Features of using the drug "Vinilin" for stomatitis

Advantages of the drug "Vinilin" for the treatment of stomatitis

Vinilin (also known as Shostakovich's Balm) is an effective remedy that has an antiseptic, antimicrobial and restorative effect. Its active ingredient is polyvinox.

Vinylin in the treatment of stomatitis performs the following tasks:

  • disinfects the oral mucosa;
  • accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues and speeds up healing;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents the possibility of a new infection entering the damaged mucosa.

Vinilin tends to envelop the oral mucosa with a special protective film; the same situation occurs in the stomach. This way you can prevent the occurrence of allergic complications due to stomatitis.

When using the drug in combination with other drugs, the effect of treatment can be greatly increased. But only a doctor should prescribe any medications, after tests have been taken and an accurate diagnosis has been made.

For example, in the case of mild stomatitis, it is enough to use Vinilin and rinse the mouth with a decoction of herbs. In case of complex disease, the dentist may add antibacterial agents.

The drug Vinilin is available in several forms:

  • solution;
  • pills;
  • balm.

Antiseptic agent Shostakovsky Balm (vinyline) - reviews


At the end of the 90s, together with his father, already an elderly man, he survived a fire where he was burned by 30%. The GITO began to treat with panthenol, sea buckthorn oil, etc. But all this was of little help, since the dressings were not forgiving, with the bandages suddenly torn off, as in all hospitals, without long-term soaking with furatsilin. Considering his age, all this did not help and I took my father home for self-medication. I don’t remember who recommended it, God bless him or her, but I started doing dressings with vinylin. In just a week, with gentle dressings soaked with furatsilin and two dressings a day, the 70-year-old pensioner began to grow fresh skin, his temperature subsided and his appetite appeared. After two weeks he began to walk, and after a month only pink redness remained. I recommend it to everyone from the bottom of my heart. The hospital would have treated him to death. Vinilin replaces both an antiseptic and an antibiotic. I recommend it to everyone for deep burns and wounds.




Inexpensive Helps quickly



Since childhood, I have been diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis on my medical record. Just a little bit, you'll miss the beginning of a sore throat and hello sore throat. When my youngest daughter had herpetic pharyngitis one year ago, vinylin was prescribed. We came across it for the first time, at first we treated it with distrust, and now it occupies its rightful place in our home medicine cabinet. My daughter will soon be three years old, it’s been two years since I forgot what I have a sore throat. We treat all throat diseases in 2-3 days. Stomatitis also cannot resist vinylin. I also treat my eldest son with vinylin. Even my husband, a great skeptic, agrees that vinylin is powerful. Vinylin is a universal remedy for both adults and children.




both price and priceless quality



Our brains have already been so filled with newfangled drugs that we are now discovering good old drugs. 1000 thanks to this legendary scientist inventor of the drug. Truly furatsilin and this miracle balm work wonders. I recommend it to anyone who is trying to cure skin and mucous manifestations with a rating of 5+. Of course, not forgetting about the internal processes, the skin effect is natural, but the external products are simply a delight.



The fact is that my daughter is very active, she is interested in everything, there is a lot of new and unknown in the world and you need to try everything in life (I think this is typical for many children). And that's why we have a lot of bumps and bruises. And at the age of 1.5 years, my girl decided to try herself in “rock climbing” - everything would have been funny - if not for the consequences. My wife and I literally left the room for a minute, and my daughter decided to climb out of the crib on her own. When my wife and I flew up to the roaring child, his mouth was bleeding, at first we thought that he had bitten his lip or knocked out a tooth, but it turned out that the upper frenulum had been torn. We immediately got ready and ran to the doctor. There they assured us that the wound was not dangerous, it was small, and everything would go away without consequences. But in order for all this to heal faster, they recommended buying vinylin balm at the pharmacy. It's not expensive. The consistency is viscous, sticky liquid, with the smell of acetone. It’s not very pleasant in appearance, but it really does heal faster. We applied this balm to a cotton swab and smeared it twice a day - the wound healed quickly. Now this is our assistant in the fight against various wounds.

