Melatonin is a drug that helps restore strength and health

Melatonin – what is it? This question was asked by almost everyone who experienced all the inconveniences of the so-called jet lag - the forced rapid change of time zones that occurs when flying long distances. The body needs to get used to the fact that day and night will begin at a new time. To speed up the adaptation process, avoid sleeping during excursions and not suffer from insomnia at night, doctors recommend travelers take melatonin tablets.

Figure 1 - Melatonin will help you fall asleep on time so you can stay alert all day

Melatonin is a hormone that synchronizes the functioning of the human body with the presence of sunlight. When a person sees light, melatonin production decreases and sleep recedes. It does not matter whether the visible light comes from the sun or from a monitor, TV screen, or lighting fixtures. That’s why somnologists recommend that patients who want to get a good night’s sleep stop using gadgets a couple of hours before bedtime. When the eyes stop seeing light, melatonin production increases, and a person can finally fall asleep.

By the way. The expression “sleeps like a baby” is closely related to melatonin. The concentration of this hormone in the blood of infants is thousands of times higher than in older people. Therefore, babies are able to sleep long and soundly, while older people have to take melatonin tablets to get enough sleep.

Figure 2 - Melatonin tablets help you fall asleep soundly

Melatonin is more than just a sleep aid

The hypnotic effect is not the only beneficial property of the hormone. Melatonin adjusts the so-called human biological clock - it synchronizes the work of all cells, launches processes that should take place during the day or, conversely, at night. Therefore, with a sufficient amount of the hormone:

  • the body clearly distinguishes between “good” and “bad”, “own” and “foreign” cells. This activates immune cells, prevents autoimmune diseases and the development of tumors. This property of the hormone is especially evident in its ability to combat breast cancer, the likelihood of developing which is reduced by 80%. There is evidence that under the influence of melatonin the growth of tumors in the lungs, intestines, prostate, and pancreas decreases.
  • brain neurons remain viable longer. As a result, visual and auditory memory improves and mental activity is activated.
  • The functioning of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract improves, blood pressure stabilizes, and the aging process slows down.


  • the antioxidant properties of the hormone are 5 times higher than those of glutathione, 2 times higher than those of vitamin E, 500 times higher than those of synthetic antioxidants;
  • the substance is highly soluble in fat and water, so it can quickly penetrate any cells, effectively interfering with the processes occurring in them.

Figure 3 - Melatonin tablets help adjust the biological clock

Helpful advice. To prevent melatonin production from decreasing at night, sleep with the curtains drawn tightly and do not turn on the night light. When you have to get up in the middle of the night, try to use as little light as possible. For example, to light your way, use a flashlight or phone rather than an overhead light. If you had to stay up late working on your work, try to use minimal lighting. This will help you get better sleep in the remaining hours.

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Natural analogues of melatonin in tablets

Melatonin can be obtained not only from drugs. It synthesizes most of the daily dose of the hormone required by the body (about 70%) on its own. The pineal gland of the brain and cells that are found in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, respiratory tract, renal cortex and even in the blood are responsible for this.

Figure 4 - Most of the melatonin in the body is produced by the pineal gland

The rest of the substance can be obtained from foods rich in tryptophan. This amino acid, from which the body synthesizes melatonin, is found mainly in products of animal origin - eggs, turkey meat, and dairy products. Plant leaders in tryptophan content are walnuts, mustard seeds, soybeans, almonds, peanuts, algae, corn, rice, ginger, pearl barley and oatmeal.

To avoid taking melatonin tablets:

  • do not use white and blue light (computer screens, tablets, smartphones) at least 1 hour before bedtime. The body confuses such lighting with sunlight and does not begin to produce melatonin. Use sources that are red, orange, or yellow, which do not interfere with hormone production.
  • Get regular exposure to bright sunshine. Scientists say that the amount of melatonin produced by the pineal gland depends on the amount of time spent per day in bright sun and in complete darkness. It is best to do this in the morning - the body will receive a clear signal that a new day has begun.
  • give up loud alarm clocks - this is stress for the body, it will have to dramatically rebuild all processes.
  • 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime, take a hot bath. After you bathe, your body temperature will drop and your body will adjust to sleep faster.
  • Use the bed only for sleeping. Work, read, eat, communicate by phone or via instant messengers in other places. This will help develop a stable association, and when you go to bed, the body will automatically adjust to sleep.
  • Avoid drinks that stimulate the central nervous system (strong tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks) in the afternoon.

