excitability is also reduced, the hypnotic effect is potentiated and antagonism appears in relation to the convulsive effect of analeptics. Motherwort Extract also helps in the treatment of neuroses, psychoasthenia and neurasthenia , which are accompanied by insomnia , tension and high reactivity.

In addition, correction of functional disorders of the nervous system during premenopausal or menopausal periods is noted. A negative chronotropic effect appears, the heart rhythm is regulated in vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiotonic properties develop, and blood pressure decreases. The drug has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, for example, angina pectoris , hypertension , heart failure, cardiosclerosis , cardiac weakness and myocarditis.

This drug is characterized by restorative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispastic effects. Therefore, it is often prescribed in combination therapy for various diseases.

, motherwort is widely used in the treatment of patients with cardiac disorders, flatulence and hyperthyroidism .

Contraindications to the use of motherwort

For children, taking medications even based on herbal ingredients is contraindicated. Any nervous disorders in a child should be examined with the help of a professional psychologist. Children are exposed to daily stress associated with high mental and physical stress at school. With the help of a competent specialist or during a confidential conversation with parents, it is necessary to find out the cause of the anxiety and help the child get rid of it. If these are difficulties in communicating with peers or a teacher, you need to work with them to find out the essence of the conflict and establish communication. It is unacceptable to quell a child’s anxiety with pills.

Adults with acute gastric or duodenal ulcers should also avoid taking Motherwort. It is important to remember that the chronic stage of hypertension cannot be treated with herbal remedies with a slight calming effect. To normalize your blood pressure, you need to contact a cardiologist.

Motherwort extract in tablets during pregnancy

Quite often this drug is prescribed to pregnant women. You should know that motherwort has properties that help lower blood pressure. Therefore, if a woman usually has low blood pressure, then she should take the medicine with extreme caution.

Although this medicine has been widely used in a variety of cases, questions are especially common: can Motherwort tablets be taken by pregnant women, and how long and often should they take it?

This drug is characterized by cardiotonic, sedative, anticonvulsant and diuretic effects. Taking the drug helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is often required by expectant mothers. Although it is usually prescribed as a sedative. The fact is that Motherwort tablets, medicinal properties and contraindications, which are at the optimal level, are excellent for this category of patients. This drug has significantly fewer contraindications, for example, compared to valerian, which is why it is prescribed during pregnancy.

In addition, the drug allows you to improve blood circulation, eliminating symptoms of nausea, and relieve colic and gas accumulation. It is also prescribed in complex therapy for uterine hypertonicity , gestosis , cardiac disorders, and hypertension. If there is a threat of pregnancy, then the treatment program must include Motherwort preparations.

Protecting brain tissue from damage (cerebroprotective properties)

Specialists from the National Pharmaceutical University (Ukraine, Kharkov) S. A. Danilov, S. Yu. Shtrygol, S. I. Stepanova report on the cerebroprotective properties of motherwort [16]. The scientists' conclusions are based on experimental data. Laboratory rats were injected with a motherwort preparation, and then a situation of blockage of the middle cerebral artery was simulated. The plant helped reduce the area of ​​damaged tissue, neurological disorders, the degree of oxidative damage to DNA, normalize the antioxidant properties of blood plasma, and suppress the processes of cell death. It was also experimentally established (in vitro - outside a living organism) that the diterpene leojaponin, which is part of motherwort, protects neurons of the cerebral cortex from death provoked by the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. The same authors note that some medicinal forms of the plant exhibit antihypoxic properties comparable to those of the drug “Bilobil”. This factor may also play an important role in providing a cerebroprotective effect.


Level 4 ATC code matches:





Valerian tincture



Persen Forte




Motherwort Forte Evalar




Peony tincture



Valerian rhizomes with roots

Main analogues: herb and tincture of Motherwort.

Relieving seizure activity

The anticonvulsant effect of motherwort has been experimentally established.

During the Great Patriotic War, a group of specialists from the Tomsk Medical Institute under the leadership of N. N. Yablokova studied the effect of the plant on various forms of epilepsy [17]. In 5 cases out of 8 (62.5%), a positive therapeutic effect was noted, which consisted in increasing the time intervals between seizures. The best results were observed in cases where seizures were provoked by mental stress, worries and other similar influences. The anticonvulsant effect disappeared when motherwort was discontinued.