Alexey Zhukov

https://flap.rf/Medicine/Vinilin_(Shostakovsky's Balm)/Reviews/7357673

Vinilin ointment is always available at my parents' house. But somehow it didn’t take root in our house. And when I visit my parents, my mother always smears Vinilin ointment on someone. Either she gets burned, or her father gets hurt. The smell of Shostakovsky Balsam is specific and not pleasant to me. It’s especially disgusting when it spreads throughout the apartment. I also had to apply Vinilin ointment to burns and wounds several times. The wounds heal quickly, a thin film forms on them, and the pain stops. Once, a severe burn was quickly cured with this ointment. Vinilin ointment is effective and not expensive. I recommend it to everyone.


https://flap.rf/Medicine/Viniline_(Shostakovsky's Balm)/Reviews/7493436


I suffer from time to time, but I learned about
Vinilin ( Shostakovsky’s Balm )
relatively recently.
I learned about this remedy from a pharmacist when I asked if alum was available for sale. Because I knew only one remedy for stomatitis and it was alum. The pharmacist spoke in detail about the effect of this remedy and I decided to try Vinilin
on my own skin, as they say.

It reminded me a little of castor oil (I wrote a review about it, how I cleansed my body of parasites. You can read about it here.

flap.rf/Medicine/Castor_oil/Reviews/7434280 and try it without fear). So, I dropped a little Vinilin

and put the disc on the wound where
. You can also treat the throat with a sore throat; just dip a cotton swab in the solution and treat the tonsils. Tasteless, the smell is not pronounced, and this is the most important thing for me, I don’t like the specific smells of such solutions and ointments.

I paid for 50 grams. bottle of Vinilin

about 180 rubles, but since the shelf life is long - 5 years, it is economical and is consumed little.
But it works quickly and effectively. There will be no trace of stomatitis if you treat with Vinilin
2-3 times a day and after treatment do not eat or drink for about 1 hour. After eating, I rinsed my mouth with a soda solution, then treated the area affected by stomatitis.

Nina K.


A pediatrician prescribed us “Vinilin” for a throat infection. A very effective product that helped relieve redness after the first day of use. This remedy is generally very good and is used in the treatment of many diseases. We also use it for colds, my husband uses it as a preventative, since he works at school, and it helps. Not medicine, but gold!

Evgenia Z.


I have known Vinylin since childhood. She was registered with stomatitis for up to two years. They treated me with everything. Until my grandmother brought Vinilin. As she calls it, Shostakovsky’s balm. The stomatitis went away without a trace. Now I treat children with this balm. Despite the recommendations of doctors, I treat aphthous stomatitis with them. My eldest's baby teeth are falling out, so I smear the sockets with Vinyl. For a sore throat, the doctor recommends treating the throat with it. I wash my hands, pour this viscous balm onto my finger and smear it on my mouth and throat. It doesn't work any other way because of the consistency. All sores disappear before our eyes. She was treating a bad cut. The wound was deep, I was afraid that I would have to stitch it up. A week of compresses with Vinilin and the wound healed. I like that for external use it has practically no contraindications and does not give side effects.



Once I severely burned my hand, and since it was my right hand, I had to constantly do something with it and the burn was constantly exposed to external influences and minor injuries. It did not heal for a long time and festered. Then a friend advised me to try lubricating my hand with Shostakovsky balm (it has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, helps cleanse wounds and ulcerative surfaces, improves their healing), as I later found out.

I bought it at the pharmacy, the price is low. The consistency is like liquid honey and sticky, which is not very pleasant. At home, I simply lubricated the surface of the burn (at first there was a slight burning sensation, and then the pain went away completely), and at night I applied a bandage, moistening a sterile napkin with Vinilin. Literally the next day there was no more pus and the wound began to heal. It’s amazing that healing happened almost before our eyes. On the second day, the burn was covered with pink skin. And so in 4 days I forgot to think about my pain.

