Shatavari (Shatavari) - the main rejuvenating plant for women

Shatavari is a plant that has a huge range of healing properties. The properties of this plant were noticed in ancient times. Eastern medicine is very sensitive to it, introducing it into therapy for a variety of ailments.

Shatavari is a unique plant that can restore the functioning and performance of the entire body. Relieves problems associated with women's health.

This herb is used to prepare a drug with the same and simple name “Shatavari”. It is very useful for women of all ages and that is why it is considered more of a women's drug.

The name itself literally translates as “capable of satisfying a hundred husbands . The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide. It is used to treat infertility and lactation disorders, as well as disorders in the intimate area.

Release forms

Shatavari is produced in a variety of forms. Some manufacturers are ready to offer the finished plant without impurities and preservatives.

  • Shatavari in tablets and capsules . This product is most often used in this form. This option was invented for more convenient consumption of this healing plant. The drug in this form begins to act later than in powder form, but this does not make it any less effective.
  • Shatavari Churna (in powder form) . In Ayurveda, this form is considered traditional. The powder is absorbed quite quickly through the intestinal walls, so its effect begins faster.
  • Shatavari Ghulam (in the form of jam) . Usually has a sweet taste. It is somewhat reminiscent of Chyawanprash, but it is worth noting that the compositions of these products are completely different.
  • Pasta . Usually made from powder. It can be diluted with water, ghee, honey, etc.
  • Decoctions of fresh shatavari root.
  • Oil tinctures.

What form does shatavari come in?

In the homeland of Shatavari, the roots are dried and crushed. Then medicinal products are prepared from the powder. Over time, pharmaceutical companies began to produce shatavari. The product is now available in several variants. It is a dietary supplement, but when used in a course it has a therapeutic effect.

Manufacturing form Features of application
Whole root It is used to prepare products for external use. Cut into pieces, infuse in oils, boil in water.
Decoction You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. When using shatavari in the field of cosmetology, the decoction acts as a rejuvenating tonic.
Ghulam The consistency of the product resembles jam. It can be spread on bread, eaten daily in small quantities, or added to tea.
Tablets, capsules This option is not widely used in traditional Ayurveda. But it is easy to use and has become popular. Tablets are made from pressed powder; in its natural form it is contained in capsules made of starch shell.
Powder This is the classic and most common version of the dietary supplement. It is quickly absorbed and begins to act immediately. It can be added to creams, gels, masks.
Paste It is made from powder. Dilute to the desired consistency with honey, ghee, and water.

In Ashanti stores or on their website you can buy natural preparations from shatavari:

  1. Shatavari for women's health Himalaya is produced in the form of tablets, in a package of 60 pieces. This is a dietary supplement that successfully treats infertility, impotence, rejuvenates the body, and restores the reproductive and circulatory system. The drug is a guarantee of conception, even if previously for a long time attempts were unsuccessful.
    Shatavari for women's health Himalaya | Himalaya 60tab

    Article: 834289

    Manufacturer: Himalaya

    Country: India

    369 rub.

    In stockBuy

  2. Ayur Plus | Ayur Plus also contains 60 tablets in a jar. It is effective for menopause, menstrual irregularities, and inflammatory diseases. Effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, dysentery, herpes, accelerates recovery after surgery. Has a beneficial effect on the female and male reproductive system.
    Shatavari for women's health Ayur Plus | Ayur Plus 60 tab

    Article: 990012

    Manufacturer: AyurPlus

    Country: India

    438 rub.

    In stockBuy

  3. Shatavari Shatavari Indibird is available in powder form. It has an antibacterial, healing, anti-inflammatory effect. Solves the problem of acne, restores skin elasticity. Does not contain oils, alcohol, sulfates, harmful additives. Can be brewed and drunk with milk, tea or used for external use.
    Shatavari powder (Shatavari) Indibird | Indybird 100g

    Article: 900712

    Manufacturer: Indibird

    Country: India

    362 rub.

    In stockBuy

You can buy whole roots in stores, but this method is rarely used, mainly in the place where the plant grows. Natural dietary supplements and powders are made from 100% crushed root, without harmful additives or synthetic components. Information about medicinal properties is presented in the instructions.

Medicinal properties

  • Shatavari can help restore irregularities in the menstrual cycle and help normalize it.
  • This plant is also known for its ability to cure infertility .
  • During menopause and premenstrual syndrome, it can smooth out unpleasant symptoms and acts as an effective pain reliever .
  • Able to counteract the occurrence of miscarriage.
  • Acts as an aphrodisiac - increases sexual desire.
  • Able to normalize fluid balance in the body.
  • Helps calm and relieve nervous tension.
  • Relieves swelling and eases muscle spasms.
  • Improves appetite and promotes good digestion of food.