It is assumed that motherwort cardiac owes its ability to eliminate uncontrolled paroxysmal muscle contractions to the presence of flavonoids (quercitrin, hyperoside, rutin, quinqueloside, cosmosin, etc.) and iridoids in its composition.

Motherwort extract in tablets, reviews

During pregnancy, women are exposed to stress and anxiety, which are often unfounded. To avoid this, many take this drug, as it has minimal contraindications. On the Internet you can often find reviews about Motherwort Extract left by expectant mothers. These pills are usually prescribed by the attending physician, who accompanies the woman throughout her pregnancy.

Here are some reviews:

  • “... My gynecologist prescribed these pills to me because I was very nervous. If you are very worried, then drink, because in our situation there is nothing worse than fears”;
  • “... The drug helped me keep calm, and besides, it is plant-based. The gynecologist recommended taking it.”

Of course, doctors usually advise patients to take tablets that contain only one motherwort extract.

There are many opinions that the drug causes drowsiness . Although it does not work this way for everyone. Some tablets are taken in the morning during breakfast and in the afternoon at work. This is especially important so as not to be nervous, but also not to experience extreme drowsiness.

You can find the following reviews:

  • “... I took various sedative pills, but they made me really want to sleep. This was a huge problem. Motherwort became a real godsend for me; it not only brought calm, but also did not make me sleepy.”

Others, on the contrary, take the drug as a sleeping pill:

  • “... I take a couple of Motherwort tablets when I go to bed. The effect of it is good - I fall asleep and my consciousness remains clear.”

Thus, the drug affects each person individually. If you experience any health problems, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. Thus, you will immediately receive the necessary treatment and maintain your health.

Motherwort forte Evalar: instructions for use

Motherwort forte tablets are indicated for adults. The maximum daily dose is 2 tablets. One is taken at the beginning of the day, the second before bed. Two tablets a day provide 80% of the body's need for vitamin B6. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the nervous disorder. Due to the fact that magnesium tends to accumulate in tissues while taking the drug, the duration of the course can last up to 30 days. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe an appointment for up to two months continuously. Without the recommendation of a specialist, you should not increase the time of taking Motherwort. As a rule, to restore performance and nervous balance, it is enough to buy 1 package of 40 tablets.

Price of Motherwort extract in tablets, where to buy

The price of Motherwort extract in Russian pharmacies starts from 20 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Motherwort extract tab.
    14 mg No. 50 JSC "Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant" 78 rub. order
  • Motherwort Extract with vitamin B6 tablets Evalar 0.23g 50pcsEvalar JSC

    58 RUR order

  • Motherwort extract tablets 14 mg 10 pcs. Ozon LLC

    42 RUR order

  • Motherwort extract tablets 14 mg 50 pcs. Ozon LLC

    96 RUR order

  • Motherwort extract 14 mg tablets 10 pcs Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant JSC

    18 rub. order

Normalization of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism

M. Y. Bilozir, V. P. Novikov (2008) report the anti-sclerotic effect of motherwort, which consists, firstly, in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, and secondly, in enhancing the excretion with bile of the precursors of its synthesis in liver [2]. The first effect is provided by triterpenes and saponins. The second is choline and sitosterol. Choline helps remove cholesterol precursors from the liver, and sitosterol prevents the absorption of a fat-like substance in the intestine, thereby reducing its concentration in the blood. In general, the drug Leonurus cordalis, contained in the drug Motherwort P, has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

Motherwort affects protein and carbohydrate metabolism through the central nervous system, since it is it that regulates these metabolic processes. In addition, the plant contains substances that help reduce blood glucose concentrations:

  • flavonoids increase the concentration of the protein adiponectin, which helps regulate metabolic processes in the body;
  • bitterness promotes the regeneration of pancreatic cells that produce insulin;
  • anthocyanins, according to numerous studies (A. Jennings, A.A. Welch, T. Spector et al., 2013 [18], L. Nainggolan, 2014 [19], KJ McLaughlin, 2014), increase the activity of the pancreas glands during the production of insulin (there is evidence that the production of the glucose-lowering hormone approximately doubles, and the resistance of cells to insulin decreases, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus is reduced by 23%), reduce the level of chronic inflammation, prevent or reverse obesity.

Why don’t all motherwort preparations have these properties?

The whole secret lies in the production technology, as well as in the amount of active components preserved after processing plant raw materials. It is no secret that the use of high temperatures, as well as various chemical reagents, deprives the plant of the lion's share of its beneficial substances. However, today there are already technologies that allow motherwort to be carefully processed, preserving all its compounds and the properties they provide. The best of them is exposure to ultra-low temperatures (cryotechnology). This is what is used in the production of the drug Motherwort P. And this is not the only advantage of the dietary supplement. Let's name others.