In addition, as my aunt says, when you have a cold, you can treat the nasal cavity, a runny nose goes away very quickly, I haven’t tried it myself, but if this happens in the near future, I will definitely take her advice!

(Daliya) Ekaterina


Good balm, time-tested


Effective, inexpensive


Didn't find it


I learned about this drug when my child developed stomatitis. I encountered this disease for the first time and, of course, immediately went to see a doctor, who prescribed a rather complex treatment, consisting of several medications and procedures. But at the pharmacy, the pharmacist, for which I thank her, suggested replacing this entire list with one simple drug - vinylin, assuring me that it acts quickly and effectively. And this turned out to be absolutely true. We forgot about the unpleasant disease literally after 2-3 days.

The treatment was carried out in the following way: a small amount of balm was applied to the wounds in the baby’s mouth 3-4 times a day, about 40 minutes before or after meals. I did not resort to other medications, and the stage of the disease was not so high, so the drug coped with stomatitis perfectly and quickly.

Well, a little about the drug itself and its range of applications.

Vinilin is a thick, viscous, very sticky liquid that has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, promotes tissue and mucosal regeneration. The balm also helps reduce unpleasant and painful sensations and prevents various bacteria from entering the affected surface.

The drug is used externally to treat various types of skin damage, to cleanse wounds, for boils, dermatitis, burns, and mastitis.

By the way, vinylin helps nursing women cope with mastitis quite well.

It is also used internally for stomach ulcers and exacerbation of gastritis.

The drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Available in the form of balm, solution and capsules.

A very effective and safe product, time-tested.


I learned about the drug Vinilin by accident, back in the 90s. They treated me for a duodenal ulcer in a rural hospital and, as always, the pain remained after treatment. Once at my grandmother’s house I saw this medicine and read the instructions, but the bottle was already empty. We went to pharmacies and it was nowhere to be found, so we ordered it for an aunt from another city. I sent two bottles of one hundred ml each by mail. So my ulcer was 3 mm by 4 mm. In a couple of days the pain goes away, and of course for 12 days I didn’t take it for 6-8 days.

Then I went for a tube, the doctor said that the ulcer had healed. But before the New Year, after drinking beer on an empty stomach, abdominal pain began again, I realized it was gastritis. I bought a 50 ml bottle, on the first day, half an hour after taking it, my stomach didn’t hurt, although I slept normally. Why did I come to this site? It’s just that the instructions now don’t say that this balm can treat ulcers, but here it is. I decided to write a review, maybe it will be useful to someone.


I suffered from herpes on my lips and took acyclovir constantly. but the result was temporary. And it all started again, and vinylin helped the first time. I just anointed it and on the third day everything went away. Now any pimple. wound. scratch, etc. VINYLINE ONLY. Help is really instant


Vinilin helped me with one very delicate problem - acute hemorrhoids. This happened a long time ago, during the time of the shuttle traders. Heavy bags, sometimes alcohol to keep warm and frozen feet. That's how one day I suddenly got sick. So much so that you can’t sit down, stand up, or walk.

I used vinylin internally and with the help of a compress. Honestly, it was self-medication, the doctor did not recommend this drug to me, word of mouth helped. Thank him very much, after 3-4 days I wanted to live and work again. Then my dad treated his gastrointestinal tract with the help of Vinilin, and I subsequently lubricated my little daughter’s throat with a sore throat and simple inflammation. I am not afraid to call this drug a panacea.

How is Vinilin used?

The drug for the treatment of stomatitis is used in the form of a balm (available in 50 and 100 grams), it is applied to the affected areas in the mouth using a gauze pad. Treatment of the oral cavity with this drug should be carried out after meals. The procedure can be performed on an empty stomach, after which you must not eat or drink for about 40 minutes.