How to take shatavari correctly?

The supplement will provide double benefits if you follow the instructions for use from the manufacturers. Read the packaging or product card on the iHerb website carefully.

  • Shatavari in powder form is recommended to be taken one spoon on an empty stomach. Before doing this, you should consult a medical specialist. If you are taking the drug for the first time, it is recommended to first use half a tablespoon. You can drink the powder with water or milk. The course lasts no more than three months.
  • In the form of tablets or capsules, it is recommended to drink no more than three pieces per day. This is done before eating. The course goes like this: tablets are taken for 20 days, after which there is a 10-day break. After the interval, another 20 days of taking capsules follow. This frequency should be repeated at least three times.

Composition of the drug

  • Asparagine has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening it and making it more resistant to the effects of negative factors.
  • Phytosterols Help with the functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems.
  • Bioflavonoids The most powerful antioxidant. They are able to slow down the aging process of the body and body.
  • Phytoestrogens Maintain hormonal balance in the body and thereby help treat diseases associated with hormonal imbalances.
  • Proteins are the main building material for all cells of the body.
  • Calcium Helps strengthen hair, teeth, and heals the skin.
  • B vitamins Without the presence of these organic substances, stable functioning of internal organs, including the reproductive system, is impossible.

Composition and properties of shatavari

Shatavari contains many useful components, microelements, and vitamins. Main active substances:

  1. Asparagine. An important amino acid necessary for the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. It strengthens the immune system, enhancing its protective properties.
  2. Bioflavonoids. These are natural antioxidants that inhibit the aging process and promote the absorption of vitamins.
  3. Calcium. It is necessary for the nervous system, strengthening bones, nails, teeth.
  4. Tannins. Accelerate tissue regeneration, prevent dehydration, eliminate inflammatory processes.
  5. Proteins. This is a building material for new cells and their renewal.
  6. Phytosterols. Reduce cholesterol concentrations and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  7. Estrogens. They restore hormonal levels and are effective in treating pathologies of the female reproductive system.

The main effect of drugs from shatavari is to stabilize hormonal levels, improve women's health, and slow down the aging process. But the plant is also actively used in the field of cosmetology - for the preparation of anti-aging tonics, masks, and acne treatment.

Masks are prepared from the powder, which improve the condition of the skin, eliminate rashes, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With regular use, the number of wrinkles decreases, the relief is evened out, the plant rejuvenates the epidermis, slowing down its aging. Other beneficial properties of shatavari:

  • saturates with energy;
  • regulates the functioning of the cardiac system;
  • increases fertility;
  • restores normal functioning of the reproductive system, helps to get pregnant;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • relieves symptoms of menopause;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores the normal menstrual cycle;
  • accelerates recovery after operations on the uterus and ovaries;
  • prevents the formation of metastases;
  • acts as an antiseptic for infections of the genitourinary system;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • stops bleeding;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, reduces anxiety;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • helps in the treatment of anemia, skin diseases;
  • restores fluid balance in case of dehydration;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • relieves painful periods;
  • improves vision, the drug is taken for eye pathologies;
  • restores the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • treats infertility (regardless of gender), impotence;
  • helps with mastopathy, uterine erosions, endometriosis;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • helps in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers;
  • prevents the development of prostatitis;
  • promotes weight loss by quickly burning calories;
  • prevents myocardial infarction;
  • reduces blood sugar concentration, recommended for patients with diabetes;
  • restores the functioning of the pancreas;
  • nourishes the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • helps in the treatment of goiter, dysentery;
  • normalizes stool;
  • useful for bronchitis, in treating coughs, acts as an expectorant, removes phlegm;
  • improves memory;
  • reduces gas formation, normalizes stomach acidity;
  • restores the elasticity of the genitals to their original virgin state;
  • cleanses the blood, improves its characteristics;
  • fights pigment spots.

The components of the composition also help with joint diseases, reducing inflammation and pain intensity. Shatavari eliminates swelling, heaviness in the legs, acts as a mild diuretic and antispasmodic.

How does it affect a woman’s body during infertility?

Hormonal imbalance is often the cause of infertility. A woman cannot become pregnant if she has too much or too little of certain hormones. Infertility can also be caused by diseases of the genitourinary system. In these cases, shatavari becomes a medicine for women.