Figure 5 - Most melatonin is produced in complete darkness

Please note: When you consume coffee, alcohol, tobacco, sleeping pills, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that block calcium, melatonin production is reduced.

Dietary supplement or medicine?

There is still no consensus among doctors whether to consider melatonin a medicine or a biologically active supplement (dietary supplement).

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved it for medical use, so melatonin is sold over-the-counter as a dietary supplement.
In the European Union and Australia,
melatonin is considered a medicine, sold by prescription and used to treat insomnia in children, adolescents and people over 55 years of age.

In Russia

Dosage forms of the drug and dietary supplements have been registered and can be purchased in pharmacies and sports nutrition stores without a prescription.

Melatonin is used as an adjuvant therapy for:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • hypertension;
  • Alzheimer's disease and other memory disorders;
  • depression and other diseases.

Research into the pharmacological activity and effectiveness of melatonin is ongoing. To date, more than 26 thousand scientific papers have been published, each of which opens up new pages in the use of this amazing substance.

Melatonin tablets: indications and contraindications

Melatonin is a drug that is recommended for use:

  • as an alternative to antidepressants. The pineal gland, which produces melatonin, synthesizes another beneficial hormone - serotonin. It is responsible for pleasure and good mood, participates in the regulation of the coordinated work of all body systems. Lack of serotonin leads to depression and brain disorders. The production of serotonin and melatonin are connected - if the body lacks one of these hormones, then there is a shortage of the other. Therefore, taking melatonin tablets is likely to help trigger the production of serotonin, which means that depression will subside.
  • to reduce the number of free radicals that are formed during the life of the body. This renews the immune system and slows down aging. During experiments on rats and mice, researchers were able to extend the life of rodents by 20%.
  • to make it easier to fall asleep. Taking melatonin tablets at night ensures that you fall asleep quickly, get deep sleep, and therefore get better rest.
  • for problems with excess weight. A lack of melatonin has been proven to impair body weight regulation. This leads to rapid weight gain. To make sure that it is the deficiency of this hormone that is to blame for the appearance of extra pounds, you need to get tested before starting treatment.

Taking melatonin helps cope with the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, migraines, fibromyalgia, dyskinesia, epilepsy, and neoplasms.

Figure 6 - Sleep supplements with melatonin help in many other cases

Indications for use

The product is used to normalize sleep and for nervous system disorders:

  • the effects of stress leading to sleep disturbances;
  • disrupted biological cycle of sleep and alertness;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • tumor diseases (prevention);
  • disturbance of mental adaptation, for example, in connection with moving to a new place, finding a new job;
  • increased level of anxiety;
  • frequent depression, mood disorders.


The drug is not recommended to be taken:

  • in childhood. Children, as a rule, do not need melatonin - they produce a sufficient amount of their own;
  • women who are planning pregnancy. There is evidence that taking the hormone sometimes disrupts the ovulation process;
  • people who drive vehicles or perform work that requires high concentration. Melatonin makes a person sleepy and reduces the reaction rate, so engaging in the above activities while taking the drug is life-threatening;
  • patients who suffer from bleeding. The hormone reduces blood clotting, so stopping bleeding, for example, with a stomach ulcer, will be much more difficult;
  • diabetics who use medications to normalize blood sugar levels;
  • allergy sufferers, people with autoimmune diseases. The substance stimulates the activity of the immune system, therefore increasing the likelihood of exacerbation of allergic reactions or symptoms of the disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation. Doctors do not know exactly how taking the hormone affects the development of the child, so they do not advise mothers to take risks.