The high therapeutic effect of Vinilin has been proven. After using it for several days, a noticeable improvement in the patient’s general condition is already visible, and unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The procedure is carried out 3 times a day. Vinyline in solution is used for rinsing; the drug in tablet form can only be taken by adults.






: burns, wounds, ulcers, bedsores, Vinilin, Shostakovsky Balm, dressings, aerosol.

In difficult modern socio-economic conditions, against the backdrop of frequent industrial and transport accidents, terrorist attacks and local military conflicts, the importance of the problem of burn injuries is increasing (Azolov V.V., Zhegalov V.A., Dmitriev G.I., 2004). At the same time, a significant role in the course and outcome of thermal injury, the development of infectious complications of burn disease and the recovery time of patients is given to local conservative treatment of burnt patients. In Russia, for local treatment of burn wounds, regardless of the depth of the burn lesion and the stage of the wound process, due to accessibility and low economic costs, gauze dressings with antiseptic solutions (usually furatsilin and chlorhexidine) or hydrophilic ointments (mainly Levomekol) are most often used ). Considering the possible polymorphism of burn wounds, especially extensive ones, when, along with healing superficial burns, there are deep wounds made by granulations, with remnants of necrosis and at the same time marginal and islet epithelization, the use of combined drugs with a multidirectional therapeutic effect on the wound process is justified. For these purposes, multicomponent ointments on a hydrophilic basis have proven themselves well. However, when using them, there is overdrying of the surface and tissues of the wound and an insufficient stimulating effect on repair (O.A. Kudzoev, 1995), and the existing side effects of these drugs are often associated with the antibacterial drugs they contain.

Of great interest is the appearance on the modern market of new drugs that have a multi-purpose effect and at the same time do not contain antibiotics and sulfonamides.

The ultimate goal of wound treatment is to heal as quickly as possible. A burn wound is distinguished by its unique healing processes. In this regard, in the tactics of managing burn patients, an important place is occupied by local therapy of burn disease, timely closure of the wound surface to reduce its infection, intoxication, and accelerate the time of epithelization of the burn wound. It is important to divide burns into superficial ones, which, if the course of the wound process is favorable, can heal on their own, and deep ones, in which the germ layer of the skin is damaged and, therefore, require surgical treatment. For any depth of lesion, local wound treatment is of great importance. For superficial burns, conservative treatment ensures complete healing. For deep burns, local treatment is used to prepare wounds for surgery and create conditions for the engraftment of transplanted grafts, healing of donor wounds, improving the quality of scars, and preventing contractures.

Characterizing the modern requirements for antiseptics, prof. Rufanov in the “Textbook of General Surgery” writes: “Drugs must have the following properties: be bactericidal, not have a harmful effect on the cells and tissues of the body, not lose their effect when in contact with living tissues, not be volatile, be easy to use, cost they should be low, allowing widespread distribution.” Recently, a huge number of different drugs and forms have been used to treat burn wounds, however, a large number of allergic reactions and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant forms of pathogenic microorganisms makes us recall long-developed drugs, whose clinical effectiveness has been tested by time. One of these drugs is Vinilin.

VINYLINE. Shostakovsky balm (Vinylinum. Balzamum Schostakowsky). Polyvinylbutyl ether. Thick viscous liquid of light yellow color with a specific odor. Practically insoluble in water. Mixes with chloroform, ether, vegetable oils.