With regular use, hormonal levels and the secretion of progesterone, which is necessary for pregnancy, are normalized. Shatavari helps restore the functioning of the genitourinary system, ovaries, and uterine tone. Ovulation becomes regular, and the chances of conception increase. In the treatment of infertility, the effect of shatavari is enhanced by saffron infusion and milk. They stimulate the work of the uterus and ovaries.

Use and contraindications for menopause

During menopause, taking shatavari has features of use and contraindications. Regular use of dietary supplements improves general condition and well-being:

  • the intensity of unpleasant symptoms decreases;
  • the number of tides decreases;
  • sleep is normalized, insomnia disappears;
  • excessive sweating goes away;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is restored;
  • blood pressure surges stop;
  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • concentration of attention increases;
  • irritability, anxiety, depression disappears;
  • sudden mood swings and tearfulness disappear;
  • migraine attacks go away;
  • the condition of hair, nails, skin improves;
  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle are strengthened;
  • the plant rejuvenates the body, slowing down natural aging.

During menopause, women's risk of developing cancer increases. Dietary supplements and powder prevent these processes, the degeneration of cells into malignant neoplasms.

Can I take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Shatavari is allowed to be taken during pregnancy, the drug reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, the risks of miscarriage, and premature birth. Promotes proper development of the fetus, formation of systems and organs. Shatavari helps cope with postpartum depression and restores the nervous system.

During breastfeeding, a woman's milk quantity and quality increases. It is safe for the child, strengthens his immune system, and promotes full development. If you take dietary supplements after the end of the lactation period, it helps restore the breasts to their previous appearance and increases their elasticity.

Indications for use

  • Irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • Unpleasant phenomena during premenstrual syndrome;
  • Decreased libido (in both men and women);
  • Hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dysentery;
  • Dehydration;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Increased acidity;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Infertility;
  • For mastitis;
  • Previous operations;
  • State of anemia and exhaustion of the body (including nervous);
  • The period preceding the onset of menopause, as well as the period itself during menopause;
  • Liver diseases, hepatitis.

About what shatavari is

Eastern medicine is a storehouse of valuable recipes, healing agents and highly effective methods that help resist various diseases. There are also drugs in her arsenal that help fight disorders in the female reproductive system, including treating infertility. Shatavari is just one of these drugs prepared on the basis of a medicinal plant . This herb has a Russian analogue - asparagus racemosus . This is the name we know it by.

Shatavari in Ayurveda is also called a tonic for women's health. Translated from Sanskrit, the word “shatavari” is translated as “having a hundred husbands” and it well reflects the purpose, features and effectiveness of this drug. You can also sometimes hear this remedy called “the cure for a hundred diseases.”

Ancient texts contain information that shatavari purposefully affects ojas (vital energy) and nourishes it. This unique plant promotes sacrifice, love and higher consciousness.

From a physiological point of view, shatavari actively affects the hormonal system , due to which the synthesis of progesterone is stimulated, and estradiol is more quickly transformed into estrol. Thanks to this, the Ayurvedic drug helps prevent the development of serious pathologies in the female genitourinary system and it is recommended to take Shatavari and Ashwagandha together.

Although shatavari is considered a feminine herb, men can also use it to treat sexual problems . It prevents the accumulation of dihydrosterone, which in older men can lead to enlargement of the prostate gland. In addition, the product can be used to treat spermatorrhea, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, and infertility.

Upper part of the plant

Instructions for use

It doesn’t matter what form of release you took, be it gulam, paste, powder or tablets, but it is always recommended to take the drug with warm milk or water. Since this promotes free and rapid absorption of the powder by the intestines.

If a woman wants to get pregnant, it is recommended to add a few crocus stamens (saffron) to the milk; this method is good for everyone. Saffron stamens are very useful and have a complex effect.


30 minutes before breakfast you need to take ¼ -1 teaspoon of shatavari powder. A prerequisite is to take the drug on an empty stomach, so that the powder is absorbed faster into the intestinal walls. It should be washed down with warm milk or water. The period of admission is 3-4 months.

Tablets and capsules

When preventing diseases caused by hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to drink one capsule per day 20 minutes before meals. In the presence of gynecological diseases, inflammation or any other ailments, the dosage is increased three times: 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, washed down with water or milk.

Shatavari is also allowed to be taken by teenage girls who have problems with the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to drink the drug twice a day.

Choosing the best shatavari on iHerb

The drug can be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. But the most profitable way is to buy natural shatavari on the iHerb website.

Shatavari Himalayas in capsules

The supplement in the form of capsule-shaped tablets from Himalaya is created on a natural basis. Capsules can be easily taken with water. One package contains 60 pieces.