Motherwort P does not contain extracts (extracts) of individual substances of motherwort officinalis; the preparation contains a whole, powdered plant with all the variety of its components.

The manufacturing company of Motherwort P itself grows motherwort of the Samarsky variety, which is characterized by a high content of active substances. This allows for quality control at all stages of drug development.

The composition of the drug is additionally enhanced by the inclusion of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid ensures restoration of the body from the effects of stress, as well as the prevention of free radical damage and strengthening of the immune system (the main enemy of the immune system is stress).

The use of cryotechnology allows for better absorption of nutrients and increases the shelf life of Motherwort P to 3 years.

The dosage form of Motherwort P (tablets containing cryopowder) is convenient for use, unlike decoctions and infusions, and has a minimum of contraindications. For comparison: motherwort tincture is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, people whose activities require increased attention, patients undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, as well as those who take substances that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system (barbiturates, clonidine, etc.). Motherwort P is approved for use in all of the above categories.

Antioxidant effect

Motherwort is able to protect the body's cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. The antioxidant effect of the plant has been especially actively studied in recent years. Encouraging results have already been obtained.

Thus, in 2006, researchers from the Medical University of Wroclaw (Poland) A. Matkowski and M. Piotrowska in in vitro experiments (in a test tube, outside a living organism) established that the suppression of lipid peroxidation processes (degradation of fats under the influence of free radicals) by methanol extract of motherwort exceeds 70% [7]. This indicates a very strong antioxidant effect of the plant. Scientists have concluded that motherwort is highly effective as a scavenger (trap) for free radicals.

Iranian researcher MA Ebrahimzadeh and colleagues from Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 2009 studied 16 extracts from 11 medicinal plants, including motherwort. It was found that the aerial part of the plant is capable of forming organometallic complexes (chelates), which, being non-enzymatic antioxidants, take part in the removal of free radicals from the body [20].

Specialists from the National Pharmaceutical University (Ukraine, Kharkov) - S. A. Danilov, S. Yu. Shtrygol and S. I. Stepanova - in one of their works (2011) report the results of an experiment devoted to the comparative assessment of antioxidant activity of ginkgo biloba, hawthorn and motherwort plants [21]. The latter surpassed its fellows in its ability to bind free radicals. Scientists explain this by the action of the phenolic compound rutin contained in the plant.

In vitro experiments (2004) by a group of scientists from the National University of Singapore YZ Zhu, SH Huang, BK Tan with like-minded people made it possible to discover a new powerful antioxidant component of a non-phenolic nature in the composition of motherwort [22]. It effectively suppresses oxidative reactions caused by inflammatory oxidants, as well as such strong oxidants as peroxynitrite, hypochloric acid, hydroxyl radicals and iron-dependent lipid peroxidation. Previously, the same authors reported the ability of the plant to increase the activity of endogenous (internal, own) enzymatic antioxidants - superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase.

In 2005, specialists from the same National University of Singapore, in experiments on rats, found that the antioxidant effect of motherwort is manifested only in the body, the tissues of which are damaged by free radicals, and is not observed in a healthy body [23]. Animals were administered 400 mg/kg of motherwort preparation orally daily for 1 week. Then the animals were given a myocardial infarction, after which they were “fed” with the plant for another 3 weeks. The left ventricles of the hearts of surviving rats were removed for biochemical analysis. For the first time, it was found that the herb Leonurus cordalis exhibits antioxidant properties both outside a living organism (in vitro) and inside living tissue.

In addition to the above-mentioned rutin, the antioxidant properties of motherwort are provided by a rich set of flavonoids (quinqueloside, quercetin, isoquercetin, quercitrin, glucoramnoside, hyperoside, genquanine), as well as carotene and vitamins C, E and A.

To enhance these properties, vitamin C (4.5 mg) has been added to Motherwort P. Ascorbic acid catches free radicals, thereby protecting body tissues from their destructive effects. It is capable of neutralizing even forms of oxygen that are dangerous to cells, such as singlet oxygen, superoxide anion and oxygen-hydrogen radical. Vitamin C can combine with the electron of a virus, toxin or pathogenic bacterium and thus neutralize them (E. Kleszczwska, 2002 [24]).

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