Vinyl in aerosol packaging A drug with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and tissue regeneration-improving effects. Promotes cleansing of wounds and ulcers, epithelization and tissue regeneration. Used for boils, carbuncles, trophic ulcers (see treatment of stomach ulcers), purulent wounds, mastitis, frostbite and inflammatory diseases, for the treatment of injuries, wounds and burns of varying degrees. Vinilin has established itself as a reliable medical remedy that significantly speeds up the treatment process. Promotes wound cleansing, tissue regeneration and epithelization. Apply externally (for wetting napkins and direct application to the wound surface) per se and in a 20% oil solution or in ointments. It is prescribed internally for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and colitis. Acts as an enveloping, anti-inflammatory, and also bacteriostatic agent. Available in 100 g bottles; in capsules of 1.4 g. Included in Mephenate ointment, aerosol preparations, Vinizol, Levovinisol. One of the disadvantages of Vinilin is the difficulty of uniformly applying the drug to the wound, due to its inherent thickness and viscosity. JSC "Modern Chemical Technologies", Nizhny Novgorod, produced a trial batch of Vinilin in aerosol packaging to study the effectiveness and ease of use in local treatment of wounds.

Research problem

: to study the effectiveness of using vinylin in the form of an aerosol in the local treatment of burns and long-term non-healing wounds.

Materials and methods

: the results of treatment of 33 patients with thermal injury and its consequences who were hospitalized in the Republican Burn Center were studied. All patients were men aged from 18 to 67 years (average age 42.6 years), without concomitant pathology in the stage of decompensation. The patients were divided into 3 groups - the first group of 20 patients with burns of II-IIIA degree of various etiologies with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bfrom 10 to 35% of the body surface, the second group of 10 people with burns of IIIAB-IV degree on an area from 7 to 40% of the body surface, in the third group of 3 people with long-term non-healing pressure wounds.

After autodermoplasty, patients in the second group applied bandages with vinylin to mesh grafts and treated donor wounds with vinylin.

Method of application: wounds on an area of ​​up to 15% of the body surface were irrigated with vinylin from an aerosol can, after which gauze bandages up to 3-4 layers thick were applied (including fixing bandages). The dressings were changed as the wound discharge became contaminated, but not more than 3 times a week. Dressings were applied to donor wounds once.

Control methods

: carried out on the basis of visual monitoring of the course of the wound process, assessment of the amount and nature of wound discharge, bleeding of wounds, timing of transition to another phase of the wound process, timing of the onset of epithelialization, in case of deep damage - readiness of wounds for autodermoplasty, engraftment of grafts and healing of donor wounds, all patients underwent microbiological examination of wound discharge. The pain reaction directly during dressing was assessed by patients subjectively according to the intensity of pain on a 10-point scale, where 0 is the absence of pain, and 10 is the maximum pain. Comparisons were made with neighboring wound areas, similar in depth of the lesion, and with the average performance of patients in the burn department who were treated for burn wounds using traditional methods. The comparison groups were comparable in depth, lesion area, gender and age.


First group. 20 patients with superficial burns of various etiologies. Treatment began within 1 to 7 days from the moment of injury. Before treatment, burn wounds after removal of the exfoliated epidermis had a moist, pink surface, whitish in some areas. In patients admitted 3-5 days after a wound injury with scanty purulent discharge, in places fibrin deposits, the formation of foci of thin brownish scab. 12 people had a zone of hyperemia up to 3 cm wide around the wounds, moderate perifocal edema (especially in the lower extremities). In patients, St.aureus was cultured from wound discharge in 16 patients, Ps.aeruginosa in 14 patients, and Proteus vulgaris in 2 patients. The initial level of infection did not exceed 1000 CFU/cm2. After taking cultures and thoroughly cleaning the wounds, bandages with vinylin were applied. For 11 people in this group, the bandages were not removed until the wounds had completely healed; for seven, the bandages were changed twice; for two, the bandages had to be changed three times. In all patients, the wounds healed without complications.

Flame burn II-III degree of the face, hands before treatment Results of treatment with Vinilin for flame burns of II-IIIA degree on the face and hands

The average healing time for wounds under bandages with vinylin was 12.7 days from the moment of injury. In neighboring areas treated with levomekol, the average wound healing time was 12.9 days, and the dressings had to be changed 3-4 times a week. In the control group, the wound healing period was 14.3 days, which correlates with literature data.