Possible side effects are lethargy, drowsiness, especially in the morning, headache, diarrhea, allergic reactions, decreased visual acuity, dizziness. But an overdose of the drug does not cause long-term harm. Disorientation and prolonged sleep may occur.

Figure 7 - Drowsiness and lethargy are possible when taking melatonin

In the US, melatonin is considered a dietary supplement. In Russia, this hormone is included in the drugs Melatonin, Melaxen, Melaton, Circadin, Yukalin, Melapur. The drug Vita-Melatonin is produced in Ukraine.

Why is the “sleep hormone” dangerous?

Like other medications, synthetically created melatonin has contraindications and side effects. However, the probability of negative consequences occurring is only 0.1–1%. People taking higher doses or not paying attention to contraindications can expect the following side effects:

  • vivid, strange dreams;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pain in the abdomen, chest, bones, muscles;
  • nausea;
  • menopausal symptoms;
  • sweating or dry skin;
  • itching, rash.

The list of shortcomings is impressive, but the likelihood of their manifestation in a healthy person, if he does not take potent medications, is close to zero. Other side effects are so rare (less than 0.1% chance of occurrence) that they may not be mentioned at all.

More attention should be paid not to the side effects of melatonin, but to contraindications. The supplement should not be taken in case of autoimmune diseases and liver or kidney failure. It is highly undesirable to take pills during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as under the age of 18 years.

The instructions for sleep pills containing melatonin also indicate that after use, you should not drive a vehicle, engage in extreme sports or other activities that require concentration.

Melatonin – what is this drug, how to take it?

Melatonin makes it easier to fall asleep and stimulates the transition of sleep into the deep phase. At this time, the processes of restoration and renewal of the body proceed fastest. Typically, the drug is taken before bed, 30–90 minutes before the desired time of falling asleep. In some cases, the tablets are taken immediately before bed, even while lying in bed. After this, it is recommended to reduce the lighting to a minimum or turn it off completely.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep, you can no longer take the medicine. This will worsen the situation - the biological clock will go astray even more. To stabilize the rhythm of falling asleep, it is advisable to take the pills at the same time.

Typically, taking the drug starts with a minimum dose and gradually increases until the patient’s physiological sleep rhythm is restored. After the effect stabilizes, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced over 7-10 days. It is not recommended to abruptly end the course of treatment.

Figure 8 - Take the drug as prescribed by your doctor

Drug interactions

If you take the drug simultaneously with Aspirin and its analogues, the concentration of melatonin, and therefore the hypnotic effect, is reduced. It will also decrease if taken together with tranquilizers and sedative antidepressants.

If you use Melatonin together with hormonal drugs, the effect of the latter may decrease. When taking the drug with benzodiazepine-based medications, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is indicated.

If taken simultaneously with Tamokfisen, the antitumor effect may be enhanced. There is also an increase in the medicinal effects of methamphetamines and an antibacterial effect when taking Isoniazid.

How to check if melatonin tablets are right for you?

The medicine chosen by your doctor helps you if you:

  • fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly;
  • became calmer, stopped getting irritated over trifles;
  • feel active and cheerful;
  • We learned that the tumors had stopped actively growing.

To get visual evidence, take a photo before you start taking melatonin and after you stop taking it. If in the second photo you look fresher and even younger, the course has clearly benefited you. Get enough sleep and be healthy!

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that when taking tablets, there may be an adverse effect on concentration and the speed of physical and mental reactions. It is not recommended to drive vehicles or perform potentially dangerous activities that require special attention during therapy.

When treated with Melatonin, you should not smoke or drink alcohol.

Women who are trying to get pregnant should be aware that Melatonin may act as a weak contraceptive .

During the period of taking the medicine, you should avoid too bright lighting.

Melatonin price, where to buy

Melatonin sleep tablets can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can buy Melatonin in Moscow at a price of 700 rubles per 100 tablets. You can buy Melatonin in St. Petersburg at a similar price. The price of Melatonin tablets in Ukraine is on average 80 hryvnia per 100 tablets.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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