It is recommended to take two capsules per day before meals. The cost is about 12 dollars. You can study customer reviews for Shatavari Himalaya by clicking on the link below.

Shatavari Himalaya from iHerb

Shatavari Savesta

On iHerb, the Savesta brand makes some of the best dietary supplements for vegetarians. One package contains 60 capsules. They support the female body in case of pathologies, increase the amount of milk during lactation, and have a beneficial effect on the liver and immunity.

It is recommended to take one capsule twice a day before meals. Price - about 13 dollars. You can read reviews from real customers by clicking on the link below.

Savesta Shatavari (60 capsules)

Reviews from customers and doctors

Experts speak very little about this drug on the Internet. They note that the use of dietary supplements is prohibited during pregnancy, as this can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Women speak quite positively about shatavari and many have noticed a positive effect from taking it. But not all reviews are favorable. The use of such additives does not always have the desired effect. And, mainly, this may be due to incorrect treatment with the drug. This can be justified by the fact that either some mistakes were made during administration or irregular use of the drug.

It must be remembered that shatavari is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement (dietary supplement), so it should not be used as the main drug. It is better to take it along with prescribed medications. It is better to order several packs of shatavari at once, so that it is enough for the full course of treatment.

Contraindications for use

Shatavari should not be used for fungal infections - this can provoke the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is not used to treat thrush. Shatavari is contraindicated for:

  • deficiency of digestive enzymes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • allergies to components of the composition;
  • mastopathy, which appeared against the background of increased estrogen concentrations.

Shatavari should not be taken together with penicillin antibiotics, steroids, or hormonal contraceptives.

Side effects

Despite the beneficial properties of the plant root, it can provoke an unpredictable effect with an increased concentration of female hormones. Their number can increase significantly; instead of normalizing the hormonal level, it destabilizes.

If the body is sensitive to the components of the drug, skin redness, rash, nausea, and itching occur. If you exceed the dosage indicated in the annotation, then in this case there will be disturbances in stool (usually diarrhea), dizziness, and vomiting.

The maximum course of taking shatavari is 4 months; taking it longer is contraindicated. Before repeated treatment, you must take a break of 20 days. The absence of an interval can provoke colitis, stool disorders, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

When shatavari is used correctly, side effects are rare. The plant can be taken from adolescence, but for women after 40 years of age, dietary supplements become indispensable. The powder is used not only for internal use, but also for cosmetic procedures.

Description of the shatavari plant

Ayurveda pays close attention to shatavari and rightly calls it a female plant. Its other name is asparagus racemosus. It can be found on dry and rocky lands in South Asia, in the foothills of the Indian regions, in Africa and the Himalayas. Shatavari flowers are miniature, white, the leaves are narrow and green, and its fruits are colored red. This will be the ground part of the asparagus.

Flowers and roots of Shatavari

The main wealth of Ayurvedic herbs is stored underground. And this root part serves as raw material for future natural medicinal preparations. One plant has about a hundred root shoots that grow up to a meter long. And they contain a whole storehouse of useful substances that help the body overcome the problem of infertility and not only that.

There are several varieties of the plant: along with asparagus racemosus, you can find the name as domestic asparagus. The type of plant depends on the area of ​​growth.

Characteristics of Shatavari in Ayurveda:

  • Rasa (meaning taste) – bitter with sweet;
  • Virya (which means energy) – cooling;
  • Vipaka (taste upon digestion) – sweet;
  • Guna (means quality) – heavy, oily.

Shatavari will increase body heat in high pitta dosha while maintaining the necessary digestive fire.
When vata dosha increases, the remedy will ground its heavy nature, increasing kapha. If the drug says “shatavari-kalpa” - asparagus with additives (cardamom is often added to it), if “shatavari-churna” - that is 100% asparagus.

Side effects

As for the possible side effects, shatavari, and indeed dietary supplements in general, do not have them when taken correctly. Mild allergic reactions and bowel problems (constipation) may occur extremely rarely. However, in most cases this is not due to the individual characteristics of the body, but to the inept use of shatavari and overdoses.

So, shatavari is truly a storehouse of useful substances and a natural shield for the body, prolonging youth. It is worth noting that it, like any dietary supplement, cannot act as a substitute for medications in the treatment of diseases and for its use, even for preventive purposes, when it seems that there are no problems, a thorough examination and consultation with the attending physician is necessary. Otherwise, the effect may be completely far from expected. This is especially true in cases where a person suffers from severe chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, or hypertension.

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