Assessing the severity of pain

main and control groups for the treatment of superficial burns

Experience Control
1 dressing 2 dressing 1 dressing 2 dressing
During dressing 5,3± 0,6 4,3±0,5 4,0±0 5,0±0
5 minutes after dressing 4,6±0,4 3,1±0,4 5,0±0 4,0±0
In 30min 2,8±0,5 3,1±0,5 5,6±1,8 4,0±0
The result of using Vinilin on superficial burns of the torso. The result of treatment with Vinilin for superficial burns on the extremities

In the second group

Vinyl bandages were applied to deep lesions. Vinyl dressings were applied to wounds covering up to 10% of the body surface. Under bandages with vinylin, the scab was softer, and perifocal inflammation was less pronounced. St.aureus and Ps.aeruginosa were cultured from wound discharge, and the lack of sensitivity of microorganisms to most antibiotics was noted. Before applying dressings, the level of contamination reached 104 CFU/cm2; after the start of treatment, the wounds were cleaned, the amount of purulent discharge decreased, and granulations appeared.


Changes in the number of microorganisms in the discharge of burn wounds under the influence of local therapy.

Ref. level 7 days 14 days
Vinylin 4700 2900 1200
Levomekol 4700 2100 600
Chlorhexidine 1:2000 4700 3500 1500

From the data presented in the table and graph it is clear that in terms of bactericidal activity, vinylin is slightly superior to chlorhexidine, but inferior to levomekol. It was noted that under the influence of vinylin the granulations were brighter and more even. It should be considered a positive thing that changing dressings with vinylin was less painful than dressings with levomekol and much less painful than wet-dry dressings. There were no significant differences in the time it took to prepare wounds for surgery, either compared to control sites or compared to the control group.

In the postoperative period, bandages with vinylin were applied to mesh grafts with an area of ​​up to 5% of the body surface and for the same patients on donor wounds with an area of ​​up to 3% of the body surface. Vinylin was applied directly to the transplanted autodermal grafts, 3.5 mm thick, perforated in a Collins type apparatus with a perforation ratio of 1:3 and 1:4, then the wounds were covered with 3-4 layers of gauze. The first dressing was performed on days 2-3 after surgery, and subsequently every 2-3 days. In the absence of significant exudation, the bandage remained on the wound for up to 5 days. During the first dressing of wounds covered with wet-dry gauze dressings, in all cases the dressings stuck to the wound; they had to be removed very carefully, which sharply increased the time spent on dressing; in all cases, damage to the young epithelium occurred, in places the grafts were torn from the bed, which was accompanied by capillary bleeding, in 23.5% of cases foci of graft lysis appeared.

Application of Vinilin to mesh grafts The result of Vinilin treatment of mesh grafts

All patients had graft engraftment on 90-95% of the area, which is regarded as a good result. The time for completion of epithelization in the cells ranged from 7 to 13 days. The pain intensity score 30 minutes after changing dressings on mesh grafts was 3.3±0.6 in areas where the wounds were covered with vinylin and 5.7±0.4 in wounds with wet-dry dressings.

On the donor sites, the wounds healed in 11.7 days, which is 1.4 days earlier than on the control sites. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that wound healing in all cases proceeded without peripheral inflammation and pain in the early postoperative period was much less than with the traditional method of wound management, as the bandage retained its elasticity.

Application of Vinilin to a donor thigh wound The result of Vinilin treatment of donor thigh wounds

After applying the first bandage, almost all patients noted a slight burning sensation in the wound, which lasted for 15-20 minutes. Subsequent dressings were almost painless. Patients quickly got used to the specific smell of vinylin, and since the drug acts as a deodorant

, then its smell became even pleasant for them.
Already upon removal of the first bandage, most patients observed clearing of the wound from necrotic tissue and the appearance of healthy granulations
where they were poorly expressed, flaccid, with a cyanotic tint.

After the second and subsequent dressings, it was possible to state: rapid growth of granulation tissue of a bright red color, disappearance of swelling, rapid epithalization from the edges of the wound, a sharp decrease in discharge .

The third group included 3 patients with long-term non-healing pressure wounds. Wounds with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm located in the heel areas were treated with levomekol, furatsilin ointment, dressings with a chlorhexidine solution 1:2000 for 34-45 days. Before starting treatment with vinylin, wounds with scanty purulent discharge and slight hyperemia of the edges. The edges of the wounds are dense, lumpy, slightly undermined, the bottom is covered with coarsely lumpy dense scar granulations. Before applying vinylin, hypertrophic layers of the epidermis were removed from the edges of the wounds, the scarred granulations were scraped out with a Volkmann spoon, and after careful cleaning of the wounds, bandages with vinylin were applied. The dressings were changed daily. After 2 days, a significant decrease in the amount of wound discharge was noted; bright, fine-grained granulations and a rim of epithelization along the edges of the wounds appeared. The dressings were almost painless, without bleeding.

Bedsore of the heel area before treatment The result of treatment with Vinilin for a pressure sore in the heel area

After 10 days, the first wound healed and a delicate layer of young epidermis formed. The edges of the healed wound were elastic, without hyperkeratosis. The second wound healed after 14 days, the third patient was discharged for family reasons 17 days after the start of treatment with a clinical picture of pronounced positive dynamics - the wound decreased in size to 1x1cm, cleaned up, and was actively healing.

The discussion of the results:

The study showed that the use of vinylin is most effective in the treatment of II-III A degree burns. The use of vinylin can reduce pain during dressings, reduce the number of dressings and wound healing time. In some cases, 1-2 changes of dressings were sufficient for complete wound healing.

In the treatment of deep burns of various etiologies, the use of vinylin did not have a significant effect on the time it took to prepare wounds for surgery, but dressings were less painful. The use of vinylin on mesh grafts and donor wounds contributed to a significant reduction in pain in the postoperative period, accelerated wound healing, and prevented lysis of grafts.

The use of vinylin was well tolerated by patients; no irritation or allergic reactions were noted. At the same time, it should be noted that the drug has low bactericidal activity. Vinilin does not have a hemostatic effect, so careful hemostasis was required during dressings.

Thus, the main indications for the use of vinylin are:

1. atraumatic and painless treatment of superficial burns;

2. for IIIB-IV degree burns - postoperative management of mesh grafts and donor wounds;

3. treatment of bedsores, long-term non-healing wounds, cicatricial trophic ulcers.

Vinilin is a fairly effective treatment for wounds both in the hospital and on an outpatient basis.

The economic efficiency of using vinylin is to reduce the number of dressings and save dressing materials, and to shorten the treatment time for patients.


Vinylin balm is an effective remedy; it is recommended for burns of various degrees in the form of dressings or open treatment.

The dressings are easily removed without causing pain or injuring the granulating, epithelial surface.

The balm has deodorizing properties

It is not a toxic substance and does not cause side effects in the body, no matter in what quantities it is used, which makes it possible to use it for extensive burns.

Vinilin allows you to speed up the healing of superficial burns and reduce the time required to prepare stage IIIB – IV burns for autodermoplasty.

The use of Vinilin allows you to accelerate the healing of donor wounds and avoid inflammatory changes.

Wounds after treatment with vinylin heal with the subsequent formation of a soft, elastic, non-tightening scar.

Vinilin’s ability to actively mobilize the body’s defenses, accelerate and enhance reactive and regenerative processes in the tissues and cells of the wound has been noted, thanks to which Vinilin

effective in the treatment of not only fresh, but also long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores.

Thus, based on the totality of medical characteristics and consumer qualities, the drug Vinilin in aerosol packaging is an effective remedy for the treatment of burns and long-term non-healing wounds, both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis.

Notes: although it is more convenient and faster to apply vinylin to a wound from an aerosol package than from a bottle, the jet does not disperse well, so the drug is applied in a very narrow strip; modification of the sprayer is required.


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Matsumura H., Meyer N.A., Mann R., Heinbach D.M. “Melting-Graft – Wound Syndrome.”
JBCR, 1998, 19, 4, p.292-5. University of Washington Burn Center Seattle, WA. Head of the Research Center NNIITO, Professor Peretyagin S.P. Responsible executive Head of the 1st burn department, researcher Struchkov A.A. Signature of Peretyagin S.P. and Struchkova A.A. I ASSURE Scientific Secretary of NNIITO, kmn Marsak G.A.

Contraindications for the drug Vinilin

  • Children's age up to 14 years.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

But very often dentists prescribe a balm for stomatitis for children who have not yet turned 14 years old. It is important that the child is not able to swallow the medicine. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the baby's condition: if you see the slightest rash, stop using the drug and show the child to the doctor.

Keep in mind that Vinilin can only eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of stomatitis; the causes of the development of the disease are hidden deeper. It is for this reason that you cannot treat with balm yourself. It is better to seek help from a dentist and pediatrician.

Features of use

Despite contraindications for the use of ointment before the age of 14, dentists often prescribe it for the treatment of stomatitis in children. You just need to follow the dosage and all the doctor’s recommendations.

The ointment should be used with extreme caution in children who are prone to allergies. In case of the slightest manifestation of an allergic reaction, you must stop using the drug, even if it copes well with the symptoms of the disease.

Often ointment is prescribed for the treatment of candidal stomatitis in infants. In this case, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the baby and follow the dosage.


Vinilin is a domestic antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, enveloping and regenerating effects. Promotes disinfection of wounds, restoration of tissue integrity, formation of epithelium in places of damage to the skin. Experiments on the synthesis of vinyl esters began back in 1888. Vinilin himself was created by M.F. Shostakovsky in 1941, during the war, when the country experienced an urgent need for anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-burn drugs. The drug, which is also called Shostakovsky’s Balm, is still in use today. It is used for local purulent inflammation of the skin, trophic ulcers, inflammation of the mammary gland, soft tissue damage, temperature damage to the skin (burns, frostbite). Vinilin is used orally for ulcerative-erosive lesions of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and large intestine. The drug occupies a special place in solving the problem of burn injuries. A burn wound has a very specific healing process, which determines the tactics of their treatment: local therapy, measures to quickly close the surface of the wound to prevent bacterial contamination and intoxication, activation of epithelium formation on the wound surface. The following requirements are put forward for drugs used to treat burn wounds: bactericidal properties, absence of negative effects on cells and tissues, stability of action upon contact with living tissues, non-volatility, convenience and ease of use (important when providing emergency care). In recent years, many new drugs have appeared for the treatment of burn wounds, however, the high number of allergic reactions and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains force us to turn to proven drugs, the clinical effectiveness of which has long been known and is beyond doubt.

One such medicine is Vinilin. It ensures wound healing without complications. In terms of bactericidal activity, Vinilin is somewhat inferior to Levomekol, but is superior to this drug in the speed of wound healing. In addition, dressings with Vinilin can be changed less often than with Levomekol. Vinilin provides brighter and more even granulations and less painful dressing changes. When using Vinilin, wound healing occurs, as a rule, without peripheral inflammation. Due to the elasticity of the bandage, pain is usually less severe than with other medications. A characteristic feature of the drug is a slight burning sensation under the bandage, which lasts about 15-20 minutes after the first application. Vinilin has a specific odor, to which patients quickly get used to, and the deodorizing effect of the drug subsequently becomes even pleasant. Vinylin can be applied to the skin using sterile medical wipes, or directly to the skin directly from the bottle. It is planned to release Vinilin in the form of an aerosol, which will minimize losses when directly applying the drug to the skin and eliminate the inconvenience of its distribution over the skin. The frequency of use of the drug is 3-5 times a day. Undesirable side effects are allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as pregnancy and lactation (for oral administration only).

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